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6 Years on

April 8, 2023
6 years on, I still recall that Saturday morning vividly.  6 years on, as I pass by her front door daily, I still expect it to open. Tough, but I  just have to keep the faith. May Biola's soul continue to rest in peace

Kenya trip Feb 2017

April 19, 2017

I travelled to Kenya for the CanadaEduFair 2017 early Feb 2017. I wasnt sure who I'd meet there, but was sure glad to see Abiola there. There wasnt any known face I could chat with but Abiola. I was sure glad about that. I had known her long before now but on the greetings level only at educational fairs in Nigeria. Many times when we meet in Nigeria, we'd spend few minutes chatting and trying to catchup. The time was never enough. This time in Kenya, we spent more time talking, I got to know her better. She had such a sweet and tender spirit about her. Really rare. We went shopping together for her children and mine. It was really nice getting to know her more. I recommended to her the tour guide to take her around Kenya. She told me she had a blast. We kept in touch after that and decided we needed to resolve some issues with our profession. We met every Thursday, along with 2 other dear friends, over skype until April 6th 2017. I got the shocking news on Monday April 10th......Unfortunately I dont have pictures to share, but sister Abiola is very dear to me and very many others....Goodbye sister......

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