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August 19
August 19
Almost 12 years have passed us by, without u here next to us…. Damn it doesn’t seem like it’s been that long but then again it seems like it’s been forever! Not a day goes by that I don’t think of u and wish that we could still be together, and no matter what it doesn’t get any easier being without u! I love u Daddy and that will never change u will always and forever be my number one…. Until we r together again Rest In Peace
    Love always ur baby girl
December 17, 2023
December 17, 2023
If I close my eyes I can still smell that cotton candy lotion that even if u didn’t really like it, u atleast humored me and Sierra jo! I have so many great memories and will always cherish each and every single one of them. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss u and wish that we were still together, but I have learned that everything happens for a reason although I might not understand…. I also know that one day we will all be together again and be a happy loving family like we were before! Until that day Daddy Rest In Peace I love u too the moon! Ur little girl
December 17, 2022
December 17, 2022
10 years!!!! There is a permanent ache inside my heart and soul without u, nothing has changed… I still miss u more than ever! I have learned that tomorrow isn’t promised to us and that life is too short, I just wish I could have known 10 years ago what I do now… Someday Daddy we will be together again and our family will once again be whole, until then just remember I love u very much and miss u everyday!!! Rest In Peace
December 17, 2021
December 17, 2021
"Skip with me Daddy, I promise I wont laugh... Please Daddy just skip with me"
9 years have come and gone so quickly yet it seems as though its been a lifetime since I seen ur smiling face! Although there is nothing that will ever dull this ache that resides inside my heart, I find that all of the memories I cherish so much will get me thru until we can be together again....
August 18, 2021
August 18, 2021
I wish I could be with you. I never thought that my life would be so empty without you.
I guess when we were together life was just so easy and we took things for granted. It truly opens your eyes when one day you're left alone to face things, to face a very lonely life without the one you love.
Life has lost purpose and direction. Nothing means what it did before you past away. I just don't have the strength or energy to find happiness anymore. I just want to be with you.
Nikkie is a grown woman with a life that doesn't need or appreciates a mother around all the time. Although I have adjusted to that and have learned to accept that, she lives in a very small bedroom with me that I have been renting for the last 2 1/2 years from a woman in Heber.
I so wish I could turn back time.
I would do things to prepare myself.
I would look at life and myself differently.
But none of that is possible.
Just as being with you is not possible right now.
But I want you to know....

....I miss you so. I think of you everyday..sometimes all day. I love you more than you could ever imagine. And it hasn't gotten easier with time. Nor has time healed the wound. I can only say this...
I hope that we will be together soon...very soon. All my love...All my life...
R.I.P. Andrew.
August 14, 2021
August 14, 2021
Another year.... Wow! I swear I thought it would get easier as time goes by, but it doesnt.... I miss u just as much today if not more than I did the day u left! I know ur here with us even tho we cant c u, I feel u! Whenever I get smart with Mom I feel u crawl up the back of my neck, and when I have one of those moments that only my Daddy would understand, I feel u beside me.... And yes from time to time I even feel those wet willys u send my way!!! But what I wouldnt give for them dirty socks on my pillow or for those wet willys for real! I love u Daddy and miss u much more than any words could ever say! Until we r together again Rest In Peace I love u....      
     Ur little girl,
December 17, 2020
December 17, 2020
Its hard to believe its been eight years...I , if anything miss you more as time goes by. I sometimes wonder if life would be different if you were still here...but I know that my life would be very different. You had a way of making things better and easier. If only we could turn back time. I know your in such a better place. But I still would trade and or give up anything to have you back here.
So often I think about you and about us. We had a good life overall. Yes we had our hard times but together we made it through. Its so much more complicated my myself. I've never gotten used to being alone.
You made me smile and you made me laugh. You made me more confident and you made me feel so whole.
I hope that you are happier and more relaxed up there. You deserve that.
I will always miss you.
I will always love you.
I will always feel the loss of you. And I will always look up and know your looking down. Rest in peace my love. ..until we meet again....
You will always be my forever.
September 13, 2020
September 13, 2020
Happy birthday Andrew. Another year without year. Another day of shared embraces and long slow kisses that no longer exist. Just like you...they are gone but not forgotten...forever mine and forever missed.I miss you more than I ever imagined I can't help but want and need just one more chance to be held on too.The comfort and safety I felt with you...can never be felt again. Your vast ability to make me happy and to make me know that everyday together with you was truly the best gift of all. I could never give to you even close to what I got from you.
Thank you for an amazing life together. You made me a better person with your love...I am the luckiest person is a memory and I can't help wishing you were still here with me.qq a szsDssss we dISs DADS XxX XXX
August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
Happy Birthday Daddy! Another year has come and gone without u, i sure do miss u!!!! There isnt a day that passes i dont think of u.... u r always in my mind my thoughts and my heart until we r together again rest in peace i love u
December 17, 2017
December 17, 2017
Andy....the years have passed so quickly. Five years ago today you left us to retturn home to our Heavenly Father. So much has happened in those 5 years but one thing has and always will remain the same...I love you with all my heart and soul. And I miss you so very much. You are the light of my life. The strength that keeps me strong and the love that keeps my heart beating.  Merry Christmas my Angel. You're always safe in my heart. I love you. Until we meet again....RIP. Forever and Always ...Dawne.
June 12, 2017
June 12, 2017
Waking up to face another day in this world without this man is always difficult, what I wouldn't give to see his smiling face once again, or hear his voice... Hey I would even settle for that "know ur in trouble" look! Nothing can ever take his place or come close, foever and always my Daddy is my hero!! I love n miss u dad too the moon n back!!! Rest in peace until we meet again
June 11, 2017
June 11, 2017
As a tribute to Andy, I ask that those of you who were family and friends light a candle in his honor on December 17th of each year. Doing this will show your love and kindness for the great man that he was. A loyal and valued man who helped many in his life. Lighting a candle will celebrate his life, and keep his memory alive.
Thank you.

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