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September 22, 2021
Sis I miss you so much already,I am so glad that we got to have our lil talk before you last went to hospital I am so jealous of where you are now have taught me so much in life.and was always there to pik me up if I fell.and for that I will cherish our memories forever.i don't know how life will be without you I know duddy butch dad Jerry Amanda Christopher and all the others was at the golden gates to. Welcome you to there beautiful kingdom of heaven.sis I will never let go I will always hold on giand until we meet again on God's golden shore rest in peace my beautiful sister and give them all loves for me 


September 22, 2021
You always brought joy to my life, I was your pick, I remember when you always bought me Pepsi and Susie Q, you treated me like your kid instead of your sister,  im grateful for the time God gave me with you... we've had our ups and downs buy you are forever my heart... I love you sis...

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