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Ways to Remember Andrea on Her Birthday

December 18, 2023
Here's some ideas how to celebrate Andrea's life today on her birthday:

1. Take a special someone out to dinner and dance or just spend some quality time with them
2. Go trail riding - especially with family and friends somewhere special
3. Read the book she wrote "Last Rides"
4. Work on finishing the second book she was working on
5. Watch "The Black Stallion" or read the book by Walter Farley
6. Write your own novel
7. Cook up something special if you have the time and energy.
Or crack open Kraft Macaroni & Cheese box and hot dogs if you don't.
8. Remodel a Breyer
9. Draw or paint (a horse, or whatever is in your heart and on your mind)
10. Make a donation to a rescue or adopt a critter
11. Buy something at Tractor Supply, or operate a fork lift
12. Sing "Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport" - Andrea was thrilled when a singer came to St. Joseph and picked HER to sing that song with him, so she taught it to me.... (it's by Rolf Harris, if you don't know it there's a youtube of it - several actually, one with the Beatles if you're a fan, a dance version, etc.. and there's lyrics on good ole Google). But if Andrea taught it to you, I'm sure you couldn't ever forget it!
13. Play "Zanzibar" by Billy Joel
14. Plan a gathering with family or host friends
15. Breed a mare and raise foals (preferably Arabian)
16. Watch horse races
17. Go endurance riding
18. Do some cartwheels, and walk as far as you can on your hands - for those still spry enough to try this... she could go all the way across the school gymn on her hands... 
19. Dress up and throw an awesome birthday party complete with cake and pin the tail on the donkey
20. Go for a good gallop. Or take a best friend for a walk. 

- Grayce Armstrong

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