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August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020
Adele has been my friend for over 30 years.  We had children the same ages, we attended the same church, and were both members and officers of the local Woman's Club. Adele and I spent many hours working on projects together, babysitting each other's children, and just plain socializing. It was an easy relationship and one that I cherished. I missed that friendship when she moved west, but we always kept up. I missed her on my last visit to Vancouver, she had been taken to the hospital the morning I was to see her. I'm so happy that she had a life of travel, golf, painting, and most of all her family, whom she loved dearly. She will be missed by so many of us. Rest in peace, my friend. Hugs to William, Liz, and Mary.
August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020
As a teenager in New Jersey, I babysat for the Brown family and taught the girls in Sunday School at Gladstone UMC. Adele also tutored me in Spanish after church on Sundays. I always had such a wonderful time with this family and have many fond memories. I also recall her love of second-hand shopping, she was way ahead of her time! I enjoyed hearing how everyone was doing after the move out west through Adele's annual holiday letters and appreciated when she shared her artwork. Adele was a talented and caring teacher. And from my perspective as a teenager those many years ago, a caring and devoted wife and mother. She will be missed!

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