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July 16
DEAR ADRIANA                                            we miss you , I cried for days when you where dead I didnt want you to die you where too young also I in 2023 I was 15 but now I’m 16 and your 14 forever I miss you you never deserved to die we love you Adri ❤️❤️️️       Assianna and my family 


June 16
Адриана, когда ты прешла в нашу школу, ты познаешь, что ты сама био у другого разреду. Как сам узнал Ирина (Милошевич), видео сам те први поставил, изненадио сам се што си дошла из Франкоске, тако си слатка. Ti i ja nismo mnogo komunicirali, samo kada smo bili sa Angelinom (Acimovic), samlio sam da će se naša komunikacija uskoro pretvoriti u prijateljstvo, ali 3 maja se sve promenilo, i sada nikada nećemo biti prijatelji️

dear little Adri

June 11
Dear Adri it’s Been 1 year since you left the world i wish you we’re hugging your mom and your siblings and your dad but no you are in a box sleeping forever i always wonder why  kosta kill kids innocent  they were young kids trying to make a beautiful future but no they got killed By their own classmate my beautiful Adri have a good a in heaven i have a good day texting you bye my princess. Adriana Dukic 2009  2023

For A Pretty Girl Named Adriana

May 18
by Marwa A
Wow. Can't believe this happened to you and ur friends. I hate the monster who took his anger out on other people. I was learned to always go to school but I wish on the day you and your friends never went to school on that day. I just wanted to say you had a life ahead of u but a monster took that away from u and ur friends. All I am wishing is if you see this up there, I wish I can see you one more time. I will pray for you all the time. I will never forget you and I'm talking for everyone. WE WILL MISS YOU. R.I.P Adriana Dukic 3.5.23. I will make you birthday the best day of your life...
By Marwa Ahadi 5.18.24   LOVE YOU ADRIANA AND HER FRIENDS. xoxo see you later ;). ❤ BTW You were and still the Prettiest girl


May 11
Dear  Adri,you were very awesome and kind. I am in the 4th grade and I am so sorry that happened to you and your best friend Angelina . My whole class heard what happened and made cards for the victims including you Adriana ,But you will be forever missed by everyone.

My best friend adri I miss you

April 11
My dear adri I still go to vladislav and I miss u very much i love you and I see ur mom and dad every week I love you and angelina I love u I only got shot 4 times by kosta :(  I always text Angelina's sister and ur sister we hung out last week I miss seeing u in school adriana ;( ❤️ volim te adriana 

Dear, Adri...

April 8
I never met Adriana, i feel so bad about what happened to her and the rest of the sweet, innocent Victims. i hope that they found peace in heaven and they deserve the world. i hope she is okay, I don't know her, I never did but I love her so much and she Seemed super kind.

Rest in Peace, Adriana Dukic.
March 27
All the story’s I heard about Adriana made me tear she was only 14 and died in a school shooting i know she was a beautiful soul she’s still in my prayers just like the rest of the ones that died may god grant them heaven and forgive them for everyone thing they did. Ameen
March 21
I dont know this girl...but seeing all the videos and photoes .this girl really and truely had a future ahead of her...but one day a spolied ,evil monstrous bemon...yeah i said demon not boy cause no normal person will do that..came into a school and kiled this angel and other children  that had a future.....because why ...jelousy.. when i used to hear people say jelousy could drive you to do unbielevible things... i thought that saying was stupid but ..but boy oh boy i was wrong jelousy is a so sorry in peace angel...☹️❤️‍
February 25
Adriana Dukic. 
Adriana Dukic was born the 25th of February in Paris, France. She was the oldest sister, and the second mother of this family. Adriana grew up in France until 2020 (before or through the pandemic) she had to move to Serbia (her home country) because of the high criminal rates in France. Adriana first transferred in a private school in Serbia, but it didn’t suit her well. Then her parents transferred her to Vladislav Ribnikar. Her first friend was Angelina Acimovic (2009-2023) and Angelina wanted to know about adriana’s country (France) she said that she was a « angel sent from heaven » to serbia. Angelina and Adriana bonded and became best friends. Adriana then had a lot of friends (Andrija, Katarina, Mara, Irina, Natalija). Everything was so perfect for the little Adriana. Until then.. 3rd of May of 2023. A day before the tragedy, 2nd May 2023, Adriana went with Angelina to get a dress for an event. The day after, 3rd of May morning, Adriana begged her mother to stay home because she didn’t study well her math test. Adriana’s mother didn’t listen, and dropped her to school, then left. After, her class first period, Geography class, with Tatjana. A boy named Kosta Kecmanovic came to school late on purpose. He shot people randomly because he was scared, Adriana was on his list, because she was French ? Adriana and Angelina were hiding under the desks. Adriana was scared. Angelina tried to comfort her. They tried to escape, but Adriana received 5 shots in the head and body. her phone was broken. Adriana screamed then died instantly. everything was soaked in her own blood. Then Angelina screamed « ah please don’t ! » and she was injured badly. Meanwhile Adriana died. When her parents found out about the shooting, her parents bursted in tears. They had to take her belongings. Adriana’s dad said « i made a mistake moving in serbia » and Adriana’s mother said « i shouldn’t dropped Adriana to school » they made a mistake. Adriana, your life was taken away, your wings got ripped off by a cruel man. You will be forever missed. Je t’aime, Adriana ❤️❤️
February 25
Dear adri I remember when we first met you had just moved from France you were nice and you me and angelina became friends I miss you and I love you and angelina.volim te

Adriana Dukic

February 17
You just wanted to stay home because you didn't study for you're math testbut you're mom told you to go anyways, she wish that she never dropped you off early and she wish that you didn't even went to school that day you're really loved and missed❤

Dear Adri

February 16
by Sam Rxt
Sometimes I think about how unfair life is. A person with his whole life ahead of her. With so many dreams, plans for the future. A star that left very quickly. This case seemed very strong to me and I asked myself all the time how this tragedy could have been avoided and it saddened me to think about the great void you left in your family and the pain of your departure. Maybe in another universe armed violence did not exist and you were able to complete all your goals and dreams. Although I didn't meet you in person and not in the way I would like to have met you. ️ I hope and want to meet you in heaven. Another angel that protects us from heaven ️
RIP Adri ❤️✨


August 20, 2023
Adriana je was te jong. Je wist nog niet wat het leven voor nut had en je bent al weg. Ik mis je ontzettend hard en je was alles voor mij. Niet meer lachen over onze leerkrachten,Geen tiktok meer, niet meer over jongens praten… Adriana je bent nu de ster aan de hemel die iedereen wenst. Ik mis je. Ik hoop dat ik rap bij je mag en kan zijn. Ik hou van je 

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