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Dear friends,

It is with profound sadness that I inform you on behalf of my sisters that our beloved father, Al Pesso, died suddenly on May 19th after a long illness and seven months hospitalization. There will be a joint memorial service for both our mother and father in Cambridge, MA in late summer at a time and date to be determined.

Extending a warm hug to all who loved him and will miss him,

Tana Pesso

(Al’s eldest daughter)


Albert Pesso, beloved husband of Diane Boyden Pesso & son of Esther Albala & Bohor Ben Saba Pincas Pesso, died after a long illness on May 19, 2016 in Boston, MA. Born Sept. 19, 1929 he leaves 3 daughters, Tana Pesso, Tasmin Pesso, & Tia Pesso Powell, 4 grandchildren, Chris F. Edley III, Kyra Chu Pesso, Jonathan Pesso Chu, & Xoren Pesso Powell, brother Sam Pesso, & sister Sylvia Waldner. 

With his wife, Al created Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor, a widely respected interactive technique that helps clients create new memories to compensate for emotional deficits in the past.  He has been called one of the 3 living masters of body-based psychotherapy and was chosen in 2012 to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award by the U.S. Assoc. for Body Psychotherapy.

Al began his career as a dancer & choreographer, studying under Martha Graham and May O’Donnell. He & Diane met as Bennington College students, then married & danced in NYC. Al received his B.A. from Goddard College. In 1956, they established a dance center in Quincy, MA & within 5 years developed the foundational theory of PBSP. Encouraging dancers to allow their bodies to act out their inner feelings, they observed that the resulting emotional outpouring was cathartic, but did not help the individual heal their emotional scars. They went on to develop an interactive model that drew on spatial relationships, specific wording, & physical touch to provide a response from the outer world to each of the inner needs expressed. This facilitated the creation of new body-based memories to counteract memories of past emotional deficits. Al was a tenured assoc. professor & dir. of Emerson College’s dance dept. while he & Diane developed, practiced, & began teaching their new form of body-based psychotherapy.

Al served as dir. of Psychomotor Therapy at McLean Hospital & the Pain Unit of the N.E. Rehabilitation Hospital; adjunct prof. at Fielding Inst.; & consultant in psychiatric research at the Boston VA Hospital. He also taught PBSP at Harvard’s continuing education program & at other educational & medical institutions abroad. He has written & contributed to many books & more than 50 articles, & led hundreds of seminars around the world.

Al was a featured speaker at many psychology conferences, such as: the American Academy of Psychotherapists; the Assoc. of Humanistic Psychology; the National Inst. for Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine; the Berlin Psychoanalytic Inst.; the European Congress on Body Psychotherapy; & the American Assoc. of Marriage & Family Therapy. He also presented at medical schools & hospitals, including Grand Rounds at BU’s Medical School.

Considered a uniquely gifted ‘therapists’ therapist’ Al helped thousands of clients to achieve lives of greater happiness, satisfaction, & meaning. He established PBSP training centers around the world which have certified hundreds of PBSP therapists & trained an excellent cadre of PBSP trainers & supervisors who carry on the work to the highest standards. It brought Al & Diane deep gratification in their final days to know that they left had their life’s work in such capable hands.

Like his wife, Al had a deeply compassionate wish to heal all the wounds of the world. He will be sorely missed by friends & family who remain inspired by his life's work, fierce dedication, playful spirit, & unique soul.

A joint memorial service for Al & Diane will be held in Camb., MA TBD. See for tributes.


May 24, 2016
May 24, 2016
Dear Al,
your way of working was scientific and art at once. It was with heart and mind. Timeless. Diane and you are ahead of your time, for many years. Thank you.
Mona from Freiburg
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
Dear Al
Thank you for all your wonderfull therapeutic solutions, for your warm hearted advice for how to change desperation into hope. I will carry your gift in my heart and let others know about you and what you gave to the world. Thank you Al, yours Sabine Lück
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
I heard very positive feedback about Al Pesso and his work already while a student of psychomotor therapy in Belgium. He influenced many in the low countries from the 1960s onwards. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from Al in person. His writings, teachings and demonstrations have literally shaped me over the years on all levels. I find guidance in his messages for my personal and professional life most every day. I know he wanted to finish another book. I was already looking forward to read what this great man had still to say! Hope is will be published posthumously. My condolences.
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
I wish your father the same safe place in the hart of the universe as he was helping so many of us to create one in this world. Since I followed the PBSM in Amsterdam, I discovered a new world. Thanks Al, for developping the PBSM.
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
Dear Al,

I had the pleasure to meet you as a teacher for your PBSP method in the Netherlands. I enjoyed the education and am using your model within our education for Equitherpaists in the Netherlands now. You have inspired me, made me think and feel and develop myself as a therapist for my clients and pupils. I thank you very much for everything I was able to find out and develop under your guidance. You always have been a big teacher, honest and trustful person for me and I promise to go further in bringing your very dear and important concepts over to my own students and clients.

Dr.ULrike Thiel
Psychologist and head of the Dutch federation for Equitherapy
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
Dear Al,
Since I met you in 2012 I was so impressed by your refined technique, deep clinical intuition and original theoretical principles that I didn't miss any opportunities to follow your work. You helped me on my professional skills but mainly on being in touch with my own interpersonal emotions and life story. Thanks for everything!
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
Dear Al, gratitude to you for all that I received as a student of yours. It has been my honour to be able to publish your work in Spanish through my company.
I believe that we will still be working with your writings and thoughts as they have life timevalue.
What you taught me stays in my heart and mind.
I am ready to continue my work as a pbsp therapist. Safe travels! I will remember your visit to Barcelona.
Enrique Arellano Farias
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
...I remember 2003, when I presented a video for my evaluation. It showed a structure where my patient had made a new memory of a dead ideal father. She went to his grave, put down flowers, talked to him, cried and grieved. You, Al, said, an ideal father would not have died and we had a big argument about this.
In some way, I admit, I thought you might be immortal; but you weren´t , you were a real human being whom I owe so much. Thank you Al for having helped me to open up my possibility sphere not only as a psychotherapist.
Trusting in the law of Entropy I know that you´re not gone, you have just changed and that your energy is spreading forth and forth. So I put down flowers, talk to you, listen, cry, smile and say good bye,

Sabina Bongard
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
From the moment that I met Al in 1978, I discovered that he was a mentor for me. He never let me down and freely shared his wisdom with our group. And, I remember him dancing with Diane during p;arty night in NH. I suppose that he is dancing with her now.'
with Love and appreciation,
Russell Haber
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
Dear Al,
You have been a life changing experience leading me on the path of happiness in this imperfect world. Giving a shiny touch to my world from my family life, to my friendships and work. And the experience is just about a new beginning starting the 5th PBSP training in Bristol. You will forever remain as an unfolding inspiration hovering in my sky.
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
Thank you Tana for your warm words in your message on the passing of your so beloved father.
My warm condolances to you and your sisters and wishing you much strength in this hard time.

During structure workshops and education with Al I benefited till 2015 of the contact with him and of the PBSP method.
Al's sense of humor, warmth and friendliness were so dear to me.
It feels hard to give up the hope on his further recovering.
But the benefit will stay and find other shapes.

Al, Thank you for all,
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
I am so sorry for your loss of mother and father. I attended one workshop as therapist with your father in NH. He was a caring and gifted therapist who helped a great deal of people in his life. He made a contribution to mine that am ever grateful for. He will be missed.
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
Al Pesso has died.
A sad day.
We have lost a great thinker, philosopher, psychotherapist.
No theory I know has more depth and love, sees all the different sides and forces of humanity.
I am grateful to have known Al Pesso and that I have been educated in PBSP.
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
More than anything, Al was a cartographer, charting his way through the territories of the soul, the nervous system, and the many meanings of history. That he and Diane began their professional lives as dancers reminds us that he trusted the body to be the messenger for our wounds and our longing for wholeness. He developed his theory and practice from his own felt experience and from observing others with open-hearted awareness. His ideas were always evolving. His curiosity about the human condition was unending. He knew, beyond a doubt, that happiness is not only possible in this imperfect world, but the deepest impulse we have. This was his genius and the source of his profound goodness. I worked and trained with Al for almost thirty years and will feel his loss profoundly. Somehow, in my irrational soul, I imagined that a life force as strong as his would never die. Now I must chart my own course to make sure it never does.
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
I met Al in 1973 in Groningen when I experienced a very memorable rebirthing structure.
From that time onwards Al has been a valuable and inspiring presence in both my personal and professional life at different times during the last 43 years.
I have valued and benefitted from his insights and understanding of the human condition and enjoyed his wonderful sense of humour.
He sometimes saw me as the brother he never had and I will miss him .
Al, thank you for having given so much of yourself.
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
What a sad news!.... but what a gift I had got the chance to share some days with you at the Hakomi conference and the Trainers Training in Berlin 2013. I will never forget your loving presence! Yours Uta!
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
To All of Al's Descendants; We know that y'all Loved him as a Father and Grandfather, but so many of us Loved him for being a Beacon of Light, in the Process called Growth. We know that he is having a complete different view of "The Possibility Sphere". Much Love from Carl and Nara
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
Deep in my heart I do believe, you Al, are one of the three important persons, who change my life, following up a new perspective of therapeutic attitude. I am full of thanks and joy to be allowed to do my work with the enriching PBSP. Your legacy will linger in the hearts and minds of the many people whose lives you transformed.
With great respect, esteem and love you will presently remain.
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
Dear Al, I have so many memories of your warmth, your wisdom and your inspiring mind over the years that it becomes almost impossible to find one that stands out above all the others.

I first met you in October 2001 at The Malthouse in Sussex, when you came to begin work with the first UK PBSP training group set up by Lowijs. By that time PBSP had begun to change my life, but the level of intuitive mastery you demonstrated that day was a revelation. Over the years, in Sussex, at The Richmond Gate in London, and in Strolling Woods, the revelations kept coming, and I eventually became a Certified Pesso Boyden Therapist and began to practice what I had been taught professionally.

In Strolling Woods you kindly agreed to a video interview with me, in which you spoke of the origins of PBSP and the qualities you felt made a good therapist. Creativity, humility and compassion were the key, you said. "Your job is to trust the client and get out of the way". It became a guiding star for my work.

Well, Al, "memory is running the show". On the stage and screen of my remembered present you are forever dancing.

Jon Chapman
Pesso Boyden Therapist
Cambridge, UK
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
Al was my teacher back in late 90 early in 2000 in Norway and I learned to feel deep respect for his (and Diana's) development of a complex treatment based on psychology, biology and philosophy. I admired him, among other things, for his teaching skills, brilliant micro tracking, patience and good-hearted personality. He was the antidote itself.
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
Al and dianne
you both will be so missed and yet you live in our hearts and memories for ever; thank you for such livingness and gift offerings to use that we have been able to live a fuller and more meaningful life, thanks to the creative impulse and compassion you both had/have towards the human condition; I am forever in gratitude to you both.
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
Al left a warm, pleasant, intelligent new memory in my life that helped me to become a better person, professional, father and husband. My deepest feelings for all of you.
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
I had the pleasure of attending a workshop by Albert at a USABP convention in Boulder, Co. a few years ago. he was such a warm, loving and brilliant man. I only wish I had been able to get to know him better. So sorry to hear of his passing, but I know his work and love will continue on.
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
Dearest Al
You so impacted me as a vital human being when we met in the first UK PBSP training! I was drawn to the US to work with you in 2002 and felt so enriched I decided to make those summer weeks an annual retreat and treat. Since then you’ve been, and will always remain, a constant reference point in my life. You gave me the gift of being seen and connecting to my true self. I work more profoundly with others guided by your influence. It’s been an inspiration to team up so closely with you to organise UK trainings to spread the richness of what you created with Diane. Thank you for being my mentor, teacher and treasured colleague on my journey to the true honour of becoming a PBSP Trainer. I’m dedicated to carrying your torch onwards and privileged to do so! And I will miss you being in the world.

Sally Potter
UK Pesso Boyden Training Coordinator
Certified Pesso Boyden Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
Dear Al

What privilege to learn with and from you for nearly 15 years! I will always treasure your visits to England and your annual summer workshops in the States. My life changed through the structures I had with you, and I was deeply impacted by the care you dedicated within each structure you led with others. By being so constantly consistent to the same principles you showed me how a genuine following guide can be individually responsive to so many different people. Thank you for your contribution to humankind.

Pete Mann
Manchester, England
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
Dear Al:
I will never forget sitting with you, Bessel, and Dan S. talking about my SEAMEDANCE Ballroom Project for Veterans in 2003. I am forever changed having worked with your method and I will always carry your teachings in my heart, mind and soul.
With my whole being I will continue the Dance we started together in everything I do. With gratitude and love for you, Diane and all the family. Marina
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
Al was one of the true master therapists and an important mentor for me beginning in the late '70's I will forever value his teaching and contribution to my development. The world has lost one of the true originators in the field.
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
I bow to you Al. You were a man of genius, a brilliant originator, our inspiring teacher over decades and a very close friend of mine. I cannot express in words, what you, Diane and PBSP means to me. We will keep the treasure.

For the last time


Michael Bachg
Coordinator Germany
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
Dear Al
You have changed my life, our life and lives of many people through your genius, endless enthusiasm, creativity, humor, intelligence and ability to see through signs of human nature which other people may overlook. I know that you have discovered something new and unknown about the way human mind and brain works. You knew it and you always wanted to share it with others. You greatly succeeded! We think of you and talk about you and your great work very often. Thank you for everything, our big teacher and friend. We miss you and we are grateful for spending almost 13 years around you. Petra and Miles Winnette
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
What a special man he was. With his clear mind, his empathic and intelligent view on mankind, he enchanted my mind. He led me to a profound kind of wisdom, that I cherish.
I will miss " the endlessly unfolding of his thinking"
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
Al was my mentor, my “therapist,” my colleague. He was a work in process, ever evolving in his thinking. Such a wonderful role model. Twenty-five years of working with Al helped me be a better person and a better therapist to my clients –in groups and individually. On June 19th I was explaining “holes in roles” to a therapist who is also a client of mine and pointing to a picture I have on my office wall of Al and me together.  I used to tease him about “bopping” all around the world with his bag and computer. I like to imagine him now “bopping” around the next dimension side by side with Diane still being super creative and super helpful to so many. Al will live on here in those of us he trained and in those we have trained.
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
Al and Diane were shining lights for me at the Charles Street Meeting House in Boston, when I was a student at MIT, and joined their incredible class in what was beginning to be their life's work. The Charles Street Meeting House was a kind of consortium of creativity at that time: its minister was printing books of his own poetry in the basement, Al and Diane were giving classes in what was no longer simply dance, my husband (also a student at MIT) and another man were basically rebuilding to install an enormous pipe organ in the meeting house that had adorned a stairway in a house nearby........
As years went on, I saw their names at some of the places we both taught at in Europe, but never at the same time. Finally we reconnected 30 years later at United States Association for Body Psychotherapy Conferences, at one of which Al was given a Lifetime Achievement Award.
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
Dear Al, I met you at a weekend workshop in Portland, OR, in 1976. I was immediately taken by the theory and practice of psychomotor therapy, and from that time on, I trained with you whenever I could. I used the theory and techniques of psychomotor, as I learned them from you, in many different settings, and in training students in psychodrama. You offered me an insight into a personal issue, in 1978, that was and has been of tremendous help to me. I carry the power of psychomotor to the psychodrama world, and honor you there as one of my most valuable trainers. Al, I will miss your kindness, your wisdom, and your amazing intellect. Peace, Georgia
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
My encounters with Al were like a shower of light and amazement. He was a true genius with so much heart, and a constantly evolving method of changing people's lives. While his method will live on in so many dedicated brilliant individuals, his genius was truly his own gift to the world.
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
The moment I met you, that June morning in 1994, the twinkle in your eyes and your powerful and kind physical presence captured my heart.  I now mourn your passing as a teacher and mentor to several generations of therapists in many different countries, my neighbor here in Boston, and as a guide who helped change my inner life. The many weekends doing structures with an ever changing cast of characters in Franklin are unforgettable. To my mind your greatest and most unique contribution was to show us how we can create new memories of having been loved where there was deprivation before; having been met when we were ignored & gaining a voice after having been silenced. Your vitality and life force lit our world, and we will try to carry that candle forward!
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
Dear Al,
It is strange to write to you as if you were here and still present. By my calculations, I've trained with you for 26 years! Since I've been in private practice for 30 years, I can say that your wisdom has been apart of almost every client I've worked with. That is not going to change! You have been a sometimes therapist, sometimes, buddy, sometimes colleague, but the role I'm most familiar with you is as a teacher and trainer. I will always be grateful that the meteor that is you landed in my backyard. Now it doesn't feel strange to be talking with you! I'm looking forward to the continued dialogue with you for the next 26 years.
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
I first heard about Al from a lecture by Bessel van der Kolk, and flew from California to Strolling Woods for a "training" that changed my life. My many visits there are etched deeply in my memories as times of amazement and awe at Al's gifted ability to lead participants to re imprint memories of pain and loss with those of joy and peace. The deep healing I experienced and witnessed there escapes words. Al, your spirit lives on all of us to whom you gave a part of yourself in PBSP, and your work will continue to change the world through us.
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
Sad news to hear from this far place!

Al has been, and remains a bright light in the sky, a teacher and therapist, vagabond and autodidact, a loving-witnessing presence. I had been speaking with him just last year about getting some of his teaching on video and made available to a broader audience online, but his health had started to be unstable. His natural enthusiasm and interest in the new was piqued, but he remains a gifted teacher-artist and I hope still somehow his legacy can grow and expand into the future. A unique offering to the world, humane, attuned, poetic-playful, and warmly welcoming.

With good wishes, sadness and great appreciation for his enormous commitment to learning and life.

A deep bow to you all, and to the community of learners that he touched.


Simon d'Orsogna
Melbourne, Australia
Individual Therapist and Group Consultant
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
Dear Friends,
The world has lost a great spirit. A short man, yet he was the tallest tree in the forest. His falling leaves a huge hole in the canopy, one that will take generations to fill.

After the first workshop I was in with Al in 1974 I thought, "this looks like magic, but if it can be learned, I want to learn it." And just under that was "this is the way I can be healed."

And this is what happened. I moved to Boston to study with these utterly human, utterly brilliant people, Al and Diane. For two years we worked together three or four days a week.
So many structures, so many videos, so many memories...

For me Al and Diane were artists and scientists, ceaselessly and fearlessly exploring, using the raw materials of their bodies and souls to reveal and then heal. Like modern monks, they often sacrificed themselves (and their family) in their devotion to their art and healing craft. Contemplating their heroic lives, all I know to do is to try to carry the work on and to say to the All-Their-Is what I can no longer say to you Al and Diane in person, Thank You.
May 21, 2016
May 21, 2016
Dear Al,

I am grateful to have known you as the most inspiring person in my life.
My mind goes back 40 years - you and Diana were leading the first workshop in Amsterdam. Nine structures a day, the vital proof of your motivation and dedication. 
I remember the sweet smell of your blue shirt, your humor and your amazing creative therapeutic solutions.
Six years later, Harmina and I - thirty years old - did profit from your therapeutic work. You helped us to become better parents.
I bought you a bowl of Spanish fish soup when you were in the Boston Rehabilitation Centre, January 2016. I will always remember the pleasure and satisfaction on your face. We felt connected and we were celebrating the meaning of our lives in a last wordless hug, knowing that we both are mortal human beings.
I am grateful that you trusted me and many others to carry Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor forward.
Honored master, dear colleague, beloved friend, I will miss you.

Dr Lowijs Perquin, psychiatrist
Dedicated Trainer in PBSP
May 21, 2016
I am so sorry for the loss of your mother and father. I only met them briefly in Franklin NH when my son, Louis Duquette was a caretaker at the house. May they RIP
May 21, 2016
May 21, 2016
One brilliant compassionate pioneer...forever missed.
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Recent Tributes
May 19
I am still working at age 75. Why? Because it is fun to be a local agent of helping others and myself to be happy in an imperfect world. And wow!how imperfect this world is at the moment.Even more we need this effective and deep human method of working with traumatized people. Thank you, Diane and Al, for having invested time and energy in developping the PBSP method and teaching it.
So helpful!
May 19
May 19
Al Was a rare gift to the world he was a true humanist and genius. Sadly, he cannot be Replicated or even approximated. We need millions more like him in this time of mass delusion cultism. Al developed and promoted and effective way for people with courage to find their own truths Eventually transcend the need for a for authoritarian leaders. He is sorely missed
September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023
Al what is the most brilliant psychotherapist ever. It was not possible to write you need that his wisdom in a book because of the many in the many contingencies. that he carried inside of his head based on his great intelligence and experience, he probably saved my life.
Recent stories

Captain Nemo

June 20, 2017

You were so proud of your little boat. During our trips on the lake I teased you bij giving you the name Captain Nemo. 


June 20, 2017

This picture was taken in  Fall 1980 when I visited Al & Diane in Franklin NH.I was the director of De Borckerhof in Orvelte, Netherlands were Al started his first therapy groups in the Netherlands. He named it 'The womb' of my project.
We became friends and I stayed with them in Franklin.


February 23, 2017


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