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My Angel baby

June 30, 2021
Aaron was full of smiles and laughter...I remember the nite before he went to heaven I was so tied and all he wanted to do was laugh and then cry and spit out his bottle and I looked at him
and said cum on buddy it’s time to go nite nite buddy ...and he gave me them bright blue eyes and looked up at me and said dadda and I said no not dadda I said momma he looked up at me and laugh...and he just wnted to lay with me so we did for a lil bit and once’s he started to get sleepy I later him in his bouncy chair and kiss his big head and said good nite my lil blue eyes prince I’ll see u in the morning..if I knew I wouldn’t I wouldn’t have ever fell sleep ....I luv u my lil blue eyed prince mommy will see u again and not a moment to late or a moment to soon ...not a day goes by that ur smiles and giggle are not playin in my heart ...

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