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August 13
August 13
A belated birthday message for my dad, Andy Ling:
I really miss your sense of humor, which was the glue that tied together a lot of your disparate interests --from sports and singing to tai chi and telling jokes-- and made them uniquely your own. You had a amusingly playful manner about many things, including yourself and your own excellence and failings, which I only really came to appreciate in later years... and it's what helped you (and now me) cope with some of the challenges in life. You knew the importance of enjoying and even laughing at things and endeavors, whether you succeeded at them or not; either way, you took joy in doing them, and that was and is a good lesson to hold in one's heart as we move forward in life.
Love you and miss you, Dad...
from your loving son,
August 12
August 12
Remembering you on your birthday! May you play tennis and golf with good friends forever. With much love, Leona
June 15
June 15
On this Father’s Day in 2024, I want to remember my dad Andy’s athletic skills. Throughout my younger years, I recall him playing local Chinese-league ping-pong, tennis with friends and occasional bowling (Gable House in Torrance, and for a short time, a bowling center in Irvine in which our family had a minor investment); he then added fast-walking, golf and tai chi in his later years. I found out much later that he had been a star athlete in his high school in China, corroborated by some of his Chinese high school commendation certificates that we found in his things in storage after his passing. 
Looking back, he had tried to teach me ping pong (I learned a bit, and still enjoy playing it occasionally and poorly as an adult); he and Mom also tried to get me to take tennis lessons (I was so bad, the instructor quit after a week). The only golf I ever could play competently was miniature golf down at Castle Park in Redondo Beach (long gone), and though I occasionally but rarely still do a moment of recreational bowling once every couple of years, the tai-chi was something we bonded over as he moved into his 70s and 80s. He even taught senior tai-chi classes at the Canterbury Apartments during his stay there in the last few years of his life ( I helped him do presentations on video), and he played tennis and golf well into his 80s. 
He even survived and recovered from a bad fall on the tennis court in 2011 at age 84 that resulted in his losing part of his digestive system, with a long recovery of tube feedings and rehab… but he persevered and got back on the tennis court within a year. Always staying positive and looking after his health, always trying to help others do so as well by urging them to keep fit. He inspired me to lose probably 30-40 pounds over the years, before and after his passing, and I am much healthier for it.
Miss you, Dad. —V
March 7
March 7
A belated Happy Year of the Dragon to you and some celebration and remembrance for all the things you brought to all our lives, from your thoughtfulness and gregariousness to your sense of measured grace in growing older. You taught me how to weather storms while Mom taught me how to be one, and the balance between these has been a guiding principle in much of my life.
Like Mom, you didn’t get to see the results of my evolution as a director in the film industry, but your love and support continue to be felt and the perseverance you taught me continues to usher me forward through each new day even as the world has changed so greatly since you moved on.
With much love and gratitude from both Casey and me,
February 25
February 25
Remembering Dad on the 7th anniversary of his passing and the Year of the Dragon. We miss you, but celebrate the boundless gifts you gave us in life and which still sustain us.
August 11, 2023
August 11, 2023

You would have been 96 today, and as I reflect on how each year I draw further away from your and Mom’s passing and yet closer to my own, I ponder both the miracles and misfortunes of the world and our moments of participation in them. It is not the grand scheme of things, but the small moments I recall that give our lives meaning… the quiet, personal ones that cause us to reflect and remember how they connected us during the precious time we shared on this planet: the Sunday you chose to take me on the long drive from our home in RPV to the Chinese Theatre in Hollywood to see “Star Wars” on opening weekend and thus forever change the course of my life; the Father’s Day when you bandaged my left ring finger as I bled all over your white pants after shooting myself with Uncle Ron’s tiny but surprisingly powerful keychain cap gun; and so many other moments that remind me of you and how blessed I was to have a wonderful father like you. 

Miss you, Dad…

June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023
A belated Happy Father’s Day in a year of constant change in the world, often not for the better. It’s odd to follow in the same general footsteps of aging, while hoping to carry the same level of patient confidence and perseverance you did in the face of life’s tribulations. I can only aspire in my own way to the achievements you had made by the time you were the age I am now, but it is an aspiration that I cherish.

August 10, 2022
August 10, 2022
My father Andy Ling would have been 95 today... and would probably be shaking his head at the way the world has changed since his passing. He was an optimistic realist and a problem-solver who believed in perseverance, in the promise of technology and the simple yet profound pleasures of a ballroom dance, a classic song, a crossword or sudoku puzzle, a round of golf or tennis, and a meditation in tai-chi. I really think he was onto something...
Love you, Dad! I miss you.
May 30, 2022
May 30, 2022
Dad and Mom:
A remembrance on Memorial Day 2022 for you both. Your memory lives on in all the lives you touched and made better. Dad, your sense of humor and your love of history and technology persevere in me; Mom, your passion and love of creative arts do likewise. Even as distinct individuals, Leona and I will always represent the many diverse characteristics --analysis and imagination, research and artistry, exploration and storytelling-- that were gifts from you.
I love and miss you both,
August 12, 2021
August 12, 2021
As I'm thinking of my father who would be 94 on his birthday this year. A special quality was how he and our mother made many friends who were very special to both of them and to us as their children.  That strong network still reverberates today. So when we remember Dad, we remember all his many friendships and the joys of meeting all the Uncles, Aunties and their families over so many dinners, dance parties, golf & tennis dates, vacations, celebrations and reunions. 
August 10, 2021
August 10, 2021
My father Andy Ling would have been 94 years old today, and I think of him (and my mother Fuhsi) often. So for all those who knew him and loved him, I ask you to spare a moment this day to putt a ball, return a serve, flow through a tai-chi stance, bust a move on the ballroom dance floor, play a round of mahjongg, enjoy a delicious authentic Chinese dish, design a computer, sing a mid-century Broadway tune or tell a funny joke, and thus help raise a smile and keep his memory alive on his birthday!

Much love to everyone, and hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy in a world much changed since he and my mom left it.

February 28, 2021
February 28, 2021
Thinking of you, Dad, four years since your passing. We continue to appreciate and strive to achieve your spirit of fellowship, engagement and generosity. Cheers to you!
August 12, 2020
August 12, 2020
Dear Andy, you are in my thoughts at times. It's a good thing that you and Fushi are no longer in this unsettling world. Where ever you are I hope you are keep an eye on all the members in the family on earth as you always did when you and Fushi were here.
Miss you
August 10, 2020
August 10, 2020
We are remembering your spirit of community, fraternity and leadership, Dad, on your birthday. All of this came naturally to you and we all benefited from your talent for engaging people from diverse backgrounds and sharing your friendship, enthusiasm, organizational leadership and knowledge. Thanks for all you gave us and may we remember and enjoy those wonderful moments you brought us. With love from your family!
August 10, 2020
August 10, 2020
Happy Birthday, Dad... you would have been 93 today. I am both sad and glad you and Mom were able to miss the pandemic and the other horrible political and societal afflictions we now face, but I will carry with me the lessons you taught me and know they were and are of great value and meaning. And I was heartened by seeing your Chinese calligraphy still framed on the wall at your favorite restaurant when I went there the other day! Love you and miss you,
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
Dad, I miss our Sunday walks and tai chi lessons, followed by lunch at our local Chinese restaurant and grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s. Here’s to a smile and a fond memory on Father’s Day! —V
August 12, 2019
August 12, 2019
Happy Birthday Gung Gung! Thinking of you.
August 12, 2019
August 12, 2019
Happy Birthday Dad! Thinking of you this weekend as your grandson went through graduation ceremonies as an Officer Candidate in the Marines. Hope that you'd be proud. With Love, Leona and Bill
August 10, 2019
August 10, 2019
Happy Birthday, Dad... thinking of you often.
Love, V
August 10, 2018
August 10, 2018
I was (mis)named by my parents after a famous computer scientist, named Dr. Vannevar Bush, so it seemed inevitable. When I was barely ten years old, I asked my father, Andy Ling, to teach me about computers, which in the early 70’s were these large, abstract devices used mostly as giant calculating engines. He handed me a manual on how to program BASIC, full of weird text language and inscrutable rules. It turned me off computers for a decade.
Flash forward to the late 80’s, when I found my own way into computers, not as a programmer or hardware designer like my dad, but as a visual effects artist on the ground floor of a digital revolution in the film industry. Ultimately, this brought me full circle back to my dad, whose career was an amazement to me that I only truly appreciated in my adult years. That the computer systems and architecture I used every day to make a living came in part from the groundbreaking work my father did before I was born and continued to do during my oblivious childhood. I learned to appreciate Andy Ling not just as my dad, but as a human being of considerable accomplishment... and how many of the things he did were fundamental not only to what I could do, but to who I am.
I never did learn BASIC from my dad... but I learned tai chi, perseverance, patience, adaptability and meticulousness, all leavened with a sense of humor and decency. And between him and my mom, I learned self-sufficiency and independence, with a side of showmanship. While so many of our family members became doctors, lawyers, bankers and scientists, they encouraged me to find my own path, even into as frivolous a trade as filmmaking. And I hope somewhere, they are proud of what I’ve tried to do with my life.
I miss you, Dad. And on what should have been your 91st birthday, I celebrate your life and achievements, and am proud to be a small part of your legacy.
August 10, 2018
August 10, 2018
We always looked forward to August because we'd come to PV and celebrate your birthday with a homemade cake or pie. Today we remember those joyful times with a photo addition to the gallery. Happy Birthday, Dad!
Love, Leona and Bill
August 8, 2018
August 8, 2018
I hold the memories of you and your kindness when you and Fushi welcome me into your home in Collingwood NJ on my first landed in the US. I will always be grateful and think of you both kindly and we miss you once in a while.
August 7, 2018
August 7, 2018
Andy was an exceptionally kind man with a big warm heart.  Being married to my oldest sister Fuhsi, he not only helped each one of us as we came to the US to attend college, he also provided a home for our mother and youngest brother for many years.  He lived a long and healthy life and will always be remembered.
February 17, 2018
February 17, 2018
Dad, It has been already one year ago since you left us. I feel a bit like when as a 3 year old and was sitting on the steps of our house in NJ, waiting for you to come home from work. Thinking of you still.
August 10, 2017
August 10, 2017
Gon Gon,

Today, August 10, 2017, is 90 years from your birth. You were a wonderful role model to your grand daughter, Rita, and grand son, Will. You gave me a wonderful wife and I am forever grateful. We celebrate our life with you every day. Thanks for all you gave to us.
May 11, 2017
May 11, 2017
Van and Leona - Thank you for having my mom, Doreen, and me at the celebration of your parents' lives today. It was an honor to have known them and their kindness through the years was affirmed through your testimonies and those of each and every speaker the afternoon of their celebration. May God continue to bless you through memories of them, and their legacy.
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
Andy was my roommate in my senior year at MIT. Fushi was in the same class with me. We have been good friends ever since. They will be missed. How time flies! It reminds me of a phase in the Chinese literature: 时孚! 时孚! 再来! 再来!
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
Your father was a very close and dear friend. Our families came from the same village in Quantong province, so we were "cousins." We attended St. John's Middle School and University in Shanghai. He was three years older and treated me like a brother. An "A" student and a star athlete, he looked after me and helped me especially in my math and science studies. At the graduation ceremony he was called to the dais to receive numerous awards both for his academic and athletic achievements. I envied and admired him. ---Jack Ling
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
Andy is our old friend. Every time we played tennis and golf we were thinking about him. We missed his companionship and humor.
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
What a tribute to a special man! He lived a rich life filled with integrity and humility. I feel honored to have known, Andy and cherish memories of time spent with him, especially during Christmas. His outstanding family remains, reflecting his greatness.
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
Andy was a shining example of capability, devotion, leadership and athleticism. His can-do attitude and devotion helped him build a successful career in engineering from the vacuum tube days to the age of microelectronic circuits. After his retirement, he continued his leadership quality by organizing the Golf & Tennis Team in PV. He wrote the playing rules and kept everyone's golf scores in the early days. The team members have so many fond memories of our time together in more than 20 years. Andy, thank you for everything you did for us. We miss you badly. We know you are looking over us from Heaven when we are on the golf course and on the tennis court.
May 3, 2017
May 3, 2017
Te-An and Fu-hsi are among our best friends. We will remember them always.
May 3, 2017
May 3, 2017
Remembering kind words that was spoken. Being made to feel like I was apart of a joyful and Loving family thank you for the gift of being Love and Blessed
May 3, 2017
May 3, 2017
What a life! From all I know from Leona and all I read here, what a spirit! Feel grateful for having met him at Leona's celebrations. He will be remembered, missed and inspire many for generations to come!
May 3, 2017
May 3, 2017
Andy and Fuhsi were both awesome people. I learned a lot from them. They will be missed.
May 3, 2017
May 3, 2017
Andy was a pioneer in computer design. The first computer he designed used Vacuum Tubes. In the last 20 years, he played tennis and golf with the PVT&G group. We are sure going to miss him. Hope there is tennis and golf games in Heaven.

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Recent Tributes
August 13
August 13
A belated birthday message for my dad, Andy Ling:
I really miss your sense of humor, which was the glue that tied together a lot of your disparate interests --from sports and singing to tai chi and telling jokes-- and made them uniquely your own. You had a amusingly playful manner about many things, including yourself and your own excellence and failings, which I only really came to appreciate in later years... and it's what helped you (and now me) cope with some of the challenges in life. You knew the importance of enjoying and even laughing at things and endeavors, whether you succeeded at them or not; either way, you took joy in doing them, and that was and is a good lesson to hold in one's heart as we move forward in life.
Love you and miss you, Dad...
from your loving son,
August 12
August 12
Remembering you on your birthday! May you play tennis and golf with good friends forever. With much love, Leona
June 15
June 15
On this Father’s Day in 2024, I want to remember my dad Andy’s athletic skills. Throughout my younger years, I recall him playing local Chinese-league ping-pong, tennis with friends and occasional bowling (Gable House in Torrance, and for a short time, a bowling center in Irvine in which our family had a minor investment); he then added fast-walking, golf and tai chi in his later years. I found out much later that he had been a star athlete in his high school in China, corroborated by some of his Chinese high school commendation certificates that we found in his things in storage after his passing. 
Looking back, he had tried to teach me ping pong (I learned a bit, and still enjoy playing it occasionally and poorly as an adult); he and Mom also tried to get me to take tennis lessons (I was so bad, the instructor quit after a week). The only golf I ever could play competently was miniature golf down at Castle Park in Redondo Beach (long gone), and though I occasionally but rarely still do a moment of recreational bowling once every couple of years, the tai-chi was something we bonded over as he moved into his 70s and 80s. He even taught senior tai-chi classes at the Canterbury Apartments during his stay there in the last few years of his life ( I helped him do presentations on video), and he played tennis and golf well into his 80s. 
He even survived and recovered from a bad fall on the tennis court in 2011 at age 84 that resulted in his losing part of his digestive system, with a long recovery of tube feedings and rehab… but he persevered and got back on the tennis court within a year. Always staying positive and looking after his health, always trying to help others do so as well by urging them to keep fit. He inspired me to lose probably 30-40 pounds over the years, before and after his passing, and I am much healthier for it.
Miss you, Dad. —V
Recent stories

My Friendship with Andy Ling by Joseph Li

April 27, 2017

My friendship with Andy dated back to 1942
YES, 1942…75 years ago!

My father founded the Bank of East Asia in Hong Kong and was the president.  The bank had a branch in Shanghai where Andy’s father, Mr. Ling Man Lai was the Manager. 

During the Japanese occupation in Hong Kong in 1942, all the schools were closed and my father sent me and my brother, Henry, to Shanghai to continue our education at St. Johns University.  We were under the care of Andy’s father.  We lived with the Ling family, Mr. and Mrs. Ling and their two daughters and three sons in the Penthouse apartment at the Bank building.  Andy was the youngest in his family, and I am the youngest of mine.  We became very much attached to each other like brothers. 

In 1947, I returned to Hong Kong.  I was admitted to the University of Pennsylvania and Andy was admitted to MIT.  We both took a slow boat, the “General Meigs” to the USA.  It took 15 days. 

Although we were far apart at school, we continued to communicate by telephone.  We both joined the FF Fraternity and attended functions together.  During our days in the US, Andy, David Lam and I frequently drove to see the historical sights on long weekends and term breaks. 

We went to Niagara Falls and enjoyed getting to the bottom part wearing protective coats to face the heavy falling water.  One summer we went to College Camp in Wisconsin to work as waiters.  We enjoyed meeting new friends.  In fact, David, Fuhsi, Andy, Ginger & I attended the 50th year’s reunion of the College Camp.  We had so much fun together which reminded us of the good old days.

When I completed my MBA at the Wharton School in the University of Pennsylvania, I went back to Hong Kong for fourteen years and brought my family to settle down in Los Angeles in 1963.  Andy, Fuhsi and family also moved to Los Angeles to the Palos Verdes area.  Although we lived far from each other in LA, we tried to get together as much as we could, attending social functions especially with FF.  We also enjoyed taking ocean cruises which was relaxing and gave us time to communicate. 

Andy was always very active in our FF functions and always led us in singing the FF song as well as in starting the traditional FF Conga line dance.  Ginger and I most appreciated when Andy took the initiative to lead the FF brothers in singing for us at our 60th wedding anniversary party in 2017. 

Andy and Fuhsi were blessed to have their two children, Van Van and Leona. 

Andy and Fuhsi will be missed.  We are thankful that God had United them together with eternal Peace of Life.  Both Fuhsi and Andy were persons with good nature, kind hearts, and intelligence and they were easy to get along with.  Fuhsi was a designer.  She designed and built their home in Palos Verdes with a commanding view.  Fuhsi was also a good ballroom dancer and earned a lot of trophies.

 We will miss them.  We are gathered here to celebrate their lives and their achievements.  Let’s not be sad, but be thankful and joyful for the good times that we shared together.

I would like to close by quoting a passage from the Bible.
“He will swallow up dead in victory forever to comfort those who mourn.  The Lord is good to those who wait for Him for the souls of the righteous are in the hands of God.  Each will know that his or her Redeemer lives.”  Second Book of Revelations Ch. 7, verse 11

Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength to our God ever and ever.

August 11, 2022
Here’s remembering Dad, Gong Gong, and Andy.  He always enjoyed a good meal and this one was sushi.  Even more than the sushi, he loved the pickled ginger.  This night asked the chef about the ginger and went home with a big dollop of it and a smile!  Miss you and our dinners together.

A Tribute to Andy and Fuhsi from the Grandchildren

April 25, 2017

The following was presented at Andy and Fuhsi's Memorial Life Celebration March 2017.

  Hello. My name is Rita and I am the granddaughter of Andy and Fushi Ling. As I stand here in this room I am surrounded by the fortunate people who have had the honor to have known the wonderful personalities of my grandparents.    We have all seen them through different eyes. Some of you may know them as a sister, brother, mother, father, dancer, friend, mahjong player, or much more.    For me, they were not only my grandparents, but also role models .  I am proud to be a descendent of two immigrants from such a rich culture. Two people with an amazing work ethic that braved their way through war, school, and parenting. For me, in college, I try to have that vigor, although it's hard to beat.   I like to go to social dances, and I like to imagine my grandma and how beautifully she danced, and hope that she is proud that I strive to have her skill.    And if I find myself trying to skip a gym day, I think of how active and sociable my grandpa was, even in his old age, and I reach towards that goal of an active heart and an active mind.    My younger brother will tell you, through his eyes, how he sees the presence and passing of Andy and Fushi Ling, and that their residue of influence will not be forgotten.


Good afternoon for those of you who don't know me I am Will Stevens, and I am honestly very sad that I stand before you today in the reality that I have lost both of my only grandparents at such short notice. Being the one of two children in the entire family of this generation, my grandparents made sure they passed down many different lessons and knowledge to Rita and I. My grandparents always made sure that we chose our own paths in life and made sure that we were to grow bright, intelligent and successful. They wanted us to learn the lessons from history and make sure they are not forgotten. I remember my grandfather telling me that I could be whatever I wanted as long as I did the best at it and my grandmother telling me to keep moving forward in life regardless of the frustrations and obstacles and not let other people get in our way or tell us how to do our jobs. I'm currently an Infantry officer candidate in the United States Marine Corps, I was going to wear my uniform today but my mom wouldn't let me. This is a career that is very far from what anyone in this family has ever even considered before but both my grandparents supported my fully on this path as long as I worked my hardest at it. I find that I use the lessons they taught me in both the Corps and School. Through times of hardship and happiness. Before I left for Arizona Andy told me to make sure that I go out and talk to everyone at my school and build strong friendships with them. This is something that I always witnessed in him whenever he would meet new people in new places wherever he went. He even at times tried to give me relationship advice, he told me that I was the next person to receive the heirloom engagement ring that he had and told me to use it very wisely as it has been in the family for generations and I should use it for someone who I know I will stay with. My grandmother always wanted me to make sure I stuck to my studies and education as much as I could she didn't even want me to come see her before she passed insisting I stuck with my studies. But she also wanted to make sure that we enjoyed our lives and lived long and healthy. I am going to miss coming to their house in the summer and running up and down the stairs that I had been since I was little and hearing their interesting stories of their past and their perspectives on historical events they lived through from the streets of Shanghai during the Sino-Japanese war, to Peron era Argentina to 77 Mass Ave to The hills of Palos Verdes they lived a long and happy life. As one of very few representatives of a new generation I will take on the responsibility to carry on their legacy and the lessons they had to teach us and most importantly the last thing they taught me, to make my own lessons to teach my children and my children's children and create a legacy for myself.

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