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Life and andrija espanish

August 20
Andrija cikic fallecio ese terrible3 de mayo 2023 en serbia belgrado... estaba desesperado quizo quitarle el arma a kocta no lo logro lamentablemente recibio 3 disparos uno ocasiono que le explotara su corazon fue una historia tan desgarradora... te extraño andrija cikic vuelve

To andrija

July 16
I hope heaven looks nice up there all though we all miss u man you were such I good piano player I loved it just remember me miss you presto in peace 

Mi querido Andrija

July 9
Hace no tanto tiempo nos conocimos (cuando falleciste habían pasado tan solo 8 meses de que nos hicimos amigos), me hacías muy feliz, tanto que el día que me enteré por las noticias que ya no estabas en este plano terrenal me dolió tanto que me dolieron los ojos de tanto llorar..
Eras una persona muy noble que no quería matar ni a una mosca, fuiste siempre una figura a seguir, siempre me enseñabas cuando tocabas el piano o cuando ibas a algún lugar a hacer fotografías..
Aveces teníamos nuestras diferencias y odiaba que pase eso pero no sabes cuanto soy capaz de dar para volver a hablar con vos. Esas noches de llamadas eran estupendas, hablábamos de cosas sin sentido y reíamos mucho. 2 días antes de el 3 de mayo habíamos tenido una discusión, nos habíamos enojado mutuamente, nos habíamos dejado de seguir y todo pero cuando me enteré de la trágica noticia hubiera preferido aprovechar tus últimos 3 días....
Te extraño y amo con toda mi alma mi Andri Descansa bien en el cielo

How I met you

June 25
March 10 2020 I searched andrija ur name I thought it goes search nothing bc It just a joke I was on my piano table when I see you and I see info about you and I see ur playing piano too so as a guitar and ur from Serbia ur age was 10 and ur birthday is March 5 I see ur picture after that I got a crush on you*speed time* March 5 2022 I built a cake bc my mom had a bakery I use it and celebrate ur bday bc I don't have many money to go to Serbia *speed time* march 6 my birthday and we travel to Serbia I don't know ur home in Belgrade but I see ur school and I didn't see you but ema and Angelina I only  see *speed time again* may 2 2023 I see but I didn't know it was the last picture of you I was shy bc he's so tall, may 3 2023 we go back to Serbia I go to ur school and it was so quiet I don't know it was Wednesday there no way there no classes exp Philippines and I see there's bullets and bloods I see ur white shirt and there's blood my mom say we gotta go bc she see me crying,may 6 I visit your grave and i start to cry I didn't bring my phone there,march 5 2024 I go to your grave after bake ur cake I eat it alone I figured out who kill you I was so angry(sorry if I copy Anya but I am Anya my Google got hacked)
June 1
March 10 2020 I searched andrija ur name I thought it goes search nothing bc It just a joke I was on my piano table when I see you and I see info about you and I see ur playing piano too so as a guitar and ur from Serbia ur age was 12 and ur birthday is March 5 I see ur picture after that I got a crush on you*speed time* March 5 2022 I built a cake bc my mom had a bakery I use it and celebrate ur bday bc I don't have many money to go to Serbia *speed time* march 6 my birthday and we travel to Serbia I don't know ur home in Belgrade but I see ur school and I didn't see you but ema and Angelina only I see *speed time again* may 2 2023 I see but I didn't know it was the last picture of you I was shy bc he's so tall, may 3 2023 we go back to Serbia I go to ur school and it was so quiet I don't know it was Wednesday there no way there no classes exp Philippines and I see there's bullets and bloods I see ur white shirt and there's blood my mom say we gotta go bc she see me crying,may 6 I visit your grave and i start to cry I didn't bring my phone there,march 5 2024 I go to your grave after bake ur cake I eat it alone I figured out who kill you I was so angry.
May 26
Dear, Andrija Cikic.

At may 10th 2024, I went on my phone to tiktok and I saw a video of u Playing the piano - Emocjie (Emotions) I realized You passed away on may 3rd 2023 and I heard Ur parents celebrate ur birthday at may 5th, So I decided to make my own homemade cake for you. and I celebrate Your birthday myself. I feel how u got shot and fought the pain but I fought the pain when I heard about u.

at 2024 May 26, I still watch tiktok just to watch a video of You, many people were sad about ur pain that u fought and I know You and all people fought the pain, maybe When I turn 13. I will fought myself the pain and wanna suicide myself just to see ur beautiful smile of Yours. Your parents had miss You. 

Goodbye, Andrija Cikic. Our best pianist in the world. You may rest in peace and we will not forget you and how you fought the pain. When I heard about you. I almost got a heart breaking, Losing my mind how much people and I miss u.

Rest in peace, Andrija Cikic. You will always be missed and loved. At night, I will be looking up the sky and listen the song you made. I just want u to know, But You were the best, Many people respect you and miss u.

I sometimes look up the sky in the morning seeing how beautiful the sky is, the sun shines through and the happy I became, Your the person who made me smile just wanting to see you bad, When I see the first smile. I either think if I can suicide myself but I would say no, I will wait when I turn 13, I will be living with My family still but waiting for when I turn 13.

Rest In peace, Our little pianist.... (Andrija Cikic)

(In serbian language)

Поштовани Андрија Чикић.
10. маја 2023. Отишао сам на тикток на свом телефону и видео снимак како свираш клавир - Емоције (Емоције) Схватио сам да си преминуо 3. маја 2023. и чуо сам да ти родитељи славе рођендан 5. маја, па сам одлучио да то урадим сама да направим своју домаћу торту за тебе. И ја славим твој рођендан. Осећам како си погођен и борио сам се са болом, али сам се борио против бола када сам чуо за тебе.
2024. 26. маја и даље гледам тикток само да бих гледао твој видео многи људи су били тужни због твог бола против којег си се борио и знам да сте се ти и сви људи борили против болова можда када напуним 13 година. Борићу се са болом и желећу да се убијем само да видим твој леп осмех. Недостајао си твојим родитељима. 
Збогом Андрија Чикић. Наш најбољи пијаниста на свету. Почивај у миру и нећемо заборавити тебе и како си се борио са болом. Кад сам чуо за тебе. Скоро да ми се срце слама, губим разум колико људи и недостајеш ми.
Почивај у миру Андрија Чикић. Увек ћете бити вољени и недостајати. Ноћу ћу гледати у небо и слушати песму коју си направио. Само желим да знаш, али ти си био најбољи, многи те поштују и недостајеш.
Понекад ујутру гледам у небо видећи како је небо лепо, сунце сија и срећан сам што сам постао, Ти си особа која ме је насмејала само желећи да те видим лоше, Кад видим први осмех. Или мислим да ако могу да се убијем, али бих рекао не, сачекаћу до 13. године, и даље ћу живети са својом породицом, али ћу сачекати до 13. године.
Почивај у миру наш мали пијаниста... (Андрија Чикић)

At May 3rd 2023, Andrija and Mara were matching clothes, Mara was shot By Kosta Kecmanovic, Andrija was shouting "Mara! Mar- Mara!" and Andrija runs to Mara and holds her as Mara said "I don't think i will make it" (I don't remember or I forgot) and Andrija try grabbing the gun away from Kosta but Kosta shot his arm to his chest and Andrija collasped on the floor and fought the pain but when Kosta got arrested. He passed away early because his heart was very healthy and important to his body. His mother Suzana Stankovic Cikic try calling him but not knowing he is already dead but realized what she heard.
April 14
A nice and handsome boy lost his life May 3,2023 in a school shooting in Serbia. He was great friends with Mara (who sadly passed away too) and was killed by his friend Kosta. He lost his life trying to grab the gun from Kosta's hand. He avoided a bullet that Kosta shot but another went into his arm and to his heart. Andrija fought but the pain was too much. He died May 3 2023. 2 days before his birthday. His funeral was on May 5 2023.

Andrija cikic

April 7
Hi I’m really sorry what happened he was a talent boy and he would not change a couple of them survived but the rest didn’t he had a beautiful voice, and he would not change for anybody and anyone he was just jealous of him because he was better looking. He was smarter than him. He had more friends than him so he got really jealous and he was planning this for a whole month and he went to the shooting range with his dad so he can practice. He got better and better he shot everybody on the list. He only took one person off because he said they liked his jacket so he took him off he shot like 15 kids and like couple of them survived but really injured and the other ones died. I wish that never happened and andrija cikic tried to get the gun but failed He missed the first bullet, but the other ones shot him from Isabel

We all love u friend son classmate

March 26
He is so cute I did not know him but he did like Mara and ik him from TikTok and YouTube and instagram he was 13 and forever will be 13 idk what he speak but me I speak English and I love his voice he was cute I liked him from YouTube and he did not know me but why did he have to try to get the gun he should had just hide and he would still be here but I miss him as he did not know me sincerely Isabel 


March 18
Andrija is a really sweet boy. He’s nice to literally everyone he met. He shares stories, memories, pictures, music, etc. with anyone who will listen. He was a cute kid too. Andrija always had a playlist for the bus with the best songs. Andrija, I miss you everyday and I know you’re watching over all of us. Volim te, Andrija
March 18
Andrija was a very very sweet boy. The first look i gave him, i already knew he's extraordinary. He's the son, friend,student that everyone would want. He didn't deserve this. He didnt even got to finish his youth. He didnt got to continue his dreams. It really hurts.... it hurts that i realize everyday that the most important person to me is gone for eternity. Why is life like this. I've lost everyone.
February 25
Andrija was a boy born the 5th of march in Serbia. His ethnicity is Serbian - Montenegro. Andrija was a boy full of life, he had a lot of friends, he was a handsome boy, with the greatest talents ever ! he was (and still) a great pianist, tennis player and a photographer. He always had a smile on his face. He was a cute little boy, who had lots of imagination. everyday when he asked his mother if she really loved him, she says « the most in the world » but a month before the tragedy, she replaced it with « endlessly ». Suzana, Andrija’s mother, had a bad feeling that his son, Andrija, must leave Serbia. But it was too late. The 3rd of May, Andrija dies in a school shooting. He got shot by his FRIEND ! Kosta Kecmanovic ! He was on his list because he was a great pianist ? But Andrija had the courage to try to take the gun away from kosta, he managed to avoid the first shot, then he gets shot in the arm, and then through his heart. He couldn’t take the pain anymore, he died. as a hero. Andrija’s action was recognized by everyone. Andrija, we all miss you. Your mother, your friends, your dad, the whole world misses you. We love you a lot, Andrija 

Serbian Virtuoso Andrija Čikić

December 25, 2023
“Andrija Čikić, rodjen je 05.03.2009. godine u Beogradu” – say Andrija Cikic He was born on May 5, 2009 in Belgrade. This is the biography of the little talent of the Serbian Virtuosos. Andrija was not able to live to see his 14th birthday, he lost his life on Wednesday when a fellow seventh grader started shooting at his school. The star of the Serbian Virtuosos died just two days before his birthday.

The Virtuosos star died two days before his 14th birthdayThe 14-year-old is in a primary school in Belgrade on Wednesday Kosta Kecmanović opened fire on the school guard standing at the entrance of the school, then fatally wounded three little girls in the school hall. Finally, he went into one of the classrooms, shot the teacher, from whom he had previously received one, and then started shooting indiscriminately at the students. During the mindless shooting, he killed five more students and seriously wounded six others. A total of 9 people lost their lives in the carnage, and 7 people were seriously injured.

Among other things, a great talent passed away, Andrija Cikic also, whom Serbian TV viewers may have known from the classical music talent show Virtuozok. Placido Domingo, the best-known mentor of the Virtuosos, said goodbye to the little boy in an emotional post. “Andrija Čikić was not only a young, vibrant, talented pianist and brilliant musician with a promising future, but a person from our community” – wrote the Maestro.

At the end of March, Andrija Čikić started with his own composition, Érzelmek, at the Fedemus, Children’s Composers festival, where he won first place with the maximum possible score.

August 4, 2023
Andrija was born 5th March 2009 in Belgrade, Serbia. He was a talented boy who liked piano, photography, tennis and videography. On May 3rd 2023 he was killed in a school shooting by his classmate K.K.

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