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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Adriana Dukić. We will remember her forever.
February 25
February 25
Feliz cumpleaños adriana, no te conocí pero se que eras buena persona.
February 25
February 25
Happy birthday Adri. Hope you are enjoying it in heaven my dear angel️❤️✨
February 25
February 25
Happy birthday Adriana doa terbaik untuk mu ini ulang tahun pertama mu di surga ,apakah kau sudah bersenang" bersama gina dan kata ,semoga kau bahagia disana ya happy birthday Adriana dukic ,semoga bisa bertemu walaupun kita beda alam
February 25
February 25
My dear Adriana,
I miss you so much and I wish you were here with us still. I wish you stayed home on Wednesday. I miss you. (I have been trying to learn English, I have to use translator)
February 25
February 25
Happy Heavly birthday, Adriana, my beautiful one. You were taken too soon from this cruel world, but today, I'll be happy for you bc it's your birthday. Love you❤️ and um always thinking about you and everyday
February 25
February 25
Happy birthday Adri. You will be missed by so many people. I hope you and the rest of the victims are happy up there. It’s been almost a year. Happy 15th birthday Adrianna Dukić
February 25
February 25
Dear Adri
Today is your birthday, but not in this world but in heaven. Are you having fun with Gina and Kata? I miss you so much, Adri. It's so painful that you're no longer here, your death was so unexpected. Without a word of suddenly left, leaving your parents, siblings and friends to living in loneliness, pain, despair and hatred. Your death has awakened my true self, Adri, you know, I was very angry when I heard that Kosta killed you and everyone just because of unreasonable jealousy. Adriana once again wishes you a happy birthday..Have a good life in paradise. I love you
February 25
February 25
Adri je ne t'ai jamais rencontré et je n'aurai pas l'occasion de le faire non plus, aujourd'hui est un jour spécial pour nous tous qui t'aimons, aujourd'hui c'est ton anniversaire, j'espère que tu passeras un bon moment au paradis avec les autres enfants. Vous nous manquez tous tellement, joyeux 15, on t'aime petite Adri❤️
February 25
February 25
Happy birthday Adriana you are missed and loved and will never be forgotten. I will stand and think about you from this day and everyday forward. You were so young and shouldn’t have had to been gone from this world life is not the same without you I will light candles for you happy birthday and we love you. Я тебя люблю мой Адриана.❤️❤️
February 25
February 25
Happy Heavenly birthday Adriana. We miss you a lot since you left this world. You were a nice girl, a beloved sister and a great friend. i’m sad i didn’t know you before the tragedy of the 3rd may. Everyone miss you. i hope you’re doing well. You didn’t deserve to have a awful death.. i feel bad. every day i’m thinking about you, i wrote your name on my school table. you could’ve been 15 if you survived Your parents are still fighting for justice so you and your friends can rest in peace. Kosta killed you because you were french … i’m french too adriana, i’m sad you moved in serbia, if you stayed, atm you could be alive. Kosta will suffer in hell, and will pay for this. i love you my sweet Adriana. ❤️
February 25
February 25
❤️Happy heavenly birthday adri!!!❤️you are so very missed and loved, I hope your resting peacefully in heaven and having a great time with your friends, you had so much dreams that you weren't able to live out but I am also thankful that you felt how special, loved and beautiful you were and how much happiness and light you brought to this world.... that you had happiness and joy when you were here. I love and miss you so much adri RIP my sweet adri..I will forever have you in my heart and forever fight for you ️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
February 25
February 25
Happy birthday adriana❤️ i miss talking to you and i miss seeing your bright face that always had a smile on it. My school days have gotten more difficult without you to talk to. And if any of adri’s family see this please please contact me on Instagram @ranya.elmalmi because I was a good friend of adriana. Fly high angel️❤️
February 25
February 25
Happy birthday Adri. Im sorry for everything but i swear it’ll get better. Volim te.
February 25
February 25
Although I didn't know you, I have heard and watch enough to know about you. Adriana, you were such a beautiful girl you should not have left this life so early. You had such an amazing personality, and when you smiled it lit up the room. Today you should be lighting up the world and having fun as you turn 15, but a horrible monster took your life. I hope you are having fun in heaven, celebrating with Ana, Bojana, Katarina, Angelina, Andrija, Mara, Ema, Sofija, and Dragan. You are missed deeply.
February 24
February 24
Volim te adriana I miss you and I love you dear cousin I miss you 
February 24
February 24
Dear Adriana,we miss you so much i hope you are happy we miss you Adri Tomorrow its your birthay's 15 i hope you enjoy it we miss you.I love you sooooo much Adri And im loving you forever im never let you go
February 23
February 23
Dear Adriana Dukic
Adri, what should I do..I miss you so much. I can't stop looking at you every day, and I can't concentrate on studying because I'm always thinking about you. Maybe I love you too much In heaven, you met Angelina, right, and all your friends too. Do they live well?..Adri, you left too soon. I can't hold your small hand,to hold you back, to take you away from the sickle of death. But I'm not a god so that's impossible..I'm sorry, Adri. Once again, I love you so much
February 21
February 21
Dear Adriana, I may have known you quite late but I really love you. Every time I see your smile, my heart aches. Your hair is beautiful...You are so cute and kind. Adri, you know, they call me an ugly devil, but to thousands, no, millions of Serbs, you are an angel, don't be sad Adri you are beautiful. Do not be discouraged by a word that hurts you, have you met Angelina and your friends in heaven? Adri, I miss you so much, I miss every curl, I miss every smile. I miss your voice too. Adri, stay up there carefree and happy with Gina. Ignore the rumor that they call you stubborn, as long as in the hearts of your parents, siblings, me and the Serbian people you are warm and very cute, Adri I love you and..I miss you. And remember that the person who sent you this letter is a girl, not a boy
Sophie ❤️‍
February 20
February 20
Adriana you went up too early because your killer is nothing but a monster that killed innocent souls just because he was jealousI hope you are happy now in heaven and a lot of people miss you❤️‍
February 18
February 18
A thousand questions always resonate in my mind about what could have been done to avoid this tragedy and I wish I could have done something to avoid this sad event. ️But I am sure that you are a beautiful angel who protects us and awaits us in heaven️
February 18
February 18
You went too early and you never deserved what happend. There are soo many 'what if's' going on in my head. I hope you're next life treats you right and you will be missed by soo many people. We love you and you can now fully rest in peace 
February 18
February 18
You didn’t deserve this death. You had many years ahead of you to change the world and to make people happy with your positive energy and kindness. May you rest in peace with the other 9 angels . All my condolences to the family. You guys were in on ent may Kosta face his punishments because he took the lives of angels. I keep seeing people posting about the shpoting and I started crying. Your memory and legacy lives on and you will never be forgotten.
February 17
February 17
Dear Andriana, may you rest in peace with the remaining 9 angels in the sky, you do not deserve this death, everyone will always love and miss you️
February 17
February 17
Draga moja Adrijana, otišla si sa ovog sveta na jedan od najtužnijih načina, nisi zaslužila da budeš na toj groznoj listi, zauvek si nedostajala celom svetu. bila si ljubav svima. Počivaj u miru ❤
February 17
February 17
ma meilleure amie, Adriana, je ne sais pas si tu te souviens de moi ou si ta famille le sait, mais nous avons discuté il y a longtemps, j'ai entendu dire que tu déménageais de France en Serbie, j'étais si heureuse que tu te fasses des amis et que tu commences une nouvelle vie comme tu le sais :) ) mais quand j'ai appris que tu avais eu une fusillade à l'école, cela m'a brisé le cœur et j'ai pensé que tu survivrais, mais plus tard, j'ai vu des nouvelles et tu n'as pas survécu, tu étreignais ton autre meilleure amie Angelina et cela m'a brisé quand j'ai vu ton cercueil à la nouvelle, ça m'a déchiré

repos et paix Adriana
February 16
February 16
Una estrella que abandonó este mundo para ir a un lugar mejor. Espero que estés muy bien. Aunque no te conocí espero encontrarnos en el más allá ❤️✨
February 16
February 16
Una flor se fue este mundo siempre será un  ser inolvidable para mi y todos. Nosotros todos días de de mi vida te recuerdo como fuera ayer me duele tanto no conocerte pero algún día iré a tumba y te pondré muchos claveles rojos bellos como tu mi adri ♥️✨️
February 14
February 14
My darling Adriana how are you? Remembering you today sweet angel. Almost 10 months already since you flew high and entered your beautiful home in heaven. The 14 years of joy you brought will forever be remembered but your goodbye will forever be our pain. Sweet angel keep spreading your beautiful smile in heaven you are a beautiful blessing. I will be forever feel sorry for you may you find your peace and happiness that you deserve.
February 5
February 5
Hello Adri, I hope you are feeling better up there, I hope you are happy and I hope we will meet someday. I love you and I will keep promises what I said to you. I just want to see you. Bye
February 1
February 1
to adriana dukic hey adri i really miss you where the best person i met after 2 years of talking on snapchat you finally came to serbia i still think abt us walking to school im really sad i didnt go to the same school with you its 2024 now i did not wanna leave you im 2023 but i had to i hope you like the stuff i drop at ur grave i got a lot of pics of me and you i miss you really bad i wish i took the 3 shots not you i had to leave serbia bc of what happened im coming back home soon i will miss u forever
January 24
January 24
Flower that hasn't had a chance to bloom... Rest in Peace beautiful angel... Fly high until we meet again..
December 27, 2023
December 27, 2023
Dear Adriana Dukic,
i am so sad and heartbroken and i miss you so much i wish you were here with us but no matter what happens you are always alive in my heart and i always think about you when i am sad and i will always remember you please rest in paradise Adriana i miss you so much :(
December 17, 2023
December 17, 2023
Dear Adriana Dukić

Norlito Flow - All my love.

"•The moment that you left the world,my heart was split in two one slide was filled with memories;
the other side died with you. I often lay awake at night when the world is fast asleep;
and take a walk down memory lane with tears in my eyes. Remembering you is easy, I do it everyday but missing you is a heartache that never goes away. I hold you tightly within my heart and there you will remain;
you see life has gone on without you, but will never be the same."

Good-bye Adriana Dukić Farewell
You were the great person to be in this world but unfortunately your life had been taken away.
May you're soul be in peace.
We love you
Volim te
December 4, 2023
December 4, 2023
I will forever miss you Adriana my heart broke when I heard what happened im so sad I wish you here fly high Adriana
December 4, 2023
December 4, 2023
I will miss you my Adri I will love u forever we will never get to see u go to university we will never get to see u get married we will never get to see you get a kid we’re very sad it’s about to be 1 year without you.from maggie
December 2, 2023
December 2, 2023
Adriana we love you so much and I’m so sorry you got 3 bullets to your head. I wish I was the one getting shot not you.
November 24, 2023
November 24, 2023
Adriana you are such a beautiful girl, I’m so sorry this happened, you didn’t deserve it. Rest in peace. ️
November 23, 2023
November 23, 2023
Dear Adriana.

Hello my sweet friend I came here to tell you how much I miss you also how much your family misses you since the day you died and I
hope you know that i think about you every night and day, not one moment goes by where i dont think about you. You didnt deserve this at all, i know you didnt do anything my sweet girl. i genuinely wish you never left but thats not my choice to make. i love you and miss you so much even if i never knew you. i just wish you didn’t die but remember I love u adri. never forget that.

Драга Адриана.

Здраво мој слатки пријатељу дошао сам да ти кажем колико ми недостајеш и колико недостајеш твојој породици од дана кад си умро и ја
надам се да знаш да мислим на тебе сваке ноћи и дана, да не прође ниједан тренутак да не мислим на тебе. Ниси ово уопште заслужио, знам да ниси урадио ништа, слатка моја девојко. искрено желим да никада не одеш, али то није мој избор. волим те и толико ми недостајеш иако те никад нисам познавао. Само бих волео да не умреш, али запамти да те волим адри. никада не заборавите да.

November 21, 2023
November 21, 2023
hi adri my sweet girl. I hope you know that i think about you every night and day, not one moment goes by where i dont think about you. You didnt deserve this at all, i know you didnt do anything my sweet girl. i genuinely wish you never left but thats not my choice to make. i love you and miss you so much even if i never knew you. i just wish i knew about you for anything but this. I love u adri.never forget.
November 17, 2023
November 17, 2023
adri. i dont know you but you are a very beautiful girl <3 im so sorry this happend to you and others. rest in peace pretty girl.
November 2, 2023
November 2, 2023
Adriana, altough I only know you because of your tragic death, I know what an amazing person you were. Always putting smiles on everyones faces, always making people happy, always being fun. You were absolutely beautiful and talented, you deserved to fulfill your dreams and goals. May you rest in peace and wait for your loved ones, your family misses you so much, protect them❤️ Love is eternal, your bond is not gone. Its just a matter of time until you meet your loved ones again️
November 1, 2023
November 1, 2023
NOVEMEBER 1 It's all souls day!

         Today is the day to remember all our loved ones who passed away. And today I remember and celebrate your life my darling Adriana.

         I know you are already moving on in your life up there. I gave up all my what ifs and I stop blaming God for taking you in such a young age. Because I know now the reason...God decided to bring you in his home together with your friends because he will be using you as his instruments to have a big impact into people's life. Sweet angel Adriana you fly high and continue to share your beautiful smile. You are the most beautiful angel that heaven could ask for.

          There's no endless of my longing for your presence and I miss you terribly. But I am relieved because I know you are living your best life up there in heaven. You will never be forgotten and I love you sweet angel.
October 28, 2023
October 28, 2023
Dear Adriana,
I know that I did not know you but I want to let you know that I miss you and that you didn't deserve to be killed for no reason at all.

I know that you loved going out to parties or night clubs (I don't really know which one) but now you can't do that cos your dead .

RIP beautiful angle I will always look for you in the sky
October 18, 2023
October 18, 2023
dear adri

.i know i did not know you but i feel pain in my heart when i saw you left the world.

.you are missed by many people

.as soon as your parents heard of the shooting they were really scared and when i heard i was to

you are missed by many we all miss you. R.I.P adriana
October 17, 2023
October 17, 2023
My dearest Adriana…

     I woke up with a smile on my face because I saw you in my dreams last night. We were hanging out, we were sitting next to each other and laughing. Thank you for visiting me in my dreams for a moment I felt you were with me again.

   Adriana I know you are watching me sad everyday and I know you can feel my pain. I’m really having a hard time my heart is full of anger, sadness, guilt and pain. I have so many questions that don’t have an answers that makes me even more mad. I hate to wake up everyday ever since you left because there’s another day to face the reality that you’re gone. But then I realized that it is very hard and painful that you left the world but then in the other hand you entered the most beautiful home when there’s no sadness and pain and that’s the heaven. And I’m sure you are really in a better place now because you are with God you feel so much loved up there. You don’t need to experience the hard life here in this cruel world and to suffer in different ways of pain. And now for somehow I feel relieved because I know you are living your best life up there.

    In the end all of us are gonna die you just went first to enter the beautiful home and soon we will be reunited and live the the eternal life together. Adriana you don’t worry because I’m starting to embrace my pain and accept the reality. I’m getting better and now I can definitely move forward carrying you in my heart. And as I move forward I will forever cherish your memories and I will forever honor your life. I love you so much Adriana you touched my life and I will never forget you my sweet angel.
October 13, 2023
October 13, 2023
Adriana.. i was in france in 2022 i came home after the vacation 3 may 2023 i saw on tiktok that there was a incident in serbia i saw ur face and i saw ur face a memorie came in my head i saw u in france.. we talked in france bc i learned france in 1st grade in the netherlands we had a converstation and then u had to go u where so pretty and kind i wish the massacre never happend…
October 12, 2023
October 12, 2023
Im so sorry you never deserved this you had such a long and sucessful life, we will forever miss you Adrianna rest in peace, we will see you very soon. This pain we will carry for the rest of our lives, we love very much so so sorry for what happened our condolences to the family.
October 8, 2023
October 8, 2023
Adriana, such a pretty innocent soul. U didn’t deserve to leave the world so early.. may u rest in peace and you will be missed by many. 
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September 4
September 4
hey adriana when i heard it first time i was like why did he kill young kids i can imagine being there i miss you so much i dont know you but in my heart i do i overthink abt you so much it gets tuff and i love you so much i dreamed of you and i hope your family is good and your friends i wish you was still here with us angel forever 14
August 24
August 24
Dear Adriana,It has been over 1 year since you passed away to the other side,Your family and friends are missing you so much,I wish this wouldn’t have happened to you:(
Rest in peace Adriana Dukic
Her Life


August 5, 2023
Adriana was one of the victims of the Vladislav Ribnikar Model School Shooting in Belgrade, Serbia. she was a french transfer and a french citizen
Recent stories
July 16
DEAR ADRIANA                                            we miss you , I cried for days when you where dead I didnt want you to die you where too young also I in 2023 I was 15 but now I’m 16 and your 14 forever I miss you you never deserved to die we love you Adri ❤️❤️️️       Assianna and my family 


June 16
Адриана, когда ты прешла в нашу школу, ты познаешь, что ты сама био у другого разреду. Как сам узнал Ирина (Милошевич), видео сам те први поставил, изненадио сам се што си дошла из Франкоске, тако си слатка. Ti i ja nismo mnogo komunicirali, samo kada smo bili sa Angelinom (Acimovic), samlio sam da će se naša komunikacija uskoro pretvoriti u prijateljstvo, ali 3 maja se sve promenilo, i sada nikada nećemo biti prijatelji️

dear little Adri

June 11
Dear Adri it’s Been 1 year since you left the world i wish you we’re hugging your mom and your siblings and your dad but no you are in a box sleeping forever i always wonder why  kosta kill kids innocent  they were young kids trying to make a beautiful future but no they got killed By their own classmate my beautiful Adri have a good a in heaven i have a good day texting you bye my princess. Adriana Dukic 2009  2023

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