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October 29, 2020
October 29, 2020
I got a chance to meet and work with Angelo on the Santa Clara projects. Although I did not know him well, he brought energy to the projects. He also made us laugh. He could get anyone involved in a conversation at any time, about any topic. He will be missed.
September 17, 2020
September 17, 2020
My parents and I are so glad we got to spend some time with you and Angelo during Brenden's Graduation Celebration! 
My parents always felt that Angelo did a great job being there for Brenden and raising him as his son! My parents and my brother Fabian were grateful Angelo kept his word on sending Brenden often to visit him and his grandparents in Carson. Angelo was a kind hearted soul and will be greatly missed! May God Bless him and his family and may he Rest in Paradise! 
September 14, 2020
September 14, 2020
I started writing this a week or so ago, it's hard to think of Angelo gone.
I've known Angelo for better than 20 years, both of us DSA Inspectors working in SCUSD. I remember when Angelo went out on his own from working for someone else, nervous but strong headed to make it work for him, and it did. We worked together in other School Districts also.
Angelo was one hyper Dude, he did not need no energy drink to get him going, but when he did drink them it was hard to keep up with him.
When I found out he was from NY, from a family of 9th children and had 8 older sisters, 'WOW' (I was an only child & to think to have 8 older sisters always boggles my mind even today), he said to me at an early age he did mostly what ever he wanted.
We would get together for drinks & sometimes dinner at various times and it was always a good time with Angelo and his laughter & smile, talking to anyone, no fear in starting up a conversation with whomever. Angelo's carpenter friend Matt would join us at the restaurant or his house for a BBQ dinner, those dinners were always good time & lots of laughs. And he always cleaned up right after we ate. I don't do that at home.
When Angelo SR. came to visit, that was always fun for all of us. He liked to play pool, so we would meet up to play pool, eat, have a few drinks. Angelo JR. really enjoyed to have his Dad to visit him and we got to enjoy both of their company as Angelo SR beat all of us playing pool, good times & laughs.
I rented a room from Angelo for a while and it was very good arrangement. As I watched his dating going on he met this young lady and she had a son, they lived in LA. He changed and became happier as time went on, this is Annette that I gone to meet time to time until she moved in with Angelo. This is when I seen him the happiest. And it was time for me to move out. Annette being the great person she is said I could stay, but I told Angelo, you are starting a family & I need to go. They made a good family altogether and with a new arrival, Annette's dog, lol, the dog would mind Angelo, but it was Annette's dog. That dog fit the family and completed it.
We were partying with Angelo & Angelo SR with a couple of us, having a good time. They went home & me & Mike were going to stay in my car and rest. I'll never forget that time Annette made Angelo & her came back and got us & saved me & Mike's butts from a night out and not leaving anyone behind, even with car bombs on our breath, lol. Annette really saved us & we crashed on the living room floor. Her & Angelo is always Aces with us.
Angelo & Annette are good people, a good couple together. They hosted a Christmas Party in Santa Cruz, in 2010 with friends, we all enjoyed ourselves & some of us stayed the night & enjoyed the evening even more. I'm still trying to find those pictures and I will post them when I find them.
I got to help them move into their new home in Tracey. Talk about excitement and happy people with their son, it was good times. Angelo told me how he made the third garage area his man cave & fixed the patio up for outside use for Annette. Had to commute from Tracey but it was worth it for them.
Life goes by so fast it seemed it was just yesterday they met & it's been 11 years of good times & happiness for both of them. WOW!
Angelo Figueroa Jr. you will be missed. And Annette so sorry about loosing your soulmate. Love you both, Keith & friends
September 13, 2020
September 13, 2020
I wish to God that I could have spent more time with Angelo. Truly a great guy. I will miss him till i see him again.
September 12, 2020
September 12, 2020
I can count my friends on one hand, Angelo was one of them. I worked with him at his house at his properties and for him and Anette doing school inspection. It never felt like work, it was always just having a good time with my friend and i told him that more than a few times. He was always generous and on the move. I am saddened that he beat me to Hevan but i know i will see him again.
September 11, 2020
September 11, 2020
I am devastated by the news of your passing. In our short times together you brought more knowledge to me and my family of the changing world around us. You will be forever missed . I am truly heartbroken for Annette -words can never say- I shed tears for her and brendon. I will be there for her and her family in any way possible.
May you forever be in peace and happiness.
I will always remember the short fun times we had Angelo.
September 8, 2020
September 8, 2020
Angelo lived life on purpose with a God-given purpose. The integrity of his heart and the skill of his hands left footprints that are indelibly etched into the life of my family and our church.
Thank you Angelo for imparting your vision of life and steps to success, that the best things come to those who don’t give up, into my son, who is pursuing it relentlessly.

September 5, 2020
September 5, 2020
It’s with Fondest of Memoryz but a Heavy Heart as I write this, Angelo Figueroa was One of my Best & Greatest Friendz of many many years, Spanning 3 Decadez & even thru a Few Relationshipz between Us!!! lol

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  I’d like to ask for Prayers for His Family & Loved Onez at this Time for the Holy Comforter to Fill Them with Peace & Love that surpasses All Understanding!!!

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  He would do All that He could for You within His Means, He Loved to Laugh & even more with You!!!,,, As the many Many Memoryz We made Together, I’ll Never 4get the Day We 1st met as I Rolled into Zanker Elementary in Milpitas to Pour the SOG & Ftngs on the New Math & Science Bldg. as He was the IOR,,, & the Last I worked with Him was Helping Pour Concrete at His House!!! but Sweet Lord, Creator of Heaven & Earth, He almost Killed Me on the Hottest Day of the yr. that Day & though I vowed to never pour Concrete again, Only for Friendz & Family, but I didn’t have that Good of Friendz nor that Close to my Family, Angelo was Alwayz that Exception!!! hehehe

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  There were so many other Memoryz in Between, that were sum of my Fondest with Him, Discovering Love in SoCal, He knew He should be my Best Man, Surprised Me & Drove throughout the Night after Work to Arrive at 3AM Sat Morning to Stand Up for Me at 10AM!!!

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  Then almost 10 yrs. Later Showing Up at my Home in Anaheim, when He’d Discovered I was Moving back Home to NorCal & Family again after 10 yrs. Needed Help, He was There, Helping finish Loading my Truckz & Trailerz, then Towed my Jetski Trailer with the Caravan joined my Blood Brother & Nephew, Angelo my Soul Brother!!!

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  We would Encourage & Give each other Advice when Needed, whether we’d Listen, was another matter, but Iam so Happy He did when He Intro’d Annette to Me say’n she was the One, & Told Him 2Hang onto Her & Cherish Her!!!, & Iam Happy to say He did & They enjoyed His last yrs. on Earth Together, Working thru Lifez Twistz & Turnz that come Along the Way!!!

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  Many Timez We’d. Call one another, extending an Invitation to sum Family Event or Gathgering, my family Weekends in Twain Harte 96-02, Annettes Family Reunion 5/12 in Yoruba Linda, My Family Taco Gatheting in SJ 6/13, or my BDay that yr. to the many other Concertz & Ball Gamez We’d attended, A’z & Giants Battle of the Bay in 03, to the 9’z Packers Championship last Game in SF at Candlestick, whether it was Eddie Money at the BoardWalk in Santa Cruz, or Def Leppard or Bad Co. @the Shoreline in Mt. View

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& many Many more Occasionz to List, Angeloz Laughter & Smile will Alwayz be with Me in my Heart & Mind, & His Friendship was a very Great & Treasured Gift, & IAM a Richer Person in this World, I’m Happy 2Call Him, a very Dear Friend & He whether or Not He Realized It, was an Honorary Member of My McFrog Family!!!

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   ,,, I Hope sum of my other Best Friends over the yrs. You never Knew, Greeted You Home Angelo, like Tommy H. & Dale T. & my Dad & Skipper2, You Knew, but because They had a Twisted Sense of Humour, Like Us2!!! lol

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  I Love You & Will be Missed by many,Respectfully, I Pray Thee Please Raise1 & Toast My Friend, My Brother & My HomeBoy!!!

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R.I.P. Angelo, I Love You, & Will be Missed
September 4, 2020
September 4, 2020
Where does one begin when they loose a sibling? The youngest of us all, and the second to leave this world so soon.
Comfort comes in knowing that you finally found a love (Annette) to sooth your soul and bring joy and laughter to your life.
There is such a loss of words to describe the feelings left behind. Losses, never to be recovered.
Know you were loved and will be missed by many. 
Now to join hands with previous loved ones lost.
My love
September 3, 2020
September 3, 2020
My life forever changed the day we met. We grew together, we had the same dreams, we balanced each other, shared the same beliefs, and we just "got each other". My life forever changed again last Friday, the day your beautiful soul was called upon by GOD. Your mission was accomplished here and Brenden is the man he is today because of you. I am thankful and blessed to have spent the last 11 years laughing, sharing, and trusting each other. You are my soulmate...I love you so much Angelo...until we meet again...

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