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February 13, 2021
February 13, 2021
Dear Rev. Chuks, Udo, Buchi, Nkechi & Ebele,

We are so sorry for your great loss.
We will always remember and cherish the memory of our dear Aunty Agnes.
We feel so privileged that the Lord enabled us to meet and share fellowship with our sister. She was always full of joy and enthusiasm, welcoming and friendly. In spite of many hardships, she remained a faithful witness for God, shining with the peace of Christ that passes all understanding. What a wonderful testimony she had!
We will also particularly remember her great wisdom, her sound advice and her willingness to help at all times.
She will be deeply missed.
All our condolences.

Much love,

From the Oyibo family
February 13, 2021
February 13, 2021
Dear sister Agnes
You indeed graced our life's and experience as a sturdy and straight talking lady with the fear of God in her heart. Your smile and thoughtfulness as a leader was invaluable both as a person and as a capable Trustee of Cornerstone Christian Centre Bromley. You were worth every ounce of effort to restore you to her normal precious self.
Surely, a conscientious, focused and hardworking woman has indeed left our shores.
May your beautiful soul rest in the bosom of our Lord till we meet again.
Chuks Aguocha
February 12, 2021
February 12, 2021
There was calmness before the quietness.A waiting that can only be explained by the owner of life Himself.
Questions unanswered,

Grief and pain had a filled day in the waiting room
We gave thanks and the holding on in Christ encouraged a bond ,a united spirit ,a cry of mercy to our maker.

Lord hear our plea,and grant eternal rest 

Rest on Agnes,may you have eternal peace.
Adekemi GCA

February 12, 2021
February 12, 2021

It is very hard to find adequate words to say goodbye to a sister - in - law like Usi.

I cannot question God's decision in calling you home to rest but the Muonyelu family had prayed that you will get back to your beloved husband and children but this is never to be.

Usi, when I met you for the very first time in Lagos before your wedding to my immediate elder brother Chuks, I had the leading that you were going to be a help meet for him. You really were a wife, mother and friend to all of us in the Aniereobi family.

You came into the Aniereobi family and left your name on the sands of time.

The memories of how you treated my people when we came to Effurun during your late father's burial still lingers on in our minds.

The memories of your last visit to Oba in December 2016 also left me desiring for another Christmas holiday when Usi will visit Nigeria again but this is not to be.

My conversations with you always left me wondering if you could ever stop being in a cheerful mood.

Usi, my late father would have said that he misses you and my living mother is very heart broken to say the least that Usi will never call her on phone anymore and share good moments with her.

To Chuks my beloved brother, Udo,
Buchi, Nkechi and Ebele, be consoled and strengthened once more. You and all of us did what we could to change the story but it has pleased God that Usi your beloved wife and mother will go home to rest with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Usi, rest on in the bossom of our loving father with the other Saints triumphant until we your brethren, the Saints militant join you someday to part no more in Jesus mighty name. Amen.




Mrs. Deborah Muonyelu.

February 12, 2021
February 12, 2021
Dearest Adaeze & family, I am deeply sorry for your loss. I remember your mum as a loving woman and I know she will be deeply missed. Wishing and praying you all continue to keep strong and remember the good times you had with her.
Rest in peace
Tharshika & family
February 12, 2021
February 12, 2021
                    A WOMAN OF FAITH.
My dear sister Agnes, you fought the good fight, you finished the race and you kept the faith.

To Rev Chucks, the children and the entire family, may you enjoy the comfort of the wonderful memories you carry of Agnes.
The Lord will shield ,comfort ,heal and grant you  peace in Jesus name.Be rest assured that our prayers are with you at this time.

The strong faith Agnes has in God will continue to inspire me. May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace, Amen.

Adieu Agnes.

Yinka Odogwu and family.
February 12, 2021
February 12, 2021
Our heart is full of sorrow. We’re all finding it so hard to comprehend that you’re no more. Sister Agnes, we remembered the fun memories over the years especially at Nkechi’s graduation. We recalled your proactiveness, joy and happiness on the day. Who are we to question God since HE giveth and taketh but we’re assured the fact that you gave your life to God and became born again are our happiness. Until we meet again, do rest in peace and in the bosom of our Lord and saviour. It is well with you and family. Adieu.

Prince, Ijeoma, children and on behalf of the Nwoke family.
February 12, 2021
February 12, 2021
Another General has gone home. (Adieu Sister Agnes Aniereobi)

Petite but beautiful
Kind and very understanding
Cheerful and always welcoming
A wise counsellor and helpmate
A dependable armour bearer in battle
A General greatly feared by Satanic forces
A generous giver of her earthly possession
A loyal friend and sister especially in adversity
A woman who tirelessly build her home for all
A lover of God and a faithful worker in the vineyard
A mother who sacrificed her comfort for her children

A successful accountant who passed all her ACCA exams
Never tired of improving herself or preparing for the Ministry work
Her prayer life was a challenge to the satanic world
Her hospitality was to a fault at all times
Her home was warm and welcoming whatever the weather
Her various dishes were pleasant to taste and nourishing to the body
A remarkable and outstanding woman with great qualities

Adieu my friend and sister
You fought gallantly
You won now at peace and rest
With your Lord, Master and Friend
Adieu General Agnes Aniereobi
Adieu my friend and sister
February 12, 2021
February 12, 2021
Usi what I miss most about you is your laughter that seemed to light up the room. You were such a warm caring and selfless person. As you bid good night to mortality and good morning to immortality, may you find peace and rest in the bosom of your maker. You fought a good fight and won. You left a mark that times and season can never erase. Ride on the wings of your maker my sister.

Caroline Ukwade
February 11, 2021
February 11, 2021
We first met Sister Agnes when my wife Constance joined The Shepherd’s Ministry to work with her husband, Rev Chuks. Both Sister Agnes and Rev Chucks have been an extension of our family and ministry since then.
One thing that will forever be in our memories is Sister Agnes’s infectious smile and hospitality.
We will sorely miss our sister but we are consoled by the Word of God in 1 Thessalonians 4:14 “... even so them which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him...’’. We look forward with joy to that glorious day when we shall meet again to part no more. Hallelujah.
Our love and heartfelt condolences to you beloved Rev Chucks, Udo, Adaeze, Nkechi, Ebele and the extended family.
February 9, 2021
February 9, 2021
Thanks be to God for your life. Glad I shared as part of it on a wonderful day in 2013. A warm and hospitable woman you were Agnes. Truly blessed to have met you even just for day.
You take on a new journey into the living arms of God, you have left a void but I thank God for your season, you did well by your family ... Truly it is indeed well. Rest well Agnes in a land of glory and peace.... Amen !
February 9, 2021
February 9, 2021
Tribute to Mrs Agnes Aniereobi

How beautiful is the beloved of the Lord. Agnes was beautiful in and out. Energetic servant of God and a lover of children. Her labour in the vanyard of God in children ministry will be long remembered. We are thankful to God for her life.
February 9, 2021
February 9, 2021
On the 10th of January 2021, we lost a gem. My beloved sister and friend, Agnes Usikaro Aniereobi, went to be with her Lord and Saviour. I know she is in a better place, in the heavenly Jerusalem, surrounded by angels and saints, beholding the face of Her King and Father. I write these words as a tribute to the friendship we shared, from 1975 to 2021, using the letters of her English name, A-G-N-E-S.

A for Agile, A for Ambitious.
You always set your sights high and you were forward-looking, whether for yourself or for others, and especially for the Lord. It was inspiring to hear you express your dreams and enumerate your objectives. You always had a catalogue of good examples to set before your eyes, mindful of Paul’s exhortation to think on whatsoever things are true, lovely and of good report.
You believed that bigger, better and brighter was possible, even if it meant paying a price and making sacrifices. After a hard day at work and having spent time doing your household chores, you still managed to squeeze out the time to study for a degree in accountancy.
You’d be up early, quick and sharp, despite having gone to bed late. No time to waste dilly dallying, Usi always kept her focus and pursued her goals. Roast turkey, grilled chicken, savoury rice, vegetable soups and stews, the kitchen was a terrain wherein you excelled. Whether it was getting your dad’s lunch ready while we were teenagers or feeding your household multiplied by two because my family and I were visiting, there was nothing to fear, you had it all under control.
And if ever you felt fatigued, the prescription was ready: “eat more and rest some, you’ll be good to go again”. It worked for you! You were not exempt from various health challenges, but you were certainly not one to sit around and mope or feel sorry for yourself.
Then came your dream to be a blessing to children with special needs, to nurture them in a godly and supportive environment. And off you went, putting yourself through the rigors of retraining to get your PGCE and position yourself to make it happen. It hasn’t happened, but you have set an example again. Well done my friend!

G for Graceful, G for Godly.
I see you again, walking into the living room on your last visit in march 2019, with a black turban around your head. You looked pretty, as usual. We talked about lots of things, but most of all, you expressed your confidence in the promises of God’s Word, which had been your mainstay for all these many years. The testimony of Nkechi's healing remains fresh, even today.
“We must get ready for eternity!” How often you repeated those words to me, as you looked forward to getting more involved in other forms of service to the Body of Christ and to society, having now satisfied yourself that you had fulfilled your commitment to be as available as possible to take care of your young ones in their early years.
You strove to watch over and nurture them, continually looking for opportunities to build them up, carefully making choices you believed to be in their best interest, desirous that they’d be able to stand confidently in the midst of their peers and not be lacking in any good grace.
You’d send Udo and Buchi off to church on the bus, so that they could give a hand with setting up the service and most importantly learn to serve in God’s house; that was so important. “Mum always says you should jump in at the deep end”, Ebele told me. You were a coach of champions.
“May we all learn to commit our lives entirely to the Lord Jesus for our destiny and it’s timing are in God’s hands.” This was your message to me on march 1 2019, after you came back from the surgical intervention that marked the beginning of your illness journey. I was used to hearing and reading this from you, so I had no reason to think it’d soon be time for you to be separated from us.

N for Noble, N for Nice
Usikaro, daughter of the great King and Lord of Hosts, there was no doubting your nobility. Yours was a quiet and yet firm character. Organised, down-to earth and courageous, you were always ready to defend those you loved, both on your knees in prayer and in very practical ways. For your beloved late dad and your brother, Rakeme, for your darling daughter Nkechi and your dear sister Jeamine, you stood in the gap and recruited others to stand alongside you.
When your sister-in-law described you as a lioness on your 50th birthday, it was such an accurate word to use. It wasn’t just because of your black, long and lovely hair which practically fell to your shoulders, , it was because you were a princess in spirit and in deed: Lioness of Bashua, of Bajulaiye in Nigeria and of Bellingham in England, I salute you!
Hospitality was your hallmark. Whether you had plenty or you had little, you made it a principle to give, of your time, of your energy and of your material goods.

E for Efficient, E for Elegant
“Why can’t you be like Agnes?”, my mum would say. Who would not appreciate the smart, efficient and hardworking person you were then and that you remained till the end? “Aunty is so disciplined and organised,”. That was the feedback from Bamishe and Omowumi on different occasions after their visit to your end. Abi o!
On Bamishe’s 18th birthday, you came over and literally took over the cooking, sending me off to watch Omowumi’s theatre session and getting everything ready in record time. My children were your children. That same Bamishe celebrated her 1st birthday in your flat in Hawk Tower. In the twinkling of an eye you had recruited at least half a dozen young ones to come and party with her, found a beautiful dress to put on her and a cake to go with it. Amazing Agnes, I can’t forget. And my friends were your friends. Virginie, Jerome, Corinne, it didn’t matter that they were French-speaking, if the Alaos got along with them, that was it. A seat was reserved for you at my friend’s son Steve’s wedding in May 2019, I’m sure you’d have loved it.
Back home in Nigeria in the late 70s while we were in secondary school together, my mum would say, “why are both of you going up and down?” and your mum would say “what’s wrong with you people”, because we’d go from your house to mine and back again, chit-chatting. It was always so comfortable hanging around with you, sharing thoughts, dreams, projects, disappointments, failures and victories. No frills, it was just plain and simple. And many years later, from the early 90s, living in two different countries may have changed the form, but it didn’t stop the spirit of our friendship.
I was looking forward to firming up the plans to celebrate our respective 30th wedding anniversaries in 2020 together. We were already scheming and dreaming of a trip to the Caribbean islands; I was going to ask my neighbour to help with the reservations, and we’d get a tailor to sew us our “habitual twin outfits”. That was a habit we carried on from our time in Government College Agege, when your mum bought some material (yellow and red) which my mum sewed in the same style for us both. I remember a school mate asking if we were twins, to which you replied, “she’s tall and fair, I’m small and dark, of course we’re not twins!”.
No, we weren’t, at least not in the biological sense. But somehow, it became a lived experience. You were in yellow house, and I in green House. We would sit perched on the top of the bunk bed in your dormitory, eating the yam and fish stew your mum always brought when she came for the parents’ monthly visit. It was ever so tasty! And then at other moments it’d be my mum’s jollof rice and chicken stew which would be shared, oh yummy!
If we’d had our way, my family and I would have bought the house next door to yours and we’d have seen each other more often, sent our children to the same schools and done a host of many more things together. Somehow, things didn’t work out on that score, and there were indeed strained moments when we saw less of each other. Thankfully, those moments didn’t last, and it was always a pleasure to turn up on each other’s doorstep, whether at Brookhowse road UK or somewhere around Lille France. We’re family, period. Our husbands, our siblings, and even our children know that.

S for Soldier, S for Saint
It must have been 1983 when we met up at my mum’s shop in Akoka, after you had gone off to study industrial chemistry at Uniben, and I was home from my first year in medical school in Unife. We had not talked for too long when you started sharing the testimony of your new relationship with Jesus. I still remember the relief and joy in your eyes when it turned out that I had also, in a different setting and by divine grace, been enlisted in the Lord’s army! Thank you, Jesus.
And so we journeyed, falling and failing often, but constantly kept by our good Shepherd, the one whose faithful kindness knows no bounds. You loved the Lord, and I know He loved you too. You’d share the insights, promises and corrections you’d received from Him. We had a natural prayer partnership that being married did not alter, rather reinforced. I often sat marvelling at your faith in the promise-keeping One to whom you had confidently entrusted each of your concerns. “There’s no way He won’t work things out”, you’d say.
I believe it, and I thank you for the wonderful moments of fellowship we shared. When others around you faltered in their faith journey, you mourned, you prayed, and you were quick to rejoice at every little sign of their restoration, like the “little cloud the size of a man’s fist” that Elijah’s servant saw. A woman of the word, a woman of prayer, you loved to witness. I remember the lady on the boat during our crossover from Dover to Calais in July 2018. She even got to share our picnic while you encouraged her to keep loving Jesus. And there was Michel, our friend in France to whom you testified of God’s healing grace when he was dying from a brain tumor.

Everywhere I turn, I see your face, hear your voice and ponder your absence. Can it be true that you’ve slipped into eternity? While I do not mourn as one who has no hope, I can’t but wish you could had stayed on a bit longer. We still had so much more to do together, seeing the children off in marriage, exchanging notes on grandmother duties, branching out into new areas of activity, going to the spa!. You enjoyed the spa outing in february 2019 and said we should do it more often, I still have the scented scrub, but it was the last…

So now you are at rest, freed from the shackles of a physical body which could no longer fulfill its duties to you. The Lord surely and certainly knows best. I’ll miss you sorely. And remember you fondly. You were and forever will remain, one of the best gifts God gave me on this side of eternity.
Goodnight darling Usikaro, my beloved sister from another mother. Adieu mon amie.
February 9, 2021
February 9, 2021
Agnes, usi you were such a kind hearted person we Miss you so much but we are comforted by the assurance that you are resting in the bosom of the Lord, who loves you more than we do. May your soul rest in perfect peace Amen
February 8, 2021
February 8, 2021
My dear Agnes, you have fought a good fight, you have finished your course. Enter into His eternal rest till resurrection morning. Good night!!!!!. We will surely miss you. Adieu my nwunye Chuks.
February 8, 2021
February 8, 2021
We miss your friendship and the love you radiated among the brethren. What a selfless and brave mum you have been to your children and a devoted wife !
We loved you but your creator loves you more. 
You fought a brave battle gallantly. You have left a legacy of perseverance and faith in your maker. Good night sis
February 8, 2021
February 8, 2021
Sister Agnes we all thank God on your behalf because you fought a good fight and have now received crown of glory. We will always remember all the Godly legacy you have left behind.
Now that you have joined the cloud of witnesses, it is left for us to run the race successfully to the end and remain faithful to the call of God in our life.
Brother Chuks and the children I pray that God who is the father of all comfort will continue to comfort you all and provide all the necessary strength you all required at such a difficult time like this.
May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be upon you all amen.
Simeon Kehinde
February 7, 2021
February 7, 2021
We did not get to meet ou dear sister on this side of existence but we're assured of a resurrection morning and eternal fellowship. Agnes' illness and homecalling has been a journey of faith with the updates and scriptures that our brother Chuks shared, May the Balm in Gilead suffice at this time.
February 7, 2021
February 7, 2021
Dear brother Chuks, our condolences once again.

Dear Agnes. How glad I was to meet you after many years at the Alumni conference. Even introduced my daughter to you, who studied something similar to you and is doing well. You spoke with her and encouraged.

You'll be sorely missed by us, your family and the body of Christ. Rest in Him till we meet again.
February 7, 2021
February 7, 2021
Dear Aunty Usi, it’s really sad you had to go so soon, I am grateful for the time we spent together when you came visiting with Uncle Chuks, Udo, Adaeze and Ebere In 2016.
I remember how much genuine concern you showed Mike and i when we had our challenges.
Thank you for being such an angel, for living your best life and showing love to everyone that came your way.
I pray that my Uncle and cousins are comforted by the sweet Holy Spirit at this time. Amen
Rest In Peace Aunty
February 7, 2021
February 7, 2021
Dear Sister Agnes.

You were a blessing to many and the CUNAA family. We miss you greatly on this side, but we are reassured that you are in a better place with our God who knows all things.

You will always be remembered.
February 7, 2021
February 7, 2021
Great wife of wisdom, faith, peace and love. Though gone so soon you remain ever green in our life's, REST IN PEACE

February 6, 2021
February 6, 2021
Dear big sis Agnes, you’ve definitely left a vacuum that cannot be filled. The last time I was in London with my family, you went out of your way to spoil us with a feast fit for royals & takeaway too.
Your large heart & accomodating spirit will definitely be missed.
Uncle chuks, Udo, Adaeze, Nkechi & Ebele be greatly comforted. May the Lord’s healing hands soothe the unimaginable pain caused by Sis Agnes’ absence.

Ify & Dayo Dada (edinburgh)
February 6, 2021
February 6, 2021
To brother Chuks, Udo, Buchi, Nkechi and Ebele, we are truly so sorry for the loss of our dear sister Agnes. She was truly a remarkable woman whose faith and strength were an inspiration to us all!
I truly pray that the Lord continue to comfort you all.
February 6, 2021
February 6, 2021
Dear Rev. Chuks, Udo, Buchi, Nkechi and Ebele,

Our thoughts, heart and prayers are with you at this time. Our continuing prayer is that the Lord will comfort and strengthen you all. May His everlasting arms of love bear you up and keep you in Jesus name.

Sister Agnes was an amazing strong woman of God till the very end. Full of life and vitality, generous, always smiling and willing to help. Kind hearted and always giving of herself. She was an extremely hardworking woman who put her all into everything she did. She impacted everyone she came into contact with and related to both young and old. When you think of a Proverbs 31 woman, you think of Sister Agnes. Her love for children and youth was evident. She always wanted to input into their lives for good.
We remember the wonderful meals she single handedly prepare and make sure everyone was well fed anytime you visited her home. She will be missed!

We thank God for her life and thank God that even though absent in the body, we believe she is now present with the Lord where there is no more pain, tears or sighing.

From The Henshaw Family
With love
February 6, 2021
February 6, 2021
My Pastor and Children & Family,
On behalf of me and my family please accept my pro-fined Condolences and heartfelt to My sister Agnes Anaerobi who has Changed address to hope beyond.
She gone to welcome us when it will be our own turn to come home.
May the Lord Comfort all of us May her Soul Rest in peace.
She will be greatly be Missed.
February 6, 2021
February 6, 2021
Agnes, my dear sister and friend. We met at secondary school and her gentleness and kind nature was evident for all. Agnes was brilliant and amongst the top set. We met again at a church in London and she stood for excellence and lived the life of Christ. Agnes loved, cared and supported all who crossed her path. Truly wanted the best for others and she challenged, encouraged and supported in her ways to see that happened. When l needed help she stood with me and her words also brought comfort. Agnes's early return to glory is a pain in our hearts. I pray that the family and friends will be comforted in Jesus name amen
Adieu sister, sleep well till we meet again to part no more.
February 6, 2021
February 6, 2021
Sis. Agnes, you're gone too soon! Joy in Heaven and sorrow on earth. May your family and all who know you be comforted, with the assurance that you are at rest in the Lord.

You are sorely missed.

Jane Onaiwu
February 6, 2021
February 6, 2021
God comfort you all on every side and take courage she is asleep in Christ you will see her in the Fullness of time. Remember the precious times you shared together. Praying for you all.

Stay Blessed
February 6, 2021
February 6, 2021
Agnes, you were a true woman of God. With your kindness, patience and understanding you mentored me to be the Christian I am today and I will be forever grateful for that. You have served your purpose for us all on earth so now rest in peace my dear friend, sister in Christ. Until we meet again, God bless you.
February 6, 2021
February 6, 2021
Agnes, rest on in the lord. I remember our days on campus at the Christian Union Fellowship. You were always a joy to be around and a source of encouragement.
May our Heavenly Father comfort Chucks, your children and your whole family.
Idowu Osemwegie-Oluleye
February 6, 2021
February 6, 2021
Dear Reverend Chuks, Udo, Adaeze, Nkechi and Ebele,

We are very deeply saddened to hear of the passing of our beloved Sister Agnes. It is still hard to process that she is no longer with us.

Bro Chuks and Sister Agnes, your family have been a blessing and encouragement to ours and we are grateful for your love and your counsel over the years.

We pray for God’s strength and peace that surpasses all understanding to be yours at this time.

Sister Agnes, rest fully in the everlasting arms of our Heavenly Father.

Much love from
Edward, Afua, Phoebe, Emmanuel and Joshua. xxx (The Parrys)
February 4, 2021
February 4, 2021
My dear Sister Agnes, I find it very difficult to understand and come to terms with your passing. I remember your hospitality at our cube meetings and the long chats and advise you used to give me when I gave you lifts after prayer meetings. Thank you for all the academic advise, prayers and support for my daughter leading up to you becoming unwell; I really longed to see you to update you but never did. My consolation is that you are in the presence of your Heavenly Father and free from pain and afflictions of life. May the Lord God Almighty comfort your family and give them the strength and fortitude to bear your painful loss. Rest well my beloved Sister.
January 31, 2021
January 31, 2021
Our dear Sister Agnes, your lovely smile will greatly be missed. You cared about people and was such an encourager. You are down to earth about things with no pretence and always directing others back to God in any situation to acknowledge him.
You passion was to start a School for Children with disability and you didn’t mind going to retrain yourself for the new Chapter in your life. It wasn’t easy but you went through it and never gave up despite several challenges.
I thank God for you and your life together with your family is a testimony.
Thanking God for Rev Chuks, Udo, Buchi, Nkechi and Ebele. Praying the Comforter will continue to comfort all family and friends and we will all be encouraged with
1Thessalonians 4:13-18.
Adieu Agnes till we meet again.
January 31, 2021
January 31, 2021
Dear Rev Chuks, Udo, Adeaze, Nkechi & Ebele, our deepest condolences to you. May God provide comfort to you all at this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Much love
Bayo, Phoenicia, Amara & Micah Oyeniyi
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