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This memorial website was created in memory of our loving wife, mother, and friend, Anne Hardy. She was 67 years old, born on December 4, 1952 and passed away on May 15, 2020. She will be remembered in our hearts forever. Her warm, fun-loving nature and generous service to others in need will be sorely missed. Anne devoted her entire life to unselfishly helping her three boys and her friends that she loved so dearly. 
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
I am deeply saddened to hear that Anne is no longer with us. While I did not know Anne personally, I had the honor of being a Hardy employee for several years and witnessed how much respect and love Jay and Anne had for one another - truly an example of a strong marriage rooted in faith. Hardy Diagnostics would not be the company it is today without Anne’s love and support. While I did not know Anne, seeing these photos and beautiful tributes to her have given me a glimpse of the wonderful, kind, and strong mother, wife, and friend she was. I am thinking and praying for her family to find the strength needed to see through this very difficult time.
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
Anne – my precious first born little angel. Not an easy child to raise, Anne was always feisty and fiercely independent growing up. I remember trying to discipline her at one point with a quick smack on the behind when we both realized she was as tall as I was, and broke out laughing.  She became a warrior, determined to overcome adversity. I am proud of her courage and resilience. I am so grateful she and Jay found each other and for all they accomplished together. Her sister, brothers, step-father, and I morn our loss, consoled by knowing that she is at peace. Forever in my heart, Mom XO
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
One of my favorite memories with Anne was at a Christmas party years ago and had to do with a fart machine I put in the center piece on her table and the boys getting in trouble. When she found out it wasn't them cutting loose. She knew who to hunt down right away. RIP Anne 
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
You always wanted to share with people in need.
You never came to visit without bringing something to share.
You treated my son as your own, as our boys enjoyed crazy times together.
You were always prepared, with extras in your trunk of things you just “might” need.
You were meticulously organized.
You strived to be a great wife as you cared for Jays needs, allowing him to take time for fun when he needed a get away to go explore, while you held down the fort.
You strived to be a great mom in the attention, love, and wisdom you shared with your kids.
And most of all, you loved the Lord and are now with Him, with the worship music cranked up, dancing hard in your glorified body!
See you my friend,
until we meet again❤️
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
Jay, Dylan, and Jared,

We are very sad to hear your news of the passing of Anne. We were blessed to have gotten to know Anne as our neighbor and as our friend at New Life Church. I will always remember how kind she was when I had surgery. She came and took me and my boys to the library for an outing with Dylan and Jared. One stormy night, we came and stayed at your house- as she opened her doors to your home for us when we were building the house and living in the trailer. Her kindness was always from the heart and she was so giving to everyone. I have many fond memories of her with Dylan and Jared at the Nipomo Park with the boys all playing little league. She was a good mom and cared deeply about the boys and their studies and activities. She taught them about God and that is the most important lesson. She will be missed! Heaven gained a new angel. God bless you all! Sincerely, Marc and Susie Barnum
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
Oh Anne,

  Monday morning I was returning from dropping off a computer to Kelly at his place of work and as I left his office to drive the 30 minutes home I could not get you out of my mind. I wanted to call you but looked at the clock and saw that is was 5 a.m. California time and knew it was way to early. I proceeded to think of all the wonderful things you did for my family, especially Dylan and me, during one of the most difficult times in our lives.  I was wishing I was home to be able to help you during your difficult struggles. I did not know you had passed away.  Monday evening I got a call from "my" Dylan letting me know you had gone home, Friday, to meet your maker. Somehow, now, I feel like you were telling me good bye Monday morning.


  You were helpful, honest, truthful and persistent. You were passionate, organized, energetic and you seemed to sense when someone needed your help. You loved deeply. Especially your BOYS. All three of them and your animals.

I remember you telling me years into our friendship that you were taken back, in years earlier, when you had asked if we could car pool to PCS. I said "NO" that carpooling did not work for me. I was too spontaneous and sometimes I did not come back to Nipomo after school. You said later I kind of hurt your feelings. I apologized for my immediate response and we always laughed about it. We always laughed about our downfalls. We could both be pretty loud and we knew it. We also knew that sometimes our loud, enthusiastic, energetic and often opinionated personalities tended to turn some people off. It was a great source of our joking together.

Fast forward to October 6, 2006 when my father had a major stroke that left him unable to walk, talk and swallow. I became his full time caregiver after 100 days and for the next 6 years you became my "Angel on Earth." You sensed our need and showed up. You called and offered to pick "my" Dylan up from school or get him to a school function. Even when I refused, you were persistent. You sensed I could not do it all by myself. When the kids started High School, I would get a call from you 15 minutes before you knew I had to load dad in the car to pick up "my" Dylan, stating you were bringing "my" Dylan home. You would not take "no" for an answer. For you, it was out of the way, you had to deal with traffic that you would not have if you got your boys and went straight home. I knew it would take you, at least, a half hour longer than normal but you never, ever, thought of it that way. You were happy to help and always did it with a smile and sense of humor.

When dad went to assisted care and we started building our house, you would come by to watch the progress and encourage me. You were excited that we were, now, going to be on the way home.

When Kelly went to Florida for the temporary 4 months that turned into years, you again, offered to help so that I could go to visit him. You offered to feed and water our many animals so I could be with my husband. Again, you sensed that I was missing him.

One day you called crying and said you needed to talk to me in person. I was in Florida at the time and did not know when I was going to be home. Please tell me what is going on Anne "I am getting worried." You said " I don't know exactly but something is not right. I feel fuzzy at times and I am struggling with driving. " If you know Anne, she was a doer, always in the car. Shaking and moving this world. So the thought of losing her license was devastating to her. She eventually did stop driving but that did not stop her. She amazed me. She learned the bus routes, times and started jumping on that bus to continue living. She took the negative and turned it into a positive. She was not going to be stuck at home as long as she could walk. I admired you for that resilience and adaptability. I hope I told you my thoughts.

Your support for Jay was undeniable. When we started the group to fight a neighborhood development that threatened to steal our water source you provided us with, not only, a meeting place but you always had drinks and snacks waiting. You never sat down during the meetings you just made sure we were all taken care of. You helped stuff and stamp all the letters and made sure I knew when all the County meetings were so I could fly back for them. You stood in the background but were always there to support us.

I loved listening to you talk about the days on the boat with Jay. The simplicity of it all. The days of starting the business and of the joy of adopting the boys.

Anne, you helped me make peace with the chaos that was an uncontrollable part in my life. Have I told you lately "YOU were my ANGEL on EARTH."

My biggest regret is not being in Nipomo to pay you back for the thoughtfulness and kindness you bestowed on me. Thank you Anne for all that you did for my family.

Heaven, look out, you have gained one of the fiercest and most giving ANGELS that you will ever have. Enjoy the view Anne you earned it.

Wish I was there to hug your boys in person. Jay, Dylan and Jerod, group hug from me. (I can hear your mom say "no eye rolling boys")

Love you,


May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
To Jay and Family, my wife Mary and I would like to offer our condolences on the sad news of Anne's passing. Being from the other side of the country my time around Anne was limited but I saw great energy and spirit during those times when I visited the home office. God bless Anne and know she is in good hands with our Lord today and forever!
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
Dear Jay and family,

I offer my sincerest condolences at this time. I never had the chance to formally meet Anne but I heard so many nice things about her and that says so much about her character and who she was as a person. She will forever be missed, not just from her immediate family, but by her Hardy family. I truly thank her for everything she provided and did for this wonderful company. Anne you will always be remembered and never forgotten!
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
I'll always remember when Anne made everyone laugh at the ESOP Fireside Chat we had at the Moxie.

She was telling us about the old days when Jay was an introvert and how she couldn't believe we'd (the company) made it this far. Her spunky humor got us all laughing and Jay wanted to take the microphone away from her.

May she rest in peace. My thoughts are with the whole Hardy family. You are all loved.
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
Jay I pray for you and your family and am so happy you shared with Ann such a special marriage and a great team you made God Bless you and your Sons.
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
We’re so saddened Anne has passed from this realm, but rejoice knowing she has received her victor’s crown in heaven and is more alive now than ever in the presence of Jesus. I enjoyed all my interactions with Anne. She always had her family’s best interest in mind, and was always “on guard “ for them. Anne spoke tenderly of her affections for Jay and her sons and was as kind as she was strong. Anne’s smile always shone through, even as she struggled with her health over the years. Anne’s legacy lives on through her deeply loved family, the company she helped build with Jay, and all the people she generously and selflessly touched in her lifetime. Jay, Dylan and Jared, Bob and I can’t imagine the pain of your profound loss, and we’re praying for God’s comfort and that He will flood your minds with the sweetest memories of your dear Anne.
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
My memories of Anne are similar to most others. She was a sweetheart and always kind to me whenever I saw her. Her dedication to Jay and her family as well as the company will be a trait of hers we will all miss and cherish. The news of her passing has brought great sorrow to the Hardy Family, but we must also rejoice and find comfort in the fact she is now at peace. Her smiling face will be dearly missed.

To Jay and family,
It is with a heavy heart I give my condolences. I am so very sorry for your loss. You all will be in my prayers.
God Bless
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
Dear Jay and family,

Anne was a beautiful, gentle soul! They say behind every successful man is a strong woman, and that was Anne. I remember the last time I talked to her was at the Company Summer Picnic, she was so kind to invite me over to sit with Jay and herself. She was a very personable, friendly, and kind person. I loved her story of telling me how Jay and her fell in love, how he proposed, and their short dating period before they were married! What a wonderful marriage they had and how they loved each other. I remember Jay praising Anne at the last get together at the Moxie, and how he adored her.

I pray that Jay you and your boys will have many fond memories, dreams, and special moments going forward that will help Anne live on in your heart, as I am sure she will be with you in Spirit going forward. May the Lord give you a peace that passes all understanding during this time, in Jesus name, Amen!

May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
Anne was always such a spark plug of energy when we would put together the Hardy Seminars in years past. Whether it was in Palm Springs or somewhere else in Southern California, Anne would always get everything in order and put together a dynamic and highly successful seminar. Anne was a joy to visit with when she'd come to the home office to see the reps during the national sales meetings. Her concern was for how we were doing, how our families were doing, and she always had such kind and encouraging words. She will be missed greatly as will her contributions to Hardy Diagnostics.
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
Jay and family,
Rest assured Anne was the embodiment of Proverbs 31:10-31.
We will miss Anne greatly until we join her in the heavenly kingdom.
May God Bless you and keep you and give you peace. Randy and Kathy Sechler
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
Sounds like she was a wonderful person. Sorry for your loss Jay. 
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
I always enjoyed conversations and meetings with Anne. She was such a generous and caring person and a joy to know. Jay, Dylan, and Jared, I am so sorry for your loss. May God bless you all.
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
Anne, you will be truly missed by the Hardy Family!
You were so involved with the Fun Committee and loved to be a part of the summer picnic and Christmas party planning.
Your caring and generous heart will always be remembered.

My condolences to Jay, his sons and all others grieving the loss of Anne.
God bless.

May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
Jay, deepest sympathies to you, your sons and those that feel the loss of Anne. 
May God wipe the tears from your eyes and comfort your hearts.
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
Hi Jay and Family

Words are never enough and never can be.

We could not be there for you physically in the last few weeks, but our thoughts and prayers have certainly been with you at this time.
We know Anne has been an amazing woman and that you will all miss her dearly. Jay, we know how much she meant to you and that it feels so final right now. That is why we want to encourage and support you to keep on looking at the things above.

Her place here on this temporary earth is empty and she is now waiting for you and the family with Christ. Anne is not dead but lives on.
Once we have all ran the race until the end, we will see her again.
Anne just went before us.
Cling not to this life, but to Christ as Anne did.

Daniel & Nikita Maritz

May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
I will always remember Anne for her sense of humor. She always had a way of putting smiles on our faces! Sometimes they were at Jay's expense but even a blind man could see how much she loved him.

Rest in peace, Anne. You will be dearly missed and certainly never forgotten.
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
Dear Jay, It's Irene, one of Judy's sisters. She told us today about the passing of your dear wife Anne and although I never met her, it's been so nice to scroll through your photos and see a bit of your life together. I wanted to pass on my condolences to you and your family, and send prayers that you will be given the grace you need as you mourn her passing, and remember her with love.
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
Anne was always very kind and friendly to me whenever we crossed paths at Hardy Diagnostics. Her dedication to her family, this company, and our community was very admirable. I know Anne will be greatly missed by all of us who had the privilege of knowing her. My deepest sympathy go out to Jay and his family.
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
Dear Jay and sons,
We never met your dear wife Anne, Jay, but knew her through Lee and Judy. I am one of Judy’s sisters and she let us know of Anne’s passing. Please accept our sincere condolences. Our hearts ache for you as you and your family grieve this tremendous loss. We are touched by your photos of a loving wife and mother. May our Heavenly Father bring you comfort and strength in the coming weeks and months. With warm regards, Elsje/Ellen Zwart and Rich Klajnscek.
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
I've known Anne since our boys attended elementary school together. We fondly referred to ourselves as the "older Moms." 

Anne fiercely and stubbornly loved, protected and cared for her boys and Jay. Her life centered around those three. Her desire was for them to be happy, fulfilled and successful. I would say she achieved her goal.

Anne was a warrior. I've never seen anyone spring back from adversity like she did. With all her medical issures over the years, somehow she overcame their challenges and continued to live a vibrant life. Each challenge required her to make adjustments in how she lived each day, and she made those changes with a determined attitude and an air of graceful dignity.

As tough and determined as Anne was she also had a tender and vulnerable heart. She openly and freely shared her tears and feelings in both joyful and challenging times.

When Anne received her cancer diagnosis, she called me from the hospital crying and upset, not that she was afraid to die, but that she was going to miss Jay. She knew Dylan and Jared were well cared for, but the thought of leaving Jay was too much. Their deep love for each other was inspiring and rare.

I honestly thought if anyone could overcome the cancer diagnosis she was facing, it would be Anne. A part of me actually thought she would persevere through it. But she has been called to her eternal home. It is comforting to know she is in perfect peace and joy, and I'm pretty sure she is organizing and making arrangements for when her beloved family joins her. Anne, thanks for the fond memories. Love and miss you.
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
Anne will be very much missed by her neighbors, of whom I am one. Together our homes share the piece of paradise at the end of our little road. The Hardy's are, and always have been, the best kind of neighbors possible: totally considerate, caring, helpful, and and ever so thoughtful. Anne faced many struggles, but I found her to be incredibly strong. She was determined to live a productive and meaningful life. She always showed so much love and devotion when speaking of Jay. She loved her sons as well. Anne was a proud person with strong convictions - so much to admire! I hold Jay and her sons in my thoughts and prays. May dear Anne rest in peace.  I will miss her very much. Farewell and Godspeed my dear neighbor.
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
Oh Precious friend, you have left this earth for such a better place, but how you will be missed. You brought so much joy and laughter, specially when you and I would sing off key, (which was always). 
You taught me how to live with courage through your example and how to die with acceptance as a greater joy for what awaits us.
My life has been enriched by knowing you as a woman of love and generosity,
this was your love language. You fought the good fight, and now the race is over and your crown awaits you.
You were my friend and I was yours.

May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
   One day, Anne asked me if I would go with Jay to see Handel’s Messiah. She said, “He won’t go alone.” I asked her why she didn’t want to go & she said, “ I have tickets to see The Little Mermaid.” Anne knew how much Jay loved the performance & was determined to find a way for both of them to see what they wanted. Anne said, “ You can go out with my husband. I am not jealous.” Anne was confident & secure, she said, “ Jay would never leave me.” Their mutual love was evident.
   Another memory was when we went to see Jay’s presentation about his recent trip to Greece & Turkey to walk in the footsteps of Apostle Paul.
On the way, Anne told me about how she worked to put Jay through school & they how they started Hardy Diagnostics. Together they built a small company into one that now has 400 employees. Anne was hardworking, supportive & smart. Afterwards, she drove me back to my car, and the conversation continued for a couple of hours.
   She was open and shared about her challenges, her love of travel and adventure. Her greatest joy was Jay, Dylan & Jared. I discovered she had a great attitude, was strong-willed and was an overcomer.
   Although she was unable to negotiate the many stairs on the Holy Land tours, she encouraged Jay to go. She was selfless and adored him, and he adored her.
   The more recent memory was when Anne drove us to ride Jay’s horse, Reagan. Anne said she liked to drive because Jay drove too slow! She laughed and so did we. I loved her laugh and will miss seeing her smile and hearing her laughter.
   Anne shared her thoughts and feelings. She asked why she had so much love and many others didn’t. She shed tears of compassion for others and joy because she was knew she was blessed by God. Jay & Anne’s relationship was founded on the Lord Jesus Christ. They had great respect for one another & loved each other deeply.
   At the end of her life on earth, she was surrounded by those who loved her & that she loved. She was sad to leave Jay, Dylan & Jared behind, but because of her faith, she was able to let go in peace and take the hand of Jesus. Anne bravely went before us and knew that we will be united again with heavenly bodies and no more suffering.
   May the Holy Spirit comfort those who are grieving. We will forever miss Anne, a wonderful woman. We especially lift up Jay, Dylan and Jared in prayer.

May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
My fondest memories were our camping trips! It wasn't just a simple camping trip either. Anne would show up hours before the reservation office was open and be first in line to get us the best spots! She always had the whole trip so organized, from the meals to the entertainment! And it always ended in a great game of Trivial Pursuit!

Another fond memory was witnessing Jay and Anne signing the adoption papers for their first son Dylan. It warmed me so much to see the love between Jay and Anne as they walked out with that baby.

With all her love, kindness, and caring, Heaven is so lucky to have her.

Love Always,
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
Dearest mother,

You raised us to be good men, good fathers, and good husbands to our significant others. The lessons you’ve taught me and the care and compassion you showed us was essential to our growth in life. You will be missed by all mother, especially by your sons. Thank you for every great thing you did for us to ensure our success in the world.

-Jared Hardy
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
You are so very loved and very missed. Thank you for always having your boys best interest in mind. You loved them fiercely, and fought so hard for them for so long. Thank you for all you did for everyone around you. Your memory lives on forever. You are now forever out of pain, dancing and singing with Jesus.
- Rest In Peace -

Carissa Hardy
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
Our memories of Anne go back to when she was living with Jay on his sailboat in Santa Barbara. How romantic, we thought! Since then we have come to know her as a kind and caring sister-in-law. Always organized, always organizing. In our visits from west Michigan, Anne alway took care of the daily details of our time on the central coast of California. And she took constant care of my father during the last phases of his life. For that and much more we will be forever thankful. Peace and strength to my brother, Jay.
Lee and Judy Hardy
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
Oh, dear Jay and Anne,
I read the sentiments above and weep as my heart agrees: "Amen. Thank You, Lord, for Anne and Jay"...
Anne's humility continues to humble me. I used to be afraid of her--a sense of greatness, of power and "no nonsense" accompanied her as she entered a room. As I got to know her more, those qualities were overwhelmed by her compassion, generosity, and vulnerability. Her honest and frank sharing of her heart endeared her to me. Her willingness to accept the help she had always given others awes me.
She loves Jesus, but grieved the loss of all the plans she and Jay had yet to enjoy together on earth. Now that she sees eternity--past and future--she is at peace sharing her heavenly Father's perspective on everything...
Jay, we hold you in our hearts constantly, praying that Anne's continuing witness in your life is your comfort, and that you are enabled to hear and see your heavenly Father's great love and provision for you every moment.
Thank you both for gathering Steve and me into your arms. We have so enjoyed being a part of your family.

Love and peace, Jay.
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020

My fondest memory of you is from a few Christmases ago. You joined us in singing Christmas carols in the breakroom. You sat next to Jay, holding his hand and kissing him on the cheeks. I saw such love between the two of you.

You are admired for your strength and contributions. Rest in peace in paradise.

Jay & Family - I continue to pray for strength, peace and comfort.♥
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
Anne was (and still is) a great lady. I am very blessed to have known her. Though she was a strong and confident person, she was not prideful. She was humble and very aware of her own weakness. I’m so thankful that Erin and I were able to visit her last week. She said she wasn’t afraid of going to Heaven, but that she was sad that she wouldn’t be able to be with and do more things with Jay. Anne was always great at getting Jay ready for our aircraft archeology expeditions. She always made sure he had plenty of snacks and water. I know that if she was able, she would have come along!
You are home now, hugging Jesus. We love you Anne! We love you Jay!
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
Dear Anne,
I thought of you all weekend envisioning you the happiest by the warmth of the ocean, preparing the special meals for Jay, doting on the Dillon and Jared, helping at their schools, organizing the Hardy parties, making your home impeccable and being very kind to us as we joined the Hardy family. Your laugh, smile and memories will forever be in our thoughts and prayers.
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
I remember once Anne stopped me in the parking lot, and thanked me for being a good friend to Jay. To me this showed how deep her love was for Jay, she is always concerned about his well being. I could tell how much she loved Jay by her endless devotion to him, working quietly in the back ground, helping Jay in so very many ways.  One time I was in their home and they had a piano, and they played a duet for Cathy and I, it was a touching moment of togetherness. Anne was a gifted organizer and planner, and being a planner myself, she was real good! Anne was a very good mother to her two boys, a great home maker and a fine Christian women. I often struggle with my faith, but not Anne and Jay, they are rock solid, and I admire that. One thing I will remember, is how much Anne loved Jay, it was so apparent to me, only now from heaven. Oh yea, how about the time we all went camping in yurts at Lake Cachuma, had a beautiful campfire, and a boat ride the next day, you were fun to be around and a happy camper too! I'm going to miss Anne, and also Anne & Jay...I have no idea how you get through something like this, it is so heartbreaking, I think we all just have to simply mourn. Anne you have left a hole in all out hearts, and I will always remember you. Chris

PS - Jay, remember you have many people who love you and are here for you!
May 17, 2020
May 17, 2020
Anne, you've left behind memories of love and blessings to your family, it's plain to see, will be cherished forever in their hearts, and to people in your world, and people like me, however short, being fortunate to encounter the joy in your heart, and hear of your love for your family and your family's love of you. You shared your delight, your giving, and your heart of gold, I am grateful I got to share time with you. You've made the world a better place.

Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. 

Yes, Dear Anne, You Will See God, in Jesus' name. Amen. 

Jay, Jared & Dylan, so very sorry for the loss and pain you must all be feeling.  May Anne's light always be remembered by the three of you.   I've always said it's important to take the time to mourn and with it comes healing.   May God Bless all of you as you learn to navigate life in a different way, one day at a time. 
May 17, 2020
May 17, 2020
Dear Jay and Family,
Though it has been such a long time since I last saw Anne, I remember my visit to your home in Los Alamos with my sister Melissa Traylor. It feels like yesterday ... She was so excited about the new home and the beautiful landscaping recently completed. A new chapter for your family. Sending love and prayers to you all ... I am so sorry for your loss.
May 17, 2020
May 17, 2020
The last time I saw you was by pure chance, and your son purposed to his girlfriend. It’s amazing how fast time flies, because I remember when Jarod was brought home.
Thank you for the camping trips in Pismo. Thank you for letting me slide down the stairs in your old house, and crawl around the new house. Thank you for the picnics in Los Alamos. I still remember your big, loud laugh.
Rest In Peace.
May 17, 2020
May 17, 2020
Anne you will be missed. ❤️

Your caring and thoughtful way was an example to us all. Time with you and your family whether for a Hardy Diagnostics event or a weekend camp trip on the Central Coast was alway a great time in part because of all your care in planning and helping everyone to feel welcome.

Thank you for the life you shared with me and my family for all of the years we have known one another.

I will continue to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. I know that Jay misses you terribly and that Dylan and Jared will feel a new emptiness without you in their lives.

May You Forever Rest In Peace, Anne. ❤️

Love, Melissa & Mike Traylor
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Recent Tributes
May 17
Anne, I think of you often and our family remembers so many wonderful moments with you. All the fun parties and weekends my Dylan had with your family. Your selfless nature including your calls offering to bring my Dylan home from school when dad was sick, even though you would have to fight the traffic on Tefft, were also appreciated We spent so much time together fundraising for our children's school. You could always be counted on to show up. From picking up hundreds of orchids (Mother's Day fundraiser) and poinsettias ( Christmas fundraiser) to helping fill and deliver the veggie bags. You were hardworking and practical. You also understand the joys and trials of supporting our husband's in there business. We addressed and stamped envelopes for our committee to stop Leticia from a huge development that would have compromised,not just us, but our entire neighborhood. We spent lots of time being the worker bees. I can't believe our boys are all grown up, married, and Jerod with children of his own. You have the perfect view to see them and watch over them. If you were here I know you would be spoiling them rotten just like you spoiled your boys and Jay. Know that your big heart left a huge imprint on our lives and we will never forget your kindness.
May 16
May 16
To all that follow Anne’s tribute…

Anne would be so thrilled to know that she has not been forgotten and that her legacy of love for her friends and family lives on.

Please know that she fervently loved all of you. As you know, Anne did much, and sacrificed much, to help out her loved ones when they were in need. She remains a model and inspiration for all of us on how to live a life of reflecting the love of our Savior, Jesus.

Looking forward to that grand reunion in Heaven someday!

May 15
May 15
To my sweet sister, Anne. It's been 4 years since I last hugged you and I think about you every day. Although we weren't real close during our school years, we matured into the strongest friendship in adulthood. We shared in the ups and downs of married life and raising children. You became my closest friend and I looked forward to our weekly talks and family adventures together. I keep in touch with Jay, not only because he is a wonderful, loving person, but also because he is my connection to you. I will always love you. Rest peacefully.
Recent stories
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May 15, 2021
Anne had a firm hope and took great comfort in the promises of Christ. After her diagnosis of terminal cancer she spent the next two weeks calmly making plans (as she always did) to say her goodbyes and thank you's to the many friends she made over the years.

I'm reminded of what Dr Tom wrote here about Anne, "Just as she knew how to live life to the fullest, she also knew how to die with dignity and grace." And that is so true. She died  before me with a peace and serenity that can only come from God. 

She looked forward to going on that final trip to heaven and seeing Jesus, but she admitted to me she was a just little scared. When I asked her why, she said "Because you won't be there."

The Bible tells us that "one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day" (2 Peter 3:8). So we know that we will not be bound by time in heaven as we are here. So Anne, you are still with me and I'm with you, together even now and throughout all eternity. 

PS: Kathy (Anne's sister), when I was a complete mess, you were a rock of stability and perseverance in helping me get through Anne's final days in hospice. You and Anne seemed to have received the same heavy dose of organizational genes!  I am forever indebted to you!

Dancing with the Stars

May 15, 2021
Here's a photo of Anne taken after she broke her hip and received a new one. She was overjoyed to get her mobility and freedom back.

Anne's favorite shows were 'Dancing with the Stars,' 'So You Think You Can Dance,' and Ice Skating Competitions. Even from her wheelchair, I think she secretly imagined herself gracefully dancing in those shows.

God has promised us the desires of our hearts, and somehow I know that Anne is now dancing joyfully with her Lord and Savior, with the same smile on her face as the one you see in this photo.

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