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Missing Angelo

September 19, 2020
I've known Angelo, for only a few years, but there was no one like him....The day I met him, he had already purchased 5 acres of rough terrain, and brought up a giant bulldozer, to carve out an entrance (downhill), to that was scary, and I'll never forget what he said. "What are we? mice or men?" 
      Then he plunged that 80,000 lb dozer, over the side.... and carved out that entrance.

My Friend

September 6, 2020
Angelo I’ve struggled with what to say this past week, you were my best friend not only at work but on a personal level, we worked together for 20 years and the friendship was just as long. We delivered so many successful projects to Scusd and we never took any short cuts. We went riding, went too football games, camping  and many lunches. You always made sure to ask how my family was doing and always checked on my son and said what a tough job he had as a fire fighter and prayed that he was safe, you were as proud of my daughter as I am for what she was accomplishing in school and always said I had a good wife to put up with me. I will never forget you and will always love you my brother, until I see you again Rest In Peace and give your mom and dad a hug for me

Thank You Angelo

September 5, 2020
When I think of Angelo, the words Thank You come to my mind. There are so many things Angelo did that deserve a BIG Thank You.  Here are just a few.    Thank you Angelo for loving my Niece Annette. When I went to stay with you and Annette eight years ago I thought to myself “WOW these two really have the gift of gab with each other” I wanted that for me. You two definitely had a special relationship. Thank you Angelo for taking Brenden under your wing. One day I overheard Angelo talking to Brenden in a very loud voice. Angelo came in and explained himself “One day I’m not going to be here and I want Brenden to be able to take care of himself, do things for himself, be able to take care of others. So I’m strict because I love Brenden and right now he may not understand but one day he will Thank me”. Angelo taught Brenden a lot of trades. Thank You Angelo for giving me the opportunity to work with you and Annette for eight years. You always came in the office and thanked me, yet it was I who was so thankful for being a part of your business. I always felt so welcomed. You always asked if I need anything. Thank You for being you. A man who knew what he wanted and went for it. You were a one man construction crew. I never saw someone get so much stuff done. Incredible!!! Thank You for everything Angelo. I’m sure you’re building something with the Angels. I know you will look after Annette and Brenden and all your sisters and their families.  I Love and will miss You Angelo.  Aunt Susie 
September 5, 2020
There are many things a sibling can do to change your outlook of how things really are sometimes! like telling you there is no tooth fairy and that there is not a real Santa even when you have been to what you really thought was the North Pole only to realize later that it was just the Adirondacks and you really went to an amusement park which had a big Paul Bunyan statue in front. Usually these things come from your older siblings. Nope this came from my young brother, who by the way, thought me how to tie my shoe. Thanks for all you taught me good and bad. I won’t be tripping over my laces thanks to you. Miss you lots. Bunny ears 
September 3, 2020
Over the past 11years of knowing Angelo we've gone to several 49er games, he loved to go tail gate, barbecuing, and mixing up some margaritas in his little blender! He was always thinking 1 step ahead of everybody and was so generous and thoughtful of everybody who came in contact with him. I remember he bought 3 Alex Smith jerseys, 1 for me,, 1for a friend we were with,and 1 for his sister..such a big heart!!! Damn dude you're truly one of a kind and will be deeply missed! See you on the other side..RIP brother

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