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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Agnes Aniereobi, 55 years old, born on March 4, 1965, and passed away on January 10, 2021. We will remember her forever.
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Aunty Agnes, we will miss you. It’s your beautiful smile and calm demeanour that sticks out every time that I think about you. God knows why he called you at this time.
Continue to rest in peace

God bless and comfort Uncle Chuks, Udo, Buchi, Nkechi and Ebele ❤️❤️
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
My very own sister Agnes we celebrate the humble life you lived and I thank GOD for the gift you were to us all. We will deeply miss you. You never came for the tea I bought for you... Sleep on sister.
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Dear Mummy Agnes, I only met with you once and it was a memorable one as your words of wisdom still rings in my heart. I wish I had the opportunity to spend more time with you but I recognise that everything was as planned by our Father. Thank you for all you did while with us. Your love is still booming amongst all that came in contact with you. You will be truly missed by all especially Uncle Chuks. Rest on Mummy till we meet to part no more. We love you BUT God loves you most!
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Our dear brother Chucks, Udo, Buchi, Nkechi & Ebele, we thank God for His sustaining power & grace over your lives.                                                                
We pray that you will all continue to know the unexplainable Peace of God & may you experience His supernatural strength in these overwhelming times.
                                                                    Sis Agyn-as we used to call her those days of taking turns to pick the children from school or holiday club-you were so easy to get along with.           May your gentle soul continue to rest in peace till we meet again at the Master's feet. Amen
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Rest in Gods bosom my dear sister. You’re so loved and appreciated. I’m so thankful to have known you. You had a huge impact on my life. I cherish the impromptu chats we had outside CCC after service that were always such a blessing.

Rest well sister, until we see again. ❤️
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Agnes, your quiet smile would be missed ... rest gently in perfect peace x
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
We were all blessed to know Agnes and she leaves us with the image of her bright smile, a testament of her person and nature.
She rests in eternal bliss with the Lord and her courage and faith in battle inspires us.
Brother Chuks and children, God holds you in His precious hands at this time of your grieving and He will continue to fulfill His promises of comfort in the journey ahead.

Agnes in peace you rest.
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
To the Aniereobi family,

My family and I are deeply saddened to hear of the loss of Aunty Agnes. We thank God for the life of Aunty Agnes and for all she was able to achieve for his glory. We thank God she is in a better place now with no more pain or suffering. May God continue to strengthen every member of the Anierobi family to bear this loss and find rest in his peace that surpasses all understanding

Love from Wisdom, Roli and the Ejuetami family
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Sister Agnes, many years ago, I met you at the Children’s Teachers Training event organised by The Shepherd’s Ministry in Peckham; a Ministry of you and your husband, Pastor Chuks Aniereobi. Your passion, skills, patience, spiritual insight and gifting were infectious from the start.

You dedicated your life to reaching children with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and you left golden footprints in the sand. In your deliveries, your beautiful gentle personality reflected Jesus Christ.

Your complete trust in God through challenges your family went through, at various outreach visits to remote villages and complete support for your husband on numerous trips to reach the children will forever remind me to stay strong and keep spreading the Gospel to children.

You are sorely missed but thankful to God for you as a precious gift that touched many lives in many gentle, sometimes unspoken ways.
I trust the Lord to sustain, protect and uplift your family and the Ministry you left behind. Goodnight sister.
Foluso Olowoselu 
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Dear Sister Agnes, rest on in the bossom of the Lord Jesus Christ. You have fought a good fight, kept the faith and finished your course. You're being missed in this part of eternity, but we are consoled with the promises of the LORD that we will meet to part no more on Resurrection morning. I pray that God will continue to uphold and strengthen Rev Chuks and your children and give them the grace to carry on in the ministry in Jesus name. Pst Olisa Nwabueze
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
My dearest,
That was a befitting sent forth for aunty today. I am so proud of you all, and I am sure God is delighted with the honor bestowed on His great "General." She sure fought a good fight!
I see you all taking her legacy to the next level, and guess what? The devil and its works are entirely defeated.

February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Dearest Sister Agnes. So sad to see you leave so soon but glad to know that you have gone to be with your maker. I’m glad that you are saved. I pray God to grant those you left behind the fortitude to bear and be encouraged in Jesus mighty name amen. Tribute from
Joy Ighodaro and family.
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Dear Brother Chuks, Udo, Buchi, Nkechi and Ebele.

We are truly saddened by the passing of our dear Sister Agnes.

Agnes was such a bright light, a beautiful soul, full of life, caring and so hospitable. She would always go out of her way to be a blessing to others.

Agnes you have left behind a legacy of fond memories for your family. You were a proud mother, wife and loved your family unconditionally.

You will be missed. 

Rest in peace - Dear Sister.

The Dickson Family
Many Blessings and Love
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Rest In Peace dear sweet lady Agnes. We love you but God loves you more. You have fought the good fight of faith, finished the race and kept the faith. Go take your crown of righteousness. We will not mourn like those without hope 1 Thes 4:13. My prayers will be that the Lord will comfort your husband, children and the rest of the family.
Will always remember your smile and warmth.
Adenike Ilesanmi GCA 76-81 set
God bless
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Rest in peace Agnes. You were so quite at school.
It's unfortunate i didn't get to see you after we left GCA.
I remember you as a sweet lively lady.
I was hoping to see you in Belgium in 2018
but you had left the day before.
May God continue to be with your family.

February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
You had such a gentle and caring soul. I trust you passed it on to the children and they will cherish it for ever. It is part of my joy that our families interacted in London following the Uniben days. I had a chance to be reminded of your smiles and graceful and peaceful approach to life. You left a beautiful family behind but with loads of fond memories to treasure. And you are in the bossom of the source of your peace. May the Lord sustain brother Chuks and the children with Grace and Strength and supply all their needs. Our thoughts are with you all.
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Sister Agnes have fought the good fight, you kept the faith and finished the race, you are now received into the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ.

May the almighty God continue to comfort Bro Chuks and the children with the comfort only God can provide.

Continue to rest in peace the Beloved of the Lord.


Sunkanmi & Bimpe
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Dear Agnes ,its a pity we couldn't get to see each other again after we left secondary school in 1981. You were such a brilliant,calm ,easy going, friendly ,ever smiling lady. May the Lord Almighty comfort all the loved ones you left behind. Eternal rest grant your soul ijmn until we meet again on the resurrection morning.
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Agnes, the expression 'gone too soon' is often cited in dilemmas like this, when our prayers and hopes were for full recovery of your health and vitality. We would much prefer to be rejoicing for an earthly restoration. However, your Saviour has shifted the venue of the celebration by welcoming you expressly into His bosom.
This is far better says Apostle Paul. We therefore encourage ourselves, albeit through tears, that you are in a better, more secure, more desirable place. Rest well, dear sister and may you enter into the joy of your Lord.

Please Lord, strengthen the Anierobi family through this, and unite us all with our sister Agnes in your presence at the fullness of time. Amen.
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Dear Rev. Chuks, Udo, Buchi, Nkechi and Ebele,

Please accept our heartfelt sympathies.
We will always remember Aunty Agnes as an exceptional woman, loving the Lord with all her heart and serving Him and others with the greatest joy. We feel truly blessed to have known her.
We pray that you find peace and comfort in the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father.

With lots of love,
Ibrahim, Ania and Khady Faye
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Dear Rev Chuks, Udo, Adeaze,
Nkechi & Ebele,
Agnes’ life has indeed been a precious gift & miracle. We will always remember her as a kind, understanding, encouraging and loving soul.
A reflection of a determined mother who lived with great purpose.

The Lord comforts your hearts and you will continue the legacy she believes in.

Our sincere love & condolences,
Ptr Chiam, Lily, Shian Li, Eden and Evan (TheChiams) 14.02.2021

February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Dearest Sister Agnes, may your sweet soul rest in His perfect peace.
Although you have left us, which is painful but we take comfort in Christ knowing you are resting in his bossom.
We miss you. Sleep well Sister.
Always in our hearts ♥, The Emmanuels.
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021

My heart goes out to the entire family at this time of grief. Our steadfast hope is in God's unfailing promise of eternal life for everyone who believes. May we all draw strength and comfort in the knowledge and assurance of his word.
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Dearest Uncle Chuks, Udo, Adaeze, Nkechi and Ebele,

We will miss Auntie Usi! She was truly a beautiful woman and child of God. Scripture promises that God is our refuge, strength, and our ever-present help. What a wonderful promise to cling to as you walk through the hard days ahead of you. God will meet your needs through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Please accept our deepest condolences.

With love from The Nwadi Family
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
Usi our beloved sister - in - law.

We know that in a few hours your mortal body will be laid to rest but we remain consoled that you have gone home to rest in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We will miss all your wonderful qualities but we rest assured that God knows the best.

We send our condolences to your wonderful husband Chuks, children, and the entire Aniereobi and Ukwade families and friends.

May our loving Father in heaven show us all that there is always balm in Gilead in Jesus Christ's mighty name. Amen.

Rest in perfect peace until we all meet at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Venerable Nathan Muonyelu & family.
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
Dearest Sister Agnes, may your gentle soul rest in perfect peace. our hearts are saddened by your leaving, but we take consolation that you fought a good fight and you have joined the heavenly cloud of witnesses to cheer us on. We love you dearly and will cherish the memories that we have of you as long as we live, till we meet again.
Martin & Betty Osae
Cedar Hill, Texas, USA
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
Please accept our heartfelt condolence and prayers at this time, we will surely miss Sis Agnes and we thank God for her life, we pray for comfort, peace and provision for Rev Chuks and the children, love from Br Andrew, Sis Antoinette, Granma Ruby, Levi, Shakanya and Star Osahon
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
Dear Sis Agnes,

I met you in Word of Life Church for the first time. And many more times through a mutual family friend. I found you to be approachable and friendly. Always so generous with your pleasant smile, a smile that made others comfortable in your presence. You resonated a calmness and quietness of spirit. Your love for God and God’s word was unwavering. I admired your devotion and commitment to your family and appreciated your godly counsel on all things family. You will truly be missed sis.

May The Lord grant Rev Chuks, Udo, Adaeze, Nkechi, Ebele and the entire family, the peace, comfort, courage and strength to go through this difficult time. May the loving memories of our beloved sister Agnes be forever in our thoughts and hearts. Rest in peace sis Agnes.

February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021

Hello Usi,

Over the years, I have copied the use of that lovely, prophetic [meaning: ‘pre-announced’] middle name of yours from your childhood friend – my wife -, for whom [the already ‘pure’/‘holy’] “Agnes” was probably just too simple, too cheap, too common, to place on such an Agreeable, Gracious, Noble, Exceptional, Self-sacrificing (A.G.N.E.S) individual, as you.

Your departure having left me wordless and speechless, let me keep it simple and share here some of what I summoned the courage (of a “miserable comforter” like Job’s friends) to tell your children a day after your demise was announced. Ìyókù di ọjọ́ Àjíǹde, like my people would say! Yes, Usi, we'll have a lot to chat over when we meet on the Resurrection Day!

The first thing I told the Aniereobi young people in my letter to them was that I knew you were gone to be with your Lord but that it still left a sweet-bitter taste in our mental cavities. Sweet because, unlike the biblical Apostle Thomas, we know where you are gone to and the much you have done to deserve presenting yourself before your Saviour and Lord whom you faithfully served here on Earth. Sour because, we all will miss you dearly here below until we get There ourselves. Of course, we had all hoped and prayed for almost two years that you would scale through sickness on this side of Eternity and join us all in a victory lap. Unfortunate, the Lord chose to do otherwise.
I also shared with your children the story of your last visit to Lille: Shortly before you took the coach from the Lille Europe station (on 24/02/2019) for your return journey to England, as we finished lunch, you looked me straight in the face across the table and asked “Brother George, what have you been doing lately to invest in Eternity?”. Surprised as I was by the question, I do not remember now what exactly my response was then, but I know that it has stayed in my mind since then, and served to alert me on the need to constantly be prepared to give a clear answer to that question. As my wife would say, Usi, you were “very Eternity-focused”!

I went on to tell the young people that I have thought of, and continued to pray for each one of them, like we have done since you first announced two years ago that you would be going into hospital for surgery on your return to England. I also told them I could not pretend to have answers to the many questions that everyone was asking about your early departure from life’s stage, but I emphasized that I knew Someone who not only had all the answers but is also able to console and comfort each one of us as we grieve. He is called the “God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles …” (2 Cor 1:3). It’s unto Him that I commend each one of your young people for, He alone is able to keep and take care of them Today and Tomorrow, like He did Yesterday. Yes, Udochukwu, Adaeze, Nkechinyelum and Ebelechukwu are in Good safe hands!

I even reminded them that, in the last days you spent with us on Earth, you and I shared a common profession: teaching. I discussed how we would chat and compare notes on similarities and differences in secondary school and university education in Nigeria, France and Great Britain; how we thought the student population may have changed in their approach to learning from what we knew in our time but how they remained basically the same as other young people around the world: some serious, some not and many in the middle! Let me leave the rest of the teacher-talk to your daughter Nkechi, one of the latest additions to our profession, as she writes her book on who the good teacher is.

I concluded by sharing how you would often joke that I was going to be the first close person whose career you would follow closely as he sought to go up the university career ladder. Remember the number of times we said “If the Lord wills!”? I therefore encouraged each one of them that in their chosen endeavor, they needed to know that Mom and other saints gone before us are the fans on the Other side of the field, cheering us on. I ended on a note like this: “Young people, let’s be encouraged in whatever we do! Mom would be happy we succeeded!”

Thanks, Usi, for the moments shared together in Great Britain and in France. Thanks for the delicious meals (the various forms of Swallow and the countless obstacles in the soup!) you provided anytime we were in your home. Thanks for the family friendship at your various addresses in Greater London and the Lille Metropolitan area. And, thanks for the Christian fellowship begun here Below and which we hope to continue there Beyond.

Usi, sùn un re o!

Brother George, as you would say.

February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
Dear Aniereobi family,

My sincerest condolences. 
There really are no words to truly help but I thank God for her abundant life.
I know aunty Agnes is with the Father in heaven.
You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Much love,
Chantelle Umadia
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
Dear Agnes,

Loving dear Sister, it is hard to believe that you are gone, but our assurance is that you are in a better place, resting in the bosom of our Saviour and Lord.

I will always cherish the memories you left behind, since I met you during our youth service year in Oyo town in 1986 . You were an inspiration and a strong woman leading all the coppers in our zone, very resilient and an achiever.

I cherish all the years thereafter when our friendships blossomed and extended to our families till this day. Your unshaken faith in the Lord was always an inspiration. You were always full of life, energy, and ideas.

I also cherish all those times we discussed for ages about family, career moves and Christian faith as well as your commitment to children’s ministry with Chucks. 

We miss you dearly, but we thank God for the hope of eternal life that we have in Christ. 

Rest in peace, dear Sister and friend.

Paul & Titilola Odunewu
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
Dearest Anieriobi family,
Please accept our deepest condolences on the loss of our dearest sister Agnes. As we think of her we are reminded of a lovely friend and great help in ministry, a wonderful sister, and a committed woman of God.

We thank God for the life she lived, the lives she touched and the impact she had on our family and those around her.

We will miss Sister Agnes very much but our consolation is that she is resting in the loving arms of our Lord and we will see her again.

We will continue to pray God's peace and comfort for you all: Brother Chuks and the family
Udo, Adaeze, Nkechi and Ebele
With much love,
The Nwaubani family x
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
Dear Reverend Chuks Aniereobi & Family,

We express our deepest condolences, knowing that the passing to glory of our dear Sister Agnes Aniereobi touches the soul at the deepest level. We ask God to release His divine grace and strength; uphold, preserve, protect and support you through the days ahead (Psalm 34:18,
1 Thessalonians 4:14)

Grace and peace of our Lord Jesus to you.

The Adisa’s
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
You were a very friendly and warm sister-in-law. Whenever we were opportuned to meet, you were always of a sunny disposition. One could always tell that you loved your husband and children, and your wider families.

Chukwudi, Udo, Adaeze, Nkechi and Ebele, take heart. Heaven is no longer missing an angel.

Adieu Usi.
Ken and Vivian Igbokwe
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
Dear Uncle Chuks, Udo, Adeaze, Nkechi & Ebele, it is painful things got to this point. Accept my condolences. Our consolation is that we would all meet on that glorious morning. I pray God to comfort you all in this difficult time.

Chinedu Muonyelu
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
Sister Agnes,
It was good meeting and knowing you over many years. You’ve gone too soon. Rest In Perfect Peace!
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
I never met Agnes but she raised one of my very good friends, Adaeze. Although I hadn’t met Agnes, I am grateful to her. She raised a strong, intelligent, fiercely loyal, empathetic and unapologetically confident daughter who is loved in equal measure by her colleagues and patients and advocates for both. With a strong moral compass and a sure sense of right and wrong, Adaeze is clearly her mother’s daughter judging by the other tributes left here. My heart breaks for the Aniereobi family and I hope you find peace in each other’s arms.

Strong women - may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them.
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
We lost an Angel and a loving Sister.
I was very shocked to hear of your transition to Glory Sister Agnes. Still have memories of your prophetic blessings on my life when you and Uncle Chucks came visiting in London. My deepest condolences goes to the entire family you have left behind. However, we are consoled and assured that you are with our Father in heaven and we will see you one day.
Blessings, Tosin ♥️♥️.
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
"Her children arise and call her blessed,
her husband also praises her."
(Proverbs 31:28)

We still remember how lovingly Agnes' family honoured her at her 50th birthday celebration. It was testimony to her character and the immense role she clearly played in yours and many other lives.

God hold you all close,
Gemma and Steve
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
Angness has been a family friend since I came into the UK, she is so devote to God, her family, and to other people in the body of Christ. She will advice me on how to teacher my children new skills and how to be a good mother. she has a beautiful smile, Angness smiling always reminds me of this scriptures, John 14: 27 and John 16:33,. Angness is not just a close friend to me, but also a friend to my family, l remember my first daughter describing her as a beautiful woman, my condolences to all Agnes family, I am rest assured that she is in a better place than everyone on the planet earth. To live is Christ and to die is gain, I will miss her greatly but I am rest assured that I will see her again, my sincere love and condolencess to her love ones.

Edith and Family.
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
My family and I first got to know you in August 1989 and since then we have been blessed with your enduring friendship. Your love, kindness and warm smile will never be forgotten by us all

Your have won your race and the heavenly gates have opened to you your eternal fellowship with God and saviour Jesus Christ,

Rest in His perfect peace my dear sister

February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
Beautiful Agnes, ❤️
I knew you as; Devoted wife, Dedicated Mother, & My Dear Friend
I scarce believe your earthly life has come to an end
Your warm and welcoming smile
Irrespective of the time I’d dial
You would be there...

A mighty prayer Warrior
G odly shining example
N oble in character
E ver present in times untold
S mall in stature; yet full of wisdom and so bold.

Agnes, I valued your friendship and will greatly miss you.
Thank you for your faithful support to my family and the children’s ministry.
You have certainly raised the bar as what it means to be a, ‘Virtuous Woman’.
Your children can certainly call you, ‘Blessed’ and I can only imagine your infectious smile beaming down bursting with such pride during momentous occasions in their lives.

Take your rest my darling Sister...until we meet again.

Thank you Pastor Chuks & your amazing children, Udo, Adaeze, Nkechi & Ebele for sharing such a precious and rare Jewel 

May The Lord continue to comfort and strengthen you in your times of need, amen

Love you,

Aunty Kimouy
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
A great friend, a lovely sister and a committed lover of God.
We thank God for the life you lived, the lives you touched & impact you made. Your life was an inspiration to us & this generation.
We miss you greatly but we know you are resting in the Lord's blossom.
Rest in peace dear Sister till we meet to part no more.
Praying for God's comfort for Bro. Chuks, Udo, Adaeze, Nkechi & Ebele.

The Oluyomis

February 13, 2021
February 13, 2021
Uncle Chuks, My condolences to you and my cousins Udo, Buchi, Nkechi and Ebere. I will surely miss the presence of auntie Usi a truly lovable and kind person. May our good Lord grant your family peace and comfort IJN, Amen.
Remain Blessed.

Ozioma Muonyelu
February 13, 2021
February 13, 2021
Remember the only time I met sister Agnes, was during her husband's ordination as a Reverend, such a beautiful, friendly and lovely woman, with an infectious smile. May the Lord console the entire family. May her soul rest in peace
February 13, 2021
February 13, 2021
My first memory of Sis Agnes was during a CEM training session at Surrey Quays. Soft spoken, passionate for the lord and a welcoming smile. Indeed, a saint has gone home to rest.

Pas Chuks, Udo, Buchi, Nkechi & Ebele - may the Lord continue to comfort, strengthen & uphold you.

Sleep well Sis Agnes

Lola Olajide
February 13, 2021
February 13, 2021
Dear Aniereobi family,
Please accept my condolences on the loss of sister Agness. I pray that may you all find peace and comfort in the Lord as you mourn your loss, with the scripture taken from the the book of Matthew 5 :4
My thoughts & prayers are with you all. Amen.
With love,
February 13, 2021
February 13, 2021
A treasured friend,

My dear sister Agnes,

We thank God for the privilege of knowing you Agnes, and being your friend. Good friendship requires investment. You have invested in many lives, including my family.

The advice you have given over the years has blessed us. The precious memories of many discussions we had, never laboured, always at ease and built on the knowledge and the mercy and grace of God and the love for Jesus, we will always cherish.

You were always hospitable, cheerful and your smile radiant. It's true, we are our best selves when we take God's gifts in our lives for the benefit of others.You truly invested into our friendship. Your counsel wise and given In love. Every time we spoke I left encouraged and blessed. There was no ambiguity in your message.

You have always encouraged excellence and the need to be an effective soldier of the Lord. 

We thank God for your life.

Brother Chuks, Udo, Buchi, Nkechi & Ebele you are truly a blessing to our family.

The Awolola family.
February 13, 2021
February 13, 2021
Dear sister Agnes,
You fought the good fight and have now joined the great heavenly cloud of witnesses. Thank you for the example of strength and grace that you were in the household of faith. We shall meet again at the bosom of the Lord.

Tokunbo Emmanuel
February 13, 2021
February 13, 2021
We remember dear Agnes, a strong and compassionate woman whose love for Jesus permeated through everything she did. We are so grateful for her care for the individual; seeking out time with us one-to-one. Our daughters will vouch for that too. And as for me (Nicola), I was looking forward to more café meet-ups. Her service for the Lord Jesus is an example to us and Agnes is indeed missed by us. Nicola and John
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Her Life

My Odoziaku

February 3, 2021
Honey you were a gift from God to your generation, and especially to me. Such a gift that your arrival was pre-announced as your name Usikaro testifies.

God graciously lent you to us for a season. He alone has a right over your life and I am so thankful for the years I could hold you in my hands and dance with you. You remain in my heart, but now fully back in the hands of your maker and redeemer.

The days have been so long and the night so dark and cold since your departure, but I know that the Sun of Righteousness has risen over us with healing in His wings. He will sooth our pain, and we will see you again in His glorious presence. Through the tender mercies of God, the Dayspring from on high has come to stay with us.

Now every shackle has been broken and you are totally free in the hands of the Lord Jesus who loved you and gave His life for you. You have arrived at the place He prepared for you before time began.

The bond of our marriage has been dealt the ultimate blow as appointed by its Author, but my love for you, and for all you ever stood for still burns in my heart.

Honey you and I have known and enjoyed the redemptive power of God in our 37 years romance.

I still treasure the first birthday gift you gave me in 1984. It’s a handmade plaque with the bible verse from Isaiah 43:2 beautifully inscribed on it: “When you pass through the waters I will be with you; and through the rivers they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned and flame shall not consume you.”

The plaque is still in our bedroom and no dust is ever allowed to settle on it. At the time you gave me the plaque we did not realise how prophetic the gesture was.

Truly the LORD our God has brought you and I through many floods and fiery trials; not to mention your last 2 years of pilgrimage on earth.

“The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.” (Isaiah 40:8)
I hold unto His word that assures us that we will meet again at His feet.

While your soul is at rest in the bosom of our Lord, your body here on earth is being sown into the earth in corruption; you will be raised incorruptible. Your body is being sown in weakness, but you will rise in power! Lo your body is being sown as a natural body; you will be raised with a spiritual body!!!

No one in Jesus Christ can ever be defeated by death. My sweetheart you have not lost, you have transitioned to glory!

In this I am comforted that you have gained eternal freedom from pain and tears, from the heartless and bitter naggings of carnal beings. You have flown to your rest. Free at last!

As the clock continues to count down to my flight, I keep my eyes on the Good Shepherd of my soul, The Lord Jesus. He has my time in His hands. “…I know that my Redeemer lives…” (Job 19:25)

And He will continue to walk with me through every flood and fire that the path of this life’s journey will take me.

With eternal love from your husband Chuks Aniereobi.
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In Loving Memory Of You Mum - Poem

February 15, 2021
In Loving Memory of You Mum

Mum, I am not quite sure what to say,

But a big part of me left with you that day

God called you home and you said goodbye.

Although silent your farewell, I can’t deny

My peace at the freedom you have now.

Freedom from tears so your singing can be heard,

Freedom from pain to dance free again,

Freedom from sorrow as only joy abounds.

Whilst here with us you taught us a lot,

How to read and write and we never forgot.

You worked so hard and gave life your all,

You fought your fight and did your best to stand tall.

So, grief may fill the hole that’s now left,

But memories will remind us that we’re blessed.

And despite human imperfections,

Mum your love and unique display of affection,

Will continue to shape all our lives,

Making brighter lights that will forever thrive.

So, although I cry and mourn tonight,

Although silent your farewell, I can’t deny

My peace at the freedom you have now.

Freedom from tears so your singing can be heard,

Freedom from pain to dance free again,

Freedom from sorrow as only joy abounds.

Mum, you will always have a special place in our hearts.

In loving memory of you mum.

Composed by Nkechi Aniereobi

Goodnight aunty

February 15, 2021
Aunty Agnes, I met you through University of Benin Christian Union Alumni Group, though our connection was very brief and short-term, the words of wisdom you shared at the meeting remained with me and your impact is profound. Throughout the last 2 years, the grace at which your husband and children have carried through the storms was enviable and a testimony of their complete trust in our Lord Jesus. 
We were certain of your healing and awaiting the day you will share your testimonies of what the Lord revealed to you while on that bed, only to hear of the testimony of your rising to glory. There's no injustice in Christ and we will certainly see you again to hear the testimonies how you overcame, sleep on beloved.
Grace and strength to uncle Chucks and your children to carry on.

February 14, 2021
Dear Aniereobis
Afam, Anita and the family received the news of the passing of your dear wife and Mum. We are indeed sorry to hear this and sympathise with you at this time of grief. The Lord comfort and give you all the strength to bear this loss. We do not mourn like those who do not know God because there is hope to see her again. Please be consoled by the good times you had with her when she was with you in the flesh. The Lord is your strength.

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