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Her Life

My Odoziaku

February 3, 2021
Honey you were a gift from God to your generation, and especially to me. Such a gift that your arrival was pre-announced as your name Usikaro testifies.

God graciously lent you to us for a season. He alone has a right over your life and I am so thankful for the years I could hold you in my hands and dance with you. You remain in my heart, but now fully back in the hands of your maker and redeemer.

The days have been so long and the night so dark and cold since your departure, but I know that the Sun of Righteousness has risen over us with healing in His wings. He will sooth our pain, and we will see you again in His glorious presence. Through the tender mercies of God, the Dayspring from on high has come to stay with us.

Now every shackle has been broken and you are totally free in the hands of the Lord Jesus who loved you and gave His life for you. You have arrived at the place He prepared for you before time began.

The bond of our marriage has been dealt the ultimate blow as appointed by its Author, but my love for you, and for all you ever stood for still burns in my heart.

Honey you and I have known and enjoyed the redemptive power of God in our 37 years romance.

I still treasure the first birthday gift you gave me in 1984. It’s a handmade plaque with the bible verse from Isaiah 43:2 beautifully inscribed on it: “When you pass through the waters I will be with you; and through the rivers they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned and flame shall not consume you.”

The plaque is still in our bedroom and no dust is ever allowed to settle on it. At the time you gave me the plaque we did not realise how prophetic the gesture was.

Truly the LORD our God has brought you and I through many floods and fiery trials; not to mention your last 2 years of pilgrimage on earth.

“The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.” (Isaiah 40:8)
I hold unto His word that assures us that we will meet again at His feet.

While your soul is at rest in the bosom of our Lord, your body here on earth is being sown into the earth in corruption; you will be raised incorruptible. Your body is being sown in weakness, but you will rise in power! Lo your body is being sown as a natural body; you will be raised with a spiritual body!!!

No one in Jesus Christ can ever be defeated by death. My sweetheart you have not lost, you have transitioned to glory!

In this I am comforted that you have gained eternal freedom from pain and tears, from the heartless and bitter naggings of carnal beings. You have flown to your rest. Free at last!

As the clock continues to count down to my flight, I keep my eyes on the Good Shepherd of my soul, The Lord Jesus. He has my time in His hands. “…I know that my Redeemer lives…” (Job 19:25)

And He will continue to walk with me through every flood and fire that the path of this life’s journey will take me.

With eternal love from your husband Chuks Aniereobi.