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Adele was born to James M. and Ada M. (Mead) Ransom on April 23, 1952 in Hackensack, New Jersey. She earned her Master's Degree in Education at Trenton State College in New Jersey. She worked in the Education Industry as a teacher. She belonged to NEA-WEA Peapack-Gladstone, New Jersey Womens Club. She loved to paint with water colors.

Adele is survived by her husband, William at home; daughters, Elizabeth (Scott) Streett of Seattle, Washington, Mary (Jared) Wiener of Portland, Oregon; brother, Keith Ransom of Yardley, Pennsylvania; sister, Elaine McClure of Longboat Key, Florida; 4 grandchildren.

No service will be scheduled per Adele's request. Arrangements have been entrusted to Brown's Funeral Home in Camas, Washington.

The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

~ Jellaludin Rumi
August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020
Adele has been my friend for over 30 years.  We had children the same ages, we attended the same church, and were both members and officers of the local Woman's Club. Adele and I spent many hours working on projects together, babysitting each other's children, and just plain socializing. It was an easy relationship and one that I cherished. I missed that friendship when she moved west, but we always kept up. I missed her on my last visit to Vancouver, she had been taken to the hospital the morning I was to see her. I'm so happy that she had a life of travel, golf, painting, and most of all her family, whom she loved dearly. She will be missed by so many of us. Rest in peace, my friend. Hugs to William, Liz, and Mary.
August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020
As a teenager in New Jersey, I babysat for the Brown family and taught the girls in Sunday School at Gladstone UMC. Adele also tutored me in Spanish after church on Sundays. I always had such a wonderful time with this family and have many fond memories. I also recall her love of second-hand shopping, she was way ahead of her time! I enjoyed hearing how everyone was doing after the move out west through Adele's annual holiday letters and appreciated when she shared her artwork. Adele was a talented and caring teacher. And from my perspective as a teenager those many years ago, a caring and devoted wife and mother. She will be missed!

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August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020
Adele has been my friend for over 30 years.  We had children the same ages, we attended the same church, and were both members and officers of the local Woman's Club. Adele and I spent many hours working on projects together, babysitting each other's children, and just plain socializing. It was an easy relationship and one that I cherished. I missed that friendship when she moved west, but we always kept up. I missed her on my last visit to Vancouver, she had been taken to the hospital the morning I was to see her. I'm so happy that she had a life of travel, golf, painting, and most of all her family, whom she loved dearly. She will be missed by so many of us. Rest in peace, my friend. Hugs to William, Liz, and Mary.
August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020
As a teenager in New Jersey, I babysat for the Brown family and taught the girls in Sunday School at Gladstone UMC. Adele also tutored me in Spanish after church on Sundays. I always had such a wonderful time with this family and have many fond memories. I also recall her love of second-hand shopping, she was way ahead of her time! I enjoyed hearing how everyone was doing after the move out west through Adele's annual holiday letters and appreciated when she shared her artwork. Adele was a talented and caring teacher. And from my perspective as a teenager those many years ago, a caring and devoted wife and mother. She will be missed!
Her Life

Adele's Year in Review (1997)

August 1, 2020
1997 was a good year for all of us. It was my second year of teaching ESL at Fort Vancouver High School. Believe me, the second year is always much easier than the first. My big transition was last year when I went from teaching groups of 2 or 3 elementary students in New Jersey to teaching up to 40 high school students in one class in Washington. What a difference a "long distance" move makes!

Our biggest thrill in 1997 was moving into a new and much more accommodating house. It is so nice having a house as big as the one we had to leave in NJ. An unexpected bonus is that now we have the nicest neighbors we have ever had. Neighbors make a difference!

With teaching, I don't have time for much else, especially since I've been selected to be on a couple of committees at school - that's in addition to to two weekly staff meetings. However, I do always find time to visit my favorite store at least a couple of times a week (Goodwill, aka "Saks Fourth Plain").

In June, my mother and father came to visit from New Jersey. It was wonderful having them here, and Dad certainly enjoyed the numerous senior activities in Vancouver. It was not such a good trip for my mother, who suffers from Alzheimer's, and was pretty confused most of the time.

I had a special bonus from the school system this year. I was selected to go on an all-expense-paid trip to Russia for 9 days in June. The trip was in commemoration of the 1937 over-the-pole flight (from St. Petersburg to Vancouver) of Valeriy Chkalov - the Russian Lindbergh. The trip was a very big event for our little town and many local dignitaries and educators were in our party of 85. We were wined and dined wonderfully in Russia. I met Cosmonauts, four-star generals, and high government officials. Fortunately, I was able to get away and have dinner and social time with some Russian families. It was a tremendous experience, which can never be repeated. I have learned to appreciate the value of toilet paper.

In August, I took the girls to NJ for our customary visit. My family was all in good health, and it was wonderful to get to see them all. Unfortunately, we had to place Mom in a residence where she can get the constant care she now needs.

Adele's Year in Review (1999)

August 1, 2020
1999 has been a year of many changes. We spent most of the year getting ready for Elizabeth's departure for Japan. I was fine until the last couple of weeks before she left when I realized she would be gone for a full year! I now understand why the foreign exchange staff told students to thank their parents because they are making a big sacrifice - how true that is. Having a beloved daughter away for a year is very hard. I just try to remember another thing the officials said. Instead of missing your daughter, concentrate on the fact that she is having a wonderful adventure.

Mary's adjustment to a new (private) school, St. Mary's Academy in Portland, has been important this year. She was hesitant to go - we're going to let her make the decision as to whether she continues there for the rest of her high school. St. Mary's offers a tough college prep curriculum. Mary dove right into it, and is doing extremely well! She is also her homeroom representative, and (at 6'1") plays on the freshman basketball; team.

My mother's death from Alzheimer's was another change. Mom started deteriorating quickly in September and was gone by mid-October. Although she had suffered from the disease for the past seven years, it does not make her passing any easier.

I'm doing fine at school. I'm still teaching ESL reading, which is what I enjoy most.

Adele's Year in Review (2000)

August 1, 2020
My year has been filled with numerous stress factors, including my mother's and father's deaths, the retirement of my husband, the wonderful return of my oldest daughter, and the end of my youngest daughter's term as an only child. Other than all of that it has been a normal year.

During my month's stay in New Jersey cleaning out my folks' house I was able to attend my 30th high school reunion. It was great! I went with my old friend who has lived in Missouri since graduation. I still contend that the women look better than the men do.

I played a lot of golf this summer and fall and I'm getting much better, especially my driving.

My school year has been wonderful. I have most of the students that I had last year. That is the best news. They know me, and I know them. I teach reading all day with the Accelerated Reader program I have installed on the six computers in my room, the students finish a book and take a pre-made test on their particular book. So far, my 75 students have read and taken tests on more than 500 books.

I have also become an ESL mentor teacher for the school district, which means I facilitate study groups with regular classroom teachers regarding the ESL students they have in their classes. Thank goodness there is 20% more pay to compensate for frequent after school and weekend events.
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