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Her Life

Mum's last Facebook Post - All about the grandchildren

April 20, 2020
Ailsa adored her grandchildren and she talked about them all the time. She always made sure she could be with them and take care of them

Welcomed my darling wife Gilda into the family

April 19, 2020
I remember excitedly telling Mum I had met this beauty queen, cover model, DC lawyer lady and had really enjoyed that and has such a laugh. Mum wanted to see a picture and approvingly mentioned "Oh, I see, suddenly into blondes are we ? " Mum having the most fabulous blonde hair herself I think it was a case of spotting another classy lady from afar. Anyway, as time moves on and Gilda and Mum meet they hit it off really well. Although legally married at the courthouse we had planned a big celebration in the summer. Both Gilda and Mum are magpies, glamorous, huge personalities, rather frugal a lot of the time, interrupt you after 3 words ( because they are so smart they already "got it" and moved on )  and can't let you get a word in. Gilda and Mum had a special connection even though it was only over a few months. Mum welcomed her into the family and was so happy to have this addition.

Mum was chatting to me by phone on her final day. I was talking about what Gilda and I had been up to ( she seemed more interested in Gilda ha ) then she remind me that Gilda was very much like her - and that basically - I married my mother hahaha! She loved that! Then asked to speak to her and told me to get back to work! :) 

Family First

April 19, 2020
Mum was ALL about family. If it wasn't worrying about one of her family she was plotting how they could have a better and happier life. She was selfless and truly wonderful in that she felt responsible for us all. In the same breath she was relentless with questions, emails, demands and "Suggestions" ( kinda like commands ) since mum was always the Boss lady too. Family Family Family and oh yes - I'm the boss! :)

Life and soul of the party

April 19, 2020
Every time the good music was playing, mum was the first to start clapping, stand up and even dance. This often got the rest of the room up doing the same. Shy was not in her DNA and she loved to have a good time. She would love to interact with our friends and get involved in any parties, social events and gatherings. Always remembered for being so easy to talk to and fun! 

Mum - her values, my values

April 18, 2020
Mum was a unique soul. She was generous and loving yet fiercely protective of her family. She was kind and thoughtful but a force to be reckoned with. As a kid I remember her always saying " tomorrow is another day" - it became some kind of family motto, at least for me it did. Whatever drama endured that day, whatever pain, heartache or mistake happened  - she believed in moving on, onward and upwards.I buy into that to this day and take it as one of my core values. This lesson lives on