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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, alan marcus, 92 years old, born on July 10, 1922, and passed away on May 5, 2015. We will remember him forever.
July 15
Thinking of you and Lotte, as always, at this time and grateful for the years we were able to share some of life's joys and sorrows, challenges and triumphs. A flower seemed appropriate for the day, as it brightens the spirit when it blooms and nourishes other species or seeds another generation - either way, it is an evolving circle of life and beauty. Thank you, Alan and Lotte, for sharing the wit and wisdom, laughter and love.
July 11
July 11
Just thanking you for all the beauty you have given me . Rest rest rest
I love you
Naomi Marcus
May 6
May 6
HI Dad, really beautiful in front of your studio today: wildflowers galore. Your big desk still dominates the front window, from where the sunset tonight rivals the Sistine Chapel. 9 years since you died and we are keeping the place going, as long as we can.
July 10, 2023
July 10, 2023
Always happy when I see my wedding pix & Alan, you are there to give music, words & love…your home & arms were always there for me & that flower will always stay in the garden of my heart❤️
July 10, 2023
July 10, 2023
on your 101st birthday..
travel light.. stay in touch.. dont lie.. show, dont tell.
read a book. be a dreamer. fight for justice.. right the wrongs.
sing a song. make art. are just a few of what you taught.
you taught and taught and taught and taught but mostly you showed me what it means to create.. to make new... to live with suprise and invention and I am still trying to catch it.. to capture it.. to bottle it every,single chance I get..
thanks you.. gracias and merci beaucoup
May 6, 2023
May 6, 2023
Dear Alan,

I think of you and Dr. Lotte often and miss you both. Cinco de Mayo this year was a beautiful night, with a full moon rising over Tetilla Peak, which we see from the back deck of our New Mexico home. The “Flower Moon” was huge and bright, and somehow it felt as though you were both present, illuminating the darkness.

Thanks for all the love, support, wit & wisdom, music, and editorial contributions through the years. Thinking of you still and always, with love and gratitude - Cyndi
May 6, 2023
May 6, 2023
HI Dad,
  I do miss your presence when I visit the house, like now. I miss seeing you with mom.
  I fear I won't live as long as you and mom did, as I fight my own early aging issues (early 60s now).
  I think I became not just a musician, but specifically an extremely eclectic one, because of your own incredible eclecticism - everything from folk music to classical, from jazz to Mexican folklore. Same thing with languages (you used to call me, as a joke, "My son the Arab.")

Hang in there on your death anniversary, David
May 6, 2023
May 6, 2023
Hey dad.. your touch on the piano is always with me... your wit in describing people is undeniable.. your laugh is the best! you closed your eyes and howled as your head fell back with the raucousness! You knew how to point me to the best in new artists whether it be in literature, music or film.. You were a huge neurotic but at the same time you were hugely sympathetic to those that had less than.. the marginalized and cast aways... you and LOtte did alot to try and help with the stigma of the immigrant and sadly.... we are in a terrible way in this country around all of that and I am so glad you are not here to see it.. I think of you all the time and I am so happy to come here and tell you how much you did for me... i love you alan marcus
May 5, 2023
May 5, 2023
The more time passes, the more I appreciate your influence and role modeling, Alan. Thinking of you brings a smile. There aren't many who've seen as much as you. Perspective, you had it. I recently played with renowned jazz musician Mark Miller for instance, and thought of our conversations, Alan, about jazz. You knew what you were talking about about so many things! i.e. regarding surgeons' mentalities. And you might've opened your mind a bit to Esalen: just because Fritz was a philanderer doesn't mean that there weren't some great ethical people there who weren't sipping chardonnay and kombucha in hot tubs. Yes, us young ignorant whippersnappers at times might have a point or 2. And love to you and family Alan! I miss you, Charles
July 17, 2021
July 17, 2021
I'm still talking about you and Lotte - such wonderful, compassionate activists. Glad I got to know you better in that last couple of years. You're probably scoffing that we are writing these words, hoping you are "reading" them somewhere...(!)
July 14, 2020
July 14, 2020
I will always miss you, Alan. I miss learning about your incredible life and your many accomplishments. I especially miss your friendship. There will never be another like you. Rest peacefully, my friend.
July 11, 2020
July 11, 2020
Alan, what a time this would have been for your thunderous rants, your piss and vinegar, your eloquent scalpel! I dream of what you would have regaled us with and miss your words.
July 10, 2020
July 10, 2020
So glad to have spent time with this extraordinary man. Inspirational, funny and creative. What’s not to love?
July 10, 2020
July 10, 2020
Dad. its hard to believe you would have been 97 today.
You have left me with a mountain of beauty and a deep appreciation of the human spirit. You are one rock star and you were punk before punks were punk
July 10, 2020
July 10, 2020
7/10  birthday
I seek you by the mountainside
I seek you by the shore
there is no container big enough
in which my grief to store
July 10, 2020
July 10, 2020
I try.try.try to turn my grief into grattude....that we  accidentally met...that you asked me what i was reading..after i told you you said i will bring you something better......It was the Naked and the Dead by Norman Mailer....I was happy as a post refugee, you were depressed to be in Hollywood and you couldnt wait to get away......but you didn;t....I loved you and waasnt surprised but you became happier and happier when we got married and - except for the last yearsin your nineties- i only have love and good memories..........and wonderful adult children  happy birthday  7/10/2020......
April 28, 2020
April 28, 2020
Dear Alan,
Like your family and other friends, I miss you still, though nearly 5 years have passed (it was so "you" to choose to leave us - physically - on Cinco de Mayo, a celebratory day). But, as you know well, I am no stranger to navigating the loss of family and friends - and I had you, and Dr. Lotte, and Anina to help float the boat in the most difficult of times. I have wished these past several years that we lived closer to Dr. Lotte and Anina, to be there for them at this time. And yet, I know you and they understand Bill's and my need to continue to do what we can to "liberate" the planet, to preserve the beauty we have been graced to experience in our lifetimes and to create some that can be contributed forward. I think of you so often; and as I listen to the news, I remind myself of your admonition to the human race to "be kind" and to follow Anne Herbert's instructions to, "practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty." I attempt, each day, to follow this excellent advice, because in practicing we become accomplished; and in creating senseless acts of beauty, we offer a gift free of expectation of any particular outcome and one that no critique can negate, because its intent is pure.

Thinking of you, Dr. Lotte, and your family brought two poems I wrote years ago to mind: One, "The Elder," reminded me of you; and so it is first in this tribute. The second, "Fairy Bells," was written after my mother, brother, and father passed. I have always turned to nature for solace, and I hope that its message may bring a bit of comfort to those who, like me, find their way back to this page during these challenging times. Because the flame of your spirit still burns brightly, and all of your children are still listening:

The Elder

Armies of saguaro cactus
march up the parched slopes
of the desert range,
arms extended upward,
toward the blazing turquoise sky.

Needle-sharp spines ward off the enemy—
poised weapons of defense.

And yet the elder,
the greatest saguaro of them all,
has arms that curve
and would embrace;
it has yielded its tender heart
to nesting birds.

Open your eyes, little one;
take the food from your mother’s beak.
Impale yourself, and you will find
the answers you would seek.

Heart to heart,
from mouth to mouth,
arm in arm—
the path to peace. ~cyndi

Fairy Bells

Stand in silence,
and in awe,
of all the eye can see,
the ear can hear,
the sense of touch,
of smell.

Be at one with nature.
Take time–
absorb her well.

Her sighing winds will comfort,
her birdsongs bring you joy;
no lasting sorrows can abide
where she weaves her wondrous spell.

Keep her safe and guard her
for your children’s children
and their dreams;
Share with her your secret thoughts,
for she will never tell.

Stand in silence,
and in awe;
you may hear the sweet refrain
of babbling brooks
and buzzing bees
in a lemon-scented rain.

If you listen closely
and you learn your lessons well,
you may even hear
the distant chime
of the snow-white fairy bells. ~ cyndi

April 16, 2020
April 16, 2020
I am thinking about you alot these days, Dad, and missing your wit, incisive humor, and your long view of history.
Can't believe its almost 5 years.
You missed the whole shit show of Trump and now the Pandemic. Wish you were here to say This Too Shall Pass. Reading your screenplay Journey South again, ( or your movie-novel as Pauline Kael called it) and moved all over again by its humanity and prescient forecast of our present times. Thanks for the music, and San Miguel de Allende, and, well, all of it. Naomi
May 6, 2019
May 6, 2019
I cant believe you are not here . Itis surreal.But you are in my heart- forever and forever......we had each other for 64 years..5/5/2019
May 5, 2019
May 5, 2019
Gabriel Marcus
12:45 PM (7 hours ago)
to Lotte, me
Wow I can't believe it's only been four feels like a different world and I feel like a different person than the me that exhisted within that era.
As far as memories go, I don't think I've ever met another person to this day with the capacity for language that Alan had, in natural eloquence, oration abilities, and ever expanding vocabulary. While he did, at times, come off as slightly verbose in emails at me where the basic question could have been more succinctly summed up as 'how are you,' I cannot emphasize enough how his dedication to language as a whole inspired me to read more, pick up new world's, and resist the path of least resistance, that is weak minded humans are too likely to fall prey too. A terrific person who lives within us constantly.
Lots of love, and, as Alan would say, 'mantequilla por favor'
May 5, 2019
May 5, 2019
night and day ... day and night.. I think of you. .. when the jazz is on... when beauty hits me in the gut... when the light turns golden, when I laugh so hard my belly bursts and I want you to tilt that head of yours back and laugh with me.. when the fireplace is going strong,  when you hold that hand of yours on your cheek and listen.. night and day... day and night I think of you ..
July 10, 2018
July 10, 2018
You and yor family changed my life. Forever grateful. Happy Birthday wherever you are Alan - you haven’t disappeared from my world :-).
June 16, 2018
June 16, 2018
Some men, many undeserving, achieve the ability to influence the World through fame, wealth or power.
Alan changed our worlds through the force of his intellect, creativity and love of humanity, inspiring us to be more than what we thought we were.
Like the butterfly of chaos, Alan's legacy continues to warp and weft through the innermost fabric of our lives.
Thank you, Alan, on your 96th birthday.
June 15, 2018
June 15, 2018
Seeing dear Lotte this last weekend at Bee's Memorial, made me reflect on how much a missed Alan accompanying her. He loved my photography when I was just starting out and introduced me to his dear friend Ben Maddow, a writer about photography and a collector. Ben bought the very early photos from 1968 that I took on Potrero Hill in SF. This made me so proud!! Thank you Alan and Ben. I miss you both.
June 12, 2018
June 12, 2018
I am into my fourth year of widowhood, attempting to turn grief into gratitude. You are as vivid as ever....I see your eyes turn into a crinkly smile as I talk to Anina about you.
I have plans for you. 1) We are making a memorial garden with a rise of
15 or so different bulbs below  Anina's trailer . 2) I have had "Miracles" retyped - including your prologue. I could read all  of your handwritten insertions .We are going to to publish it. Three): I am combining your poems with my poems in a book to be published entitled "So Green Our Beginnings" Four: I am going to publish six stories -including an excerptfrom - OfStreets& Stars -1) the Death of CorporalCutie Pie ; 2)I don't Care Three)The Man Who Disturbed the Peace 4)the Girl Without A Name 4) Tierra
I might combine Tierra with CarmenConsuelo Garcia
I cant find but will look for
The Way Things Are
Children in the Modern World
The IlesofGreece
The LethalFactor
The Man Who Couldn't Lose
We will publish The Morning The Wall Came Down
I want you to know that English onWheels - your creation and my practical application for 18 years is housed at Univs of Stanford,Chicano HistorySection
You know that Wellstone Center - Steve Kettman - will house all our fiction books, the chronology and printed parts of your work, my two books of poems, in something he will call Alan'sand Lotte's literary legacy...........
We were, I have come to feel, each other's love for 64 years : the above is
what remains.
May 17, 2018
May 17, 2018
wow...can't believe it has been 3 years. I think of him often - and by reading these memorial tributes, his distinctive voice comes to me. He left such an impression on so many. Sending the family love at this time - I'm sure the sadness comes and goes....he was a powerful force....
December 25, 2017
December 25, 2017
from zia:
Alan: intelligent,intellectual, downpour of words, agressive-power-house of political agenda. Vigilant, complicated, conflicted, pushy yet self deprecating. A bright candle standing up to a storm.
Keen, dapper, a lion in his round den. He loved his hearth and his kingdom-extended genuine hospitality at his round table: loyal, supportive, mischievous, humorous and warm.. like our wedding song.
A true mate to Lotte (I felt the torch he carried for her beauty) a warrior. gardener and a family man.
He had daniels back.
When I brought music-I felt an authentic, quiet nurturing response that mattered to me... and still does..

August 8, 2017
August 8, 2017
July 10th. This is my birthday card for you,Alan

I go through my days as a widow with our adult children and have figured this out :alan,how lucky, how miraculous that we found each other at metro goldwyn-mayer - what a random accident,how it might not have happened by a slightly changed timing or by passing each other by, how different both our lives could have been.. After all, we came from a different class of Jews, you were so American,I was then,so the Refugee..... but you took all that in and made me feel safe for the first time. Have I thanked you enough for that?Nor did I know when we married how truly talented y0u were in literature,music,& the changing issues involving social justice. As JerryCohen recently said:Alan had wit and he had integrity!And then, through marriage,through raising individually talented children, through working as partners (English onWheels, Natividad Medical Center,Family Medicine) , we became each other's echo - it doesnt get better than that  and my deep love for you doesnt go away.Not a bit. Lotte
July 10, 2017
July 10, 2017
Dearest Pop, You are giving me strength in so many ways everyday since you have gone.. I could not have finished two articles recently if I had not heard your voice saying: "Go anina Go.. Go.. You teach me to persist in "getting things down with truth and passion and detail" in writing. You have taught me to always take time to listen to peoples pain... You have taught me to always STOP FOR BEAUTY whenver and wherever possible. You continue to look down on me with your twinkle and and comfort... and do you know dad .. on a hot day when the sun is coming in strong thru the trailer window.. you always had the shades closed down so when I came home the trailer would be cool and comfortable.... You thought of the little things.. the most important.. I love you so much.. How are things where you are? I await your answer.
July 10, 2017
July 10, 2017
When Alan and I first met and I red his book he and I realized our bond as refugees. Through the years and decades our friendship and that with Lotte, family and friends grew and every time we saw each other the mutual overstanding of creative energies was evident. His presence
is sorely missed and the remembrance and love of what we meant to each other remains as a treasure in heart and mind
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
it's a fact: I have had to live without you for two years,while putting one foot in front of another.......the presence of your absence grows wont go away and I don't want it to....... we filled each other's being...... what a shared piece of luck we lived......I am grateful for all you gave to me andour family.
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
Alan, thinking of you, all I can do is grin and shake my head: amazing, such a man. So unusual, multitalented, carrying perspective, salt and vinegar, passionate commitment. My life is richer for having known you.
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
Dad, all I know is that each day that goes by as I count the hours, days, months and now 2 years.. I miss you more.. I love you more.. I remember you more.. I want to be with you more.. I want to laugh with you more.. I want to feel your big hands holding me more.. maybe it is best this way.. if I had the chance to see you just even for a slight minute... this moreness might get even worse so I come here to this sanctuary spot and be with you every now and then and it is good.  I love you more.
September 2, 2016
September 2, 2016
Last night I watched Kiarostami’s great, enigmatic film “The Wind Will Carry Us”. At the end wanted to pick up my phone and call Alan Marcus.
This sort of thing happens every week or so.
Alan had no equal for exploring any deep reaction (intellectual, emotional, or spiritual) to a work of art, or a public action. He was so generous in sharing the benign ferocity of his mind and heart.
I can never think of his passing without remembering Antonio Machado’s elegy for his mentor, Francisco Giner de los Rios. It begins:

Como se fue el maestro,
la luz de esta mañana
me dijo: Van tres días
que mi hermano Francisco no trabaja.
¿Murió? . . .

Alan was another such “brother of the dawn light”.

Later in the poem Machado writes:

¡Yunques, sonad; enmudeced, campanas! (Ring the anvils; hush the bells!)

That’s what Alan would want us to do. And keep doing.
July 11, 2016
July 11, 2016
Remembering Popala      from Liz

To a Tiger of a Teddy...a Titan
So volatile:voracious and vocal
Humorous, hungry to hear it all
Heart-full and heartless; honing in to his truth
Complicated, cunning and cantankerous,
He filled many a night with tales and sails to many a new shore
For this alone and so much more, we honor his gifts...
And the rest? Well...we ignore

Happy B'Day
July 10, 2016
July 10, 2016
FROM NAOMI: I also am thinking about you dad, but not just on your birthday, I think about you and talk to you off and on throughout the week. I miss your hands on the piano, and your making the fires, and your walking around with your fists clenched in fury at the stupidity of the world and I miss your kindness to outcasts, and I miss singing the beautiful songs you wrote for so many occasions, while you accompanied me on the piano and corrected my renditions, over and over, Love, Naomi
July 10, 2016
July 10, 2016
Hello sweet pops.. It has been a little over a year since you died.. Today you would have been 94! I cannot tell you how strong your presence is in this side of the world for me.. I ask you questions all the time and you give me the best answers that are guiding me forward.. If I say: "What would Alan Marcus do?" Usually it is the JUST thing.. the HONEST thing.. the DIGNIFIED thing.... I mostly hear you say. "RAISE YOUR VOICE FOR THE UNHEARD.. LISTEN TO THOSE THAT CANNOT SPEAK..SEE FOR THOSE THAT CANNOT SEE... AND TELL YOUR TRUTH CLEARLY..  I see your twinking mischievous smile in every corner of this beautiful house that you bought 58 years ago and it is a gift I thank you for everyday...
July 10, 2016
July 10, 2016
It was an honor and gift to know Alan.
Thank you Anina and Lotte for this wonderful anniversary remembrance. Charles
May 17, 2016
May 17, 2016
i want to correct something: i have been saying to you all that when alan died, he "left me a big mess". I t was a literal truth.
yes , he left eight piles of papers on the floor -his dying body curled upon the same floor in between the paper heaps - and then some fourteen boxes on shelves.I have spent about five hours each week for a year now together with Madina, a young helper, sorting through them..............

  But in the course of this year, I learned two important things.What i called "a big mess" was how Alan needed to put things away.
Many times I would have to ask him for a bill or a piece of paper , and I'd look for a file with bills;but "no" he would say, "i have to
go through my stuff and then I will give it to you......". (sometimes he did and sometimes he didnt - but not because he
couldnt find it but because he forgot). I realize now that he visualized where his papers lay but he had to
intuit his way back to them: just like his favorite books on his office shelf.They were in no particular order and yet he knew exactly
where each one was.........his "mess" was a comfort to him : ...

   So in this year I learned that it was I who saw it as a mess but it was he who had memorized it (but never felt
he needed to explain it).; he captured it in his head. It didnt need to be written down . 

  Secondly, i learned that in this long year, this "mess" has kept me in touch with him in the way a more scrupulously organized
inventory would not have: it has allowed me to pick up a piece of writing, here,.a letter there, ideas realized and discarded,
in a way that it brought me back to everything from our serendipitous meeting in 1948 to the present - a long trajectory -.
i have had the luxury to relive what have been the happiest years of my life. Alan was my soulmate,who with great delicacy helped me recover from World War II wounds and vice versa, with whom we parented three wonderful children, and for whom i was a muse, and ditto, vice versa...................... who can ask for more? Love, Lotte
December 30, 2015
December 30, 2015
Written for the Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Project (MSQLP) newsletter - June 2015
By Cynthia Nelson Guion

In Memory of:
Alan Richard Marcus
July 10, 1922 ~ May 5, 2015
Carmel Highlands, CA

Alan Richard Marcus, 92 years old, whose life was dedicated to the arts and who was also a passionate advocate for social justice, passed away unexpectedly on May 5th at 5:25 AM. He suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage that came with no warning and no pain.

A Carmel Highlands resident since 1955, he was loved and is mourned by his wife and frequent collaborator of 63 years, psychologist Dr. Lotte Marcus, as well as his three adult children, Naomi Beth, Anina Ruth, and David Jonathan, son-in-law Colin Campbell, daughter-in-law Barbara Hall, three grandchildren, Gabriel Joseph, Ana Sofia and Jonathan Alan, brother-in-law Marvin Okanes, and two nephews, Jonathan and Paul Okanes.

(Excerpt from the Monterey Herald online obituary, which may be read in full at

Dear MSQLP and Friends,

It is with an apology for a slight delay, as well as some sadness, that I write this note to contribute to MSQLP’s June newsletter. The announcement above may not come as a surprise to those of you who have recently been in touch with Dr. Lotte Marcus, her family or friends. At Gene Harter’s request and with Dr. Lotte’s permission to “go for it”, I have been asked to let the MSQLP family and friends know that Dr. Lotte’s husband, Alan, passed away recently. Whether or not you knew Alan personally, there is no doubt that he touched your life and that of each and every individual who has been in contact with MSQLP.

As most of you are aware, Dr. Lotte Marcus was the inspiration, first President and a founding member of the non-profit organization that became the Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Project, growing (not without pains) from the grassroots efforts of Dr. Lotte and other individuals, who shared the common denominator of multiple sclerosis. There is more than one person who worked tirelessly to create what eventually became the 501(c)3 organization known as MSQLP today. Some became founding members, others contributed advice or knowledge, and yet others shared their personal histories, spearheaded fundraising efforts or performed any task necessary to further efforts to serve the MS community and friends.

Alan Marcus is one of those whose name will not be found on the formative documents for MSQLP but whose strength of character –and opinion—dedicated research, ready advice, stalwart support and (in spite of his immense frustration at times with the plodding pace and endless discussions) effervescent humour, were as instrumental in moving MSQLP forward –or as Alan would say, “getting down to brass tacks”— as filing the Articles of Incorporation, submitting the federal exempt application, hiring the first social worker and all subsequent hallmark moments.

In remembrance, I submit this excerpt from an e-mail Alan sent me in 2010, when an “MSQLP round” (of discussions) had erupted. It is one of my favorites—his usual acerbic, tongue-in-cheek analysis has only been edited to protect the names of the innocent (and others):

“It has always bemused me that there's frequently ---at the start of people-helping projects ---what Alan Greenspan (who these days is running for cover!) once called, in relationship to the stock market, "irrational exuberance" –- i.e. lots of happy expectations & hopes, an inclination to just go out and to do it, before one has truly thought everything through. The needs assessment, which everyone seems to [be] proud of, certainly required lots of careful work to complete. But it's not secret that its statistical conclusions came from facts and assumptions, which were largely known before hand. Its main value was as a device to raise money with; i.e. to demonstrate to potential donors that QLP was for "real." I.E., could point to stuff which had been "scientifically" measured, and which "proved" there was an urgent need to help people. Everyone out to get grants --and that has included me in various past incarnations ---has to pander to the American penchant for counting and measuring over & over again stuff which, in fact, is either already known, or--because of its very nature ---simply can't be measured, exclamation point! The only thing we learned that we weren't sure about before in QLP's needs assessment was that people wanted to stay in their own homes, didn't want new kinds of collective housing, didn't want to be stigmatized that way etc. Big discovery! But it "validated" QLP in the eyes of potential donors. And this continual necessity of, in effect, re-inventing the wheel by means of measuring what's going on (including things which simply defy organized measurement!) is something people prefer not to talk about. They certainly don't like to discuss the things which lie far below the surface of the ways people are suffering, and the "discoveries" made through counting heads etc. Well, you know all that.“
       “I wish you every good thing in your new re-incarnation in Texas and I'm sure you'll be sending communiques to Lotte from time to time who'll share them with me. So arriba y adelante, verdad?” All best ---Alan

For those of you who knew Alan, you will no doubt be comforted by his daughter Anina’s words--and will not be able to resist a smile (and conjure up an image of Alan with that somewhat devilish twinkle in his eye, beret tilted at a jaunty angle, getting ready to deliver yet another zinger):

“He was working on the rewrite of his latest book Journey South up until the end doing what he loved and what he cared about in a place of beauty in his own home…there is also a huge exhale knowing that my dad went peacefully, no prolonged drawn out affair.. very unlike my dad.. who is a big drama king.. but his death was the most peaceful thing I have ever seen.”

If anyone would like to send condolences to Dr. Lotte and family, get to know Alan better, or share an Alan memory; please don’t miss the special place his family has created, where Alan himself stars in the most remarkable screenplay he has written—his own life story. In her note, Dr. Lotte expressed:

“…because of the suddenness of this event, my adult children and especially I, yearn to hear from you about any memories, recollections, or snapshots of Alan that occur to you. Anina has created a memorial page at, where you may share thoughts, stories, photos, or movies:

“Contributions in his memory may be made to your local library. If you would please let us know of any such library contributions, we, in turn, will ship Alan’s latest books to the library as our co-donation, as Alan was disconsolate about the state of reading in our culture.”
“I will live off of my (our) and your memories. Thank you,
 Lotte and Naomi, Anina and David.”

In closing, I will add that like every other person who came in contact with Alan, I found that his shell might appear to have been crusty; but he was the kindest and gentlest of souls. In a piece he wrote, which is included at the end of a presentation Dr. Lotte gave on her experience as a Holocaust survivor, he quoted a character from Kurt Vonnegut’s “God Bless you, Mr. Rosewater” who is passing on injunctions for the future, “God dammit, babies…You’ve got to be kind.”

And then, Alan himself adds:
“To be kind? Is that all? My answer, unprovisionally, is: why not?! For despite everything---despite the well-known terrors & terrorists of yesterday and today, (and, most certainly, alas, tomorrow); despite the intolerable details of the Holocaust sagas we’ve been revisiting over the years—we ought to try, I think, to keep fiercely imagining –& trying to believe in– the sheer redemptive possibilities—the transformative power—of mere, ordinary, everyday, one-on-one human kindness! And while we’re at it, we might as well pretend to live as though we were all, perhaps, part of some vast, hidden, open-ended conspiracy, striving to spread this precious attribute–lone antidote to gratuitous mad-made cruelty & suffering–as far and wide as possible…”

And because Alan deserves to have the final word in this–and because he, Dr. Lotte and I have poetry in common–may you all be kind and touched by the kindness of others, may your work with or support from MSQLP remind you daily that there are others who share or can learn from your experience. Here’s to kindness, and here’s to finding the holy spark that causes your flame to burn as brightly as Alan’s–

"Praise the labyrinth of sighs
Praise the fire in the skys
Praise the arrow in its ark
Praise the leaper in the dark.. Praise the blessed point of poise which makes gold of dull alloys and which finds for every flame its holy spark..and which finds for every flame its holy spark... 
by alan marcus

Here’s where we raise our glasses and say: “I’ll toast to that!” and “Thank you, Alan!

[December 2015 postscript:
Dear Dr. Lotte, Anina, Naomi and David--
Thinking of you all this holiday season and sending best wishes for the coming year. While Alan is missed, the torch he has passed burns brightly--and given recent world events, the admonition to be kind seems particularly necessary and pertinent today.--Cyndi]
December 24, 2015
December 24, 2015
Dear Naomi,

It is Christmas Eve day. For some reason, I found myself remembering your father and decided to surf the internet, where I learned just now of his passing last May.
I still vividly remember an evening with you and your parents at your beautiful woodsy home in Carmel Highlands in 1978, just before I left for the Peace Corps. In the "backstage" setting of that remarkable house, I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation. Immediately after, I read two of your father's books, and shared them with many people. I lost those books (and everything else) in the Oakland fire in 1991 but later replaced them. Plan to reread them now. May Alan's spirit soar! I'm privileged to have known him, and you. Hugs to you and your mother. David Whitman, San Jose
September 29, 2015
September 29, 2015
Dear Lotte and family,
While Dana and I shared some thoughts upon notice of Alan's passing, we have just discovered this wonderful site of many beautiful tributes to Alan as a partner and a parent, as a friend, a writer, an artist, a politico, and so much more. Just seeing how Alan touched so many people affirms Dana's and my memories of his strong presence that included a mix of keen focus on an issue at hand with his humor and sometimes acerbic wit.  Dana and I will remember some of our early meetings as we settled in the Salinas Valley after meeting in the United Farm Workers movement and connecting with Lotte and Alan in what would become periodic intersections at political rallies, demonstrations, and house meetings. 
Lotte, our thoughts are with you and your children as we know these days must be full of emptiness and the pain of loss of your longtime partner, husband, and friend, but we also know that you carry a rich catalogue of not only memories, but also Alan's extensive writings that we hope will provide a sense of his voice and presence that will come to provide solace and connection. 
We appreciate what you have shared as we appreciate your continued ability to look at the bigger world around us and raise your voice in a cry for justice and sanctuary for those who have been forced to flee from countries plagued by war. 
With a strong embrace and deep affection,
Bill Monning and Dana Kent
August 3, 2015
August 3, 2015
It would take more than a few words to describe how I remember Alan. However, what comes to mind is that Alan was always there for my wife, Zia, and me around election time. We would ask Alan his view on the many complicated state propositions, and he would always give his unique studied viewpoint. I miss you, Alan. Although you are still with us. After all these years of your judgements and background stories, I just think what would Alan say and I have my answer.
July 10, 2015
July 10, 2015
Oh happy day.. oh happy day... when you my dear dad would have turned 93 oy vey!!
July 7, 2015
July 7, 2015

  Alan Richard Marcus, my ever loving 92 year old died this morning at 5:30 at Community Hospital. Last night, my mom found him on the floor in his study unresponsive to any stimuli and a small amount of blood coming from his mouth. Paramedics and ambulance came and rushed him to emergency where an MD Grover? (I think) said he has suffered a massive hemorrhage and will not survive. He was put on comfort measures and has no pain till the end. He was,  working on the rewrite of his latest book Journey South up until the end doing what he loved and what he cared about in a place of beauty in his own home.. Surreal is hardly the word for what I feel right now.. it is a deep ache, a deep longing.. a deep understanding that nothing will ever be the same again without my dad...... but there is also a huge exhale knowing that my dad went peacefully, no prolonged drawn out affair.. very unlike my dad.. who is a big drama king.. but his death was the most peaceful thing I have ever seen. Naomi, Lotte and I went to the morgue in the hospital and there he was: cold, blue, white, jaw tight and open. His skin looked beautiful and I held his hand and said: "Dad you would have loved the stories the nursing supervisor told us about other people she has accompanied to the morgue including a Buddhist who chanted and danced around the hospital for 3 hours and she swears the hospital was calmer.  I thank you dad for this rich and complicated life you gave me.. You were the coolest cat and way cool without even knowing it. The beret just added to your look but you were just as cool without it.... "

Dad: Soulful, deeply loving, wildly original,  intensely passionate.

You had bouts of tremendous anger and rage and yet you were astoundingly kind and generous. A natural loner, who dug into your crab like study and stayed for hours to work; but, you also craved so much attention.. it was almost impossible to ever fill you up.  Truest lover to the world of the Arts and a deep devotion and dedication to the written and spoken word.

You could be so damn funny.. a la Lenny Bruce and within the same breath show a lot of sadness towards the way things were going in the world.

Your curiosity about every little thing to how machines work, to hummingbirds, to politics, to justice but most of all to the details of peoples lives. You would stop whatever you were doing most anytime to hear The story.. to see how things go... You turned me onto the great jazz artists of the 50's.. but also you loved The Beatles and Johnny Cash and Edith Piaf and Mahalia Jackson.. The list goes on and on..

Travel light my friend in Peace. I am with you. I want to quote from one of your all time favorite songs:

the water's wide I can't swim o,er                                              

And nor have I the wings to fly

Build me a boat that can carry two

And both shall row, my love and I

Now love is gentle, love is kind

It's like a flower when first it's new

But love grows old and waxes cold

And fades away like morning dew

There is a ship, she sails the sea

She's laden deep, as deep can be

But not as deep as the love I'm in

I know not where I'll sink or swim

The water's wide I can't swim o'er

And nor have I the wings to fly

Build me a boat that can carry two

And both shall row, my love and I

love to you all, anina
hold fast to this life....
July 5, 2015
July 5, 2015
I met Alan roughly 20 years ago when Lottie and he came (along with 4 or 5 others) to my house in Pacific Grove for monthly meetings. We were trying to figure out how best to help folks with Multiple Sclerosis in our local area (I have MS.) Alan and Lottie both knew the local MS population was under served – but what to do? How could we help? What kind of help? We tried collaborating with San Jose Chapter of the National MS Society. That did not really work. Alan was firm (and so logical) in his belief that we should do the implementation/fundraising and management ourselves. Alan was right and that’s what we did. We had a survey of multiple sclerosis patients done. Lottie got some initial funding and the little Non-Profit ( that we created is still helping MS’ers some 15 years later. I will always remember him with admiration.
June 26, 2015
June 26, 2015
In a handwritten note, Joan Baez wrote:
Dear Marcuses,
Alan was an integral part of that magnificent community of artists, writers, musicians, poets, madmen and madwomen, which made up Carmel Highlands and the surrounding universe.
I particularly appreciate how kind and supportive he was to Mimi, recognizing the gifted musician she was, helping her find her inner strength in the fragile world around her...
I hope you are all coming to terms with the loss of Alan and life with his spirit only. There will always be the absence of his presence, and the eternal presence of his absence......
With great affection, Joan Baez
June 23, 2015
June 23, 2015
I first met Alan as he was manning the control panel on a Dominican Hospital (Santa Cruz, CA) elevator ("what floor?") , on our coincident ways to see Naomi. At the time I was a poor person's lawyer working with immigrants and farmworkers in the Salinas Valley.
I was trying to act (community theatre), trying to write (poetry, plays) , trying to play music (piano, sax, guitar), trying to learn Spanish, and in love with science, math, chickens, and the Carmel Coast.
   And there was Alan, in the very same elevator with me, an award winning writer, a real musician (perfect pitch! my god!), an actual flesh and blood artist who loved science, knew his calculus, fought for immigrant justice, loved chickens, spoke five languages, lived on the Carmel Coast AND was asking me where I wanted to go. I say this about Alan, but Alan was never Alan alone. Lotte, you were there too, going up to see Naomi. Alan was always only one half of the entity we know as "Alan and Lotte". It was "Alan and Lotte" that took us into a life of the mind, of thought, of articulated concern, of music, writing, outrage, overflowing bookshelves, poetry, ping pong, exotic chickens, highland gardens, hidden beaches, aspic, "little lunches", and always "Where have you been?" "Where are you going?", and, for me, at least, the assurance that I had been somewhat close to where I needed to have been and had the stuff to go where I wanted. I saw Alan's death in Anne's voice when she took Naomi's call. I felt Alan's death only when Anne said "Alan is dead." "What?" "Alan is dead." "That's not possible." "No. Yes." "Can't be. How can that be..." as if a part of my body had been torn away. Now there is a bloody confusing hole where Alan had been. But "Alan and Lotte" survives and that is the greater part of me. We hope to see you soon.
Jonathan McCurdy
June 22, 2015
June 22, 2015
For the short amount of time I spent with Alan, he was unforgettable.
I remember him fussing with the internet, playing the piano, eating a wonderful meal together, and sitting at his desk, writing and writing. His stories were engrossing and his laugh, contagious. My heart goes out to you Lotte and Anina for you loss. Sending love to you at this time.
June 3, 2015
June 3, 2015
I am so sad to have learned Alan passed away.
Rachel and I spent a weekend with Alan and Lotte last year, which was such a wonderful and significant moment for us. Alan's energy, wisdom and convictions, his relationship to Lotte and to the rest of the family, all are things that we will keep with us for the rest of our lives. All my thoughts are with Lotte and their children.
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Recent Tributes
July 15
Thinking of you and Lotte, as always, at this time and grateful for the years we were able to share some of life's joys and sorrows, challenges and triumphs. A flower seemed appropriate for the day, as it brightens the spirit when it blooms and nourishes other species or seeds another generation - either way, it is an evolving circle of life and beauty. Thank you, Alan and Lotte, for sharing the wit and wisdom, laughter and love.
July 11
July 11
Just thanking you for all the beauty you have given me . Rest rest rest
I love you
Naomi Marcus
May 6
May 6
HI Dad, really beautiful in front of your studio today: wildflowers galore. Your big desk still dominates the front window, from where the sunset tonight rivals the Sistine Chapel. 9 years since you died and we are keeping the place going, as long as we can.
Recent stories
July 10, 2017

July 10th.  This is my birthday card for you,Alan

I go through my days as a widow with our adult children and have figured this out :alan,how lucky, how miraculous that we found each other at metro goldwyn-mayer - what a random accident,how it might not have happened by a slightly changed timing or  by passing each other by, how different both our lives could have been..  After all, we came from a different class of Jews, you were so American,I was  then,so the Refugee..... but you took all that in and made me feel safe  for the first time. Have I thanked you enough for that?Nor did I know when we married how truly talented y0u were in literature,music,& the changing issues involving  social justice. As JerryCohen recently said:Alan had wit and he had integrity!And then, through marriage,through raising individually talented  children, through working as partners (English onWheels, Natividad Medical Center,Family Medicine) , we became each other's echo  - it doesnt get better than that   and my deep love  for you doesnt go away.Not a bit.  Lotte

Obituary for Alan Richard Marcus

May 19, 2015


Alan Richard Marcus, 92 years old, whose life was dedicated to the arts and who was also a passionate advocate for social justice, passed away unexpectedly on May 5th at 5:25 AM. He suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage that came with no warning and no pain.

A Carmel Highlands resident since 1955, he was loved and is mourned by his wife and frequent collaborator of 63 years, psychologist Dr. Lotte Marcus, as well as his three adult  children, Naomi Beth, Anina Ruth, and David Jonathan, son-in-law Colin Campbell, daughter-in-law Barbara Hall,  three grandchildren, Gabriel Joseph, Ana Sofia and Jonathan Alan, brother-in-law Marvin Okanes, and two nephews, Jonathan and Paul Okanes.

A professional writer over the course of seventy years, Alan worked commercially in radio, television and film. In addition, he wrote four novels (one just recently published on, and many short stories, one of which won an Atlantic Monthly First Prize, and poetry. His fictional work received acclaim from Archibald MacLeish, Saul Bellow and Dorothy Parker, and was honored with a Guggenheim and a McDowell Colony fellowship. He wrote critical essays on politics, psychology, public policy, and multiple sclerosis.  He was also a jazz pianist and over the years he composed both words and music for songs he performed with daughter Naomi and son David, with whom he recently composed a piano rag. He mentored and was passionate about helping artists to bring their work to fruition, though he could be a very acerbic critic at times.

Born and raised in Providence, Rhode Island, Alan Marcus was the son of Philip Marcus and Rose Duwinsky, and brother to Barbara Marcus. Educated at Brown University, Alan served in the US Army in World War II, during the invasion of Normandy, the liberation of France, and the post-war occupation of Germany. The short stories that emerged from these experiences appeared first in the Atlantic Monthly magazine, culminating in the publication of  his first novel, Straw to Make Brick, which is about the chaos and trauma of Germany immediately after the war.

He then became a staff writer for MGM Studios in Los Angeles, scripting half a dozen feature films and numerous other television dramas. His treatment titled “Wives Ahoy” became the basis for the hit ABC series, “Here Come the Brides.” This commercial work led to the writing of his much-praised second novel, Of Streets and Stars, a poetic description of the lives of those who work and live in the artificial Hollywood film world.

In the 1970’s, Alan, with his wife Lotte, founded AKTOS Inc. This educational company was dedicated to producing and teaching video dramas for English-As-A-Second-Language classrooms, which evoked and cut through cross-cultural dissonance in the Salinas Valley. He then turned his attention to health care policy, and published a series of articles in medical journals such as Family Medicine and Family Systems Medicine.  His final years were spent supporting  playwright  Rick Foster’s  non-profit organization, Duende, dedicated to bringing California history into children’s classrooms in Sonoma County. On the last day of his life, he was engrossed in editing a new novel, Promised Land, the third that he will have published on Amazon.

Our dear Alan will be cremated by the Mission Mortuary within the next two weeks, and a memorial service will be held on the Monterey Peninsula at some future point.        

Our entire family, and especially Lotte, would gratefully appreciate any memories, photos, or thoughts of Alan that will help us in our grief. These may be posted at Alan’s memorial site, Contributions in his memory may be made to your local library. If you would please let us know of any such library contributions through the memorial site, we, in turn, will ship Alan’s latest books to the library as our co-donation, as Alan was disconsolate about the state of reading in our culture.



"Sitting Shiva" by a Gentile

May 11, 2015

After my father died, I wondered where all that extraordinary "Chi", that brilliance, that force of intellect, that Energy....where did it go after the body that housed it went dark?   I ask the same of Alan, whom I only knew as an old man, but so full of piss and vinegar, a know-it-all, passionate, compassionate outraged ranter and disturber of the peace and status quo. Then that disarming chuckle - and you knew he was enjoying every minute of it!  He often told me that like him, I am a writer, and so I must write. But my writing would not do justice to Alan, and so I offer one of my favorites of his in his memory.     

Manli                                  *****************************************************  
 Sitting Shiva Among The Gentiles!  ( The “Liberator”        
 and the “Survivor” visit Mercy High School )                                                                                                                ********************************************                                                Recently, my wife Lotte and myself yielded to an “ecumenical” impulse after Lotte got a call from a teacher at a plushCatholicBoarding  Schoolfor High School girls inSouth San Francisco, who happened to hear about Lotte’s web-published Holocaust-related adventures from a friend and fellow teacher.                                  
What Lotte and I experienced at Mercy High is partly something which perhaps might be  subtitled:  "Sitting Shiva for the Holocaust Among the Gentiles..." ( “Sitting Shiva” : a jewish group mourning ritual for the dead) . At one point, we  all found ourselves reverently standing  in the "Commemoration Room" (for the Holocaust) ---an elaborately decorated salon with (donated) survivor portraits of Holocaust Survivors -- or kids of Survivors, -- populated by invited  overweight well-intentioned Jewish philanthropist-types , (many with multiple chins!,) bowing their heads to the earnest  fervent remarks of Jim,, the teacher who founded the Holocaust Studies program at Mercy High  ---incidentally, learning  a lot of yiddish phrases along the way( i.e. "nash", "meshuganeh", "zoftig." )

Jim’s devotion to the memory of the Holocaust has produced an annual  ceremony & colloquy , which draws scholars, witnesses, survivors, ecclesiastics , historians, free lance humanitarians, and many others equally dedicated, as he is,  to the perpetuation of the Holocaust saga  as both living monument, --and Cautionary Tale ---recalling yet again to those who may have forgotten  what we as erstwhile inheritors of the Enlightenment and representatives of a technologically advanced age,-- nevertheless,  --in the grip of our worst daemons, --- remain capable of. .

After Jim spoke,  there was a chorus of  "never agains!" by several octogenarian ex concentration camp inmates,. We were then requested to bow heads again to the  prayers  of a young (holocaust  circuit-riding) reform Rabbi (wearing a high-style Macy's knitted yamulkeh!) who intoned an abbreviated version of the kaddish prayer for the dead beneath a large framed  stone statuette of Mary Magdalene & baby Jesus nailed  to a nearby  wall. This statue  he interpreted,   as the unsurpassed  symbol of "that mysterious eternal gift of  mother love for which, let us now  open our hearts  together in prayer,  -- ah-men."  At which, one of the scheduled Main Speakers, -- a sly 79 yr old perky chipmunk of a Viennese jewish survivor, with a definite twinkle in his eye,  (in current retirement from his previous 30 yr Professorship of French at UC Berkeley). gave me a mischievous wink. These days, he spends quite a bit of his time going around, making speeches about his own getaway from Vienna to Belgium, meanwhile peddling his own self-published memoir, "Breaking The Silence,"from out of the trunk of his car,--He finally couldn't help nudging me with a grin, surreptitiously nodding towards  beatified Mary and Jesus on the wall while  wearily shrugging his dissent from all the instant piety flooding the room, and simultaneously  summing up the  ironies he saw invoked in the Mother and Child statue by correctly identifying the two figures on the wall  -- ---as “those two Jews”----(which   they, inarguably, were !…)                

It was the Main Event ,though,  during which Lotte and I, were seated side by side on the stage in a huge auditorium, before a large audience of female teen-agers, all dressed in school uniforms,( plaid skirts and white blouses, their bursting bosoms barely contained by their prim outfits) many with pigtails saucily framing their open faces, ) which really got to me.

They sat, spellbound,  whilst Lotte eloquently recited the poignant history of her own Getaway from Vienna to Shanghai, beginning with the goose-stepping entry of Nazi  troops into her native city, Vienna in 1938,  then going on to the trials of life under the Japanese Occupation in the international city of Shanghai, , and then, later, dodging bombs  the Yanks began loosing on the city----a prelude to their  own subsequent triumphal entry into Shanghai itself, after the Japanese surrendered to McArthur at the close of WW2. . And  finally Lotte described the Wizard of Oz ( though temporary! )

Happy Ending to her saga, by bumping into me one day in the corridors of the Irving Thalberg bldng at MGM studios in Culver City, California, where she'd been hired as a german-speaking legal secretary (and where I --- -----in the guise  of a neophyte screenwriter ----entertained myself with fantasies of blowing the whole place up ----including our loveable leader ---that  famous human-orangutan ---- L.B. Mayer ------in a cloud of satisfying smithereens!..) ...                   

In our first upbeat encounter, ---- (I should mention that in those days Lotte used to wear pigtails nearly down to her waist )---- I noticed a  radiant dirndl-wearing young woman lighting   up the grayish  corridors of the Thalberg building at  MGM with  her unnerving  1000 watt smile,  itself often punctuated by frequent exclamations of  happy surprise &  wonderment at  so much American peace & plenty all around her. --- Imagine : toilet paper available in seven different shades !,  Nineteen different offerings of  breakfast cereal for sale at the corner store ! And how about the festivity of the good humor man’s regular appearance ,  --his hurdy-gurdy daily playing from atop his white ice cream truck parked just outside the gates , summoning enthusiastic  executive- types from their top floor offices , streams of actors, many  still in makeup and costume,  and flocks of female clerical workers --bursting   from their secretarial cubicles –all joining in our spontaneous national ice-cream eating pastime,  hollering their favorite flavors  to Pedro, the wise-cracking  vendor standing on the truck; s flatbed, who used to brandish sugar cones as if they were bandilleros  

Everything seemed so wonderful to Lotte in those days, so  marvelous, so fairy tale like, almost too miraculous to last. -.               
Which, alas, turned out to be true. ! For , as she memorably recounted to the students, , -after 18 months or so, her Shangri La existence in LA  abruptly  collapsed; she began to suffer scarifying flashbacks  , trembling suddenly at sudden noises, became unnerved at bright lights or unexpected movement,;, The sound of German spoken anywhere in her vicinity made her want to throw up,  Worse, she started to dream of  images  she’d had --ostensbily ---long since  put behind her… --Her ex-Viennese childhood chum & playmate. from Vienna, for instance --Maxerl, --returned, in dreams,  as the ghostly goose-stepping Nazi he over night had turned into in 1938., bristling with polished boots & swastikas, shiny pistol in hand, proudly brandishing his brand new Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth) badge!  The hospital  bed in which her dear  father-- dying of cancer---lay, listening to a small bedside table radio, in dreams, kept inching closer & closer to the radio to which his ear was permanently glued, as it kept relaying exuberant bulletins of  successive US military victories & advances against the Nazis  .And eventually, ----(though  by this time her father had died) ----it reported  American bombs were  falling nearer & nearer to Shanghai itself. Then the contorted swollen face of  a 26 yr old Japanese army Sergeant  named Khano  Goya  kept re-appearing. Sgt Goya  had  been appointed  “official” Overseer of the improvised ghetto for “Stateless Refugees” which the Japanese had instigated, and into which Lotte and her family had been herded. The Sergeant like  to  call himself “King of the Jews”  And in Lotte’s dreams, he began to loom more and more balefully, --- castigating Lotte  for this or that (imaginary) infringement of Ghetto rules,   & slapping  her face in public (as had happened once in life ) only this time the face slapping kept repeating itself, , over and over again…It was as if a  ferocious, (though  soundless)  hurricane ,-- a miniature invisible  earthquake, -- had seized her -& wouldn’t let go –She  felt herself  assaulted night after night -- pulled & buffeted and tossed around like pieces  of  debris from a wrecked  ship  &  wondering,  ---through chattering lips and  light-blinded eyes, ---when –if ever – these malevolent apparitions from the past , (which I tried to exorcise as best I could  by holding her in my arms,)  would, please God,  finally stop and go away for good, once and for all !… ….                  

Well,  stop they did! . In two years time , as she recounted to her Mercy High listeners, ,most of her worst symptoms ---legacy of her previously suppressed charades of terror &  fear, --, the trembling , the stop-and-go shivers,  the drum rolls of chattering teeth, --- -- began draining away  as mysteriously as they’d begun. AFter the birth of our first child--- by which time we’d moved to Carmel , California,  a paradisiacal village above the Pacific Ocean hundreds of miles from LA ----Lotte was well on the way to recovery, putting down roots, in our new community , which today –after 50 odd years ---numbers her among its most distinguished Senior Citizens.. Yet the experience left deep fissures., From time to time,  they can still occasionally, trigger a  minor relapse. At Heathrow airport one time in  England,   for instance, just after we’d flown in from the States, she sat down and adamantly refused to join the long queue of  international arrivals,  being processed before a row  of  uniformed custom agents seated at their  Union-Jack bedecked tables; perhaps it was the  sudden crowding and chaos . Or the  jumble & clash of foreign tongues. Or the felt presence of an arbitrary authority ----But it all seemed to produce an involuntary recoil in Lotte, , --a temporary paralysis of  terror and fear . Indeed, it was only after I sat down and gently began pointing out to her that this time , in fact, she, had all the necessary attributes and bonafides,–---i.e. she had  1) a stamped & validated US passport; 2) ,a pocket full of  US travelers checks;, 3), an international driving license . Gradually, after a few minutes,  the black cloud enshrouding her began to lift; within a few more minutes she was able to pick up her bags, square her shoulders  and follow me calmly through the vaudevillian maze of the usual customs folderol, , enduring the airport pandemonium roaring around us with determined calm. .               .

Our individual experiences , of course, inevitably shape our response to whatever befalls us. . Perhaps that’s why, over the years, Lotte--and myself, too, as an  ex-member of the U.S. military--engaged in the victorious tide-turning struggle against Hitler in 1944-45  ---have turned into steadfast backers of justice-mongering causes; we ran a Settlement house in Salinas, CA,,  for instance, aimed at trying to secure–among other things--- better working conditions for farm workers; we lobbied for more equitable --& affordable -- health care for Seniors,  we publicly decried our Government’s seeming affection , (to us, incomprehensible!)  for foreign dictators,  & we demonstrated against  environmental degradation, while, at the same time, emphasizing  the vital ( and statistically indisputable) link between economic –and political---democracy  And Lotte remembered to remind her well-meaning (and plainly well fed!) students, that -even as she spoke ---- that very minute! ------hundreds of thousands of  desperate fugitives were in flight all over the world;---  running from hunger, from exploitation, from peonage , from atrocious abuses of one kind or another etc. She pointed to the current crop of  the expelled, the visa-less , the “ethnically cleansed”, ---daily expanding numbers of  would-be escapees drawn from the widening ranks of  political, ethnic, and economic “undesirables.”  They were crowding into overloaded fishing boats, trudging through tropical forests, climbing icy mountain passes,  braving attack dogs , brutal border guards, wayward brigands and cynical bounty hunters, --all in order to reach some tantalizing , idealized, desperately clung to dream of political and economic “ sanctuary”, where, , finally,( if they were lucky,) they might  be able to  feel safe enough to think of themselves as “free.”.            

Notwithstanding this melancholy litany of  flight and pursuit, Lotte managed to finish her contribution  on an upbeat  refrain. She  sounded a “despite everything” note by quoting from “Anthem,” a haunting hymn-like song  by the distinguished  Canadian poet , singer and  songwriter Leonard Cohen,  which even though  its main stanzas indict widespread deceit  , fraud & cruelty in the world , nevertheless manages to  tease  a sort of saving grace out of the two line choruses –or “mantras” –Cohen has slyly inserted  between  the main stanzas , which  hint of redemption & possibility,--- something Lotte’s own long life experience has eloquently confirmed in spades, (and which makes her own appearance at  Mercy High , together with other Holocaust survivors, such a truly celebratory event.. )                       

(Lines from “Anthem” by Leonard Cohen)                                              
“The birds they sing                                                
At break of day                                                  
Start again                                            
I hear them say                                            
Don’t dwell on what                                            
Has passed away                                            
Or what has yet to be…                                                                                        Chorus:                            
Ring the bells that still can ring                            
Forget your perfect off-ering                    
there is a crack –a crack, --in everything…                            
That’s how the light comes in                          
 That’s how the light comes in…..”  
 After Lotte finished speaking , she handed me the microphone. I stood , speechless, for a few seconds. ( According to the “official” brochure, I wasn’t even scheduled to be on the program!.)  They’d seated me next to Lotte, I’d been told, - -- so that the impressionable audience of young girls  ---already primed with more than their share of Holocaust horror tales ----would be able to see, with their own eyes, what an authentic American “liberator” (me!) looks like.                    

Not having prepared remarks , I decided ,first ,  to try to downplay the too easily invoked ( though  duly enshrined in many countries ----–and richly  endowed -- - -- globally thriving Worldwide Holocaust Remembrance Biz… Its automatic Golden Oldie mantra, , “Never Again !  -- ( though mocked, and profaned every time  a new  slaughter-of-innocents tale pops up somewhere in the press !)) ) is regularly repeated ---and earnestly prayed for  (in the direction of heaven, let’s  hope !)  ,year after year after year.                     

I then went on to describe how one day , in April, `1945, near the war’s end, , I came upon a heart-stopping scene:  wraithlike beings,  skeletal, some scarcely breathing, cavernous of eye and bearing their death-sentence tattoos like lepers stigmata; they were   jammed into bunks  blanketed by what seemed cast-off  rags or scraps of paper, listlessly bunched in sardine like clusters,  oblivious  to the stench around them (plus an occasional rotting corpse or two,)  and by this time seemingly indifferent   to the advanced decay of their coffinlike barracks as well  –What I was looking at were the pajama-clad remnants of the walking dead  at Buchenwald Concentration Camp!. .

Then, a month later, ---as  one of only three German speaking members of a Mil Gov team assigned to Erlbach, a medium sized town,  in the state of Bavaria , I found myself charged with sorting out the "bad" nazis" from the "nominal" ones.  We military linguists were supplied with dozens of  boxes of  printed questionnaires ( ‘ fragebogen” in German )  which had been professionally prepared, so we were told, by “experts” in the psychological warfare section of the US Dept of State .                  .

Employing these  carefully prepared  instruments, , -- which consisted of  long lists of queries involving political affiliation, party membership , attendance at rallies ,  contributions to Nazi groups, ratings of the nations  leaders , attitudes towards the War , etc..( demanding mostly simple yes or no answers)--- ---- we’d soon be able , we were told,  to “accurately”  distinguish  "toxic" nazis from "not so toxic”  ones , and  "borderline” ones from  “reclaimable” ones, etc, ----& thus be ready to place those being queried on a statistically determined Nazi “complicity” graph,”  which would help us in administering whatever legally mandated punishment –as set down by Mil Gov regulations, ----might eventually be decreed. .  

To me, the whole questionnaire project was a sample  of pure think-tank malarkey, cooked up by well paid (and doubtless well tenured! ) refugees  from academia !  ….It  was based, of course,  on our national fixation on measurement  ----our confidence that anything and everybody  is capable  of being accurately  summed  up  statistically --- and hence can thus be rewardingly sliced, diced, digitized, and “explained.” !.....

–Meanwhile, my own knowledge of  German had already made me privy, to a great deal of local political and social gossip, as well as a fair amount of Erlbach’s  more familial—or  “tribal” -- history--- Which meant I had already been able to glean a general sense of what actually had been  occurring in the territory under our control  (a unit of local government called a  landkreis , comprising an area  about the size of RI.) That’s why I quickly managed to “lose”  my  latest batch of think-tank  fragebogen  , into the nearest waste paper basket !. Which left me, of course,  with nothing to officially “orient” myself with  --..-no uniform “criteria” --  by which to assess degrees of“political innocence or complicity, though that was ---supposedly --part of our mission --- in regard to potential  war crimes proceedings which might be inaugurated later on. . .

But my 22  yr old “intuition”  proved no match for  the infinite variety—and ambiguity --of individual responses among the people I was dealing with.  I soon found out  they’d been compelled to live their lives  under constant scrutiny –and intimidation --by the local branch of  the Nazi terror machine,  an often invisible , yet increasingly threatening presence, which kept swelling –or metastasizing—(like some faulty sci-fi laboratory experiment gone wrong !)  -to Orwellian size by the time Hitller’s vaingloriously  proclaimed  “Thousand Year Reich” --- was forced to  surrender -- a mere dozen years after it was founded --in 1945.                          

 I related to the students, too, how  one night, I found myself  assigned ,-- to my distaste , --- to lead a group of fellow GI’s  surreptitiously “shadowing” a sallow-faced  teen-ager, . back to his home in the  working class district of the city, (where, we suspected, he’d  been stock-piling US cigarettes, chocolates, soap, cereal, and other difficult-to-get items, filched from our Mil Gov storehouse. .) As it  happened,  these suspicions, turned out  to be true., But all at once, I  found myself witnessing an appalling: scene: my  dear army buddies seemed to have abruptly morphed into replicas of that publicly caricatured  figure , the “Ugly American”,  made so notoriously infamous in Vietnam.    They were taking out all their pent up frustrations, fear, loneliness, homesickness (and God knows what else,! )--,  ..on the quivering 14 yr old "perpetrator ,” hand-cuffed in front of them, while his terrified family, --a war-widowed mama and his two younger sisters ,-- stood helplessly by, shaking with fear;;  in a few minutes they’d  practically destroyed the first floor of this family’s  bungalow --- smashing cupboards, kicking open glass doors, throwing all kinds of stuff ----food, toiletries, cosmetics, clothing etc ---helter skelter all over the floor in a spontaneous orgy of self-righteous ”evidence-seeking”  zeal. Preposterously, I found myself having to pull rank on them -- even brandish my  favorite battle-scarred tommy  gun in their faces, --so as to get my avenging, freaked-out, fellow countrymen to cease & desist their violent, illegal,-- unauthorized, --rampage ….                

That  night, though, I couldn’t sleep. I began to realize  that  I’d been forced to  face into something I’d been trying ---for weeks --- to AVOID facing into : i.e. the demoralizing fact that it was the Occupation itself  that was probably responsible for the kind of freak-out I’d just been describing: for weeks we’d been on the receiving end of anonymous threats & rising hostility  (due, I think, to the occasional arbitrary,  or heavy-handed way somebody from our office would treat a local Erlbach-er  or functionary.

Word  of this indiscretion would soon spread, stoking up the  temperature of residual humiliation, still simmering among hard liners hunkered down behind  their still- closed  curtains and dead- bolted doors ;  it was a humiliation worsened , too,  by the bitterness of demobilized returning German war vets who would sit around, disconsolate , unable to  find work to help feed their families… --- I’m talking here about the often unintentional blunders or psychological faux pas that we ourselves,  at times, committed, contributing to a backlash  among various segments in town . They sowed the seeds which often hardened attitudes on both sides.  And --for our part,--  they threatened to endanger  the stability ---or “mental health” –---of a number of our personnel, ----I’m referring here to decent, steadfast, veteran campaigners ,-- decoration-honored GI’s, with some of whom I’d been in various sticky situations  from Normandy to the Rhineland.   It wasn’t their fault, after all,  that they’d ended up in Erlbach, forced to play roles they were wholly unequipped to play,  --marooned in an obscure  Bavarian township , unable to cope with contingencies and circumstances they’d  had no training for  &  no  context  ,either, to help them  evaluate, analyze or understand just what we –and they ----as Occupiers---might, sooner or later, be up against… …. … … ….                  
Next morning, to relieve my conscience , ,-- ---after the near impromptu mayhem I’d interrupted the night before, ---I trudged back to  the working class part of town, lugging a few gifts , as  penance –(or maybe as a kind of  bribe for forgiveness  from the widowed mother of the jailed teen-ager)  -- offering my purchased and wrapped “apology” for the sudden  brutality  we’d inflicted on her 12 hours earlier ….                       

When the woman caught a glimpse of me, however, she turned & fled down a nearby street..., Who could  blame her ? In her mind, I was no different than those who had trashed her home the night before,..  This was  the exact moment , I think, that I decided, to hand in my resignation to Mil Gov &  put in a request for demobilization  , so I could reserve a seat as soon as possible on one of those military transport trains chugging North to the port of Brest  in France from whence ships carrying GI's back home to the States were embarking daily .                  

I can remember, though, how astonished , --and moved ---I was  at the agitation the recital of these just described events  raised in  many young listeners.. At one point, one of their teachers, --a young  woman in her thirties, be-shawled,  dark haired, & fierce- eyed, ---rose and began cross-examining me about torture.  How  harshly should we  judge those who ordered torture to take place  under Bush? -- How far up the chain of command should we go to pinpoint and hold accountable those who contrived to make such torture "legal?-“---,- How should one  find one's way, -- one’s “ethical compass”  -- in such  seemingly out-of-control, heartless,  jehad-threatening  and increasingly violence-stricken times etc..?  Excruciating questions,  to which I admit I didn’t,  ---and  don’t----  have readily acceptable  answers.  (Who does ? )

Yet questions, somehow  which forced me to acknowledge that our pilgrimage to Mercy High School ---- despite its accidental asides  into humor (or “inter-faith-y” geniality )--- had inspired us to try to “transmogrify” Cohen’s mournful (musical) roll call of our  collective and individual transgressions & betrayals   i.e. exploitation, greed, deceit , war, mendacity,  murder, self-aggrandizement , spiritual vainglory etc. into a kind of reverse spin communiqué, encoded with agendas of  hope and healing ,(helped by clues hinted at –--between stanzas --by the poet himself! ) which  reflects in some  way our own lifelong  attempts (however miniscule)  to bind up wounds whenever  & however we could. The   song itself , in fact, amounts to a kind of  instruction manual, suggesting implicit ways to smuggle  a rehabilitative and restored humanity into the cracks and crevices of our common life, by summoning ---and embracing ----the genius of a rare human attribute,-- magnanimity,------something apt to be extolled  say, by High School or College Graduation Day Speakers, but more likely to be lamented.--.within the handed-down treadmill routines of  our (often unrecognized) uppmanship-paced days  -- as largely quote Missing In Action end quote.!...Yet if one keeps looking long enough and hard enough ,---as Cohen himself has succeeded in doing ---- one may find it possible to locate unexpected opportunities for such rehabilitative break-throughs in familiar , though surprising , places ----- May this happen sooner rather than later----ojalla! ( And may it happen not very far from where you and I happen to be standing  this very minute.!.)                    

As our Poet himself  sings,  in his hoarsely eloquent, ambiguous, & wise threnody of resignation & renewal..,                                “”                                                        
“ The wars, they will be fought again                                              
The holy dove,                                            
She will be                                                                       
Bought again..                                               
Bought and sold                                          
And bought again..                                                           
Still,  there’s a crack, --                                        
a crack in everything””                                      
that’s ’how  the light comes in..                                      
that’s how the light comes in                                    
that’s how the light comes in…..                                                         (Amen!.)                                                                       
--------------Alan M.     

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