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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Alvin Davis, 78 years old, born on September 6, 1938, and passed away on May 30, 2017. We will remember him forever.
September 7, 2021
September 7, 2021
Happy Birthday Alvin G! We are in Panama City and it's still your Birthday here! Brandy and I still miss you sweetie. We always will. That's how much we love you. Take care...we will see you again someday! Until then...we can't help the
tears! We love you with all of our heart!!!!
Michelle & Brandy
May 30, 2018
May 30, 2018
Hello Alvin G. Brandy & I want you to know it's been a year...and we miss you everyday of our lives. Can't believe it has been that long. You have left a impression in our hearts that no one can take away. But it doesn't make it better. Life is a less happier without you here. I do envy how you loved life and living every moment to its fullest. You changed our lives with your smile. I pray that i can be more like you. I hope that i can bring as much joy to others as you have to so many people. Rest in peace! We love you!

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September 7, 2021
September 7, 2021
Happy Birthday Alvin G! We are in Panama City and it's still your Birthday here! Brandy and I still miss you sweetie. We always will. That's how much we love you. Take care...we will see you again someday! Until then...we can't help the
tears! We love you with all of our heart!!!!
Michelle & Brandy
May 30, 2018
May 30, 2018
Hello Alvin G. Brandy & I want you to know it's been a year...and we miss you everyday of our lives. Can't believe it has been that long. You have left a impression in our hearts that no one can take away. But it doesn't make it better. Life is a less happier without you here. I do envy how you loved life and living every moment to its fullest. You changed our lives with your smile. I pray that i can be more like you. I hope that i can bring as much joy to others as you have to so many people. Rest in peace! We love you!
His Life

September 6th, 2024

Happy Birthday Alvin G. We miss you. If you were here, we would take you out for
your Birthday dinner. It's been 7 years now and we still miss you every day. We are
happy that you are with Lou on your birthday. Your rose bush you planted is doing well. Every time a rose blooms... we believe that it is you telling us you love us. I hope you hear me every day on my way to work and on my way home when I pass
the cemetery I tell my mom first "I love you and I miss you Mom" then it's " I love and miss you Alvin G" Hug and Kiss my mom for me. You can't miss her. She looks just like Fancy pants.
Love you,
Fancy Pants
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Love you Cowboy

September 9, 2020
Just wanted to say happy belated birthday you know I'm late for everything LOL I love you so much and miss you forever. I know you're in a better place. I will always cherish, trust, and love you Cowboy!!!!

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