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April 10, 2023
She was a loving great grand mother , grandmother and mother to her children. Her whole  life resonated around being a mother not only to her children but to those she considered close to her heart. She was everybody grandma. She was known by many from her famous restaurant in Port harcourt in MOTHERCAT around Transamadi. During those years,  many would come and go to her restaurant. Some not in the best financial position but she would see not someone going through something an not render help.  Through the kindness of her heart, she would reap the benefits in later years by having those same people she took as her own kids take care of her in her later years. She had 4 children, 10 grand children and 1 great grand child. She loved to laugh and always had joy in her heart. She is always available to help anyone in need. We will allmiss her dearly. 

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