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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Andrija Čikić, 14 years old, born on March 5, 2009, and passed away on May 3, 2023. We will remember him forever.
August 23
August 23
It's been over a year since your passing. Kosta had no right to take you away. You were a good pianoist and you were so great in french. Your family misses you Andrija. You were only 14...Til this day I will never understand why kosta did what he did.
August 17
August 17
Ohh andrija  I felt things for you,i know I never met you but the truth I diden’t thing I would grab you as mouch affections as Ana and mara and the others the truth every video I started to cry and now I’m translathing this because I’ am from argentina the truth is that  I respect everythings else and I’m very sorry❤️‍❣️
August 13
August 13
Andrija you are always alive, living in the hearts of your parents and ours❤️❤️
May you rest in peace in the blue sky
August 11
August 11
Hope you are resting well miss you Andrija you would have been 15 next year you will be 16❤️ May you rest in peace You didn't deserve what kosta did to you and the other victims! ❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍
Andrija i miss you
August 6
Querido Andrija Cikic...
Tú te fuiste el 3 de mayo del 2023 por culpa de alguien el cual considerabas tú amigo... Ese monstruo te mato como un animal con 3 balazos, tú corazoncito exploto y te nos fuiste..., eras demasiado joven para irte, no lo merecías la verdad no merecías ese trágico y desgarrador final, tú eras muy talentoso y cariñoso con la gente, eras tan lleno de alegría y amor, ¡Porque Kosta! ¿Porqué mataste a un hermoso niño con un gran futuro? Kosta, debe ir a la cárcel, asesinó a 10 personas, y una de ellas era Andrija... No puedo pasar ni 1 día imaginando: ¿Qué pasaría si tan solo esa bala no hubiera atravesado tú mano hasta el corazón? Claramente hubieras sobrevivido... Pero no pudiste, eras tan lindo y adorable, no puedo creerlo... Ese 3 de mayo toda la tierra se paró, se detuvo porque te nos fuiste Tus últimas palabras van a quedarme grabadas como "Adiós, amigo." Ya sabías lo que te iba a suceder... Te nos ibas a ir y tenías la consciencia Nunca pienses que fue tú culpa, porque no lo fue, ahora estas en el cielo, en un lugar mejor y no en la tierra donde está lleno de monstruos... Pobrecito mi amor... Tan dulce niño y desgarrador caso; el infierno esta vacío y los demonios estan aquí. Kosta solo es una persona que está en la gran lista de menores de edad que han usado un arma, y debe tener un castigo por sus acciones! No merecías morir Andrija, espero que lo sepas... Y por último, te amo mucho, porque ya eres un angelito que está siendo una gran estrellita en el cielo, adiós andrija
August 6
August 6
he didn't move away, he was still on the horizon watching his parents with angel wings
July 29
July 29
Dear Andrija Cikic,
you may not know me but i know you. I found out about you(when you were still alive) when i was 6 yrs old. i saw you on tv playing ur beautiful melodic piano song,it was so graceful and was so beautiful. You were such a young and handsome boy who loved his life. Your photography,piano playing, and tennis playing is what makes you happy. Im so sorry that evil monster shot you 3 times , you didnt deserve it. you tried to take the gun from him and along with ema and dragan who tried to stop him.You three were heros. Now you,mara,ema,adriana,angelina and ana can have fun together in heaven with no worries. all your friends miss you especially me and your parents. I cant bare a day without you or listening to your piano playing. if it was possible i wouldve gone back in time to warn you about kosta and protect you and the victims from getting shot. I saw you and mara talking to me in my dream, it was like you were there, i cried waking up.i cry everyday wondering why u got shot, you were just a boy trying to fulfill his dreams and be a happy kid. you left to soon my love, while you were still here everyone enjoyed being around you. i cry for you everyday. I miss you ,miss hearing your voice,seeing your smile and hearing ur music and laugh. RIP my sweet angel. I miss you
Мој Андрија Чикић<3.
July 28
July 28
Dear Andrija, we will all miss you you had a kind most
beautiful soul May god protects your soul up their may you fly around with your angel wings RIP I pray May god protect your amazing soul fly above the clouds be up in heaven like a bird I pray may god protect you up there you may not see this but you will in the future sky when i am up their you will read this even if i dont see you their Your amazing piano song will always be stuck in my head Your beatiful voice singing dzanum Little pianoest you mara friends you your mum realation let this be your letter to you i pray-Andrija


mara angilina andrija boyana ana adriana sofia katarina ema

Your last words
mara mar mara

your best friend
July 27
July 27
Andrija eras un niño hermoso talentoso mi hermana me contó de tu existencia y me mostró el vídeo de donde tocas ella se rompió en llanto cuando le dijieron andrija falleció ella quería ir a Serbia y conocerte pero no pudo ese era su sueño y ella te extraña mucho ella resa por ti y te quiere mucho no deja de rezar por ti andri te extrañamos mucho y le doy mi pésame a tu mamá y tú papá descansa en paz ️ andrija cikic ❤️❤️❤️
July 26
July 26
Andrija the beautiful soul,the lovely soul,the kind soul,the innocent soul. May God protected and may you fly high in the sky. May you rest in peace, may God bless and we will always pray for you. It not only me who is going to pray for you, but the whole world and us will pray for you and the other victims. I know how hard is loosing someone, but plz don't cry, even it hard to take. I'm so sorry about everything that happened to you and your family, loosing a beautiful Innocent lovely soul (and the other victims). It hard, I know how hard for to take lost. But we know that Andrija is in a better place now, were he can keep a eye on his family. It hard but we always say that".don't cry when it over, But smile that it happened and that you spend your time with him(Andrija). It hard for loosing a child that you carry in your stomach for nine months. May that beautiful, little, innocent, carrying and lovely soul rest in peace ️✌️. The innocent angle Andrija cikic.
July 25
Dear Andrija, I found out about you recently after this incident. I was very sad to hear the news that you and the others were involved in a shooting at your school. I was sad to hear the story of your life, Andrija. I really love you. I always pray for you and the others. You are calm now. I'm sorry, I just met you, why didn't I know you longer? Thank you for the time you were in my dreams with the others, I hope Andrija and the others go to heaven, amen, sorry, I will always remember you, Andrija.
July 23
I love you so much rip ️♥️ I wished to see you one day but…I guess I can’t rip Andrija ♥️♥️♥️
July 21
July 21
I never knew andrija cikic personally but rest in peace,your family misses you and other people do too,what you did that day,trying to take the gun from your friend was very brave of you but you sadly got shot by your "friend". You should be Remembered forever. You were only 14 years old and had dreams that didn't come true because your life was taken so young,you would be 15 years old today,it's been more then a year.
July 19
July 19
When I found out about you, I was immediately inspired by you. In fact, I even wanted to start playing piano because of you. I instantly became a fan of yours and thought you were so cool. When I found out about your death, I didn’t know what to think. I was sad I never got to meet you like I intended, even though you don’t know who I am, I truly miss you. Rest in peace, Andrija.️
July 17
I didn’t know you until I looked in on your story, you were such a handsome young talented man and you never deserved that but Ik your up in heaven having fun with Mara as your last words were “Mara, mar, Mara!” If the choice was yours you wouldve given your life to save hers. You guys both are beautiful people and you guys will forever rest in paradise together holding eachother. You’re forever never gonna be forgotten. LLAC. ️
Я его год знал с 2022 года .
Он милый , заботливый, смешной , талантливый
Андрия я скучаю . Андрија Недостају ми наше весељаке
July 5
July 5
Andrija cikic, sinto sua falta todos os dias, como se já tivéssemos nos conhecidos. Quando soube do que aconteceu, fiquei muito mal, pois queria que tudo fosse uma mentira. Eu queria que você estivesse aqui na terra conosco novamente, mas infelizmente você partiu deste mundo ainda cedo. Sou do Brasil então obviamente nunca cruzamos o mesmo caminho, mas se você estivesse aqui, faria o possível pra conhecê-lo. Você nasceu no mesmo ano que eu, então teríamos a mesma idade. Te amo pra sempre Andrija, meu futuro filho receberá seu nome em homenagem, falarei de você a eles, quem sabe ele também se inspire em você. Obrigada por ter existido, até a próxima meu pianista  .Dia 05/06/24 às 13:10
July 2
July 2
Merhaba Andrija. Keşke ölmeden önce tanısaydım diyeceğim insanlar arasındasın. Ben türküm. Senide bir videoda gördüm arkadaşlarıla fotolarınızı öldüğünüze dair. Seni hiç unutmuyacağım, sen çok akıllı ve yetenekli bir piyanistmisin. Seni dünyadan ayıran o pislik bir gün bunların cezasını ödüycek. Umarım bundan sonrakı hayatda seninle tanışırım. Iyiki vardın Andrija Cikic
I knew him completely for 1 whole year... I miss his songs and the bliss of my soul I want to see his grave I write through tears(..
June 29
June 29
I first saw andrija when I was scrolling through tiktok and saw ana bosovic, i didn't really pay much attention to it until I saw ana bosovic memorial. Confused, i decided to investigate and that's when I saw the other victims of Kosta, it's that Andrija was handsome but what attracted me to him was that he could play the piano, something I've always wanted to try. I remember seeing his photo on my Pinterest two months before his death but thought it was just some edit. I wish I paid attention to it earlier, why is it always the cheerful and talented souls that leave too early?
June 27
June 27
I knew Andri after he passed away. Last year it was October -- i was scrolling on TikTok and i came across Kosta i didn't know him. 2nd slide was 9 children and 1 adult. I didn't pay much attention because i didn't know them. Kosta and the victims were all over my fyp so I decided to search who they were. I came across Andrija Čikic. I looked at his picture and thought you're so handsome and talented I'm so sorry you left so early. Rest in peace ️.
June 23
June 23
Здраво Андрија, вероватно ме не познајеш. Али ја сам један од ваших највећих обожаватеља у погледу фотографије и клавира. Можда касним са одавањем почасти за тебе јер сам недавно сазнао да си преминуо због пуцњаве у школи.
Увек ћеш бити мој највећи идол, а ја ћу увек бити један од твојих највећих обожавалаца, иако сада када те нема.
Видео сам и твоје клипове у Тиктоку и веома си добар у клавиру.
Сада, један од мојих снова је да одем у Србију и тамо нађем гроб тебе и твојих пријатеља.
Не обећавам да ћу ићи тамо, али се стварно надам да ћу моћи тамо.
Почивај у миру наш млади пијаниста и фотограф .
И надам се да ћу тамо видети твој гроб.
June 20
June 20
Dragi Andrija, napustio si nas tako rano, imao si toliko potencijala i toliko dobrih stvari pred sobom koje nisi doživio, srce me boli za tvojim roditeljima i nadam se da si dobro na nebu, počivaj u miru️
June 15
June 15
-Dear Andrija Cikic,

You were always in our heart, No matter what you are, Such a beautiful teenager boy who is a Good Pianist! One day, I will be a pianist too, Just like you, I have the same black jacket and black and red sweater that you wear, I also love Tennis, Piano and Photography, We have the same Common! I went to Serbia and go to the graves, Seeing ur grave. With a happy smile, Wish to meet you In heaven, but you will always stay....14, Hope you have a good resting calming day, In heaven Our dear Pianist. we will never forget about you!

-Rias yang.
-June, 15, 2024
June 15
Здраво Андрија, толико нам недостајеш свима још увек не могу да верујем да те нема надам се да уживаш у животу у рају тренутно се забављаш са свим пријатељима, једног дана ћу те видети на небу и можда ћемо постати пријатељи надам се .Једног дана ћу доћи у посету гроб си у Србији и молити се богу да си добро.Недостајеш ми Андрија видећемо се надам се за кратко
June 11
June 11
Dear Andrija we all miss you you are sleeping in a beautiful bed its call grave  Have a good day in heaven I need to understand you are at a better place now
Have a good day in heaven we all  Love you andrija
June 11
-Dear Andrija.

-It's 11/06/24 I really wanted you to be here, I know I don't know you, but I feel an extreme connection with you, you are an amazing boy is impressive, it shows your beautiful piano talent conquering several other people to have the same love. A true angel on earth, I wish I could have met and have the protected until the last moment no matter how impossible it is because he lives in Serbia, I imagine how missing your parents are feeling in their sweet and loving way, of your smile and your joy, in just a few videos or photos transmitted all this, whether recording or playing, andri knew that you will always be my favorite pianist

-agora irei falar na minha língua nativa,andrija sabia que eu mesmo sem te conhecer tenho orgulho de você?mesmo nos seus últimos momentos de vida pensou em salvar os outros em vez da sua,mesmo com pouca idade (ela falando como se não tivesse a mesma)mostrou ser um pianista incrível e um excelente fotografo,mesmo com tudo isso pensava na sua família e amigos,mesmo com tudo mostrou o quão doce és para todo o mundo!eu queria muito que tivesse aqui,não sei porque a ficha não caiu de que Kosta praticou esse ato tão tolo.Um ato que tirou sua vida e juntamente de pessoas incríveis e inocentes,eu não acredito como uma pessoa é capaz de machucar um anjo como você,me emocionei com a sua história e o aniversário que sua mãe fez com seu pai?que lindo espero que tenha visto os balões brancos no céu andri!tenho certeza de que amaria isso e daria para fotografar diversas fotos lindas,imagino o seu sorriso ao ver que nunca esqueceram de você e jamais vão,você é significado de alegria pode ter certeza,aliás fizeram uma música sobre o trágico acidente…mais você está tocando no fundo sabia?!eu sinceramente queria que ela não existisse que nada disso fosse real fosse apenas um pesadelo…mais ainda sim foi uma forma de mostra o seu talento aparto das notas que criaste!eu te amo muito andri!

-com amor,sophi.
June 9
June 9
Just one year more
The Time is just to remember YOU
Do you think that I forget you
Neither you are always are in my mind and heart
And your music fill up my moment
Remember you and your photo and music
Fill up my life in middle of my illness life
5 of May I was urgent hospitalised
"My Daddy want to Talk with you"
I cross the Hell to visit.....
Thanks Andrija for your "welcome"
I will Never Forget You as soon I live
"Until I will meet with you "
June 1
June 1

Andrija ur a hero but what if you don't take the gun but ur still a hero, talented
I like how you play a piano, guitar and now I want to be a perfect musian ur and inspiration and I always pray for you.And why do you die in my birthday I have a crush on you since 2020 now I don't celebrate my birthday cuz I remember you 
May 31
May 31
im so sorry Andrija i miss you so so much... you did not deserve to die this young. rest in peace moj anđeo
May 19
Драга Андрија, већ годину дана као да ниси са нама. Жао ми је што те нисам познавао до твоје смрти. Био си тако талентован и љубазан дечак. Јако ми недостајеш и твоја мама и тата. Надам се да сте тамо добро на небу. Нисам из Србије, али покушао сам да пишем на српском. Јако те волим, спавај мирно наш мали анђео Андрија.
May 15
May 15
Драги Андрија,

Пре тачно 12 дана, 3. маја, навршиће се годину дана од када вас нема. Ја, као непозната особа, долазим да вам кажем колико недостајете вашој породици. Ниси ти заслужио да прођеш кроз ово, као ни твоји пријатељи, ни сви.
May 12
Hi Andrija iys been 1 year and its so to me that your my crush and u died at the same day of our fiesta in phillippines andrija even u dont know me i wish thqt god give u all a second chance of life beacause you and outher so young to died whatever andrija we hate kosta forever we wish that what kosta did to you and outhers was opposite that kosta is the one who died
May 12
May 12
Olá Andrija, espero que esteja brilhando muito no céu assim como brilhou aqui na terra. Sei que é um pouco tarde para isso, mas sei lá...Eu realmente não sei o que dizer, pude ver que era uma pessoa doce, gentil e bastante talentosa, parecia alguém muito educado e carinhoso. Você com certeza era especial, mas não posso afirmar nada, apesar de ver o brilho em seus olhos e a doçura em seu sorriso, eu geralmente não me engano com isso e você parecia mesmo uma pessoa especial. Seu sorriso era tão doce quanto algodão doce...

Fico por aqui, bye bye....
Mi querido andrija... Nunca te llegue a conocer, si fuera así sería tu más grande fan, y aunque no estés en este mundo, voy a seguir amandote siempre... Ese chico bonito y talentoso me hace muy feliz, cada que veo a andrija sonrió inconscientemente, gracias a vos puedo seguir mi sueño de ser pianista y fotógrafo, no me cansaré de decir que sos mi idolo, no llegue a conocerte cuando aún estabas y eso me pone triste, pero no hará que me rinda a quererte como lo hago hoy y siempre, te doy gracias, gracias a vos puedo seguir mis sueños, tan sólo verte me pone feliz y de ánimos, andrija cikic es mi ídolo, en poco tiempo el va a tener un lugar muy importante en mi corazón, simplemente puedo decir que te amo, eres mi ejemplo a seguir. ♡
May 7
May 7
I sometimes cry whenever i hear your name or see your face on social medias...i love you so much. i had a big crush on you.
May 6
Hi andrija i miss you so much.  хо андроја о мисс упи си мпцх☺❤
May 5
Germany will also miss u, Andrija. i saw alot of videos from u, playing piano and i wish u whould be alive to teach me how to play it but sadly its not gonna happend. u didnt deserved it. I hope you are reunited with your friends in heaven and have fun with them like you had while u was alive. May all your wishes was going true. May your soul rest in peace and I hope we see each other in the next life
May 5
May 5
andrija, I never knew you in real life but I’m sure you were a great guy and I hope you are in heaven with your friends — Love from Britain — љубав из Британије 
May 5
May 5
Dear Andrija I know you will never get the chance to see this, but I wish I could have gotten the chance to know you. You seemed like such a kind and genuine person and I would have loved to befriend you. I wish I could turn back time and warn you and everyone else what was going to happen, I wish I could have saved you and your friends and made everything okay. You will forever be missed by me and so many others. I can’t imagine how much grief and sorrow your parents must feel. I am so sorry you had to leave so soon. I will miss you angel
May 3
Miss u cuz today would have been 1 year since u died I love you and miss ur beautiful smile and teaching me piano I love u xx
Page 1 of 3

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August 23
August 23
It's been over a year since your passing. Kosta had no right to take you away. You were a good pianoist and you were so great in french. Your family misses you Andrija. You were only 14...Til this day I will never understand why kosta did what he did.
August 17
August 17
Ohh andrija  I felt things for you,i know I never met you but the truth I diden’t thing I would grab you as mouch affections as Ana and mara and the others the truth every video I started to cry and now I’m translathing this because I’ am from argentina the truth is that  I respect everythings else and I’m very sorry❤️‍❣️
August 13
August 13
Andrija you are always alive, living in the hearts of your parents and ours❤️❤️
May you rest in peace in the blue sky
Recent stories

Life and andrija espanish

August 20
Andrija cikic fallecio ese terrible3 de mayo 2023 en serbia belgrado... estaba desesperado quizo quitarle el arma a kocta no lo logro lamentablemente recibio 3 disparos uno ocasiono que le explotara su corazon fue una historia tan desgarradora... te extraño andrija cikic vuelve

To andrija

July 16
I hope heaven looks nice up there all though we all miss u man you were such I good piano player I loved it just remember me miss you presto in peace 

Mi querido Andrija

July 9
Hace no tanto tiempo nos conocimos (cuando falleciste habían pasado tan solo 8 meses de que nos hicimos amigos), me hacías muy feliz, tanto que el día que me enteré por las noticias que ya no estabas en este plano terrenal me dolió tanto que me dolieron los ojos de tanto llorar..
Eras una persona muy noble que no quería matar ni a una mosca, fuiste siempre una figura a seguir, siempre me enseñabas cuando tocabas el piano o cuando ibas a algún lugar a hacer fotografías..
Aveces teníamos nuestras diferencias y odiaba que pase eso pero no sabes cuanto soy capaz de dar para volver a hablar con vos. Esas noches de llamadas eran estupendas, hablábamos de cosas sin sentido y reíamos mucho. 2 días antes de el 3 de mayo habíamos tenido una discusión, nos habíamos enojado mutuamente, nos habíamos dejado de seguir y todo pero cuando me enteré de la trágica noticia hubiera preferido aprovechar tus últimos 3 días....
Te extraño y amo con toda mi alma mi Andri Descansa bien en el cielo

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