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June 16
June 16
Happy post humor birthday ma. Continue to to rest in perfect peace ma
June 16
June 16
A heart posthumous birthday to you Mum, you are always in our hearts.
March 19, 2023
March 19, 2023
Mummy, it’s hard to believe it’s a year already that you left. Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord. I miss you.
April 30, 2022
April 30, 2022
I can't believe mummy left us so so soon. She was a wonderful mother, sister and friend. We love you but God love you most. May her soul rest in perfect peace.
April 22, 2022
April 22, 2022
Heaven gained an angel. God bless her soul and may it continue to Rest In Peace.
April 14, 2022
April 14, 2022
The news of mummy"s passing got to me as a ery rude shock! I initially thouht it was a bithday celebration and subsequently prayed it was so. Thereafter asking to onfirm if my eyes werent deceiving me.
Well, though I didnt know mummy closely, but I know the jewel God gave her for a daughter. Titilayomi is a replica of mummy. Always happy and loving. The few times I met mummy in person were times i would live to remember. She prayed for me and i could almost touch the love.
Hmmmnnnnnn...... we will.miss her sore! God knows better.
Sleep on ma
Olusola Aina
April 14, 2022
April 14, 2022
Heaven has gained a gem you have lived a modest life and you have impacted many people thank you for your kind words and encouragement. Mama titi as we speak I can't believe you have transitioned until we meet again adieu.
April 10, 2022
April 10, 2022
I was shocked to hear about your demise but God knows best, being a colleague & true friend from nursing school, we’ll all miss your beautiful smile & jokes.May your gentle soul Rest In Peace Akinskolo.My condolence to the children & the entire family
April 8, 2022
April 8, 2022
In the two institutions & training courses she attended, she distinguished herself as a star to beat in pure heartedness, friendship & natural beauty. As a happy good person with no room for malice in her heart even in the face of provocation, she forgives easily. "iwa lewa, iwa lesin" Your character is the true reflection of your beauty and religion. She is very selfless and always a great giver.

It is to her credit that with the sound support of GOD, she dealt frontally with her challenges with an equanimity of mind and unbelievable smiles on her face. She was a strong woman!

Many thanks to GOD and her employers who provided her with uncommon succor at all material times. Everyone was willing to work with her to accommodate her special needs child. She is known to be focused and passionate on all resposibilities assigned to her, to the delights of her employers and patients.

In her family setting, she exhibited outstanding family values. Her set target was the BEST and nothing but the very BEST towards the moral & academic advancement of ALL her children.

She died a happy mother as GOD demonstrates HIS FAITHFULNESS by crowning her efforts. It’s gratifying that she ended well as a gem "who came, saw & conquered". She vacated the world happily as her life was undoubtedly a success story!

May the Almighty GOD rest her gentle soul in perfect peace. May HE also console the families and associates she left behind, amen!

Love always from Titi.
April 8, 2022
April 8, 2022
Tribute to an awesome colleague and a family friend.

I met Mrs. Awoniyi in 1997 when I was transferred to Mainland Hospital, Yaba formerly known as Infectious Diseases Hospital (IDH). Undoubtedly, she was the smartest looking and most jovial persona everyone loves to associate with. She was incredibly passionate about her job. No matter how challenging a situation is, she finds a way to make the environment calming and will surely find a reason to smile (always smiling).

Mrs. Awoniyi was very professional, bold, disciplined with a pleasant attitude. She was impartial and knew how to get the truth and clarity to any chaos at work. She was very humble and always serving till she retired.

I was also privileged to be closer to her as a friend since I resided in UNILAG due to my husband been a professor before he became a Vice Chancellor at Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA). She was a great family friend and a loving mother to our children. Professor Adeniyi respects her strengths and uprightness, and I am always proud to call her my very good loyal, loving, funny, true friend.

May God almighty accept your soul, and may you rest in perfect peace in the Bosom of our Lord Jesus till the last day when we shall meet in Glory to part no more. Amen!

Professor and Mrs. Adeniyi
April 8, 2022
April 8, 2022
Some of Anike Awoniyi’s classmates at Reagan.
Lawumi Bickesteth
Bisi Akinbo
Glory Assam
Molara Idowu
Kofo Oyeyinka
Engineer Mayen Eshiet
Tayo Ogunbanwo
Judith Bobmanuel

Some of Anike Awoniyi’s classmates at the school of Nursing.
Mowunmi Banjo
Taiwo Ajenifuja
Iyabo Robert
Motunde Sanwoolu
Bisi Bawala
Sunbo Sanya
Iyabo Ajayi
Jumoke Akeredolu
Bola Akerele
Sola Akindolire
Jumoke Adefuye
April 6, 2022
April 6, 2022
Titi, my condolence. May God give you and the entire family the grace and strength to bear this irreplaceable loss. It is well with you in Jesus name.
April 4, 2022
April 4, 2022
AROUND the throne of God in heaven Thousands of children stand, Children whose sins are all forgiven, A holy, happy band, Singing: Glory, glory, glory!
Aniks baby dear you have fought a good fight and won triumphantly
I remembered good old days as student nurses working with all seriousness and still smiling You have gone to rest with Your Maker Good night and have eternal rest. Olabisi Enigbokan née Bawala
April 4, 2022
April 4, 2022
My sweet dear mother, nurse, caregiver, meticulous, gist partner, great support, and firm foundation of strength.
I thank God for bringing me through you to lead my path of life. You loved each one of your children equally but was more sensitive to my needs due to the disability. I’m always so grateful you never gave up on me ever since my accident at 5 months. You were never ashamed of me and was always willing to live your life to make sure I succeeded just like every normal child.
You gave me the best you could and always like to encourage me with this song.
“Have faith in God when your pathway is lonely
He sees and knows all the way you have trod
Never alone are the least of His children
Have faith in God, have faith in God
Have faith in God, He’s on His throne
Have faith in God, He watches over his own
He cannot fail, He must prevail
Have faith in God, have faith in God”.
I was willing to do everything in this world just to still have that breath in you. God loves you more and the angels are happy to receive you back home, so, I celebrate the blessing of having you in my life, the fact that none of your children nor grand children went before you and eventually seeing me graduate with the MBA in Leadership. Indeed, you were abiyamo tooto and your great legacies live on through us.
Keep resting mummy! “Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day." Unseen, unheard, but always near, so loved, so missed, so very dear."
April 2, 2022
April 2, 2022
From Adeola Ogunade:

Darling Aunty mi. Where do I start from?
I find it so hard to speak about you in past tense. You were an inspiring and wonderful woman through and through. Beautiful inside and outside! Abiyamo tooto, a true mother! A warrior woman who took everything life had to offer and turned it around for good and to reasons to laugh. A mother with a heart of gold. Ever so loving caring, protective amongst many more virtues!
Ever bubbly and full of life and, oh that lovely smile and infectious laughter of yours! There was never a dull moment with you Mama Titi, as you regaled us with stories and jokes mostly making jokes about yourself while leaving us in stitches! Oh your sense of humour was second to none!
I remember those times while growing up, it was always exciting to have “Aunty Anike” visit as we knew that we were in for a treat, with the goodies and lovely gifts you always bore, what about the times we went to spend holidays with you, those rides in your “Peugeot pickup” and those songs you always taught us, a number of them you made up!
Oh what about visiting days in the boarding house where you appeared with those lovely delicacies! Trust me visiting days were not complete until Aunty had visited .
Aunty mi I am thankful to God for your life, a fulfilled and well spent life, thank you for the sacrifices you made and for being you. I am also thankful for your beautiful girls (my lovely cousins)whom you loved totally and with reckless abandon even extending to the grandchildren whom you cared for and loved just like their Mums and also the love you extended to my parents, my siblings and I and in fact so many people that crossed your path.
Oh your love for my mum “Iya Ronke” as you fondly called her was immeasurable. I remember when she passed, you were so unhappy that you were not able to visit her in Nigeria before her passing and you shared so many wonderful, beautiful memories with me.
The last time I video called you, little did I know it was the last time I would see and speak with you.
Indeed you are sorely missed.
We are comforted that you are resting in the bosom of your maker where there is no more weeping nor pain.
Rest in perfect peace darling Aunty Anike, Aya Awoniyi, Omo Salami. Sun re o Aunty mi. Rest on beautiful and loving mother! Love you and miss you loads!❤️❤️

Adeola “Omo” Ogunade.
April 2, 2022
April 2, 2022
All through our 5 years of studying law in the University of Lagos, I clearly remember mummy always bringing Titi to school and coming to check on all of us, always advising us to take care of ourselves. Of all the parents of our classmates (we met only a few of them), I don't think there was anyone in our faculty at Moremi Hall and even in the whole school that didn't know mummy as Titi's mom. She was always there!

Ever caring, lively and beautiful. She was one of those people that you just can't imagine losing. You will be forever loved and missed ma'am.
April 1, 2022
April 1, 2022
Dear mum,

It seems like we have all the time in the world, only to realize how fleeting time really is. I thought loosing you will get easier as time went by, but it does not. I do not know how to come to terms with reality. Nothing breaks my heart more than having a world that no longer has you in it.
You are the best mother a daughter could have asked for.

You were broke, yet rich
You were weak, yet strong
You were down, yet you looked up

So mum, Thank you for the unconditional love and patience. Thank you for not giving up on me when everyone else did. Thank you for teaching me to be a strong independent woman. Thank you for teaching me that you don’t need much to be happy. Thank you for teaching me contentment without complacency. Thank you for loving us till your last breath.

You will surely be missed and your legacy will continue ♥️

Your daughter

Modupe Awoniyi - Ojo
April 1, 2022
April 1, 2022
All I have to say is I miss grandma and I love her and wish she could or stayed with us a little longer.

I remember when she would dance and point at me and say "omo kekere" and then point at Moyin (my big sister) and say "sisi nlanla" and she made it a song. It was very funny and its something I will always remember and love about her.

Your sisi kekere

- Ayooluwa Ojo

April 1, 2022
April 1, 2022
I really miss grandma. I loved her so much. No matter the circumstances, she would always try her best to make sure everyone was alright. Putting everyone else's needs above hers. Now she's gone, but I still remember all the good memories with her throughout all the summers and I'll never forget what a wonderful person she was or the powerful impact she has left on me.

Your Favorite Grand daughter,

- Simi Ojo
April 1, 2022
April 1, 2022
Dear grandma,

If I'm being completely honest, I do not know what to say. My grandmother wasn’t like everyone else's. She was special. My grandma was strict, but she had compassion. She was full of it. After we finished our chores, she used to sneak us chick fil a behind my parents back. My grandma took my cousins and my sisters to school every day. She taught me Yoruba. She taught me how to be a lady. She taught me about God. When I didn’t want to do the dishes, she chased me around the house. She taught me to clean after myself and everyone else. She taught me to respect my elders and always greet. She showed me how to be the first child in my family. She loved me unconditionally. Every time she saw me, she would just smile and say “Ah ah sisi nlala, see my first granddaughter” and every time she said that I felt special. Although she was taken from me that title can never be taken from me. I am the first granddaughter of Risikat Awoniyi. I will forever hold her lessons in my heart. Without my grandmother I am lost but I know that she is looking at me and protecting me. I love you so, so much. I miss you. Thank you for being a wonderful grandmother.

- Moyinoluwa Ojo
April 1, 2022
April 1, 2022


My grandmother was a happy energetic soul that always made sure to brighten up the days of people around her.

Every time my grandma would call me she would say "Edward, my number 1 grandson", this was always a constant reminder to me of the role model I should strive to be.

I'm the oldest of all the grandchildren on my mothers side and all of them look up to me so I have to always strive to be my best so I can set a good example that they can follow which will in turn allow them to be their best and be role models to the people around them. My grandma always reminded me that even though I may not be the tallest, that as the oldest I have to be a leader to the people around me, that means knowing when to take action, but also knowing when to stop and listen, knowing to make sure the people around me are happy and content, not just following my own agenda.

My grandma taught me it does not cost me anything to be nice to people and that if I treat people how I want them to treat me then they will.

My grandma was a kind heart and generous soul and I am forever grateful for how much she has helped me and everything she has ever taught me.

May she rest in peace.

Love you forever and always Grandma!

From Edward- Your #1
April 1, 2022
April 1, 2022

A part of me still believes this is a cruel joke!!! How can you be dead? We have vacation plans, parties to attend, namings, graduations, birthdays, so many more things to do together!

Mommy was so selfless, she paid attention to everyone around her and you would always feel noticed. Mommy took care of her children and her needs always came last - Abiyamo to o to! We had to force her to prioritize her needs over others especially as she grew older. She was an attentive parent. She was always the first parent to arrive on visiting days, inter house sports, prize giving days and the last to leave. Whatever you needed  Mummy knew someone, who knew someone - tell Mommy and consider it done. She had the network.

Since malaria will not let me be, I was sick frequently as a child. Mommy will come home after her shift as a nurse at the hospital and still take care of me without complaints. I remember the people that will come to the house in Iwaya for Mommy to give them their injection because "her hand did not pain" -Yes she had the technique since back then! She could have charged for her services- she could use the money but, she would rather do it for humanity and with love just so the person gets well. Her legacy of care and hardwork is one I emulate.

After I came to the USA and my sisters joined me one by one, Mommy came to join us not for herself but to help with the grandchildren. Her jovial nature and story telling abilities was always a hit with the grandchildren. How fortunate for them to grow up feeling the love and attention Mommy gave. Her memories will forever live with us all.

My gist partner, I dedicated by commute home from work everyday to chatting with you. You couldn't chat much the last few days before you died but you would keep the line on and listen as I drove closer home and only hang up after I made it home safely.  Now my ride home is quiet but I know you are still watching over me to ensure I get home okay.

I take solace in knowing from Allah we come and unto Him is our return. I thank Allah for making you my Mom and if I had to do it over, I would still choose you to be my Mom. I know you have, in your usual style, gone ahead to prepare a place for us (your loved ones) in paradise and I look forward to reuniting with you there.

No goodbyes...see you later Mommy!

Kemi Ige
April 1, 2022
Dear Grandma,

I’m still in shock that you’re actually gone. I’ve been in a more silent type of pain for a lack of better words. It still doesn’t feel real. It has been a blessing to have you all 18 years of my life. I remember the days as a small boy, you were putting lotion on my body for me. I can never forget. The day Kayode and I moved to Charlotte to meet Dad, so you had to fly with us without mom there. I can never forget. The day I vowed to buy you an expensive car for all the sacrifices you’ve made.I can never forget.

I remember the childhood days where you were strict on us. Every 5 minutes it’s a new chore to be done. Not to waste time in the shower. Respond to instruction. I guess that’s where Mom got it from Lol. Grandma taught all the grandchildren what it means to have discipline in the things we do. So as she grew older, and became less strict, these values were already molded.

Not many have the opportunity to grow up with their Grandma, but I did. Looking through pictures growing up, i’m very grateful that you were there at every chapter in my life. Now that you are gone, you’re legacy must live on.

We thank God that you gave your life to Christ, so now we know we check the most important box off the list. That you made heaven. I can be comforted by that.
Isn’t it funny? I thought I would cry heavily when I lost you… and I won’t lie I did cry a little. What held back the tears was you’re with our father in heaven.

It’s weird not having you around. It hasn’t quite hit yet. But i know you’re in a better place.

I Love You Forever And Ever
Grandson and Grandchild #2
April 1, 2022
April 1, 2022
To the Mother of all mothers, my darling dearest mommy…. ‘ Mumistic Mummy’ As I fondly called you, aka ‘ Anikusalome’.

Words can never fully express my love for you. I said Thank you while you were here, and I’ll still say Thank you, now that you are gone.

Thank you for your sincerity of purpose. (Everyday, Everywhere).
Thank you for your Love and Care
Thank you for you trainings, jokes, and tales by moonlight
Thank you for your commitment to God, your family, friends.
Thank you for your Loyalty
Thank you for your delicious delicacies
Thank you for teaching us that what we need in life is not much
Thank you for your sacrifices mummy- we saw it all.
Thank you for your selflessness.
Thank you for not giving up on your child Titilayo even to the point of death…. even when you were not appreciated. ( I learnt the lesson of a lifetime)
Thank you for teaching us that hope has no finish line.
Thank you for teaching me patience and contentment.
Thank you for taking my kids to school and back, and giving them lasting memories of you.
Thank you for the many trips with you, and you trying out new things.
Thank you for taking my shopping list and completing the task with no grudges or complaints.
Thank you for embrassing all my friends as though they were your sons and daughters.
Thank you for taking care of me when I was sick, and recovering.
Thank you for Loving All your children.
Thank you for allowing me to be your personal shopper.
Thank you for many more, I can’t seem to put in writing now.
Above all thank you for all the great memories you have left with us, that continue to put a smile on our faces.

Chai Iku ma da oro oh!!

I was hoping we will make a second Jamaica trip this year.
My son still has a dream of buying you a very expensive car, cos he says you are royalty.

So you mean all these dreams are shattered because you are no more?. Truly ‘Asan laye yi oh’

Mum you were so sharp, and had the the fastest tongue. Sometimes I wished I could give responses to people like you did, sharp,straight to the point, and calm.

I watched you growing up take up so much responsibility taking care of your late dad, how you took so much care of my younger sister, ‘Titi’’ because of her condition, and literally halted your own life and dreams, and inherited the popular name ‘MamaTiti’.

Iya ni Iya mi oh!!! No one can say otherwise.

I won’t forget the several midnight, you would call me to ask me to pray for you, my greatest assurance is the prayer of salvation , you had with me on wed 3/9/22. Little did I know or expect the end will be 10 days after. God indeed had intense and passionate love for you Iyami .

I recall few hours before your last breath, it seemed you gave us all the opportunity to say goodbye… you lightly squeezed your son-in-laws hands, and assured myself, Dupe and Uncle Tunde you were listening, when we sprinkled water on you and you moved your eyelids.. ‘ we jumped for joy…. We were so glad….hugged you tightly but never knew that was the End.

Iya Kemi, Iya Toyin, Iya Dupe, Iya Titi. Sun re oh till we meet again at the feet of our Savior Jesus Christ.

I will Always be Proud to call you My Mother.‍
March 31, 2022
March 31, 2022



WHEN the day of toil is done, when the race of life is run, Father, grant thy wearied one rest for evermore.

My confidant, My gist partner, you've been every thing to me. Our love towards one another was immeasurable.

Though you are my younger sister but the closeness was more like twin sisters. Yes you answered the call before me, God knows the best. May the Lord Almighty grant you eternal rest.

March 31, 2022
March 31, 2022


I love you grandma always. You will always be missed, gone but not forgotten. Your impact remains strong and your spirit lives on through your children and grandchildren, one of which I am honored to be myself. Not only family, but everyone you reached in your lifetime and had the pleasure of meeting you. To this day, I have not heard one bad thing about my grandmother and I can see why. If someone had told me they had had an unpleasant experience with my grandma, I would even struggle to believe it. That’s how much of an amazing woman she was.

I remember whether I was in Nigeria or Houston, I would occasionally run into people who had met you and all have had so many nice things to say about you. For example, I remember in June 2020 we threw a birthday party for grandma. This was during zoom, but we all still showed up for her and made a zoom call for everyone to tune into. When preparing for it, I had asked my mom why it was such a tremendous event. She had told me “Grandma is a special woman who deserves celebration, and she is even turning 70”. I didn’t even believe her at first, I said “My grandma? No way, she doesn’t look over 60”. Even though we could not be with Grandma in person, we bought plenty of balloons and birthday decorations for her so she could know we were celebrating her over here. We had FaceTime’d her before and after the event and showed her. It always felt nice to make grandma smile even though it wasn’t difficult to. She was such a jolly person and was excellent at lifting moods. The zoom meeting started, and I saw many names that I’d recognized and any that I didn’t. I mentioned it to my mom “so many people showed up at grandma’s birthday”. My mom replied, “your grandma is very
popular” and we laughed about it. That must be one of the best parts of growing old, meeting
people and making an impact. Grandma touched many souls in her lifetime.

Another one of the great parts of growing old must be the experiences and stories to tell.
I always enjoyed listening to my grandma’s stories because she had been on the planet for so
much longer and knew so much more than me. My mom would tell me stories about her and
often I would ask grandma too about those same stories because I always love when she tells
them. Grandma had always been there. I tried to remember meeting her or my first memory with
her. I realized I couldn’t. She had really always been there. I struggle to imagine a life without
grandma. It’s no wonder I always felt safe with her.

One more great thing about growing old would be impact, getting to leave a mark. The mark grandma leaves is irreplaceable. She always enjoyed helping people and lifting others up.
When I was young, I asked what job my grandma had when she used to work. She told me she
had been a nurse, and I thought there’s no job more fitting for her. Grandma would look for any
opportunity to help people. I remember even the last time I had been with her in person. The
family had been on a family vacation in Orlando. Most of us are all out enjoying the weather, the
resort, and the city. We’re wondering what food we might order or pick up. But we get home and
grandma is cooking with my aunts. She always cared about taking care of others, especially by
making sure that they are well fed. Though I wish I didn’t have a last moment with my grandma,
I am still forever fortunate that this was one of them. I wish my grandma could live forever and in
a way she does. Through her kind, jovial, and giving spirit. I hope that everyone she has
affected keeps that with them.

I hope to be like grandma, someday grow old and have so many loved ones to surround
me. We cherish that grandma grew old and we celebrate her once more.

This is to you Grandma.

From your loving Grandson Dreyton (Your #3)
March 31, 2022
March 31, 2022
Sweet Grandma. We are from God and shall return to God. We love you but God loves you more. Peace, love and harmony shall continue to reign in your household. You are greatly missed
To the Awoniyi family, please take heart!
March 31, 2022
March 31, 2022
Tribute to an amazing Aunt.
Dearest Aunt,
Even though you are my aunt, you are like a mother to me. Memories of you from when I was little even till now flood my mind. All the good things you did. Always encouraging and supporting us. Showing us love and making yourself available to help when needed. I miss your funny stories. There is never a dull moment with you. I am grateful to God for your life. You are blessed with beautiful daughters (my cousins) and wonderful grandchildren.
We are comforted with the truth that we will meet again never to cry anymore. Sleep well Aunty. We will always love you.
March 31, 2022
March 31, 2022
Mummy, it was a privilege and great honor knowing you. You were truly a mother that any child would love to have; selfless, loving and caring. Every child was your child, no discrimination. I'll miss your beautiful smile and great sense of humor. Continue to rest in His presence. Love always. Imi & Titilayo Orekoya
March 30, 2022
March 30, 2022
Bye bye bye eh! eh!!
The night is fast spent
Angels are waiting to blow the trumpet
In welcome of grandma
At the feet of Christ
Jesus the king of all.
Rest on Grandma in the bossom
Of the Lord… sun re o!!
March 30, 2022
March 30, 2022

Mummy was a blessing to her children and just pure joy to the rest of us. As her first in-law, I have witnessed her interact with friends and family members for close to 30 years. Over this period, I have also witnessed her experience many life changing events: graduations, all her children moving to the U.S. one after the other (she herself would not relocate to the U.S. if Titi was to remain in Lagos. Thankfully, Titi also relocated and mummy soon joined), births of Grandchildren, their first days of school, swimming, hockey and basketball games with Grandma cheering, and admission to colleges… Through it all, Mummy was always her predictably simple, thankful and joyous self.
Warm, amiable, reconciliatory, contented and mostly importantly motherly. Never wanting to stress any of us but always willing to be stressed for our comfort. She was truly selfless. And she was always happy, except when (in consideration of the stress to her) we planned extended family vacation without including her. Luckily, Kola and Dupe were smart enough to always rescue the situation by making whatever adjustment was needed to accommodate Grandma. In any case, we benefited much more from her loving Grandma’s roles every time she came with us. The grandchildren will surely miss her.
I have many personal pleasant experiences of her, starting from the very first day I was introduced to her by Kemi, my wife, as a friend (then, just a friend o). She made me feel comfortable right on the spot, I actually couldn’t guess if she thought there was more to my friendship with her first daughter. The comfort I felt with her the first time I met her never changed till she breathe her last breath on March 19th, 2022. Grandma, I know your spirit is at peace and your soul is resting, I would rather you were here with us but God knows better.
Considerate, conscientious and consistent, that was Mummy. She bonded with all her in-laws so well she sometimes got carried away. I remember back then whenever she came to visit with us in Calgary, by the time she left to visit with the Akinreleres in Las Vegas, she would still frequently mention my name, enough to get Toyin to complain that “it’s obvious Bayo is your first child”. But by the time she left Toyin’s place to visit the Ojo’s in Houston, it was Dupe’s turn to complain that all Mum ever mentioned was Sola. That was how she rolled and it’s why we miss her greatly.
Couldn’t have wished for a better mother in-law. I pray all she left behind remains joyous, may her gentle soul continue to rest in peace. Adieu mummy, rest in the Lord.

Bayo Ige
Son in-love
March 30, 2022
March 30, 2022
From Mrs Sidikat Olufunmilayo Osifo.
"Sister Mi," that's the name i called you.
You were God sent to me,
My Sister from another Mother,
Lover of God,
Friendly and Pleasant,
You cared, even for other people's Children.
You believed in family togetherness.
We miss you.
Rest in the bosom of your maker.
March 30, 2022
March 30, 2022
On a personal note, I have lost a Mother Figure. A Mother Figure whose relationship I find very difficult to spot even the slightest form of laxity in the way she expressed her sincere love, care, concern, and affection. Among her exceptional qualities as a mother, is her selfless sacrifice of which I am a firm beneficiary even within the short period I was opportune to know her. If not for the reality of life that makes it very difficult to come to the realization of her transition, I would rather not say goodbye. Please continue to rest peacefully in the bosom of Our Lord. Amen.  

March 30, 2022
March 30, 2022
Tribute to an Amazing Mother
Dearest Mummy,
We bless the name of the Lord for the wonderful and full life you lived. The Bible says; there is time for everything, a time to be born and a time to die. You were born to a responsible family that loved and raised you so well . You were also blessed with a great life with wonderful daughters and marvelous grandchildren. Most importantly, you gave your life to Jesus and lived according to the greatest commandment of loving God and loving your neighbors as yourself.
Testimonies abound on how you cared and made much impact in the lives of people you came across. You have finished your race and have gone to a place of rest. We loved you so very much but your savior loved you more and you will be greatly missed by all of us.
It still does not feel real to us that you are gone, but we are comforted by the fact that we shall see you again. May the good Lord receive you and keep us, your loved ones in peace and good health. May the Lord also help us to honor your memory and live to fulfil God’s purpose for our lives.
Adieu, till we see you again.

Your Son-in-law
Dr. Kolawole Ojo
March 29, 2022
March 29, 2022
A caring, loving, accommodating and beautiful sweet mother. A lover of all the physically challenged. Each time I spoke with Titilayo she would always ask about my well-being.

May the Great Lord console Titilayo and her siblings and grant the entire family the fortitude to bear the irreplaceable.

Sun re o abiyamo toto.
March 29, 2022
March 29, 2022
Mummy was such a loving and caring mother. Always available for her children and grandchildren. I could remember some of the mind blowing testament from the grandchildren during her 70th zoom party. Your affection towards everyone around you was second to none. You will be greatly missed abiyamo tooto. May the Lord rest your soul in peace. May He keep the entire family you left behind in perfect peace in Jesus name.
March 29, 2022
March 29, 2022
Dearest Mummy,
Words cannot express how we all feel. Words cannot express how I feel. You indeed went too soon!

I am comforted because I know you were Born Again and you loved the Lord! The Bible says to be absent in your body here on earth means to be present with the Lord. For that, I/We are comforted you are in a better place!

Indeed you will be forever missed! You redefined and set the standard for what Mother-in-Laws should be like! Ever so loving, kind, generous and consistent.

Adieu till we meet to part no more!
Your Son!
March 29, 2022
March 29, 2022
It was wonderful getting to know you well through Titi in the last couple of years. You radiated love and affection. Down to earth and easy to get along with. A beautiful, God fearing woman inside and out. Sleep on in the bosom of your savior. Adieu mummy Awoniyi. You will be greatly missed!
March 28, 2022
March 28, 2022
Rest in peace Ma'am. You raised a warrior in Titi. May your memories and legacy live on in our hearts.
March 28, 2022
March 28, 2022
My favourite auntie. So many memories, so many stories, so may moments, so many laughs to remember. I will truly miss you.
With all my love
Adebayo Adekoya
March 28, 2022
March 28, 2022
I love you deeply Grandma. Thank you for everything.

Until we meet again
March 28, 2022
March 28, 2022
Ma'am, I remember you coming to drop Titi off during GCE exams and during French Classes. You worked with my Mum before you both retired.
Keep resting In Peace Ma'am

March 27, 2022
March 27, 2022
We thank God for a life well-lived. God is sovereign and He knows what is best. Rest beautifully in God’s bosom.
March 27, 2022
March 27, 2022
Thanking God for a life well spent! I had the privilege to be mummy’s medicare insurance broker over the last couple years. Our family has always been close and being her broker made us even closer! I thank God for all her family left behind knowing fully well mum left a legacy that would be difficult to forget.

RIP mum! Till we meet to part no more
March 26, 2022
March 26, 2022
Mummy Titi,
I call her Mummy Mummy,
She calls me Mummy Nike.
Mummy was a very beautiful woman inside & outside.
She was a part of my daily routine, everyday no matter what, when I got off of work, it’s either I would call her or she would call me, with such a bright attitude.
I was like her daughter.
When I heard the news, I was shocked, & I’m still in disbelieve till this day that you’re gone. You will be greatly missed and may your soul rest in perfect peace Mama Titi.
March 25, 2022
March 25, 2022
It's so unbelievable that Mummy Titi is gone! I thank God for an impactful life which she lived. She touched the lives of everyone she came in contact with. May God rest her beautiful soul and grant the family, especially dear Titilayomi the fortitude to bear this irreplaceable loss.
March 25, 2022
March 25, 2022
I'm so sorry for your exit. I remember my first time sitting with you in your shop at Iwaya. You spoke with me at length like you have known me forever (maybe you did, I'm not sure). You made me feel welcomed to your house at anytime, you even trusted me enough to leave me alone in your shop. I think I made a few sales for you. You were a very nice mother, down to earth and you speak your trust all times. You will be missed mama Titi as you are fi day called. I pray God in his mercies will comfort all the beautiful children you have left behind.
March 25, 2022
March 25, 2022
Matron Anike Awoniyi, where do I start from, I can still see you in that immaculate beautiful white uniform of yours when I worked with you at Infectious Disease Hospital, (IDH) so hardworking, straight to the point, neat, a supervisor that became a sister.I thank God for your little time with us. Thank God I spoke with you few weeks ago. Aunto like I use to call you. Rest in peace. Abiyamo tooto.
March 25, 2022
March 25, 2022
Our sincere condolences to the family of my dear cousin Sister Anike. As a child when I go to Iwaya on holidays, my greatest joy was the welcome I always received from every member of papa Iwaya’s family, sister Anike inclusive. May her soul Rest In Peace.
March 25, 2022
March 25, 2022
The sad news of the passing unto glory of Mummy Titi as we fondly call her back in days came to me as a shock. Like many our meeting was at Iwaya and her reception and acceptance was unforgettable. Mummy love for all was undeniable and her cheerfulness was contagious too. I have fond memories of her, she will encourage my brother Francis and I. She was caring as a typical nurse and her training of her children was purposeful and I am not surprised they are all excelling today. May your gentle soul rest in the bosom of your Lord and Savour Jesus Christ. Adieu Mummy on!
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