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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Andrija Čikić, 14 years old, born on March 5, 2009, and passed away on May 3, 2023. We will remember him forever.
Eesha cikic
February 4
February 4
I miss you a lot I really do I hope ur ok in heaven and ur watching all over us love you Andrija a lot ❤️️
January 31
January 31
dear Andrija, we miss you and we hope you have it good in heaven, your bday is soon. your family miss you so much. how could your bsf shot you? why were you on the list?.. you just wanted to be a famous pianist, photographer and videographer, rest in peace and paradise Andrija Čikić, volim te️
January 31
January 31
Andrija, you're my best friend. I miss you so much. I wish I would've been there to save you. I'm so sorry that you were taken from us so soon. You're finally getting justice. Rest easy, Andri. Hvala vam <3
January 29
Andrija, hi.
You were talented, you played the piano, everything was going well. but suddenly everything stopped abruptly.. Everyone misses you, they really miss you..
January 27
January 27
Zdravo Andrija, i just want to let you know that im still waiting for you since the massacre. Look! You've committed your dream! You're finally a famous pianist!! Im so happy for you... I hope you're in a better place where you could play the piano forever with the other victims
January 25
January 25
Андрия был очень талантливым мальчиком, он отлично играл на пианино. Так же Андрия ушёл невероятно красивым, очень смешным и добрым. Хорошие люди порой рано уходят, и это грустно. Жаль, что об этой ситуации я узнаю только сейчас, 25 января, 259 дней спустя. Обещаю, что не забуду его никогда. Вечная память.
January 23
Hello Andrija

 It's Sad to see that you left só young,But I hope you're well there,since you've become a beautiful angel,I miss you forever!
January 21
January 21
Hi Andrija:
I hope that you will be okey, there where you are
Somebody close to you say that when you was 5 year old you want to go to play with your friends in the Park and your mother take you to the Park.
When you was there you ask for for a Ice Cream and you Mother give you the
money for buy one.
But for surprise of all us you go to the "Shop" and ask for Red Flower for your Mother . When you back with your mother. She will the get the Red Flower and she was very happy .
You are STAR
Always your  Manuel.  
January 12
January 12
I seen this on TikTok rip to him and the 7 who got shot and killed by a jealous boy
January 9
January 9
dear andrija when I saw on tiktok that you died I was like no this can't be true but yet it's been 8 months without you here and Everytime I see edits for you I cry and cry my eyes out and thought why kosta did what he did and I hope he gets what he deserves bcuz you were only 14 when he shot you and many others to death i said why kosta why did you have to do this #forever14️️ rest in peace buddy you were so talented on piano and you are probably playing in heaven now
January 8
January 8
Dear Andrija.
You were so perfect,i'm writing this to you so you would know that you always have a place in my heart ❤. I want you to know that we all miss you and we will always do. I promise that I will never forget about you. I promise.
You were to young to die...I still don't belive that you are gone... 6 months had passed and I still need you. When I heard that you and your classmates died it was depressing for me and that's how i started to lern Serbian.

Volim te Andrija
January 8
January 8
One afternoon I was watching TV in Lounge and fell asleep
I saw a boy at the door walking to me
I say "hello" and he walk to me. "Sit down" I say
He move back the chair and he sit down.
Between us was a table where was my notebook
And He Say my Name and I woke up.
ANDRIJA look 80% similar to the boy
For me you are an ANGEL
January 3
January 3
Hi, i dont know u, but ur case affected me so much. Its been 1 year without u. U are very talented, and a great guy. U left too soon. RIP
December 25, 2023
December 25, 2023
He was born on May 5, 2009 in Belgrade. This is the biography of the little talent of the Serbian Virtuosos. Andrija was not able to live to see his 14th birthday, he lost his life on Wednesday when a fellow seventh grader started shooting at his school. The star of the Serbian Virtuosos died just two days before his birthday.

The Virtuosos star died two days before his 14th birthday
December 25, 2023
December 25, 2023
He was born may 5th not march, your info mislead many people change it
December 17, 2023
December 17, 2023
Dear Andrija Čikić

  are not forever,
  are not the end;
  it simply means
• I'll Miss You
  until we meet again.
I'm seriously going to miss you here.
Best in luck in your new Endeavor
See you soon Talented Pianist Boy."

Goodbye Andrija Čikić Farewell.
May your soul be in peace️
We love you
Volim te.
December 11, 2023
December 11, 2023
Dear Andrija, you have been the stars that shines around me whenever I feel so dark and gloomy... but I kept asking myself how and why since I never met you. I never got the chance to be friends with you. I found the answer to my deepest questions Andrija. You became my light because you were a truly talented, warm-hearted, beautiful, friendly, and amazing learner who loved piano and photography just like I do. You passed away at a very young age.. you never got the chance to attain your biggest dreams like going abroad and obtaining scholarship but maybe.. just maybe, in another whole new world, you achieved your goals and became popular for your talents, skills, and charm. I wanna see you chase your dreams in a nonstop mode but it's too late.. you're no longer here. I wish you can see your fans with your eyes and surely it will make you very happy. You were the reason why I won different kinds of achievements at school. I won trashion, scrabble, and so much more than anyone could ever imagine. My heart was inspired by you, just you. Ill forever cherish and keep in my heart your past existence even though I'm just a fan here who never got the special opportunity to meet you. You're a very well-cultured child whom I've been admiring since May.. that's how pulchritudinous you are Andrija. Play with the angels and may God protect your beloved soul sweetheart.
December 4, 2023
December 4, 2023
ur best friend is such a fake friend I still can’t believe he shot you
December 1, 2023
December 1, 2023
Dear Andrija, I didn’t know you until a few weeks ago but I can’t believe that one of your BEST FRIENDS shot you but I hope you’re doing better recovering from this terrible incident, I hope you’re feeling much better with Jesus. I can’t wait to meet you up there! We will miss you and all of your other friends! We love you guys. And to let you know, you are special in your own way no matter what. Mara, you have had a wonderful best friend in your entire world. Thank you for being your guys school shooting heroes. We love you guys so much Thank you for everything you’ve done for your school and for reading all of this message. ️
November 28, 2023
November 28, 2023
You are a talented's a shame that your life was taken by a monster in our class.
I always miss you here, our friends... you are at peace there with your friends and also the people you love most ️
November 24, 2023
November 24, 2023
Andrija, you has such a kind soul and you will indeed be forever missed. Your sacrifice will always be remembered. Rest in peace ️
November 21, 2023
November 21, 2023
oh dear andrija maybe i didnt know you but your death and this whole case has affected me so so so much. You were talented little boy who loved to play the piano. Andrija you had big dreams to one day become a famous pianist but they took your dreams away from you. We all miss you more and more eveyday and i hope your watching over your loved ones from above. FOREVER 14. ANGEL
Andrija cikic
November 20, 2023
November 20, 2023
Andrija we missed you so much...You're so and sweet boy i've ever know who Andrija...someday we'll meet
November 16, 2023
November 16, 2023
I didn't know you but I was so sad to hear what you and many others went through on this dreadful day I know you are playing piano in the sky ❤
November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023
I hope I will go there soon to be with you and your singing is beautiful and your playing on the piano guitar is beautiful.
November 8, 2023
November 8, 2023
I hope you are better in heaven I wish I was with you and your best friend
November 6, 2023
November 6, 2023
Dear andrija cikic

I hope you in Heaven and happy
You will help your parent get there...
Emily Mace
November 6, 2023
November 6, 2023
Im writing this for my friend who was a friend of andrija and im not goning to say the name of them as they don't want me to but they asked me to leave this tribute.

Dear andrija,
I can not believe that kosta did that to you! I know I don't live in serbia but I was a friend of yours when I was little but sadly moved away but still you were my friend and I'm in pain but I hope very much that your safe and not in pain in heaven may you rest in peace ❤❤
November 2, 2023
November 2, 2023
We miss you all the time. You didn't deserve what kosta did to you and the other victims.
You are a beautiful, brave soul.
I am never forgetting you. May you rest in peace and hang out with the others in heaven❣️❣️ you had many dreams and I'm sorry for what happened.
November 2, 2023
November 2, 2023
Dear Andrija Čikić

I hope you're in a better place, I'm sure you're playing the piano along with Jesus.
October 28, 2023
October 28, 2023
Dear Andrija,
I didn't know in real life but it hurt me when I found out about your death and that it was one of your friends but ever since the 3rd of may this year the sky has looked so much more beautiful then it did as your in there with your classmates. I can't believe it was one of your friends that shot you but at least your safe now and no one can hurt you and your with all your friends. I can't even imagine what it's like for your parents having to wake up and look at your empty room and walk past it every day and look at your empty piano seat where you used to play .
You had so many dreams that you wanted to active like become a famous pianist but you ended up becoming famous cos of your death .
RIP andrija We'll meet again and I will always look for you in the sky ❤
October 18, 2023
October 18, 2023
adrija why did you have to leave so early you had so many dreams you wanted to be a pianist and alot more
.dear adruja
October 17, 2023
October 17, 2023
We will all miss you andrija you were a beautiful soul you didn't deserve to die when you wanted to save your classmates you tried to take the gun but failed your last word broke my heart your last word were Mara mar mara! You saw mara shot but you were a good person Right now where you are you are save and your classmates are thankful you tried to save them RIP andrija.
October 8, 2023
October 8, 2023
Oh Andrija.. such a pretty soul. Why did u have to leave us so early? You were an amazing pianist who dreamt of lots of things but that was sadly taken away from you. Everyone misses you and wishes you came back. You were a hero and everyone will remember that, everyone will remember your story. May you rest in peace
October 7, 2023
October 7, 2023
Rip Andrija you were amazing at piano and tennis you will be forever missed by everyone x
October 6, 2023
October 6, 2023
Sekin ponos, mislim na tebe svaki dan. I dalje ne mogu da verujem da nisi više u ovom svetu sa nama. Baba plače svaki dan za tebe, jedva čeka da se ponovo vidite i da te zagrlili. Falis nam, tvoj topli pogled, tvoj šarm, tvoj stav… vidimo se jednog dana opet u raj kad je naše vreme. Sviraj andjilama jer imaju sreću da uzaviju u tvoju muziku. Volim te/ tvoja seka
October 6, 2023
October 6, 2023
I love you so fricken much. I dont know why perfect souls like you had to leave early and why you were chosen. Why did you get killed out of jealousy and why do people still support your killer? We might be ages away from each other but in my heart we are close to each other. Tears will only make someone see how much sadness i am from you passing but they never know how sad i really am. I really dont want to live longer than 3rd may 2024 Because it will be a year without you but i wanted to live such a happy life. Just know i will forever love you even when im with you I'll just love you even more. I love you so much i hope your having fun up there i really really miss you so fricken much.

волим те и недостајеш ми Андрија Цикић from Ариа Моана
September 24, 2023
September 24, 2023
Мој лепи анђеле, надам се да си срећан на небу.јеси ли се смирио?, видео сам твоја сецања на твом јутјубу био си сладак али сад си нас оставио, недостајес ми мој згодни андјеле
September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023
We all miss you so much. Fly high angel
August 13, 2023
August 13, 2023
Lieve Andrija rust zacht moge jij en je mooie piano kunsten de hemel opvrolijken ️
August 10, 2023
August 10, 2023
мој Андрија. недостајеш ми сваким даном све више и више, туга испуњава твоје родитеље и моја срца када схватимо да се нећеш вратити. видимо се у другом животу, у оном где насиље оружјем није постојало.
August 4, 2023
August 4, 2023
Dear Andrija, you were so talented and perfect. We will miss you, miss your voice, your laugh, your smile, just miss you forever. You did a lot of things in 14 years of existence and that incredible for a kids. You were to kind and perfect for this world. In memory of Andrija our angel who died to soon.
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Recent Tributes
September 7
September 7
Andrija, it was very sad that you died. I am from Serbia, Belgrade. When I saw that news, I was in shock because my school was close to yours. I really love you so much and I miss you. You were a child.
September 1
September 1
Andrija you were such a talented boy at piano you were brave to try to take the gun away from most a rest in peace angel
Recent stories

Life and andrija espanish

August 20
Andrija cikic fallecio ese terrible3 de mayo 2023 en serbia belgrado... estaba desesperado quizo quitarle el arma a kocta no lo logro lamentablemente recibio 3 disparos uno ocasiono que le explotara su corazon fue una historia tan desgarradora... te extraño andrija cikic vuelve

To andrija

July 16
I hope heaven looks nice up there all though we all miss u man you were such I good piano player I loved it just remember me miss you presto in peace 

Mi querido Andrija

July 9
Hace no tanto tiempo nos conocimos (cuando falleciste habían pasado tan solo 8 meses de que nos hicimos amigos), me hacías muy feliz, tanto que el día que me enteré por las noticias que ya no estabas en este plano terrenal me dolió tanto que me dolieron los ojos de tanto llorar..
Eras una persona muy noble que no quería matar ni a una mosca, fuiste siempre una figura a seguir, siempre me enseñabas cuando tocabas el piano o cuando ibas a algún lugar a hacer fotografías..
Aveces teníamos nuestras diferencias y odiaba que pase eso pero no sabes cuanto soy capaz de dar para volver a hablar con vos. Esas noches de llamadas eran estupendas, hablábamos de cosas sin sentido y reíamos mucho. 2 días antes de el 3 de mayo habíamos tenido una discusión, nos habíamos enojado mutuamente, nos habíamos dejado de seguir y todo pero cuando me enteré de la trágica noticia hubiera preferido aprovechar tus últimos 3 días....
Te extraño y amo con toda mi alma mi Andri Descansa bien en el cielo

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