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September 14
September 14
Happy Heavenly Birthday Bestie, I miss you so much. I hope you are enjoying your special day. 
September 14
September 14
Happy Heavenly birthday, friend. Thinking of you today and your beautiful smile and infectious laughter! Wish I could chat with you and share all the things in my life right now. I could really use one of your pep talks. Hugs! LYLAS forever!
September 14
September 14
Thinking of you and your infectious smile and laugh. Thankful for that memory. Thankful for your time here on earth. Deep peace.
September 14
September 14
Happy birthday sweetheart. I wonder what color your hair would be! Would it be as beautiful as your dad’s hair? With grey streaks, like salt and pepper? Would you embrace the changes of life? Or would you mask the change and color your hair blue or purple? Who knows? Either way you would carry it well. You would be beautiful.
September 5
September 5
Oh, my sweet girl. It has been eight years, and I still can't believe emptiness in my heart. Even now I feel your presence everywhere. I see a rainbow and think of your smile. 
You would be so proud of Tristan. She is following your path in the medical field. Her determination to succeed is phenomenal. Her heart still hurts with the memories of you and the person you became. She misses her mother. Her life will be forever impacted by your absence. I've been asked if I could sit on a park bench and talk to anyone in the world, who would it be? You of course. I would ask, why? I would ask what happened? What did I miss? I would want to know your mind and heart in the last days and hours. Would it help? Probably not. But the "probably" doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that you are gone, and we are still here. We are still missing you.
September 4
September 4
Dear friend,
I’m sorry it has taken me all day to write to you. I just wanted to wait until I had some time to myself to where I can focus on you. I miss you!! Life still isn’t the same without you. I have my 4th grand baby on the way. Pierce and his gf are having a little girl, which makes 2 boys and now 2 girls. I wish you were here to meet them and share these moments with me. I will never get used to you not being here. I promise I will message you again very soon. There’s so much to tell you. I miss and love you bestie!!!
July 13
July 13
In all this time I still have the urge to call you and share something. You would be so proud of Tristan. Following in your steps in the medical field. So proud, so determined and so beautiful. Dad and I are keeping on keeping on. Dad says to tell you he loves you and prayers for you every day. He still can't log on here. Living in Texas has been a dream come true in many ways. But it is more than hellish hot. You would love our home. Like something of a dream. My sweet child, I miss you so much. 
June 8
June 8
Hello Beautiful,
How are you doing? I am doing ok. Not much going on here. I miss you
September 17, 2023
September 17, 2023
Everyday something happens that reminds me again I can’t call you to tell you a joke or remind you about something. But then, I'll hear a song or feel a gentle breeze, .... and I look around knowing you are sending me a kiss or a hug. I catch a glimpse of clouds at that special time in the evening, where the sun is in that perfect place to cast that silver lining .... and I say, "there you are!" 
You had secrets of you that I didn't know. Maybe because you felt you would disappoint me, or I would reject or withhold my love. But know now, there is nothing you could ever say or do to make me love you less. 
My words keep getting wrapped around and tend to lose their meaning. To say you are missed is .... Well, you know ....
September 7, 2023
September 7, 2023
Hello my sweet. Another year and I still miss you so much. Someone posted a question on Facebook or some social media platform. “If you could spend one hour with someone, who would it be?” My answer “Angela, of course.” I can see us sitting on a park bench on a sunny day, just marveling at our miracle. I would ask you “Why?” I would ask “was there anything we could have done to save you, or prevent this from happening?” And of course, there would be no answer for me. Just know that you are missed, your beauty, your smile and your laughter.
September 5, 2023
September 5, 2023
Miss you today, but that is nothing new. If only I could pick up a phone to talk to you. Until we meet again in Heaven one day, my memories will get me by. You’ll be one of my best friends til the day I die. ~ Dana (look at you making me rhyme lol)
September 4, 2023
September 4, 2023
Hello, beautiful. I think of you often. I sure miss you, my friend.
September 4, 2023
September 4, 2023
Hi my beautiful friend. I miss seeing your beautiful face and hearing your beautiful voice. I love you
September 15, 2022
September 15, 2022
Happy Belated Birthday Dear friend. Miss you
September 14, 2022
September 14, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday my sweet friend!
September 14, 2022
September 14, 2022
Happy Birthday in heaven my friend <3 you are missed by so many. I miss you. Happy birthday.
September 14, 2022
September 14, 2022
Happy Birthday Bestie!!!! I am sorry I only left a short note on the 4th. I was sick with Covid and I was struggling for a few days. Thankfully the symptoms were not severe, I guess that is because I had the vaccine and boosters. I can't help but think of everything you have missed and are missing as we speak. The world is changing and so are we. I chat with Mama from time to time and she fills me in on all of Tristans achievements and how Mama and Papa are doing. We all miss you so very much. There is a song by Kyle Hume called If I Would Have Known and I made a short video on TikTok with it and pictures of you. I am going to post it up here. But until I do that the song goes like this........

If I would have known that wouldn't be here anymore, I would have made the moments last a little longer, cause now I'm alone and you're just a memory in my mind, I would've given anything to say goodbye, If I would've known.......

And that is so true!!! I listen to the song often and think of you my dear friend. If I would've known there are so many things I would've done differently. I would've spent so much more time with you, hugged you more, talked to you more, and laughed more with you. I don't just think of you on the anniversary of your passing or on your birthday, I think of you daily!!!! I think of your beautiful smile, your hugs, and your voice. 6 years is too long to not be able to talk to you, see you, and laugh with you!!!! I pray you are happy, pain free, and watching over us!! I am closing this note for now and remember, I love you so very much.
September 10, 2022
September 10, 2022
Since Angela's parents and daughter moved to Texas, there is more frequency in texting or calling one another. It's been wonderful. But even when conversations don't include you, I often think about the memories you left so many. It is so great to share jokes with the family and hear them laugh. Debbie has a distinctive laugh I recall you also had. I wish I had known you better.

Thanks for the memories!
September 5, 2022
September 5, 2022
Oh Angela, I miss you so much. I can’t believe it’s been 6 years now. Please know that you are just as loved now as you were then.
September 4, 2022
September 4, 2022
Hi my beautiful friend. I miss you so much and I have so much to tell you. 6 years is too long without you friend. I made a video of you and I am going to try and post it on here. I have 3 grand babies now. I have 2 grandsons and 1 grand daughter. I wish you could meet them and love on them. Cordell misses you so much. Cordell has the 2 boys, Sebastian and Lux, and Zaria has 1 daughter,Capri. They are 2, almost 2, and 4 months old. I love you and you’re not replaceable!!!
September 4, 2022
September 4, 2022
Here we are again, remembering your smile and your hugs. OMG how I miss your hugs. Even six years later, people say time heals all things. But the hole in my heart can never be filled. I miss you my darling daughter.
September 4, 2022
September 4, 2022
Briefly It Enters, and Briefly Speaks

I am the blossom pressed in a book,
found again after two hundred years. . . .

I am the maker, the lover, and the keeper....

When the young girl who starves
sits down to a table
she will sit beside me. . . .

I am food on the prisoner's plate. . . .

I am water rushing to the wellhead,
filling the pitcher until it spills. . . .

I am the patient gardener
of the dry and weedy garden. . . .

I am the stone step,
the latch, and the working hinge. . . .

I am the heart contracted by joy. . . .
the longest hair, white
before the rest. . . .

I am there in the basket of fruit
presented to the widow. . . .

I am the musk rose opening
unattended, the fern on the boggy summit. . . .

I am the one whose love
overcomes you, already with you
when you think to call my name. . . .
September 5, 2021
September 5, 2021
Miss your smile, laugh and voice. Miss you lots my friend ❤️
September 4, 2021
September 4, 2021
Oh girl…I wish I could say I’ve gotten used to the idea of you being gone, but that would be a lie. I miss you so very much. I can’t tell you how many times you have crossed my mind recently. I sure could use one of your hugs right now.
September 4, 2021
September 4, 2021
And so my precious, another year and (in truth) I cant say the pain has diminished. So much has happened this past year. You would love living in TX. You would our new home. You would be so proud of Tristan. There are so many "You would"s".. We miss your smile, you heart and your hugs. WFMAHG!
September 4, 2021
September 4, 2021
"All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well" ~ Julian of Norwich. Love wins.
September 4, 2021
September 4, 2021
Hey Beautiful, I miss you everyday and I miss hearing your voice. So much has happened over the past 5 years. I have two grand babies now. Sebastian (Cordells son) is 1 and Capri (Zaria’s daughter) will be 1 next month and they bring so much joy to my heart. I wish you were here to enjoy them with me. Please keep watching over us. I love you so much bestie.
September 4, 2021
September 4, 2021
Hello my sweet LaLa, I miss you more than you know. Your gorgeous smile and how you made me laugh. Rest easy and I’ll see you on the other side.
September 15, 2020
September 15, 2020
Happy Belated Birthday my friend. Miss your smile and our conversations.
You still hold a special place in my heart ❤️
September 14, 2020
September 14, 2020
Happy Birthday Beautiful!!! I love you. 
September 14, 2020
September 14, 2020
I wish I was handing you this flower and not leaving it as a tribute to your memory. I could really use a friend like you in my life again. These last four years have been crazy. You were truly one of a kind and I will forever miss you. Happy Birthday in Heaven Beautiful!
September 4, 2020
September 4, 2020
Good evening Beautiful!!! I couldn’t let today pass with out leaving you a little note. First I will tell you that I miss you more today than I ever have. I am going through this thing called life and not being able to hear your voice is so incredibly painful. I’m adding to our tattoo this year. I’ve finally decided I will add the Est. 93 like we talked about and I want the purple and green to stand out more. I will also be adding your initials and a butterfly. I’ll upload a picture when it’s done. I’m thinking of making a surprise visit to VA really soon so I can see Mom, Dad and Tristan. I think it will be good for all of us.

A few updates on my kiddos ..... Cordell will be 25 in two days and his first child was born in April of this year. Sebastian is his name and he is simply adorable. Zaria is pregnant with her first child, a baby girl, and is due October 21st. Pierce is working on his bachelors degree and Jaxson is 11 now and looks like he’s 15 years old .

We love and miss you so much. I love and miss you a ton. XOXO
September 4, 2020
September 4, 2020
Rest in peace Angela. Know that you are greatly missed . Your leaving was much too soon. God Bless and keep you always.
September 4, 2020
September 4, 2020
Another year. My heart still skips a beat every time I think about you. I still wish I could call and talk to you. Sometimes, I will be doing some little task around the house and I will get this little tickle on my neck or a caress on my arm .... I stop and look around and say "I know that was you." Silly, but some how comforting. Daddy loves you and grieves so deeply. He still cannot find the strength to visit this site. He wishes he could be stronger for you. He will be ok in time. But we will never fill that empty place in our hearts.
January 23, 2020
January 23, 2020
The way you would stand tall...cock your head slightly to the side and smile...You did this when you were happy in a specific moment..When I would see you do this I knew you were going to say something sweet or do something sweet. It was in those few seconds..I would get lost for a life lifetime. You live on Angela.
January 9, 2020
January 9, 2020
I know how much you loved Christmas. This year was tough because Tristan is still struggling to understand. God knows how much we miss you. And God only knows how long it will take for us to understand all your painful struggles in the end. Why didn’t you let us help you? 
September 16, 2019
September 16, 2019
I can remember Angela as a small child with huge cheeks and sweet eyes. She became a beautiful woman that is still missed by family and friends. The memory of Angela is what keeps her alive in our hearts.
September 13, 2019
September 13, 2019
I miss you so much Secret Agent Sunshine....every time the clock shows all the same numbers I think of you. I long for the day I will greet you in paradise. ❤️
September 5, 2019
September 5, 2019
One more year. Still have tears. I miss you just as much today as the day you left our side. I miss singing our favorite songs, the hugs, the smiles, the endless talks, occasional walks ..... I just miss you.
Remember? Close your eyes and put your right hand on your left shoulder. Now put your left hand under your right arm.... and s q u e e z e e. That’s a hug from me.
September 4, 2019
September 4, 2019
Remembering you today, not that it’s different from any other day. I sure could use that beautiful smile of yours. ❤️
September 4, 2019
September 4, 2019
Hey Beautiful,

I want you to know you are so dearly missed. I think of you every day. I miss my friend. I miss our texts, phone calls, and weekends together. I miss your smile, laughs, and hugs. Oh how I wish you were here with all of us. I love you today, always, and forever.
September 4, 2019
September 4, 2019
I miss you so much. I miss the days of seeing your smile. Your joy carried over to anyone who surrounded you.
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