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Iya nbiu - My amiable ever smiling friend

June 24, 2021
Amarachi was a person that I cannot really say how our little closeness in the office started , She was that person whom you will be forced to love and appreciate , we constantly pressurised me when ever She had one thing of the other that I was meant to do or solve for her, if She saw me 50 times, She would remind me that number of times. She really sat comfortably in everyone's heart in the office, You would be forced to joke or taunt her before She does it to you first.  I nicknamed her Iya nbiu ( meaning mother of Two or twins) .  I was torn apart upon hearing her demise as I quickly remembered her consoling words when we lost Adekunle Adeleye( a former office colleague and cousin brother) barely a year + 3 months after ,Amarachi too joined Kunle. It is very pathetic to me losing these two jolly people whom I cherished so much ..   Adieu to you both ( Kunle and Amarachi) remain restful in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ ...

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