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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Andrija Čikić, 14 years old, born on March 5, 2009, and passed away on May 3, 2023. We will remember him forever.
May 5
Germany will also miss u, Andrija. i saw alot of videos from u, playing piano and i wish u whould be alive to teach me how to play it but sadly its not gonna happend. u didnt deserved it. I hope you are reunited with your friends in heaven and have fun with them like you had while u was alive. May all your wishes was going true. May your soul rest in peace and I hope we see each other in the next life
May 5
May 5
andrija, I never knew you in real life but I’m sure you were a great guy and I hope you are in heaven with your friends — Love from Britain — љубав из Британије 
May 5
May 5
Dear Andrija I know you will never get the chance to see this, but I wish I could have gotten the chance to know you. You seemed like such a kind and genuine person and I would have loved to befriend you. I wish I could turn back time and warn you and everyone else what was going to happen, I wish I could have saved you and your friends and made everything okay. You will forever be missed by me and so many others. I can’t imagine how much grief and sorrow your parents must feel. I am so sorry you had to leave so soon. I will miss you angel
May 3
Miss u cuz today would have been 1 year since u died I love you and miss ur beautiful smile and teaching me piano I love u xx
May 1
I loved your music so very sorry you passed away.

         Kaylin Dean age 12 USA
May 1
hi Andrija, you lived a good life. You would never be a bully, all you wanted was to have fun, but Kosta ruined it. Are you having fun with Jesus? good! Kosta is a liar, you're not a bully, nor anyone in the list.. We miss you Andrija :)
April 29
April 29
Hi Andrija. I know you can't here me right now but I just wanted to say you seemed so sweet and caring. I was watching a video of you playing piano and it was so good. I know what happened to you. When I heard about what Kosta did my heart broke. How could someone do this. I know that you were never a bully. You loved piano and your friends. I know however that Jesus is taking good care of you now. I will miss you and the other victims forever. You will always have a special place in my heart.
April 27
April 27
He was a very young boy he was gonna be my age in one year, 15 but kosta how to take his life kosta you will never be forgive by anyone
April 22
April 22
Андрија, ово ниси заслужио ни остале жртве. Напустио си нас када си имао само 14 година. Били смо тако тужни, разочарани због твог одласка. Недостајеш нам бескрајно. Лети високо анђеле наш.
April 20
April 20
Ehy Andrija, come stai? Manchi tantissimo a tutti, ai tuoi familiari specialmente ma anche a me. Piango ogni volta che vedo una tua foto. In realtà non so dirti perché sono così legata a te, ma mi sento particolarmente attaccata alla tua storia. Non te lo meritavi, come non se lo meritava nessuno di voi. Eri bellissimo e talentuoso. Talvolta mi fermo a pensare, non capisco perché delle vite piene di opportunità come la tua vengano sempre strappate. Non dovevi andartene così presto, non te lo meritavi per niente Andrija, fidati di me. Condividiamo la passione per la fotografia, sai? Anche a me piace molto fotografare! Inoltre adoro il tuo brano “Emocije”. Ti prometto che un giorno visiterò la tua tomba e ti lascierò qualcosa di mio molto importante, per farti capire quanto ci tengo a te, anche se probabilmente tu non ne saprai il motivo. Come ho detto prima, a dirla tutta non so nemmeno io perché, ma ti voglio un bene dell’anima. Sei un eroe che è morto per salvare la sua migliore amica e che stava cercando di calmare l’ira di K.K. Spero che tu posso riposare in pace angioletto mio, senza più spari nelle orecchie e senza più dolore.️❤️

-Ginevra, 12 anni, 20/04/24
April 19
April 19
Ciao andrija come stai lassù? manchi tanto ai tuoi familiari. Non ti conoscevo personalmente ma so che eri un ottimo pianista, e un ottimo amico. Spero che arrivi la giustizia per te perché è quello che ti meriti. Riposa in pace bellissimo angelo
April 16
April 16
when i had a trip to serbia i saw him with some of the other victims ands its just sad to see people this young be gone so soon, you will be missed
April 14
April 14
I did not know you until i heard the news. What is really sad is that people say you were such a good person. I looked at the photos you posted on your instagram account and they are just outstanding. You were a brave soul and died an unfair death. Your life was cut short but your action to grab the gun will never be forgotten. You seemed so sweet. I am sure your family misses you and will trade anything to get you back.R.I.P Andrija.
April 11
April 11
J'avais le même âge que vous, mais je ne vous connaissais pas, vous ou les autres, et j'aurais aimé pouvoir vous rencontrer un peu, mais je ne l'ai jamais fait, c'est triste que vous soyez morts si jeunes, nous sommes un héros et j'espère que vous êtes heureux au paradis avec vos amis.
April 6
April 6
Andrija foi um colega, um amigo, um filho muito bom, seus amigos tinham sorte de ter ele por perto, mesmo que acontecesse algo ruim com ele, ele não deixou de ser a pessoa boa que ele era. Fiquei triste ao saber a morte dele ao tentar defender sua melhor amiga mara, hoje os dois estão juntos la no ceu 
Oro chorando todos os dias para que andrija volte, pode demorar dias, meses ate anos! Mais nunca esquecerei de andrija logo logo estarei com ele se Deus quiser..quando eu encontrar ele irei dar um abraço bem forte, estou vivendo por ele todos os dias. Ele está ensinando as estrelas a tocarem piano!
Descanse em paz andrija
April 1
April 1
March 31
March 31
Why did kosta have to take a beautiful boy for? We all miss you Andrija Cikic you are in God's hands now. Andrija you mom and dad misses you so much. I now you are teaching your beautiful piano skills and beautiful photo up in Haven. Have fun with Mara Ema Ana to. We will meet someday Andrija. I know it. Has your pain gone away forever? I will go see your grave I promise Andrija and leave a gift. Fly high Andrija Cikic. March 5 2009- may 3 2023️❤️

Love someone you will see
March 29
Здраво Андрија Цикићу, смири се, надам се да ћемо се тамо наћи, али не знам јер Бог одлучује, стварно ми недостајеш, о да, здраво Андрија, ја сам Гхисиа Сиифа из Индонезије, стварно те волим, ја волим те, стварно ми недостајеш, надам се да си добро и смирен, сад више не осећаш бол, зар не?
Волим те Андрија
-Гхисиа Сиифа поздрав из Индонезије
March 27
Andrija, não tenho palavras que consigam descrever o sofrimento que é agora desde que tu partiste. A forma que vc e os seus amigos morreram foi tão injusta. Eras um miúdo incrível, lindo, e com um talento inacreditável para piano. A delicadeza com que tocavas de outro mundo. O seu caso e dos seus amigos foi um caso que me abalou muito, apesar de eu não te conheçer pessoalmente, imagina para a tua família. Esperaria ter te conhecido pessoalmente de coração. Posso não conhecer, mas sei que tens um coração de ouro, delicado, fofo, é que não era possível fazer mal a uma mosca. Eu chorei muito, e fiquei muito sensível quando vi a festa de 15 anos que os teus pais prepararam para ti. Tens pais maravilhosos, e uma mãe muito guerreira. Eu acho que na minha cabeça, quando vejo as suas fotos
ainda nem consigo acreditar que morreste, a ficha ainda não me caiu. Tenho tanta coisa que ainda queria dizer!!
Tinhas tanto pela frente. Queria mesmo, de coração, te ter conhecido, e que o incidente não tivesse acontecido. Vou estar muito triste no dia 3/5. Outra coisa que me partiu o coração foi quando tu disseste “ Mara, Mar, Mara” e ela “Em outra vida Andrijan?” ou foi “Desculpa Andrijan” não sei, fiquei confusa pois uma pessoas dizem uma coisa, outros dizem outra. Nunca te vamos esquecer, vais ficar sempre no nosso coração❤️
March 19
March 19
March 18
March 18
The day you died, a part of me died aswell. I miss you 7 days a week. I am still waiting for your return but i know im so silly to think that. I miss your smile... your hands playing the keys... Andrija, we will meet again.
March 17
Feliz cumpleaños andrija. Eres todo un héroe y aunque no estés aquí con nosotros todos te recordamos con mucho amor pequeño ángel  no te conocí pero espero que otra vida si lo pueda aser. Ya quiero ir a visitarte y llevarte flores . Feliz cumpleaños ✨️ angelito 
March 16
March 16
Andrija adalah anak yang ceria yang selalu tersenyum, masa depannya yang cerah sudahh terenggut kini andrija hanya meninggal kan kenangannn yang amatt mendalam
March 11
Yo se q es tarde para desearte un feliz cupleaños celestial a ti y a todos tus compañeros se tambien que nunca nos conocimos pero se reconocer como es un buen angel se que ahora no estan con sus familias y espero de todo corazon q donde quieran que esten esten todos juntos como un grupo no te conoci ni a ti ni a tus compañeros les mando un FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS CELESTIAL PARA TI Y TODOS TUS COMPAÑEROS
March 10
March 10
Dear Andrija, I am so very sorry for what happened to you.You are a real hero, we all love and miss you and I know it is really late but I didn't have the time to write you something because of school but anyway, happy birthday I hope you get anything and everything you wanted. Fly High My Little Angel We All Love You.❤️
March 10
March 10
Andrija você nunca sera esquecido, tenho certeza que você deu muito orgulho a sua família.
March 7
March 7
Feliz cumpleaños andrija! Es un poco tarde para decirte feliz cumpleaños, pero en verdad espero que la estés pasando muy bien en el cielo! Gracias por ser un héroe sin capa,y darte tu vida por los demás, siempre estarás en mi memoria y espero algún día poder visitarte y dejarte una bonitas flores
Con amor y respeto
March 5
March 5
Happy Birthday My ANGEL and My Hero ANDRIJA .One year more for you,...
if you are Life but for us is as well one year more without you.
Remember is the Great Thing that we got';
Remember you playing the piano, or sing , play Tennis or make video or pict or so simple stay with your family .
I think I will always remember you until my memory go off .
I never meet with you , never visit you but you got something very special.
and for that you will be always in my memory .
Maybe I can visit your country and see your Mother and Father.
I will tell them "Thanks for Had a so Special lad , ANDRIJA ",
who fill up the life of many people with his music.
From America English and Spanish, By E.U. to Asia...
Everybody Know You... You a Super Stars .
But For me You are My Angel and My Hero.
whenever you are will be in my heart and in my Pray .
I will make that everyone and everybody know you .
Just Happy Day in the Heaven........From Manuel Brown .
March 5
March 5
Happy heavenly 15th birthday Andrija.
I hope you are having a good day up in heaven with your friends.
We miss u very much!!
March 5
March 5
Happy heavenly birthday sweet angel, you are so incredibly loved and missed we look up you so much for being the sweet, talented and caring person you are,I am so happy you knew how much you were loved when you were here...I hope you and your friends who gain their wings will continue to rest in peace... we love and miss you so much Andrija ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
March 5
March 5
Happy birthday Andrija! I hope that you have fun time in heaven. Remember, we won't forget you. I just miss you very, very much... Can someone leave a flower on your grave for me? you're 15 now, wow. I just wanted to say happy birthday Andrija, we love you.

From Krysia (Krystyna) Sikora, Poland
March 5
March 5
Happy birthday Andrija! I hope your having a great time in heaven, you were truly an angel, you were so kind and filled with joy everyone that you knew loved and cared about you and they still do. you wont be forgotten and i hope you have a great heaven birthday
March 5
С небесным днём рождения тебя,малыш Андри,ты самая яркая звёздочка на небе..
Мы все по тебе очень сильно скучаеш,покойся с миром ангелочек️
March 4
March 4
Ти си велики и паметан човек, надам се да си миран тамо. Андрија Цикиц.

From:Nia mavic,serbia
Andrija’s mother
March 3
March 3
Andrija we miss and love you and now you can stay at ease in heaven
Love , your mom and your cousin
February 29
February 29
Hi I’m so sorry for what has happened to Andrija and I’m so sorry to his family I know you guys miss him so much he was probably so nice and he was so cute to❤️ please tell him he is so cute for me I will pray for you forever and always!
February 28
February 28
We miss you, Andrija, but you're in a better place now. You will be missed forever.
February 25
descansa en paz, el que logro hacer todo este sufrimiento va a pagar todas las vidas que arruino, mi mas sentido pesame para su familia y Serbia.
February 25
February 25
Dear Andrija.
i’m sad i didn’t know you before the tragedy. ever since you passed away everything isn’t the same anymore. Vladislav Ribinkar students are traumatized of the event. Your friends miss you. your parents too. You were a great pianist, a wonderful tennis player, and a great photographer. You died as a hero. Everyone recognized your action. You tried to take the gun from kosta but you didn’t survive unfortunately you have 75K followers on instagram !! we are proud of you ❤️ i love you so much Andrija, you died too young. we all miss you. ️
February 24
February 24
hola Andrija es 24 de febrero de extraños espero que estés bien sos un HEROE descanza en paz Andrija
February 22
February 22
Andrija I am so sorry what happened to you I know you don't no me but I am your fan bcuz I love the piano like you and I am from the United States and and you where my crush but you are dead u am so sorry for you where a nice boy and I don't stop crying R. I. P ❤️‍ You got a place in my heart rest in pease bye I will talk to you all the time
February 20
драга Андрија ти беше слатко детенце засекогаш ќе ти недостига 14️
February 17
February 17
Андрија Почивај у миру и лети високо са осталих 9 анђела,почивај у миру анђеле,не заслужујеш ову смрт много си талентован...️
February 16
February 16
Hi ANDRIJA today is 16-2-2024 and about 18 day more will be .....HAPPY should be 15 at 5-3-2024
I Know that we not will be there for your Birthday Party because you will be with the 8 ANGEL in the Heaven.
I Hope you have a nice day with your friends in The Heaven.
We Miss You a lot and as well We Love You a lot.
The People always Remember the People who had a Big Heart full the love like You.
Your always Manuel Brown.
February 15
February 15
you're an angel and I miss you. I hope you're at peace. I want to cry, you don't deserve this. I love you
February 5
February 5
Andrija fly high buddy boy you are the light that brought happiness into everybody that you met and you will never be forgotten
February 5
Я с Украины и о тебе я узнала совсем недавно и мне правда искренне жаль,что с тобой произошло
Я очень надеюсь что на небесах у тебя всё хорошо и ты своей своей прекрасной, яркой улыбкой освещаешь всё небо и делаешь каждую звёздочку ярче, как твои прекрасные глазки.
Тебя слишком рано забрали.. это очень  тяжёлая потеря для всех.Мы все тебя очень,очень любим,помним и сильно скучаем..
Спи сладко,малыш Андри️❤️

Page 2 of 3

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September 7
September 7
Andrija, it was very sad that you died. I am from Serbia, Belgrade. When I saw that news, I was in shock because my school was close to yours. I really love you so much and I miss you. You were a child.
September 1
September 1
Andrija you were such a talented boy at piano you were brave to try to take the gun away from most a rest in peace angel
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Life and andrija espanish

August 20
Andrija cikic fallecio ese terrible3 de mayo 2023 en serbia belgrado... estaba desesperado quizo quitarle el arma a kocta no lo logro lamentablemente recibio 3 disparos uno ocasiono que le explotara su corazon fue una historia tan desgarradora... te extraño andrija cikic vuelve

To andrija

July 16
I hope heaven looks nice up there all though we all miss u man you were such I good piano player I loved it just remember me miss you presto in peace 

Mi querido Andrija

July 9
Hace no tanto tiempo nos conocimos (cuando falleciste habían pasado tan solo 8 meses de que nos hicimos amigos), me hacías muy feliz, tanto que el día que me enteré por las noticias que ya no estabas en este plano terrenal me dolió tanto que me dolieron los ojos de tanto llorar..
Eras una persona muy noble que no quería matar ni a una mosca, fuiste siempre una figura a seguir, siempre me enseñabas cuando tocabas el piano o cuando ibas a algún lugar a hacer fotografías..
Aveces teníamos nuestras diferencias y odiaba que pase eso pero no sabes cuanto soy capaz de dar para volver a hablar con vos. Esas noches de llamadas eran estupendas, hablábamos de cosas sin sentido y reíamos mucho. 2 días antes de el 3 de mayo habíamos tenido una discusión, nos habíamos enojado mutuamente, nos habíamos dejado de seguir y todo pero cuando me enteré de la trágica noticia hubiera preferido aprovechar tus últimos 3 días....
Te extraño y amo con toda mi alma mi Andri Descansa bien en el cielo

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