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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Adriana Dukić. We will remember her forever.
October 3, 2023
October 3, 2023
One thing I realized today that I will never move on from the pain I’ll just have to deal with it forever. It’s been 5 months today when a monster took away your life and broke your wings. I’m so sorry Adriana for leaving the world in a most painful way. You touched my life and I’ll forever remember you Adriana.

You rest easy in peace and just be happy up there with your friends Adri…♥️
September 28, 2023
September 28, 2023
My darling sweet Angel,

Missing you so much today Adri...
Heaven is fortunate to have the most beautiful angel
Your beautiful eyes is my favorite as it always capturing my smile
Your voice is a music in my ears that gives me hope...................back when you were still around. ❤️‍

Will you let me see and feel this beautiful things again adri? Please visit me on my dreams. ❤️‍
September 28, 2023
September 28, 2023
Adriana, why are you leaving so soon, rest in peace Adriana, i love you and will always love you️
- you're online friends
September 24, 2023
September 24, 2023
сија ко дијамант, многима недостаје твој леп осмех и твој смешан смех, надам се да си тамо у миру, Бог је обезбедио удобно место за његово лепо и добро дете.#рипадрианадукиц
September 24, 2023
September 24, 2023

At this very moment I decided not to use social medias especially TikTok for awhile. Because seeing your videos breaks my heart it’s too hard to move forward from the pain. It’s not that I’m forgetting you that will never happen you are forever in my memory. I just want to take a break for a moment from the pain. Time will heal me acceptance will find me but I will never be completely okay ever again. ❤️‍️
September 24, 2023
September 24, 2023
My dearest Adriana,

        Hello my darling angel how are you up there? Missing you everyday... No matter how I try hard to smile the reality will always hit me that you're gone. I don't care if I'm suffering from the pain and sadness as long as you're okay you're at peace you're happy and smiling then for somehow I can be okay. I will never forget you Adriana your memories is what keep me going. In time I know I'll be seeing you again and when that time comes I will have my smile back again on my face genuinely. Vous partagez toujours votre beau sourire avec vos amis là-bas. Continue de danser avec les anges ma chérie Adriana...
September 17, 2023
September 17, 2023
Adriana was a sweet precious girl that never deserved what happened to her but we know that Adriana is still here with us in spirit even though she may not be here in person I love you Adriana ❤️
September 6, 2023
September 6, 2023
adri love, ur life was taken too soon by a terrible person. you had such a bright future you've always wanted to go study in france someday but unfortunately that will never happen :( you were so beautiful too ur gorgeous long hair and ur beautiful siren eyes rest in peace adriana.. 03.05.23
August 26, 2023
August 26, 2023
My Thoughts are with the family and friends of adriana dukic. Im so sorry for your loss i dont know how anyone would of done that to a beautiful Girl she had such a bright future inhead of her, Rest in peace Adriana Your in a less violent World now and God is by your side up their. From the whole way from ireland Rest in peace beautiful Girl ❤❤
August 21, 2023
August 21, 2023
Не знам, била си најлепша девојка са будућношћу, твоја породица највише пати, почивај у миру. Волим те, Адриана.
August 15, 2023
August 15, 2023
Adriana, ти си најлепша жена, почивај у миру тамо. заједно са својим другим пријатељима.
Volim te
August 13, 2023
August 13, 2023
Rust zacht lieve Adriana je lach kan de hemel oplichten moge jij en je vrienden een fijn leven lijden in het paradijs ️
August 5, 2023
August 5, 2023
De la France tout mon soutien vas à la famille de la victime. Adriana était sans doute une fille merveilleuse. Elle est morte trop tôt mais elle sera toujours dans notre mémoire. R.I.P. Notre ange.
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September 4
September 4
hey adriana when i heard it first time i was like why did he kill young kids i can imagine being there i miss you so much i dont know you but in my heart i do i overthink abt you so much it gets tuff and i love you so much i dreamed of you and i hope your family is good and your friends i wish you was still here with us angel forever 14
August 24
August 24
Dear Adriana,It has been over 1 year since you passed away to the other side,Your family and friends are missing you so much,I wish this wouldn’t have happened to you:(
Rest in peace Adriana Dukic
Her Life


August 5, 2023
Adriana was one of the victims of the Vladislav Ribnikar Model School Shooting in Belgrade, Serbia. she was a french transfer and a french citizen
Recent stories
July 16
DEAR ADRIANA                                            we miss you , I cried for days when you where dead I didnt want you to die you where too young also I in 2023 I was 15 but now I’m 16 and your 14 forever I miss you you never deserved to die we love you Adri ❤️❤️️️       Assianna and my family 


June 16
Адриана, когда ты прешла в нашу школу, ты познаешь, что ты сама био у другого разреду. Как сам узнал Ирина (Милошевич), видео сам те први поставил, изненадио сам се што си дошла из Франкоске, тако си слатка. Ti i ja nismo mnogo komunicirali, samo kada smo bili sa Angelinom (Acimovic), samlio sam da će se naša komunikacija uskoro pretvoriti u prijateljstvo, ali 3 maja se sve promenilo, i sada nikada nećemo biti prijatelji️

dear little Adri

June 11
Dear Adri it’s Been 1 year since you left the world i wish you we’re hugging your mom and your siblings and your dad but no you are in a box sleeping forever i always wonder why  kosta kill kids innocent  they were young kids trying to make a beautiful future but no they got killed By their own classmate my beautiful Adri have a good a in heaven i have a good day texting you bye my princess. Adriana Dukic 2009  2023

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