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November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
It's sad that you've left us so early ms Loh. You'll be deeply missed by the ex PL Lite students. May your soul RIP
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
Dear Ms Loh

Thanks for being my choir teacher. Though I think you do not remember me, I remember you...I auditioned to enter choir when I was in Sec 1 and even though I know I don't sing well, you gave me the opportunity to enter the CCA. You taught us how to sing. Thanks and know you are resting well with our heavenly father now. :)
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
I love your songs from the PL Musical 2012, you will be missed dearly.
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
In Loving Memory of Ms Adeline Loh
Delivered on 31 Oct 2015

Ms. Adeline Loh was more than just a teacher to me. Not only was she my English Literature and Music teacher, she was also a mentor and a friend. She has shaped my personality and provided guidance for some of the more important choices that I have made in my life.

As an English Literature teacher, Ms Loh brought together both her love of music and literature in the classroom and it was through these lessons that I was introduced to the world of musicals. I remember when we were studying Minfong Ho’s “The Clay Marble” in Secondary 1 and we were going through the part on Jantu's lullaby - and to help us understand the different layers of the song, Ms Loh played for us the song “A Little Fall of Rain” from the soundtrack of Les Miserables where the character Eponine finally declares her love in a tragic and emotional love duet. It was the very first time I had heard of Les Miz and even then I remembered tearing up during that class and being so touched by it that I went and looked up the rest of the soundtrack that week. I’m not sure if she was aware then, but Ms Loh had managed to plant in me the love of literature, musicals and the theatre in me from that moment on.

Ms Loh was also one to challenge and inspire those around her, I still have the literature scripts where she would leave thorough comments on how she felt that I could do better in developing my answers, and when she finally wrote “This is it. This is what I’ve been waiting for, Clarice” - the feeling of accomplishment I had then as a 13 year old is something I still remember to this day when I look back on her comments.

I had the opportunity of working closely with Ms Loh in Secondary 2 in the school musical “The Father’s Hand”. As a total beginner in theatre and performance, Ms Loh never gave up on me the whole time. In fact, I was originally casted as part of the Bad Crowd and it was only after our first rehearsal that Ms Loh and Mrs Tan decided to give me a chance to play the lead role, Jena. I still consider that one of the turning points of my life, so much so that I adopted the name Jena as my confirmation name when I was 16. She once said to me that she believed everyone had a Jena in them, a part of them that always feels lost, lonely and inadequate, and only through coming back home to God will we be able to fill that void.

Through the musical, I got to work with and know Ms Loh on a more personal level and I never forget our phone conversations, singing sessions in her car, the birthday lunch that she took me to and how she shared with me her past and how she saw a glimpse of her younger self through me then. She was always encouraging and optimistic, often giving her take on my teenage issues then in the simplest and most gentle way ever that it was hard for me not to see that what she said made sense.

Ms Loh was a teacher in every sense of the word, she taught me many life lessons and even in her passing, she has taught me not to underestimate the power of words and music - and I am sure that all of us gathered here today can attest to that. Let us proudly carry the torch that she first lit in us.

Ms Loh, thank you for always believing in and putting your faith in me. You helped me believe in myself, and that is perhaps one of the most important things you could have taught a 14 year old then. Even until a few weeks ago, in the midst of your suffering, you were still encouraging me and telling me that you would pray for me for my NIE interview. You have left an indelible mark on my life, just one of so many others that you have moulded. You were the main reason why I decided to teach Music and I don’t think I ever told you how much of an impact you left on me. I want to thank you for everything that you’ve done. And as I put together my school’s very first musical, I think of you often, and hear you in every song, and think about how you must have felt when you looked at our faces in class then. You have taught me how to look for the beauty in the details, to always keep faith, and that every child matters.

I love you, Ms Loh. Thank you for your passion and love for music and God. Through your brilliant musical gifts and talents, you have brought us all towards The Father's Hand.

P.S. Ms Loh, it was only through reading the mandarin paper's tribute article yesterday that I realised we share the same surname in hanyu pinyin! I never knew your full chinese name until now... Does this mean I can also call you my big sister now? :')
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
Dearest Ad

The greatest joy that has arisen out of our immense loss of you is the news of your mom's (Auntie Jessie) salvation this morning at Mount Vernon, Grace Hall. The Lord be praised!

Thank God for you who had been a tremendous blessing to us. When pa suffered a massive stroke 3 years ago, you and Allister visited him almost daily, bringing me food and giving me a ride back home from hospital. Sometimes even picking me up in the morning and sending me to the hospital, not wanting me to take public transport lest I catch a virus to pass to pa. You continued to send us home-cooked food when pa was recuperating at home. Not that we live near to each other, in fact it was quite a distance and Allister had to contend with the heavy traffic along the PIE during the peak hours. You both are always so thoughtful and kind.

In our family gatherings, you were always so spontaneous in contributing the main dishes. Whenever you found a restaurant with good food you always thought of bringing pa there.

Your wonderful planning and organizational skills were put to good use when we had such a fun family holiday (our first) in Krabi 8 years ago. You planned for another one in June this year. Unfortunately you all had to go without us as pa's cardiologist didn't think it was a good idea for him to fly to Phuket. Nevertheless I can tell the rest of you had a wonderful time from the photos of the cooking class to just chatting and playing monopoly in the villa.

We are so proud of you as you were not only a talented teacher but also one who had impacted so many of your students' lives, keeping in touch with them after they graduated from PLMGS, taking interest even in their social lives. Most remarkable is the knowledge that you never failed to point them to Christ and in your most gentle ways impart biblical principles to your girls.

Ad, my only regret is not being with you when you were in hospital. But I know you were such a fighter and bore all the pain & discomfort without a murmur.

Memories of you will always be cherished in our hearts.
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
Dear Ms Loh,
     Thank you so much for encouraging me to move forward and believe in myself :) I am much more confident now thanks to you :) I am able to open up to my classmates and strike up conversations with them :) and look right now I am dancing I dont feel shy when people look at me and it is all thanks to you :) Ms Loh, thank you so much for everything :) I will never forget you :) <3

Rest in peace, Ms Loh, I love you <3 :)
Jane Ang, 3C1B 2015 1/11
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
Dear Ms Loh,

I don't think you ever knew i existed. But i knew you. You were the palest teacher in the school and always stood out to me.

I remember when you came down to the place where the Chinese Drama girls were rehearsing for our SYF performance. You gave us critique and you prayed for us. I was entirely grateful. Even when you weren't even in charge of our CCA you still came to encourage us. I never got to thank you because i was too scared to. Thank you.

I'm glad that you're in a better place now. Rest in peace.
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
Dear Ms Loh,

Thank you for being such an inspiring teacher to not just me, but all the students in PL. You never once gave up on any student that you've taught and also helped to bring out the best in us. You will be greatly missed by all of us, but your legacy will carry on. Rest well, Ms Loh.
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
Ms Loh was a beloved teacher who shared her love for music, language and literature with my friends and I in PL.

It is hard to define to extent of how Ms Loh has influenced my life, but I know that she has in multiple intangible ways. For 'A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.' - Henry Adams

I remember observing Ms Loh at work during choir sessions in Ebenezer Chapel. She would tinker on the keys on the keyboard searching for the best harmony, the best chord, in order to bring out the message of the song(s) we render to the fullest. In everything she did, she led us to strive for perfection - there was no room for half-heartedness or second bests. Now I understand this to be her commitment in working for the Lord.

My mother advised me that as a teacher, we need to recognise the potential in every child and help him or her to discover their potential as well. Because of Ms Loh's belief in me, I gained many enriching learning experiences in PL I would never exchange for anything in the world. That she saw through God's eyes the potential in every student, and loved us for who we could be, so many of us were blessed.

I truly thank God for a wonderful teacher and role model like you, Ms Loh. Till we meet again. :)
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
Dearest Ms Loh,

Someone once described you as an angel to me when I first entered PL before we even met; and that imagery has always lingered on. Beyond your gentle presence and gifted voice, you also had a most beautiful heart.

Thank you for your years of service to the school, driven by your love and faithfulness to God (with the lives of many you've impacted). You will be dearly missed Ms Loh, but till we meet again in a place without suffering or tears.
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
Dearest Miss Loh

I am so blessed to have you as my English and literature teacher during my lower secondary years. Even more blessed to have you lead the choir as our choir mistress. There were so many happy memories made, from practices together for SYF competitions to the PL musical "The Great I Am" and choir camps held in school once every year.

Thank you for loving and always believing in the PL Choir - One Voice. More so, for all the time and effort in training us up single handedly as our choir mistress, on top of the other english/lit/music classes you got to teach. Thank you for reminding us to sing only our best to the Lord - or not to sing at all. Looking back, I appreciate the standard of discipline you've set for us. Indeed, it has to be our best because it is the sacrifice of praise we are bringing into the house of the Lord!

15 years on from "The Great I Am", and I still remember vividly the lyrics, the tune, the harmonisation of parts for the different songs sang in this musical, even the lines of the cast though I'm in the choir. The participation in this musical makes up one of the most memorable time I had in PL.

No amount of words could adequately describe how much you have done for your school and impacted your students, myself inclusive. Thank you for being so brave all these while. I am comforted knowing you are now with The Great I Am.I will miss you very much and remember you fondly, till we meet again on that beautiful shore.

Thank you Ms Loh, for making a difference in my life.

With love,
Angela Tan
Class of 2002, Sec 4C
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
Dear Adeline,

Through our very short and brief time of knowing each other, (when I taught as a part-time external vendor for your music classes), each encounter I had with you, left a very deep, indelible impression on me. You never failed to greet me warmly like an old friend each time we bumped into each other at the school carpark on my way in and even when I last attended the school musical, you could still remember me after having not met for several years. Your love for people, your dedication to your work, and your love for your students was evident especially so when we were preparing them for the competition, you never failed to encourage them and tried to find ways to help when circumstances seemed against the odds. Alas, the world and PLMGS has lost such a talented, dedicated, inspiring and caring you. But the legacy that you have left behind will be remembered for many years to come. I am blessed to have known you. Thank you for having been a blessing to us all.

Rest in peace.
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
A new notification popped up from the PL cherubs group and I was just there thinking "oh, it must be something related to concerts again," and it led me to decide to open the message at the end of the day. When I finally opened it, it was truly a shocking statement.

As I took time to register Ms Loh's passing, she hasn't really been someone whom I had a lot of memories with except for the fact that my cousin always raves about her and Mrs Selina Lum for being such wonderful teachers, being my teacher-in-charge for Harp and that she coached us a little when it was nearing the Music O Levels period.

However, what I vaguely remembered about her was how she was super strict with us during our harp days. Though she was strict, she wasn't unreasonable and wouldn't reprimand anyone without a reason. The very last conversation I had with her was 2 years back, right after Os results. I did not why I contacted her, but at that point in time I was just sharing with her my not-so-fantastic results and how I was really vexed over it. Being the practical person she is, she gave me advice which I might not have wanted to hear at that point in time, but 2 years down the road, I finally understood her good intentions back then.

Truth to be told, I didn't know how and what to feel while I was at the wake. However as I went round to see her and as I sat down, the truth started sinking in, it was real. Tears started swelling up my eyes and I don't even know why. Perhaps it was the fact that I won't ever get to see her again, at least not in the near future.

Even so, it was definitely a privilege to be able to attend her wake and listening to all the eulogies presented by her best friends today. They showed a side of her which we, as students, could never experience unless we were her friends. They also revealed how courageous she was, to put up a good fight till the end, knowing that God is holding her hand and walking alongside with her.

Thank you Ms Loh for everything that you've done for PL and I will never forget that very last conversation I've had with you; it will be a reminder each time I want to do something. You'll be dearly missed. Rest well in the House of the Lord.
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
Dear Adeline,
Rest in peace and be comforted in the arms of the Lord.
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
Adeline, I got to know of your departure from my mom yesterday morning (1 Nov'15). I cannot believe it! I chatted on the apps with you just last year and you're still so cheerful! When my niece joined PLMGSS in 2014, I told her she has entered an excellent school because there's this really special, inspiring and forever cheerful teacher - Ms Adeline Loh who oversees the Aesthetics. 

I recalled the days when I taught Group Violin to your students (around 2003-2004). My first impression of you was "very friendly and cheerful." Your students were so fortunate to have a teacher like you, so forever smiley, dedicated, humorous, talented and encouraging! I also remembered you once said "the kids really worked hard and always looking forward to the next violin lesson...", "one of the kids actually pursued music as her career...." I believe you're the one who inspired them on to continue to make music so to glorify His name! Indeed, you have brought joy and hope to so many - through your mentoring, your music / musicals and memories. You're a God-sent angel. 

You're dearly missed my friend! You have fought a good fight, but I know you're with the Lord now, enjoying every moment of heavenly peace and joyous music. I pray that God continues to give strength and wisdom to your family, to your students and to those whom you have touched.
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015

‘Erica! Over here!’

It was May. I was the pianist for a memorial service at Mount Vernon sanctuary. Given that I usually do not know the family, I rarely pay much attention to the crowd at such services. However, on that night, a familiar face stood out to me, one that I had not seen in 12 years.

‘Ms Loh? You look the same!’ I exclaimed as I made my way over to her after the service had ended.

Ms Loh was my CCA teacher. In fact, she was the one that started the harp ensemble – the first in a Singapore secondary school. From a motley crew of awkward teenagers, she transformed us into a highly sought after performing group by sheer hard work and dedication. I recall how she would stay back with us on multiple afternoons after our instructor had left to teach us how to move to and with the music. She would illustrate musical dynamics using vivid and often hilarious imagery and give us pep talks on how much she believed in us. To say that she herself had a flair for music would be an understatement; she was immensely gifted. As a PL girl and now alumni, I have had the privilege of attending school musicals every 5 years, musicals that are of such high professional standard that one would be amazed to learn they are in-house productions. Ms Loh played a pivotal role in these musicals penning both the music and lyrics to beautiful songs, songs that I remember up till today.

It is now November. Six months have passed. And she is no longer here.

Her memorial services were held in the very same sanctuary where we met earlier this year. The poignancy of it all is far too great. And what did we talk about in that conversation? She asked what I was doing. ‘You studied science didn’t you?’ she inquired, much to my bemusement, an understandable assumption given that I was particularly close to my biology teacher. When I said I was a teacher too, of geography and literature, she commented that it is a challenging combination as it forces you to use both sides of your brain. I laughed and said I enjoyed the challenge. We talked about other mundane things, things I have now forgotten. She introduced me to her husband – incidentally part of the bereaved family that night. They thanked me for playing for the service. And I left, never imagining that that would be the last time I would see her on this earth.

Ms Loh, I don’t know how you remembered my name after 12 years. Thank you for seeking me out from the crowd and speaking to me that night. Thank you for being the teacher that went above and beyond because it was more than a job to you. The tributes here testify of your generous giving of your time, your talents, your irresistible zest for life. Your life has been a blessing to many – your students, your colleagues, your family and friends – and I am blessed to have known you. I am saddened by your passing, but I also rejoice knowing that you are now free from pain and safe in the arms of Jesus. One day, we will meet again.

When sufferings cease and sorrows die
And every longing satisfied
Then joy unspeakable will flood my soul
For I am truly home
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
A teacher that made a difference in my life and many.

She taught beyond the books
She taught me life lessons in action

She demonstrated humility and selflessness
She demonstrated to me servant leadership

She inspired me to sing
She inspired me to sing to God's glory

She reminded me what life is about
She reminded me it was all for God

She spoke words of life
She spoke words that left behind a legacy

I'm so glad to have been in PL, to have known her, to have been under her guidance to lead the Choir and to have worked with her on musicals, performances and competitions together. Am grateful for my last communication with her as we met at another musical in 2012, after many graduating years later.

I do miss her much, but the memories and lessons she taught me remains and shall continue.

She is in a better place and has finished the race well.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Dear Ms Loh, thank you for the most memorable literature lessons you have left for my classmates and I. I will always remember you for your animated voice while narrating To Kill a Mockingbird and cheering us on through our Sec 4 days. Thank you and you will be dearly missed.

May you find rest in the dwelling of the Lord, Ms Loh :)
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Love you, thank you and forever grateful for your friendship and what you did for me. Rest in peace my strong, brave and faithful friend.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.Psalm 73:26
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Dear Ms Loh, thank you for being an amazing teacher and an encouragement to many people's life. I still remember when I just entered PL Cherubs and you interviewed me together with Mrs Lum. At that time, I told you that I wasn't really interested in joining the harp ensemble. However, I entered and I stayed on due to your constant encouragement. Eventually, I learned to enjoy being part of the PL Cherubs. Thank you for giving me a chance for a wonderful experience in PL Cherubs
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Dear Adeline,
I write as one who knows you from afar but the tributes I hear others say about you is no less impressive. You have always struck me as one who is people observant in a caring way. Your musical talent is second to none as I recall the many touching words in the songs you wrote. Truly you are one of the gems that PLMGS is blessed to have. On a personal note I thanked you for conducting the pre-admission interviews with my two daughters. Though you live short, you live brightly and by your love of life and God you have shaped many more than you will ever know. The memories you left behind is cherished by all who know you. Rest in peace my dear sister till we meet again.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10

Dear Ms Loh,

Thank you for showing us what it means to live out 1 Peter 4:10. Not only did you use your personal gift of music to glorify His name in the best way you can, you created the best environment for generations of PL lites to take your lead. I believe I speak for many in various PL performing groups. In the pursuit of excellence in our music, you reminded us of the greater purpose behind it.

Thank you, Ms Loh and we take comfort in the knowledge that you are home with the Lord doing what you love most - singing and making music unto Him. We will miss you dearly.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Ms Loh was my mentor.
Back in 2008 I played Kael in The Father's Gift. I was 13 at the time and I felt thoroughly inadequate and that I didn't deserve it - "Why pick me? I have nothing to offer." The thought of going off key in front of all those people really frightened me.
Ms Loh knew about the way that I felt. I remember her taking me aside. She said "God uses our weaknesses for His Glory" (My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. - 2 Corinthians 12:9). As she proceeded to recount the story of David and Goliath, I remember pondering "That doesn't make sense, what an odd notion. How could there be glory through weakness?" I confess that my 13 year old self didn't quite get what she meant but that was the first lesson she ever taught me nonetheless. We spent tons of time together leading to the musical.
Throughout my years at PL I'd occasionally catch her en route to her next class. I'd use those rare opportunities to ask after her and update her about my walk. She was particularly happy when she found out that I started going to church.
She never taught-taught me. She only took my class for lit once (I think my teacher was ill). It was weird! I flushed with embarrassment when she walked in. Guess that's the closest I'll ever get to knowing what it's like to have your mom teach your class.
Things were tough when I left PL. I coped with my less than satisfactory O level grades in isolation. I was so ashamed that I shut myself out from most people including the teachers who loved me, Ms Loh included.
When I was finally ready to open up it was her that I thought of first. I texted her to update her when things started looking up. She replied almost immediately she said she was really proud of me, all Glory to God alone. I think it finally started to click.
She requested for me to pop by if I could and I gave her my word. It hurts that I never got round to doing it.
Today I will be sending her off by singing He stands with me - One of the many songs she composed for the 2008 musical. Even though I'm about to relive my fear of singing in front of a large audience I'm ready to put into practice what was to taught me so many years ago.
His grace is sufficient for me, for His power is made perfect in my weakness.
Thank you, goodbye and God bless you Ms Loh. I miss you.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
A flower laid by Choy Yoke Ow-Kok on 31 October 2015

There is a numbness in my spirit, and words does not come easy.
Where do I begin to tell the story of how great a friend, a colleague  you have been.
A simple story of a friend who knows the worst about me and believed in me just the same.
Where do I start and where do I end. Finally, I could only say God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.
So, whatever may come and whatever may befall me, I will continue to praise God for having known you dear Adeline.
A friend in need is truly a friend indeed. Amen.

You are safe in the Father's hand.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Dear Miss Loh
You're one of the most resilient, passionate and God-fearing women I've ever known. You're our role model, and the strength of your character manifested in the way you spoke, walked, and taught will never be forgotten. You'd be dearly missed.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Dear Ms Loh, you will be deeply missed. As a student, I always enjoyed the morning devotions and chapel sessions led by you. You had an unparalleled gift for music and I marveled at the way you were able to compose so beautifully.

Thank you for touching my life as you have touched the lives of many others. I always enjoyed talking to you because you were sincere, encouraging and genuinely interested in people. Now, whenever I listen to old school songs, I will be reminded of you and the privilege I had to know you. Your presence will always linger in those fond melodies. May you rest in peace.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
It's 29 October.

I haven't packed for Cambodia yet. But this takes priority.

Today, was one day halted in its tracks due to startling news. Today, a mentor of mine left to be with the Lord. It is immensely upsetting to know of this. If I had to put it into words, this woman had more than a slight impact in my life. Four years of nurturing in love and strength.

To be honest, academics were a small parcel of my Secondary School days most times. Instead, I devoted so much more of my time and energy to Harp. To the ordinary student, a CCA would just be another outlet for point deduction off your L1R5/4 results after O Levels, if it didn't have a soul of its own. PL Cherubs, had more soul than I would have ever imagined it to be. I remember stepping into the bizarre scented AVA room in the basement during CCA Fair. At sight of the harps, how elegantly the harps were played, how firmly the strings resonated with each other in each single pluck bought me over. It was all part of it's culture. One stemming from the love for the instrument and the students, cultivated by its teachers.

In 2008, we were the babies of the ensemble. Learning from scratch. Forming relations. Showered by love and protection from our seniors and teachers. Slowly, we grew. In size, in skill, and in spirit.

Here came 2009, year of the bi-annual SYF. We had a chance to audition for a place in the existing team, which was something completely unexpected and surprising, considering that the quota was almost hit. And that we were still too fresh for crazy pieces.

I recall so vividly, of your musical direction during weekly Friday practices. They were one of ultimate conviction. So many times, I felt like giving up. At that level of musicality our SYF pieces were arranged in, it was almost impossible for me to keep up. If not for your support and unwavering belief that I could do it, I probably wouldn't have come this far. I'm thankful.

I remember how you sat us down as a full ensemble, getting us to play by sections, while your perfectly trained ears picked up any slight mistakes made along the way. You put us through crazy amounts of pressure, and made us sit through intense awkward sessions of embarrassment, at certain times. Being kids, we prolly felt so frickin annoyed at that. But in retrospect, I understand now. I understand why you had to do the things you did - it was all a form of long term investment in your students.

You also taught us the strength of a family in Christ, and in our instruments. You showed us the true strength a team could have if we stuck together like glue. In our movements, in perfect coordination. You helped us to understand that every single person in the team was there for a reason. The power of team work, that no one was a liability, that we had the power to constantly push each other higher and higher with every success and failure.

Before each and every time we took the stage, we prayed together, like a family. Entrusting our time under the blinding spotlight to the Lord, was something that carried on throughout all my years with PL Cherubs. This is what it feels like to grow up in a community of girls tightly bound together by faith. Trust me, you'll never find this anywhere else.

We are One, we are family,
bound by His spirit,
and anchored in His love.
We can climb any mountain,
or face any foe,
we can run the race that's already won.
Let us take this road together,
united in hope.
To shine through the darkness and find,
we are one.

Remember these lyrics? Of course you do, you wrote it after all. Unknowingly, you've made countless differences in your students, all these years. This song, is one I will never forget. One, for the true meaning I hold so dear. The other, because it now reminds me of you.

This is my tribute to you, Ms Adeline Loh. Thank you for leaving an impact on such a huge level growing up, even if I didn't realise it then. Thank you for bringing out the strength in us, showing how resilient we could be. Thank you, for all you've given to us. Thank you, Ms Loh.

May you now rest in the Lord's house, in peace.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Two days ago, a teacher who had inspired me in more than one way has returned home to the Lord. It has been almost 7 years since I left the sheltering walls of PLMGS, but the memory that I have for Ms Adeline Loh remains crystal clear. My most vivid memories of her was when she was my literature teacher in Secondary 4, and when she was the musical director when I was a cast in the 2008 musical.

Back then, I was not very well adept to the English language, naturally, my aptitude towards English literature was motivated by obligation than interest. However, if there was one person who could bring enough perspective and depth to the understanding of "To Kill a Mockingbird", it would be Ms Loh. For the first time in my final year in secondary school, literature made sense. I recall we had one lesson held in the music room and it was nearing O levels. In the middle of class, she suddenly stood on the chair, waved her hand and started chanting "We can win the war". She was not going to just let us watch her go crazy on her own, but she made us chant along, with fist in the air. Shy at first, but the energy gathered at the end of the class because of her unrelenting spirit to stay positive and optimistic was a felt experience that I will never forget.

Being the only Secondary 4 student who was a cast of the 2008 Musical and not part of the drama club, it was overall intimidating. I remembered my audition for a role in the Musical, Ms Loh auditioned me at the round that she was assessing our vocals. I sang "The Hills are Alive" by the Sound of Music. My voice was a tad shaky, but her smile reassured me. During rehearsals afterwards, she was strict, firm but never unreasonable. She believed in us and never stopped motivating us when spirits got weary, and throats became sore from endless singing. As a music elective student who was struggling with music composition, I sought her advice on how she composed all the songs used for the musical. Her answer, which baffled me till today was: I do not know, I pray and it just happened. Though the answer was not what I was looking for, but her faith in the Lord shined through her.

The ideals of fulfilling the vision and mission of a PL girl often seemed far-fetching when I was student. But today, the loss we feel today is immense as we also lose a member of this knitted community that has learned to love and share. Ms Loh is a PL girl, and she has exemplified what it is to be a woman of fine character with a passion for life and learning. A whole person who lives in favor with God and man. Her dedication to PL as a student and as teacher who influence many other PL girls will forever live with us, and never forgotten.

Thank you, Good Bye and God Bless You Ms Loh.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Dear Ms Loh,

I remember you not only as my music teacher, but someone who lived, breathed and weaved music into my life as a PL girl, and closer to home, you were family's neighbour.

Even with grandma's mild dementia, she remembers that you loved playing the piano all the time. Your God-inspired music has touched me deeply and most certainly, every girl, who has walked through the sheltering walls of school.

You were generous in many unforgettable ways. When I was relief-teaching post-A levels, you offered to send me to school in the mornings.

I cannot adequately describe the heaviness in my heart but I thank God for you, your life, and the golden legacy that you leave behind.

Enjoy paradise.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Dear Ms Loh,

I remembered you as my Form Teacher in 3B1. Thank you for seeing the beauty in us though we were a very rebellious and playful class. Thank you for believing in us. Also, I am deeply moved by the songs that you wrote for PL Musical. I'm reminded of God's love through your songs and inspired by the way you honored God with what you have. Thank you for investing in the lives of others all these years. Your passing is a great loss to many of us. However, I take comfort in knowing that you are now resting in the arms of our Lord.

Rest in peace, Ms Loh. You will be dearly missed.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Dear Ms Loh, Thank you for being an inspiration and with your love for music and for your encouragement to me when i was worshipping with you during chapel sessions. You are in a better place now without pain, enjoy the presence of god up in heaven. We will miss you dearly, Rest in Peace Ms Loh and till we meet again!
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Dear Ms Loh,

I'm so saddened to hear of your passing but I'm sure you're also free of pain and suffering right now. I remember you as my music teacher and how you would get us to try our hand at music even if we didn't think we could be good at it. Thank you for being so encouraging and believing in us!

I admire you for being gentle and loving towards us but yet, being firm with us as well. You are someone I look up to. It is clear that you've touched so many of our hearts. Most of all, I remember you as the super talented music teacher because you were so good at singing and playing the piano at the same time.!! You also wrote so many of our school songs that really brought us PLites together! You were such a blessing to us as individuals and to PL as a whole. Thank you for your love for us. May you rest in His loving embrace :')
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
We'll Understand It Better By & By::
By and by, when the morning comes,
when the saints of God are gathered home,
we'll tell the story how we've overcome,
for we'll understand it better by and by.

Till we meet again, Adeline...
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
"But as those who've gone before us
Let us leave to those behind us
The heritage of faithfulness passed on through godly lives."
(Steve Green)

Thank you for your life, Ms Loh. You've definitely left behind a heritage of faithfulness =)
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Dearest Ms Loh,

You were one of the most caring, inspiring teachers ever. I would forever remember those days back in sec 4 when you were our lit teacher, those days when we read crick crack monkey together, when you were our Ma and we were your sugarcakes. I remember your animated voices, your laughter, your smile.
You never gave up on us. I never thought I would have remembered all of these so clearly, but I still have many images of you walking around pl in my mind. the way you smile, the way you walk, your different outfits, your voice. I miss you, Ms Loh.

Thank You for everything.
God bless you, rest in peace, Ms Loh.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
You meet many people in life - there are those who walk past you, some who walk with you in times of convenience, others who walk all over you and those who walk away from you. Then there is a small select group of treasured individuals who choose to walk with you hand in hand in life, no matter what time of the day it might be or what issue there was to discuss or share. Adeline fell in the last group of individuals. She left an indelible mark on my life from a young age. Where I struggled with the many responsibilities placed on me, she was steadfast and continued to encourage with music, song, Literature and prayer; where I questioned myself, she had all the answers and they always pointed me to God; in times of difficulty and failure, she cheered and supported - sometimes in the spotlight, more often on the sidelines; when victory was achieved, she was there at the finish line to celebrate; when I had the honour of teaching at PL, she became mentor and confidant, expressing her hopes that I would come back and helm the choir. Sadly, I chose a different path in life but despite how and where our paths took us to, she never failed to keep in touch and constantly reminded me to use our passions in music and Literature to serve God in whatever position He placed us in.

To-date, you remain one of the only, if not the only teacher who has made such a huge difference and impact on my life. You are a beacon of light, a real model of God's love to those around you and one of my favourite persons in life.

I am grieved, very much grieved beyond words on your passing. I don't know why God took you away so soon but perhaps He wanted you for a higher calling - probably to orchestrate the Heavenly harp ensemble, lead everyone in worship or conduct the Heavenly choir. Goodbye Ad, until we meet again, I will miss you dearly. Thank you for everything.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
I was fortunate to meet Ms Loh back in 2004 when I joined the PL Cherubs. As a newcomer to the school & being introduced to the harp ensemble, I had my reservations about picking up a new instrument. I was a little behind initially, but Ms Loh gave me the encouragement that 'Hardwork does pay off' and that it would only be a matter of time before I was up to scratch like the rest of my peers.

After having to miss a few months of practice and school at that time, when I returned to the ensemble, Ms Loh asked me how I was doing and coping with school. She also told me to take my time and reminded me to be patient at a time when it mattered the most; instead of worrying about the harp sessions that I'd missed. Thereafter, she reminded me that 'Practice makes perfect'. I will remember your smile and words of encouragement before performances. Right before my last performance at the S'pore Conference Hall, you reminded the ensemble to give it our all and make the effort count as we were barely months away from the 'O' levels. You've taught me to aim high and exceed my own expectations.

Thank you for leaving an impact, for your kindness, encouragement and love. You've taught me some of the things that I cherish till this day about Hardwork, Patience & Practice.Your passion for music truly was an inspiration.

Thank you Ms Loh! Rest in Peace.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Your gift of music from God is so spectacular.
The many years of PL's theme songs were all so beautifully written by you.

Your music will be remembered.

Thank you, Ms Loh, for all that you've contributed to PL, and the many lives you've touched. You would be greatly missed but we know that you are in the good hands of our Father. Rest In Peace, Ms Loh.

"For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s." Romans 14:8
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Sweet Adeline. That's exactly how I remember you from our years in PL from 1979-1988. Reading all the tributes you hadn't changed. Always with a kind word and that calming voice that's how I will remember you. You have fought the fight my friend and it's time for you to rest in the arms of Jesus. RIP my dear
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Dear Ms Loh,

Thank you for being a teacher who always saw the best in people and loved like Jesus loved. It was truly a blessing to have been taught by you in Secondary 1 for English (yay!) and I will never forget the words you encouraged me with when I expressed my fears and concerns.

Being able to work closely with you for the PL Musical in 2012 was a gratifying experience although it was during the O' Level year because the musical in itself pointed us back to Jesus.

You always trusted me and I really want to thank you for that. I was hoping to get to work with you again for PL100 and the 2016 Musical but I know that you will be with us in spirit. :')

Till we see each other again and get to praise our Father in Heaven together one day~

All my love <3
Your fellow music loving Loh ♪
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
I recall the day we had auditions for the school musical roles and I was so nervous about singing. We had to sing a song Ms Loh composed: He Stands With Me, and I was trying my best to practice and learn it. But when it was my turn to go I couldn’t sing properly and was very shy/ embarrassed/ scared, especially when I remembered how badly I flunked the primary school choir auditions and from that day on I thought I couldn’t sing. At the end of the session, she called me to stay back while everyone else left and asked me to sing for her one to one. She even told me to sing in a key I was comfortable with and she would transpose to suite my vocal range. I was still very nervous and scared but managed to force something out. Though I didn’t get the big roles, that second chance is something I’ll remember forever - thank you for believing in me.

As we progressed along with musical practices I grew to love all the songs (every single one of her compositions) and she is really one of the most talented musicians and songwriters who impacted me at such a young age. Even a few weeks back as I was pondering about life my iPod shuffled back to the album “My Father’s Gift” and I marveled at how i could still remember every note and every word of those songs, and how those words reminded me not only of the fond memories, but also God’s love and goodness. I believe many others have been impacted by those songs too, and years older now I have come to appreciate those songs for what they mean and probably what she would have felt to write them too. Ultimately, God’s love shone through. I guess I’m still quite shocked and sad over the news, but I believe she’s in a better place now. I am also thankful that we got to sing He Stands With Me today.

Thank you for everything, Ms Loh, PL musicals will never be the same without you. Thank you for teaching us how to run the race and keep the faith. You'll be dearly missed.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
You've impacted many lives,including mine. The stories you've shared and the songs you've written had given me the courage and grew my faith in God. Thank you for being a really significant role model and encourager to us PL-lites:)
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
all those memories of the choir practices/performance came back to me when i got news of your passing. the countless times "One Voice" sings Spirit Wings.

Rest in peace Ms Loh.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Dear Ms Loh, 
Thank you for being one of the best and kindest teacher in PL, you were always so supportive of us as we worked towards achieving our goals. You were the one who gave us the confidence to strive on. Your strength and your kindness is something I will always remember. I never got to say this to you personally other than thanking you for helping us along, I wish I could have really done this earlier.

Rest in Peace Ms Loh and you will be missed dearly by all of us!
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Dearest Ad,

I hate the fact that I cannot be at your wake nor funeral to send you off. My heart aches to see you go, even though I'm 10.973 km away from home, even though I know this departure ends your physical pain. 

Every thought of you makes me cry
Every gentle word of love warms my heart
Every silly joke cheers me up
Every devotional sharing lifts my spirit
Every prayer heightens my faith
Every pat on the back spurs me on

Every key on the piano, even now, still strikes a chord in my deepest recesses. How could I forget you, when a part of you still touches me so powerfully?

I cannot help but weep for the loss of a dear sister, friend, co-worker, mentor, boss for 6.5 years or 1,950 work days or 15,600 hrs together in PLMGSS. Flashes of memory still live on :

1. your quirky blowing of fringe that covers your right eye for a clearer vision - that still puts a smile on my face after so many years! :-D

2. the way you would rotate the steering wheels that I had to hold on the the seat beside you, commenting you should have been a taxi driver!

3. sparkle in the eyes when you describe the intricate details of any food you have had in some restaurants or kopitiams

4. you carrying plastic bags of food cooked by you for the department, particularly my fav tswui-kwey from the famous one from Upper Serangoon Rd

5. our dinner at a particular Japanese restaurant at Orchard end of 2003 - you introduced the ONE thing I do not eat in life - foie gras! I tried, Ad, I really did, sorry, but I still cannot like liver lei ... 

You had lived a beautiful and fulfilled life. Your life and love story shared on your wedding day made me cry. And now, I'm tearing again reading all the eulogies from so many people, missing all of you past years when you were battling with pain. Guess we'll talk when we meet again in heaven.

Thank you for being such an inspiration to all of us. 

By God's grace and with His guidance, I will work hard in my music studies here in UK and continue to carry the torch of impacting the music and arts education for so long as I live.  

The church bells here and now near my residence had just chimed for you in UK, my sister. Rest in peace now, Hainan-mai. Hugs in the 4th dimension...
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
I first met you back in 2009 when you interviewed me for my appeal into PL. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have had a school that I call my home and a bunch of friends whom I call my sisters. Our paths crossed again in my graduating year when you were my Literature teacher. I still remember vividly your zeal and enthusiasm when you taught us Crick Crack Monkey and how you would reenact the different characters in the novel so passionately. You not only taught us Literature, but also the power of words and language.

When I first got to know about your cancer, I wanted to send you a message. However, I never got around to do it because I am a procrastinator. And now, I'll never have the chance to do so again. Even though this post will never ever do justice to your contributions, I hope that you'll be smiling as you read this from Heaven.

Thank you for your showing me what it is like to be a true PL-lite with GRACE values and for being an excellent role model in the teaching industry. Thank you for also showing us how to be strong and positive in times of trials.

Rest in peace, Ms Loh. You'll be deeply missed. We will always be your "dumplin's"/"doudous" as how Tee will always be Tantie's "dumplin"/"doudou".
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.
(Psa 116:15)

...and to be with Christ; which is far better:
(Phi 1:23)

Bye for now, old friend. We'll meet again!

"In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore;
In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore."
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Dear Ad,
I remember how we used to sit in certain JC classes and tried hard to look attentive.... tried not to sit in the front row so we don't get called on. Most of all I remember your positive spirit and gentle smile. All fond memories of the Rafflesian days we shared. I will miss you dearly.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
She was an inspiration to many and her talent was seen and felt through the years in plmgs. Every choir girl loved her and her commitment to all our school musicals and songs she wrote were our best memories of her. Her patience was undeniable even with less than obedient students like myself. She will never be forgotten. I thank God that He has tAken her back to be in His presence and her suffering will be no more. Thank you for making an impact on our lives.
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