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January 22, 2019
January 22, 2019
This is a poem we wrote for alan’s funeral x it helps us remember him x
Alan’s Poem
Alan was always a special little boy,
From the moment he was born he gave us so much joy.
He had to fight right from the start,
Because he had a poorly heart.
But fight he did for all of his short life,
Many times it balanced on the edge of a knife.
He never made thing easy for the Glenfield team,
But we all had one vision, the same one dream.
To make Alan better and help his little heart.
No one knew how soon he would depart.
When he started growing, what a beautiful boy he became,
Peek a boo was definately one of his favourite games.
Never was a smile far from his face,
Even when Glenfield became our base!
I can see him now crawling round ward 30,
He didn't care if he was getting dirty!
We thought he was really doing alright
How we wish we'd known how ill he was that night.
But we have so many lovely memories of our precious little boy,
Here are a selection, they give us so much joy.

His smiling face in the morning and his little knock on the door,
Eating his weetabix and throwing his dinner on the floor.
The way he loved to brush his teeth,
And wipe his mouth with a handkerchief.
The way he loved to brush his hair,
And escape out the door to climb the stairs.
Playing with the remote control when ever he could,
putting things in water - he knew he never should!
Throwing his bottle from the cot to the floor,
seeing him talk to his teddies as we peeped round the door.
Giving him his medicine in the morning and at night,
And watching him shake the bottles with all his might.
How his little feet would appear on the table
And eating chocolate when ever he was able.
Taking his shoes and socks off in the car,
They were always off before we got far.
Pinching both his sisters dummies
And trying on slippers and shoes of mummy's
Watching In the night garden and squealing with delight
He knew what time it was on every night!

We have so many wonderful memories, I could go on all day,
But I guess we should move on and send Alan on his way.
Our brave little soldier whom we so love
Is now with God in Heaven above.
Goodnight our little Angel, Until we meet again,
Your in our hearts forever and will be till the end.

We love you so much,
Mummy & Daddy
January 22, 2019
January 22, 2019
Such a little ray of light, sadly gone but never forgotten.
January 16, 2018
January 16, 2018
We miss you so much. Your beautiful smile, your constant bravery, your courage and such determination x you are one special little boy x I’m sending you big cuddles x we miss your big cuddles so much x We hope you’re having a big party in heaven x we love you so much x love mummy and daddy, Lizzy, Mary, David and Emma x
January 16, 2014
January 16, 2014
Love you lots little man, miss you so much. Love mummy, daddy, lizzy, mary, david and emma
March 14, 2012
March 14, 2012
this little angel taken too soon but now in heaven with other dear ones xxx

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