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October 14, 2022
October 14, 2022
Hi Ma!! Here I am again 7 years later… still in shambles. I know it’s not what you would want so I hold my head to the sky even with tears flowing from my eyes I still manage to pull myself together day after day year after year because you are the fire behind my ass. I have so much to say, I have so many thoughts but most of all I just wish you could have stayed a little longer. I’ve accomplished so much and I know you see me trying but how I wish you were here you are still my person. I need you so bad but I guess God needed you more. My heart isn’t healed yet I strive to do the best I can do without you. These boys of yours have grown up and out and how I wish you had a chance meet your grands …. I talk to them about you and I will not let them forget you! How and why am I at work I know you asking? It’s all for a greater cause one day hopefully this won’t be so hard…. Until then keep the sunshine on me, keep being that soft breeze that blows by, the butterflies that land on me I know it’s all a simple reminder that baby I’m right here. I love you Mommy! Year 7 feels like Day 1….. just keep on loving me from wherever you are, keep pushing me, keep holding me down and steering me clear… From your baby girl aka Lil Butt
January 9, 2016
January 9, 2016
Good Morning Mommy! The holidays are over and they were very hectic indeed without your presence. The new year has come, the pain is rather fresh but I can feel you here with me. I love you to infinity and beyond!!
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Well it's my birthday and I'm crying my eyes out hoping to hear your voice or see your face. I haven't had a dream since you passed away. Oh how I miss those and I feel like I'm still asleep. When you left me 95% of me went with you. I'm still working on it but I got this Ma! I just never imagined my life without you.....But like they say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! You taught me how to be strong, independent, sweet, sour, and just plain mean when I want to be but all this has brought me to be me your TP! The one and only! And as long as I'm alive you will never be forgotten because I am my Mother's child and we are one of a kind! I Love You to the depths of my soul. Goodnight Ma
December 14, 2015
December 14, 2015
It's all just still seems like an dream that you are gone so soon it just seems like it was yesterday when you came to visit me and you was telling me how much you loved me and all the good times we had together just me and you and now you gone but the memories of you still lives and I miss you and love you so so so so so much auntie with all my heart and soul.
December 13, 2015
December 13, 2015
I miss you more and more with each passing day Momma Faye! I really miss your presence but I know you are right here with me.
      Love TP
     "Your Flower

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