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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one Adeshola Adetokunbo Rebecca Adeyemi-Bero who passed away on the 1st of July, 2023. She will be deeply missed, but her loving memory will live on in our hearts forever.
Alero Ogbemi Barlow
July 15, 2023
July 15, 2023
It's so difficult to talk of Shola in the past tense..not sure if I can accept that Sola is not here with us anymore.
Sola was my bestie when I was 11 when we met in QC. We had a lot we shared including having over 20 school mother's each. Then life forward and I met Sola at a Christian programme where she enthralled me with where she was in her life now.
I really thank God for her life and for all she gave to those who needed her most.
We said we'd catch up fully but I didn't realise there wasn't time anymore...I thank God for the privilege of knowing Sola.
Rest in peace my dear sister.
Kemi Alakija
July 15, 2023
July 15, 2023
TRIBUTE to my friend, sister, confidant and egbon:
Sis Sholz, embodied love, compassion, excellence, stylish elegance and beauty (in & out).
Family meant EVERYTHING to her; she loved her siblings, nephews & nieces to bits and never failed to share how happy and proud she was of their accomplishments. (I pray the Holy Spirit’s comfort for all her loved ones). She lived a life of purpose, loved God & was deeply committed to her life’s work- through the free clinic and medical outreach initially at the Red Cross clinic in Makoko and then City Hall through the fruitful vine initiative. She was passionate about her calling, never cutting corners and always put her best foot forward.
As a friend, so many things running through my mind; Bible study at her’s, our many fellowships & vigils, trips to Makoko in her red picanto at all hours (which she thankfully retired after being banned from driving it!), talking about anything & everything for hours on end on her dining table or study, (she always had a listening ear and was full of Godly counsel, never one to judge), Supermarket runs (looking to buy blue bunny ice cream) or flour to bake mostly just as the supermarkets are about to close just because she had to have something sweet, her love for entertaining, her love for Dodo with every meal, her phone calls to vent about one thing or the other, her favorite refrain was always “Kemo, issues wa o”!!
Hmmmmmh Sis…..“issues ti wa ba yi o”!!!
Goodnight Adesola Rebekah Adeyemi-Bero. I am certain you are in the bosom of your maker whom you loved and served through humanity. Missing you sorely already.
Kemi Alakija
Adebanke Ogbe (niece)
July 15, 2023
July 15, 2023
My Beautiful Aunty Shols, it’s hard to believe that the angels have packed you home at a time we least expected. Your unexpected demise has terminated the moments we enjoyed with you. I wonder if we will ever find anyone to take your place, you’ve left a hollow no one can ever fill halfway. It is so hard to come to terms with the fact that we will never see you again! Your kind heart, infectious laugh and unwavering love touched everyone you met. You were a beacon of hope, a symbol of strength and a guiding light for so many of us, your legacy will always be celebrated. I take comfort knowing that you are now in heaven, free of pain and suffering. I will miss you soo much.

Your darling niece
Adetutu Palmer (niece)
July 15, 2023
July 15, 2023
Dear Aunt Sola, your presence is still felt deeply. You were like a second mother to me, always ready to provide comfort, wisdom, and a listening ear. I am forever grateful for the love and kindness you showed me. Your memory will always hold a special place in my heart, I remember fondly with a smile of the memories we shared, and grateful for the time I still saw you and all the jokes we cracked, I listen to our voice messages each time I remember you, some for words of warning to me and redirection with stern counselling, others of my dance and exercises and dance videos , you never failed to encourage me on . You will forever hold a special place in my heart.
Will miss you eternally, till we meet again , hold forth ️
Adewumi Adeyemi-Bero (brother)
July 15, 2023
July 15, 2023

Words cannot describe the sense of loss and grief I feel, knowing that we will not see each other again in this realm. We will not engage in gist any longer, with me taking to my heals after having had enough endless gist from you my sister, my friend ,confidante, counselor, very brilliant personal and Company solicitor. Very thoughtful and generous. Such an unexpected huge loss. Sadly that is the way of this world. Our Maker never proclaimed that we depart in chronological order according to age, but we assumed and expected the sequence. Alas no.
Your faith in God was unshakable and the story of the second half of your life whenever told, is about your decisions inspired from your relationship with your maker, the Lord God Almighty. Your ways are indisputably like our mother, which we all knew and left alone.
You left unfinished business here on earth. Your siblings left behind, know that though you are not with us in flesh, you will remain in our thoughts, constantly guiding our decisions and revealing the way, to ensure that your legacy is alive and fulfilled here on earth.
We know we are all headed for the same final destination, intercede on our behalf with our maker as you did here on earth. Rest in peace my beloved sister. The All knowing Lord has taken you and because of that, all is well.
Ayodeji Bamgbose (cousin)
July 15, 2023
July 15, 2023
Our dearest Sister Adeshola.
Words are insufficient to express the depth of loss, pain and sadness we feel at your transition to glory. We remember your beautiful and elegant personage impacting lives meaningfully as you journeyed this life. Your brilliance, candour, wit and infectious smiles will be missed. Your love for God was genuine manifesting in your kindheartedness, compassion and generosity to the poor, less privileged and children. You are the epitome of forthrightness, discipline and saintly virtues. You fought the good fight of faith and now have ascended to heaven to wear the glorious crown of righteousness promised by God. To your beloved siblings Sister Bola, Ade and Demola, extended family, friends and well wishers, God is our strength and consoler and healer. We will not mourn like unbelievers, but rejoice in the certain knowledge that Shola is in a better place.
A ko ni ri iku atehinwa mo ni oruko Jesu Kristi. Amin.
May your gentle soul rest in the bosom of Jehovah our God whom you so loved and served and trusted wholeheartedly. Amen.
Deji Bamgbose
Adefemi Adeyemi-Bero
July 15, 2023
July 15, 2023
Dear Aunty Shola

Aunty it took me a while to write this. Life has a cruel way of making one feel as if there is time to bond with those we love, while time slips away. You would always ask when I was coming home to visit, you would always check in on me to make sure I was okay. It hurts that I was only able to see you once after so long. I know you would not want us to be sad but Aunty it’s hard because we needed more time. Everybody knows how much you loved and looked after your nephews and nieces, and we will remember and cherish you and the memories you made with us, always. Even though we miss you dearly, and wish that you could see us all together again, we will celebrate the love and light that you brought into our lives, we will remember you with joy because that is what you make us feel, even now. Rest well Aunty, we love you
July 14, 2023
July 14, 2023
I will always remember your smile, refreshing and ever bright, cheerful disposition, "jisting" sessions with Nike of blessed memory till the wee hours of the morning, and the efo riro cooking escapades. Sola, you always looked out for all.
Thank you for bringing Rotimi & I together.
My lady in Red, sleep well in the bosom of the Lord.

July 14, 2023
July 14, 2023
SolaBero is a one word name for me and always has been. My dearest friend from Law School days 1986-87. My family friend from being married to your brother Demola's Best Man Stephen Agbeyegbe. My close friend journeying in the Spirit as we tried our best to hear and follow God's Word. I count your passing as a massive loss. I love you my dear Sister. I know you have done extraordinarily well in your life time. Rest in Peace.

Much love Siba Agbeyegbe
July 14, 2023
July 14, 2023
*Tribute to Cousin Shola*

I have known Adeshola Adetokunbo
Adeyemi-Bero (Sister Sholz) practically all my life.
Her late mum Mrs Modupe Adeyemi-Bero (nee Odubanjo) and my late dad (Elder Engr. Babafemi Odubanjo) were siblings thereby qualifying us as cousins.

The news of her demise came as a shock because only earlier in the year we had attended a few family functions, where we laughed and shared many memories, never did I know what she was going through.
The Bible says in all things, we should give thanks and that is what I will be doing.

Sister Sholz, you would be dearly missed but the consolation we have is that you have met with your maker (Our Lord Jesus Christ)
Till we meet again,
Sleep well daughter of Zion.
Sun re o egbon mi atata.
The Odubanjo family will miss you and you will never be forgotten.

Babatope Benjamin Odubanjo
(K A S H A M A D U P E)
July 14, 2023
Gone too soon,
Your passing on came as a shock to me, I just believe you will pull through this challenge. It made me realise one day we all leave, my greatest joy is knowing, you knew the Lord and accepted him as your personal Lord and saviour. Big Sis B kept talking about your charitable work, this blesses my heart a lot.
 Growing up, I was so so proud of you, I told anyone that cared to listen, my sister studied law at Cambridge University. May God fill the void left in the family and comfort us all. We loved you but God loves you more. Till we meet at the feet of Jesus.
July 14, 2023
July 14, 2023
The news of your demise surely left me speechless. Who are we not to submit to God’s will? Sun re O! Sola till we meet to part no more.
Helen Aneke
July 14, 2023
July 14, 2023
I write this tribute with very mixed emotions.
Extremely sad that Sholee-eh( as some of us often called her) left us so soon, on the other hand, grateful to God that I was able to spend quality time with her quite recently.

Angela ,my younger sister introduced Shols( another nick name of hers) to the Aneke family over 45yrs ago. Angela and Shols were real bestos. They did practically everything together. From partying to picnicking at Ibeshe Island most Sundays with Shola’s Dad .

By the time we knew it, Shols became one of the closest friends of the Aneke household.Yes she was.
Too many memories, just too many.

Let me share three personal memories.

I had a terrible fall about 20years ago, resulting in bone fractures in 4 different places on my right arm. Shola was right there to rush me to the emergency room. I can’t forget that. She took full control, calm and collected ,while the rest of my family were confused and frightened. Oh what a day that was.Thanking God I did not lose the arm.

Another memory is from my 60th birthday. I decided to spend a quiet day with close friends and family at my home. Shols couldn't make it early but she showed up close to 11pm when everyone had left. She said, “Helen, I just had to come, no matter how late, no matter what time. I just had to come in person to wish you a lovely day”. That was so special !!! Of course she didnt leave till very, very, late.

Lastly, my visit to her this April would be the most memorable of all and it will be replayed in my mind over and over again for ages to come. That day was like Christmas day. We ate,we drank , we laughed and we shared. I left her house that day just before 9pm, having been with her from early afternoon. She never looked more wonderful. She never looked prettier. Little did I know that that would be the last time I would see her.

Thank you Shola for being a part of our lives.

Thank you for always encouraging us in our endless walk of faith with the Almighty God.

Totally sad you left us abruptly. You were beautiful, brilliant and God fearing. Nonetheless, I’m consoled by the fact that you are walking through the gates of Heaven saying what you always say any time we shared "I THANK GOD".
I thank the Good Lord for your life.

Helen Aneke
Siba Agbeyegbe
July 14, 2023
July 14, 2023
SolaBero is a one word name for me and always has been. My dearest friend from Law School days 1986-87. My family friend from being married to your brother Demola’s best man Stephen Agbeyegbe. My close friend journeying in the Spirit as we tried our best to hear and follow God’s Word. I count your passing as a massive loss. I love you my dear Sister. I know you have done extraordinarily well in your life time. Rest In Peace
Much love Siba Agbeyegbe
Uche Majekodunmi
July 14, 2023
July 14, 2023
Tribute to Shola.
It was with a deep sense of loss ,shock and pain, that we learnt of your passing.
You ran a truly good race formidable woman that you have been. You lived a life worth emulating, real ,down to earth, principled ,honest .A life well lived.
There was and there never will be any 2 like you.
As I prepare to do your funeral flowers Shola I can hear you in my head ! It is clear what you expect of me.
Clean ,classy ,yet unique and personal with attention paid to every detail.
You loved life you loved family you loved good things ,you loved. In every aspect of your life you achieved. You choose the road less traveled. Every conversation we would have no matter how long in between ,it was always meaningful.
Shola loosing you has created such a gaping hole because there is quite simply no one like you. Your passing tells me that life is short. You ran a good race . Zuluike nwanyi oma.

Uche Majekodunmi.
Toyin Caxton-Martins
July 14, 2023
July 14, 2023
A Tribute To Shola

In the '80s, when I first met and became close friends with Shola, there were a few remarkable features that immediately stood out. Firstly, her statuesque appearance was striking, and she fearlessly strutted in high heels! Secondly, her beautiful smile, with slight dimples, and her laughter that made her eyes crinkle. However, Shola had a knack for taking her time with her makeup, especially her eyes!

During the holidays, we would often be in and out of each other's flats, preparing for various parties. It was during one of those visits to her flat in Archway, London, that I discovered her exceptional culinary skills. Shola was not only a great friend, but she was also a gifted cook.

Sadly, life took us on different paths, and I hadn't seen Shola for several years.

However, a few years ago, I came across a video interview featuring her discussing her remarkable healthcare project. As I watched, I marveled at the uniqueness and philanthropic nature of her idea, yet I wondered if it could truly be achieved. To my surprise, not only had she conceived the concept, but she had already brought it to life.

Upon learning of Shola's untimely passing, I was overcome with immense shock and a profound sense of grief. I find myself haunted by the lingering thoughts of "coulda, woulda, shoulda......"

May The Lord grant her loved ones solace and strength to endure this irreplaceable loss.

Dear Shola, may you find eternal rest in the embrace of the Lord. Your absence will be deeply felt, and you will be sorely missed.

With much love,

Toyin Caxton-Martins
July 13, 2023
July 13, 2023
Words fail me
When I saw your Missed call very early in the morning I said to myself Sola called me so early I must find out what she wants I called and called but no response and I then sent a message to which I did not get a response
Needless did I know that you were trying to say Goodbye
The News of your home call came as a great shock it still sounds like a dream but we must accept that it’s for real that you have gone to be with your maker
We take solace and consolation in the fact that you are in a better place and in the bosom of the Almighty God
I cannot start to recount our encounter even right from Queens college even though we were not the same set you shared your thought and jokes all written in that your Book cannot remember what that book was called then
As we became older our path crossed again
For your service year you shared my office with me at Ministry of Justice more like I gave up my office for you it was all so much Fun as well as work
Journey to Awolowo road for our favorite lunch became a daily routine too many things to remember even though it was not smooth through out the way you remained a sweet and warm friend
You shall be greatly remembered for the care and love you showed to all around you and shall truly be Missed
May your Gentle soul Rest in Perfect Peace The Good lord shall Grant you Eternal Rest
Sun re
Sun re
Hon Justice Idowu Alakija
July 13, 2023
July 13, 2023
Sholly e! Na wa oooo!!! I can’t believe that we are writing tributes for you. It’s surreal. I have known you since we were children, meeting at the Lagos Lawn Tennis Club with our Dads. And we have been friends ever since. I still saw you in January at Efuru’s Dads wakekeeping. We hugged and promised to keep in touch. Only to hear the shocking news. O ma ga o. I’m still in shock!
Rest in perfect peace dear one. In the bosom of the Lord that you loved so much. Amen

Adebimpe Abegbe ADEBAJO née AKINSETE
July 13, 2023
July 13, 2023
Sola, (Shor-Shor)you've always held a special place in my heart; calm and collected, kind, yet tough as steel. A true lady of principle.
Over these last few days since you passed on, I have spent much time reflecting about my life, about life-asking God question after question.
Nothing about God is just left to chance, there is a reason why you walked this earth, and believing you have fulfilled that purpose has given me some level of closure. 

All this said, my beautiful Sister, you shall be missed by lot of people, especially by those you may not know by name, or remember their faces. 
God in His infinite wisdom is the only One who understands the times and the seasons, so who are we mere mortals to question Him? Therefore at a time like this , all I can ask of the Lord is that He comforts all those who loved you dearly, who will miss your charming smile and the kindness of your heart. 
It is well in Jesus' name.

Tunde Odubanjo
July 13, 2023
July 13, 2023
Death leaves a very big vacuum.Shola’s life was one of selflessness, love and care.
I am deeply saddened by this loss but extremely grateful for our time together .

Eternal Rest Shols

Titi Adenuga
July 13, 2023
July 13, 2023
It was such a huge shock to hear of Sola's passing. Two of my favourite encounters with Sola were when I spent the night in her flat in Cambridge when she was studying for her masters. I attended a party Mofe Atake had in Cambridge and it was too late for me to get back to London. Sola kindly invited me to stay in her flat. Another time was when she invited me and a group of ladies to pray and fellowship with her in her home in Park view. It was such a precious time. Sola's faith was very strong and she was a firm believer in the power of prayer. Sola was such a perfect host. Her culinary skills were evident. I thoroughly enjoyed our lunch. Sola credited her cooking prowress to her grandmother who taught her how to cook. Sola you will be sorely missed. May your sweet and generous soul rest in peace. With much love and affection, Adeola Asabia. ❤Xxx
July 13, 2023
July 13, 2023
Dear darling Shola,

We shared more than 30 years of frirendship.
So many beautiful memories of laughter,dancing, harmless gossip, life's challenges and more importantly prayed together and shared the word of God.
We cannot forget your poise,beautiful smile,elegance,intellect and generosity.
I take comfort and truly beleive you are with God.
Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual life shine upon her.
May her kind beautiful and gentle soul rest in peace.Amen

Laraba Anga
July 13, 2023
July 13, 2023
Shola's passing was a huge shock to me. Her vibrant, yet gentle ways made her easy to be around.
I have known Shola and her family since we were all teenagers in Lagos,so I watched her evolve into an accomplished lady.
Bola, Ade and Demola,I pray that God gives you the strength to bear thie loss of your sister.
May Shola"s gentle soul rest in perfect peace in the bosom of our Lord. Amen.
Moji Animashaun
July 13, 2023
July 13, 2023
Dearest Sis,  It has taken so much courage for me to write this. For decades, you were the elder sister I never had. I could tell you anything and you took me as your Aburo from that day at your office in Yaba. You were a loyal friend, prayer partner and trusted adviser. We would work on frameworks, models and several projects together from your time at the LBS even up until last year. You were were kind, graceful and always grateful…helping everyone even when you had challenges of you own. You would pray, share scripture and encourage me and my siblings with our ventures and life challenges taking time to build a relationship with each of us. Sis, you were amazing and I’m so glad many got to know how special and rare you are. Your passion for helping women and children was deep and palpable. Through the FVHI clinic and the ear screening, you made a difference in countless lives… You made your life count and I will miss you dearly Sis Shola. Only God knows why. Rest in Peace my sister.
Sade Ladenegan
July 13, 2023
July 13, 2023
A Lady of Style

This is definitely a tough tribute to write. I’ve known my dear Sola all my life. Growing up together at Oweh street, Yaba, the Beros’ place was my second home naturally. I loved her sense of style and the way she always took care of her skin. Sola was a product junkee and it was evident in her glowing face and body. She was black and beautiful. I also admired the way she dressed and she definitely influenced my style, she would always tell me with so much pride that she liked what I was wearing and my response would be I have a sister that’s “not easy” and we would laugh. 
Aunty shols’ cooking was next to none. I would no doubt miss her fish stew and pork chops in particular. Her chicken pies and sausage rolls were also a delight. The last time I visited her in London she had made fish stew and complained the pepper wasn’t hot enough! Trust me, the rice still went down very well. I remember she kept eating chocolates and saying God will help her as she wasn’t meant to be having too much of it because of her health. We spoke about so many things and she kept thanking God for life.
When I fell ill, she would call regularly to encourage me and pray with me ( my sis was quite spiri), very intuitive and dreamt a lot. Our calls would last for minimum an hour without us realising it. Whenever I visited or she came round, it was always so much fun. Sola was full of life just like my dear uncle JO. I remember they both attended my graduation at Aston university. The only time I visited Cambridge was to rejoice with Sola when she graduated. We had so much fun. Sola was very happy and very proud of giving back to the less privilege. She spoke with so much passion about the patients and was quite upset during the end Sars riot that destroyed the clinic. Aunty Shols loved her nieces and nephews with a passion and would always talk about how Derinsola looks so much like her. It gave her great joy.
Adesola Adetokunbo Adeyemi-Bero my dear egbon, a godfearing lady of elegance and style, I will miss you so much. Continue to rest in perfect peace. We love you but God loves you more.

Your dear aburo Sade Lanre-Ladenegan
July 12, 2023
July 12, 2023
There was a time when I saw Aunty Shola almost every single day. I would wave to her on my way back from school, go to her house to see Gbeminiyi and Derinsola, and most importantly to eat jollof rice -- the best jollof rice was always in Aunty Shola's house.

She was once our neighbour but she soon became family, and eventually my godmother. She would always show up and support us. I vividly remember the day Obama was first elected. I came downstairs early in the morning and my mum and Aunty Shola were just stood there crying into each other's arms as they tried to explain to 10-year-old me why this was so significant. It didn't matter that it was 5 in the morning, or nobody had bathed. We were all too close to care!

I am trying to comfort myself with the reminder that God has his reasons. But I can't help but regret how long has passed since I last saw her. We often assume that we have time, that we have next summer, next year but tomorrow really isn't promised.

Aunty Shola it was truly a blessing to know you, to love you and to be loved by you. Until we meet again, rest in perfect peace.

With love,
July 12, 2023
July 12, 2023
Adesola Adetokunbo... We have struggled to write a tribute for you for the simple fact that we cannot believe that you have passed on... A true shock...

We deeply miss you, your vivacious spirit, intellectual brilliance, deep kindness for all, generosity, quick wit, laughter, love of God and intense beauty, both inside and outside... Joy has been diminished in the world with your passing...

As we struggle with the pain of your absence, we find comfort in our firm belief that there is so much more to life than death of the body... We share the perspective that what the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly...

Sola, sun re... Okun wa bala pe a tun ri arewa...

Fela & Losenge Imasogie
July 12, 2023
Dear Aunty Shola,
I only got to know you as a patient but having gone through the write-ups here, I can only imagine how much of a sweet soul you were even in your last days.

I’ve had the privilege to care for a number of people, but in you I found a woman who was so special for an entirely different reason, a patient who upon reflection I concluded wasn’t just one of my favorites but in fact one of the most quietly remarkable people I’ve ever known.

You fought bravely to live, in all your pains you never stopped praying and your Bible never left your bedside

I remembered the day you broke down in tears during your assisted self-care routine and in your words " why do I find it difficult to do my grooming"? I allowed you do your shower yourself under close watch and for the first time I saw you smile
I'm struck by the news of your death, you promised me you were going to be fine and that you will be back to Nigeria soon but it's obvious Heaven was determined to take you away from all your pains.

I'm glad I met you. Though I can’t see you anymore, your impact on our hearts remains intact. Thank you for living such a good life.


Nurse Catherine.
July 11, 2023
July 11, 2023
Dear Shola,
Your passing came as a rude shock hearing of it in your brother's house. I almost fell into the swimming pool. You are the last to think of such having seen you a few weeks earlier. You told me that you were going to Yaba that morning and wished you a blessed day.
My chanced meeting with you was through another sister - Angela Adewoye. As a Landscape Horticulturist, we bonded immediately because of your passion for ornamental plants and gardening. You requested a small garden created for in almost an impossible small space but loved what I created for you and ever since we became friends. Whenever I visited you I could never imagine when I'll be leaving. We were always talking endlessly on gardening and your heart desires to help the less privileged.
You introduced me to your brother in 2009 and had the opportunity to do the Landscaping of his house, which am still maintaining till date.
Your selfless heart for the less privileged is second to none, especially women. You were always thinking of how to better their lots. This led to our travelling to Esa-oke for the purpose of empowering the women there on sericulture and silk production. We went together also to Akure to see Gov Mimiko on how to expand the sericulture outfit they have. Less privileged people were too dear to your heart and always looking for how to help.
Your simplicity is unimaginable and infectious.
I keep imagining you at the right hand of your creator because that's where you belong. Rest in peace dear sister.
Alero Barlow
July 11, 2023
July 11, 2023
It's so difficult to talk of Sola in the past tense..not sure if I can accept that Sola is not here with us anymore.
Sola was my bestie when I was 11 when we met in QC. We had a lot we shared including having over 20 school mother's each. Then life forward and I met Sola at a Christian programme where she enthralled me with where she was in her life now.
I really thank God for her life and for all she gave to those who needed her most.
We said we'd catch up fully but I didn't realise there wasn't time anymore...I thank God for the privilege of knowing Sola.
Rest in peace my dear sister.
Angela Adewoye
July 11, 2023
July 11, 2023
Hi Angela do drop by...
Wonderful fond memories of an admirable lady I just could not but like- sparkling and effervescent
Warm, zesty so passionate about her sericulture project to date I think silkworms too.
When we stood outside her Raymond Njoku home or we sat in her living room she was just so likeable very engaging and hospitable.
May the Lord comfort the family espescially her brother's children she would say sotto voice are with her now pointing to the floor above with a fond smile.
Adeyinka Adegbehingbe nee Adeyemi-Bero
July 11, 2023
July 11, 2023
Dear sister Shola,
It came as a rude shock when I heard about your passing on. Hmmmm...sis, it's so painful that I didn't get to see or speak to you during your last days here on earth.
Keep on resting in the bosom of the Lord, far away from pains, discomfort and worries of this world of vanity.
I miss you dearly.

Your sister,
Adeyinka Adegbehingbe
(Nee Adeyemi-Bero)
Adedayo Bero-Akinsanya née Adeyemi-Bero
July 11, 2023
July 11, 2023
My Dear Big Sis,

I am still struggling to come to terms that you are gone… but I am consoled by the fact that you have gone to rest and be with Our Lord.

I remember those days when you would come visit me at Queens College and bring the choicest snacks❤️.. how this made my friends envious

You had a strong voice, an aura that one cannot ignore.

May your spirit live on forever in our hearts and souls.” “Rest in peace,my big sister .You are gone but never forgotten.”

Heaven has gained an Angel 

Your baby sister ,

Adedayo Bero- Akinsanya ( nee Adeyemi-Bero)
July 10, 2023
July 10, 2023

SolaBero - was one word!
You couldn’t just call her Sola , it had to be Sola Bero. When I first heard about her in form 2 or so, she was referred to as SolaBero. So when I got that call that Sola had passed, I had to ask, which Sola?

Which Sola?

SolaBero- my teenage best friend ! We were in each others lives constantly . And to be in Sola’s life meant you were in all her sibling’s lives . When I got the news, I had to reach out to each of her siblings - Sister Bola, Ade and Demola . Sola and I were always together. I have fond memories of their home at 7 Oweh Street in Yaba and Sister Bola’s house in Archway. Her Dad spoiled us and took us to the beach constantly .

SolaBero - the cook!
Sola was always cooking . She was either cooking egusi soup or frying dodo. I can see her turning that pot of soup with her left hand

SolaBero- beauty & brains!
She was so beautiful . Beautiful face , beautiful figure , beautiful legs ! I remember a pool party we went to and Sola and I wore the shortest shorts and highest heels and walked around the pool endlessly showing off our legs. She was brainy too - Queens College , Cambridge University

SolaBero - loved jewelry
Sola loved her jewelry . She would wear lots of rings, earrings , necklaces , bangles . She loved her gold jewelry .

SolaBero- had beautiful writing
With her left hand she would write and write , especially her full name - Adesola Adetokunbo Adeyemi-Bero.

SolaBero - the friend
Sola was everybody’s friend . Male and female alike . She was well liked by all . Always laughing and talking with that lovely stutter of hers.

SolaBero- Adviser
Sola and I would talk endlessly . Or should I say Sola was always meting out advice . Do this , don’t do this .

Sola and I were best of friends until we went to university and the Atlantic Ocean separated us . Life happens , you grow up , make choices , some good and some not so good and you grow apart .

But regardless of how apart we grew, whenever we saw each other we caught up from where we left off .

Her last whatsapp message to me , she sent me a picture of herself at her 60th birthday and signed off with an emoji of two red hearts . I will always treasure that message.

Rest in peace in the bosom of our Lord Jesus, my dear friend SolaBero; your memory is blessed

Angela Aneke
July 10, 2023
July 10, 2023
Dear Shola,

It was shocking to receive the news of your passing. The blows life deals us sometimes just leaves one dumbfounded.

We knew each other since we were classmates in Primary school before we all graduated and you went to QC for your secondary school education, but you were no stranger as you, Demola and your family lived next door to my Aunt's place on Oweh street.
Although our university education and distant locations separated us in our early adulthood, we reconnected when we ran into each other during one of my trips home and that was when I knew you had a passion for the Lord.

I can still remember how much fun we had catching up on childhood memories and the passion shared on some topics of similar interests regarding our nation and some other issues, during lunch with you and another long seen childhood friend when you first invited me to your home. 

I am glad our paths crossed for as long as we knew each other, because you were such a humble, easy going and beautiful person inside and out and it was always a pleasure to see you, whenever we caught up during my trips home.
Despite all our personal preoccupations, I only wish I had actually gotten around to calling you to follow up on messages sent to you, after finally joining a platform wherein we could chat, instead of assuming we'll catch up soon again.

May your soul find everlasting rest in the Lord's bosom and I pray for God's comfort for Demola and your whole family. May they find comfort in all your loving memories and remember these indelible moments and events whenever they want to sorrow over your passing.

You have left a legacy that cannot be erased behind, through your acts of love, empathy and charity, which transcend beyond your professional achievements and these will be reminders of your life's journey and fulfilment of your purpose for as long as God allowed you to share your life and times with us..

Your beautiful soul shall surely be missed by all your family, friends, other loved ones and all whose lives you impacted. Sun ire o!

Tunde Obileye
July 10, 2023
July 10, 2023
Still in shock that Shola is no longer with us. She was embodiment of style and class in everything yet simple and genuinely interested in the wellbeing of people particularly the less privileged ones. She demonstrated this with the healthcare project (FBHI) that provided opportunities for many to receive healthcare services plus other interventions to support those in need. I remember the numerous times we (sometimes with others) sat at your dining area, dining and gisting on the challenges facing our dear country and how life could’ve been so much better for all of us. A beautiful soul…you will be sorely missed. Tunde Obileye
July 9, 2023
July 9, 2023
Sad to hear of Shola's transition to Glory. She was such a beautiful soul. I remember vividly her vision for the less privileged and her commitment to their medical well-being. This was clearly evident when she opened the medical facility at the City Hall, Lagos. Her passion for God and things that touched the heart of God shone brightly in my brief encounter with her. May the Lord comfort all she left behind. May her soul rest in peace
July 9, 2023
July 9, 2023
My dearest Shola,

I may never be able to explain how sad I am to note that you are no longer with us. God knows best.

People that had the privilege of knowing you know how genuine your friendship was. It’s an impact that lasts forever.

I had a very rare privilege of knowing how incredibly lucky I was to have your true love. Thank you very much. It will remain a source of strength for me.

Rest in peace my darling.


July 9, 2023
July 9, 2023
The family of Late Chief M.I Agbontaen is deeply saddened by the news of the transition of Adeshola Adetokunbo Adeyemi-Bero.

We commiserate with the family and loved ones of the Adeyemi-Beros. May God's love and comfort surround you all during this difficult time.
July 9, 2023
July 9, 2023
Thought we had forever Sola. How six decades flew past. The news of your exit jolted me real hard. Even when I saw you in January 2023, I did not suspect a thing. You kept it all under wraps.
Now memories of moments shared are all I hold on to.
Your had a palpable faith in God and a zeal to help your community which I particularly admired.
Thank you for the beauty you added to the set of 73/77. Thank you for the health value you added to your community. I miss you Sola. I really do. Rest well. Aduke Odutayo(Amu)
July 9, 2023
July 9, 2023
Sometimes in life there are losses. Losses that can never really be replaced. SB, as you were fondly referred to, Your life was a blessing, your memory will remain in our hearts. We are deeply saddened by the sudden loss, but grateful for the time we had together especially the fun-loving memorable time we spent at the Nigerian Law School in Victoria Island, Lagos. Our beloved friend, you may have left us far too soon, but your loving presence will endure forever in our hearts and souls.

Love Is The Destination
Mako Alabi
July 9, 2023
July 9, 2023
Sad news … the finality of earthly mortality.

All those eons ago, you asked me to be your school-daughter.

A tiny gesture - but one which set the tone for that Form 1 newbie - that I was going to enjoy being at QC with you as my school-mother - notwithstanding that you were only in Form 2 yourself.

And ever since, I have always greatly admired everything about you.

A beautiful person.
A beautiful soul.

Sun re o.

May Light Perpetual shine on you.

July 9, 2023
July 9, 2023
Beautiful in and out, I’m blessed to be one of the countless whose lives have been touched by your warm friendship and your generous soul. Rest in eternal peace Shola. Till we meet again.
Arin Olumide and Deji Olumide
July 9, 2023
July 9, 2023
A Sholly baby - Wow ! What can we say ? ‘The Lord giveth and He taketh’.
‘Beautiful memories are like childhood friends’. They may not always be on your mind, but they are forever in your heart’ - Susan Gale.
  At this time we cannot help but reminisce over the beautiful memories of the 1960’s - 1970’s when we grew up as neighbours at Abimbola Close , Jibowu , Lagos. Our two families became one big family. There was absolutely nothing we did not share with one another- we virtually lived in one another’s homes. The relationship was one of complete neighborliness and love personified. Even at that time Sola being the youngest female; exemplified wisdom, courage absolute optimism and tenacity- she was strong and was always giving us advise and encouraging us to be the best. She always said ‘ There is nothing you want that you cannot get’ - Sholly o.
 Over time we all drifted on our various paths in life. Even when we have met in recent times, the bond was always there and permeated our conversations and actions to one another. Growing apart did not change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side.
  Indeed ‘ Memories don’t leave like people do , they always stay with you’
 We will miss you. We pray and we are certain that the angels will be at the gates of Heaven to receive your sweet, loving and courageous soul.
Requiescat in pace Sholly baby.

Arin Olumide & Deji Olumide
Arin Olumide
July 9, 2023
July 9, 2023
A Sholly baby - Wow ! What can we say ? ‘The Lord giveth and He taketh’.
‘Beautiful memories are like childhood friends’. They may not always be on your mind, but they are forever in your heart’ - Susan Gale.
  At this time we cannot help but reminisce over the beautiful memories of the 1960’s - 1970’s when we grew up as neighbours at Abimbola Close , Jibowu , Lagos. Our two families became one big family. There was absolutely nothing we did not share with one another- we virtually lived in one another’s homes. The relationship was one of complete neighborliness and love personified. Even at that time Sola being the youngest female; exemplified wisdom, courage absolute optimism and tenacity- she was strong and was always giving us advise and encouraging us to be the best. She always said ‘ There is nothing you want that you cannot get’ - Sholly o.
 Over time we all drifted on our various paths in life. Even when we have met in recent times, the bond was always there and permeated our conversations and actions to one another. Growing apart did not change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side.
  Indeed ‘ Memories don’t leave like people do , they always stay with you’
 We will miss you. We pray and we are certain that the angels will be at the gates of Heaven to receive your sweet, loving and courageous soul.
Requiescat in pace Sholly baby.

Arin Olumide & Deji Olumide
July 8, 2023
July 8, 2023
I really did not meet you in person but the little I knew of you was very warm. You are a lovely, pleasant and real person and I just believe death came too soon. In all of it we live with your sweet memories dear. Good night Shola. Rest in peace
July 8, 2023
July 8, 2023
So that phone call was indeed the last. Very shocking! May your gentle soul Rest In Perfect Peace!!
July 8, 2023
July 8, 2023
Dearest Shola
Always smiling, vibrant and full of life….. It’s been a while since we left QC, and last got together…….but seems like just yesterday.
You were a kind and gentle soul. Rest in Peace dearest sister. May Almighty God comfort the loved ones and family you left behind.
July 8, 2023
July 8, 2023
Rest in perfect peace. In the few times i spent with you, i found you gentle, real and an extremely nice human being. God knows best but it is comforting to know that you are at peace. You will be greatly missed.
Mercy Etomi
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Recent Tributes
November 7, 2023
November 7, 2023
We've lost a rare Gem in Madam Shola Bero

Losing someone we care about deeply is never easy, and my heart goes out to your loved ones during this difficult time.

While we may never fully understand why certain things happen, we can take comfort in knowing that your loved one will always hold a special place in your heart.

Madam Shola will be remembered for the joy, love, and kindness she brought into the world, and the memories we shared together will live on forever.

May we find peace and comfort in the memories you shared while working together.

Rest well in eternal peace.
November 4, 2023
November 4, 2023
Hmnn, Ms Adeshola Adeyemi-Bero; an intelligent, insightful, intuitive, inspirational, intentional, independent and indefatigable spirit. You positively impacted me in many ways and I will always fondly remember the platform you provided at your law firm RA Adeyemi-Bero, on Oweh Street. A short stint I had as a lawyer at the firm, but it was a timely, sincere, enriching and life rewarding experience. Thank you for the rare privilege, patience, possibilities and purpose shared. You live on.
August 21, 2023
August 21, 2023
Dear Aunty, I know you will be reading this message, I am very saddened by your passing. I can fondly recall your kindness right from when I was very young when my sisters and I would regularly visit you at your house when I was younger, with my sisters, and you always making cakes for us as well as sending them to us at home. Just recently in February, we spoke on the phone and you spoke about how it was a pleasure to hear my voice and how we needed to see each other and how excited you’d be for this to happen. Unfortunately, this never got to happen, as sad as your passing is, I know that you are in a better place watching over us. Rest easy aunty.
Recent stories

Reflections on Shola Adeyemi Bero and her passion for the things of God

July 14, 2023
I was privileged to be an eye witness to Shola and her provision of free healthcare to members of the underprivileged Lagos Community.  These are my reflections.

Candle in the wind

July 8, 2023
Last I saw you was way back in QC. Even then I use to admire you as you were always full of life and adventures. You were the a shining star that shines up a place. Your spirit was always uplifting
May your gentle soul rest in eternal peace . 
July 7, 2023
Death…so final, so painful! You made your exit leaving behind scars that will take a very long time to heal. 

You had such strength of character everyone could see and feel. I remember some of our marathon convos which, though not seldom, left an imprint. 

May the open pearl gates give you eternal comfort and everlasting peace. 

RIP Shola

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