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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Angela Pitts, 49 years old, born on January 29, 1966, and passed away on October 27, 2015. We will remember her forever.
February 9, 2016
February 9, 2016
I will always remember you as Punkie.  I only wish we could go back in time to relive those wonderful times when we kids playing outside. I regret that we had not seen each other for so many years.. I will always love you and deeply miss you.
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October 27, 2023
October 27, 2023
Missing you
8 years just seems like yesterday
I so much want to hear your voice and hug you even tho you were not a hugger ❤️❤️238❤️❤️
October 26, 2022
October 26, 2022
Seven years!!!! How is it possible when it feels like yesterday, pain is so real still
Still want to call you, still want to share pictures with you
Love you forever sis
January 29, 2022
January 29, 2022
Happy Birthday Sis!!!! Love You!!!! ❤️
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May 27, 2016

I'll echo my sister Karen's memorial. I meant to write this months ago and just stumbled across Karen's email. I just wanted to say that Angie was a great friend to us through our high school and college years, and afterwards. I'll always remember 2 road trips in particular: We were riding around with Angie and decided on a whim to drive down to Memphis from Farmington. I'd never been there before, but Angie was up for a trip anytime. Then, one year after spring break Angie drove me the 9 hours to get back to my college in Minnesota (though it took less than 9 hours with Angie driving :-)

Angie was a kind, always generous friend. And she was passionate about working for justice. I'm so sorry to hear about her death and I pray blessings on her memory.

A True Friend

March 5, 2016

When I think of what Angie meant to me and my family, nothing better describes how much we loved and respected her than saying she was a true, loyal friend. She was the one who taught us how to drive a stick shift using HER car although we did a number on the gears. She was the one who volunteered to drive hours to take us back to college, or pick us up, or just do any road trip. She was the one who drew little comic books as gifts that were so funny and personal. She was the one who listened and stood by for us. She was the one who checked in and made it a point to not go too long without a call. She was the one who let us know through actions what it means to be a friend. But Angie was no push over (OK, maybe with her dogs....).  She was incredibly smart, dedicated and worked hard for the causes she cared for and in her work. She pushed me to think about things, to reconsider issues, to expand my knowledge. But she also could communicate with anyone, make them feel comfortable (such as my parents) even if they may not see eye-to-eye on some things.  Truly a gift to be both passionate and yet gentle.

Angie--I'm so sorry that I could not tell you these things and for being out of touch for so long. Your friendship was a gift for me and for my family. I miss you and will treasure you forever.

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