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March 17
March 17
Mom, here it is 34:years later. You'd think that I would be more at peace with you having gone to Heaven, but I'm not. I miss you so much words aren't enough to express the emptiness I feel.
My Grandson Jarel is now the proud father of a beautiful little boy and I guess that makes me a Great Grandma. I'm glad to still be here to see him and love him as much as I can.
I pray that you will be waiting for me when I pass. I love you so much and I miss you, Dad, Jimmy, Uncle Tommy, and Audrey. Please know that they
all are in my heart and I love them all.
Love always Your Daughter Nancy
November 9, 2023
November 9, 2023
Mom, I miss you everyday and it just doesn't seem to lessen with time. Audrey is up in Heaven with you now. I wish you both were here but at least you are together. Mom, I'm so very sorry that I hurt you. I didn't mean to. I hope you know that I have a great life now and Butch is a wonderful man.
Keith's Son Jarel is going to be a Father in January, 2024. I'm going to be a GreatGrandma. I'm excited to see the new edition to our family.
Anyway Mom, I wish that you were here with me but I know that you are with our family and God and Jesus.
Please know how much you are loved and missed.
March 17, 2023
March 17, 2023
Mom, it's T. Patrick day again and now you've been gone 33 years. I think of you every day and I miss you so much. I just found out that I'm going to be a Great Grandma. My Grandson Jarel is going to be a Daddy and I know he'll be great one. He's so full of love and so happy and excited for his upcoming blessing. I just wish you could have lived longer so you could have met him and I hope I lve log enough to get to know this little one. Mom, I never realized how much I loved you until you were gone. I'm so sorry for all the pain I caused you. I hope you have forgiven me. I'll always have you n my heart and I'm so glad that we had your last days on earth together. I love you Mom and always will.
October 17, 2022
October 17, 2022
To my dear AnnaMae, Another year has gone by and I'm now 96, so I guess it won't be much longer before I will be seeing you and all of our loved ones again, at least I hope that will be the case. I have dozens of memories of you in my life, from my early childhood to my working life and widowhood. We shared a lot of laughs and a lot of tears together. Your loss was very difficult to contend with and I never stopped missing you and often have dreams of you being there with me. Nancy and I are doing ok and often speak of you.
Love always, "Audie"
March 17, 2022
March 17, 2022
Dearest AnnaMay,
It's St. Patrick's day and the anniversary of your passing back in 1990. I remember sitting by your bedside at the hospital and crying. I'm 95 now and will hopefully be seeing you again with all our loved ones. Nancy and I often talk about the good old days when we were all together. I can see you now coming to the front door and greeting me when I used to pop in after golf. How Nancy and I miss you and wish we could relive those days. Love, "Audie"
March 17, 2022
March 17, 2022
Dear Mom. 32 years has gone by and I miss you today as much as ever. I'll be 73 this year and I so wish you could be here to hug me again and tell me everything is going to be ok. Love you and I always have but my love for you is so much stronger now than it ever was. Time has a strange way of making sure you realize how fortunate you were to have such a wonderful life and such an unselfish Mother who gave you all she had to give. I will always love you and I certainly hope to be fortunate enough to be with you again one day.
Love you Mom, Nancy
October 17, 2021
October 17, 2021
Dear AnnaMay,
Well, there is a saying, "Only the good die young" and compared with me being 95 and you dying at age 79 I guess that is true. How I wish that once again, I could jump in my car and drive up to Yorktown Hts. to visit you. We'd sit on the sofa and smoke our heads off and talk and laugh and sometimes cry. Noone can take your place because you knew me from the time I was born. I miss Raymond too and his droll humor . Rest in peace,Love Audrey
March 17, 2021
March 17, 2021
Mom, it's been 31 long years since you've been gone. I would have thought by now it wouldn't hurt so much, but it does. I only wish we had more time together and that we could have taken a trip together back to Cape Cod. Those are some of my favorite memories as a child. I also remember when you first got your driver's license and we would go shopping together at the Beach Shopping Center and when shopping was done we would go to Woolworths and get Crullers. I also have to tell you that I'm so sorry that you didn't get to spend more time with Keith. Mom, he's a good man ad a great father. You have 2 wonderful great grandsons who would have loved to have known you. They are both grown now and both are good young men.
Mom, I miss you so much and I love you and I always will. I know you're in a better place. I just hope to be able to join you one day.
Love your daughter Nancy Andrea Hayes
March 17, 2021
March 17, 2021
Dear AnnaMay,
This is the 31st year since you passed and I have never stopped thinking of you and missing you. I know I never said, "I love you" because in those days, we never did, but we loved quietly, so I'm sure you knew I loved you. Nancy and I communicate all the time and share memories of you and Raymond. You even rode in the "First Car" with me when my Tom passed away and were my Maid of Honor when I married him. Sleep with the angels dear AnnaMay.
October 17, 2020
October 17, 2020
Mom, I miss you so very much and I'll never get over losing you. I'm 71 now and I really look like you. When my friends see pictures of you they always say "oh wow your Mother was so beautiful". I sometimes close my eyes and I can hear your voice. I just wish that you had known how much you meant to me and how much I loved you. I hope with all my heart that we will be together again. I miss you so much Mommy. Please rest in peace and know that we are alright.
Your Daughter Nancy
October 17, 2019
October 17, 2019
Happy Birthday dear AnnaMay. You were such a dear person. You were such a good daughter to Nanny and Pop and then you married Raymond and I remember crying when I saw you packing your suitcase to leave on your Honeymoon. I was so afraid I would never see you again, I was 10 years old then. You and I became such close friends and had many good times together. I often wish I could turn back the clocks and relive those days.'Rest in peace dear. Your loving niece, Audrey
March 17, 2019
March 17, 2019
Dear AnnaMae,
Another year has gone by without you in our lives and life just isn't the same without you in it. During my first 10 years or so, you were a mother to me, and then during the next 10, you were more like a sister and then we seemed ti evolve into best friends. The odd part about it is that you never seemed like "just an aunt" and of course that's what you were, officially. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I loved you so much and miss you. RIP
Love always, Audrey
March 17, 2019
March 17, 2019
Mom, I miss you every day and I think about all the things that we missed doing together. Life will never be the same without you. Audrey and I have become much closer over the past few years and I am so grateful for her, because I have someone to share memories of you with. We both love you and miss you and hope to see you again. It's so hard to believe that it's been 29 years. I'll be 70 in May and I wish that you were going to be here to celebrate with me and to laugh as well, because as much as I look like you facially, my body has become a Hayes body. Oh well, can't have it all, can we... Mommy, I love you.
October 17, 2017
October 17, 2017
To my dear AnnaMae

I have so many wonderful memories of you AnnaMae. You taught me how to put on my lipstick, how to hold my tea cup, how to behave on dates, how to recover when a romance failed, just about everything. I will never forget you. Happy Birthday .
July 7, 2017
July 7, 2017
Mom, I love you so much and I wish and hope and pray that I will see you again. I was not the best daughter but you were the Best Mother. I miss you so much. I keep your picture on my night table and talk to you daily. I don't know why things were the way they were but I have a lot of good memories of laughter and hugs from you. Please know that I love you and wish you were here to see your great grandchildren. They are amazing and would make you proud. Someday, hopefully we will all be together again.
July 6, 2017
July 6, 2017
Dear AnnaMae,
How I wish I had told you how much I loved you, I hope you knew it, and I think you did. You were like a mother to me when I was little, then you were like a sister and later a friend that I could trust with my life. I think of you very often and wish you were still here. You were so pretty too, inside and out

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