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December 4, 2021

Still together...

May 15, 2021
Anne had a firm hope and took great comfort in the promises of Christ. After her diagnosis of terminal cancer she spent the next two weeks calmly making plans (as she always did) to say her goodbyes and thank you's to the many friends she made over the years.

I'm reminded of what Dr Tom wrote here about Anne, "Just as she knew how to live life to the fullest, she also knew how to die with dignity and grace." And that is so true. She died  before me with a peace and serenity that can only come from God. 

She looked forward to going on that final trip to heaven and seeing Jesus, but she admitted to me she was a just little scared. When I asked her why, she said "Because you won't be there."

The Bible tells us that "one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day" (2 Peter 3:8). So we know that we will not be bound by time in heaven as we are here. So Anne, you are still with me and I'm with you, together even now and throughout all eternity. 

PS: Kathy (Anne's sister), when I was a complete mess, you were a rock of stability and perseverance in helping me get through Anne's final days in hospice. You and Anne seemed to have received the same heavy dose of organizational genes!  I am forever indebted to you!

Dancing with the Stars

May 15, 2021
Here's a photo of Anne taken after she broke her hip and received a new one. She was overjoyed to get her mobility and freedom back.

Anne's favorite shows were 'Dancing with the Stars,' 'So You Think You Can Dance,' and Ice Skating Competitions. Even from her wheelchair, I think she secretly imagined herself gracefully dancing in those shows.

God has promised us the desires of our hearts, and somehow I know that Anne is now dancing joyfully with her Lord and Savior, with the same smile on her face as the one you see in this photo.

Sleep, My Sister by T. Hutchinson

June 1, 2020
I wish you sweet sleep, my sister dear
Although there's so much that you've left bare
I hate that you had to endure such pain
On my mind, your saddened eyes have left a stain

I want to know what crossed your mind
Unspoken words you've left behind
Undone things we'll never do
No sharing thoughts you never knew

A peace has fallen upon your head
A taste of sorrow we have been fed
It really is like a hole in our lives
One swiftly dug but carved out by knives

But I have hope that those sleeping will rise
The Bible says that God will open their eyes
No suffering, sickness, yet not even pain
Those who did good, eternal life they'll gain

So . . . sleep on my sister, sleep tight
For now with you the sky is night
But after night will come daybreak
Therefore I will wait hoping to see you awake

To: Anne, my patient, and my friend

May 22, 2020
I first met Anne over 20 years ago when she became a patient of mine. Over the years, as I periodically saw her, we developed a friendship, and it was through her, that  I met and also became friends with her husband Jay. 

I will always remember her smile, her intelligence, her humor, her fighting spirit ...... and  her eagerness to challenge my diagnosis and recommendations.  I think it was her willingness to confront and to question all challenges––some might call it stubbornness––that allowed her to overcome the many health challenges she encountered in the last years of her life.

The last challenge was too far advanced and beyond any hope of recovery.  Just as she knew how to live life to the fullest, she also knew how to die with dignity and grace. 

She will be missed. And she will be remembered.

All the best and love to Jay, her sons, and her family.

Recollections of Anne

May 21, 2020
I was surprised and saddened when I received Jay’s email about Anne’s passing.  In recent years I’ve stopped by the office in Santa Maria to see Jay but missed seeing Anne.  Last summer as I drove from Santa Barbara to the Bay Area, it worked out to meet Jay, Anne, and Jared after church then go to lunch with them.  

We had a great time reminiscing about the early days at Hardy Media as well as catching up on news about family and friends.  Anne was gracious, humorous and still had that sparkle about her.  I’m thankful that I saw her and Jay together that weekend.

I first met Anne in Santa Barbara shortly after Jay and I started Hardy Media.  She was good natured, funloving, affectionate, caring, had a booming laugh, and an opinion on every topic.  Jay was stoic, analytical, shy, with a very dry sense of humor.

Anne may have been one of the few people that Jay allowed to kid him.  She was relentless in how she lovingly poked fun at him to get a reaction, which Jay took in stride.  In return, he was patient, thoughtful, and complemented Anne’s personality. However what stood out most to me was her love and care for Jay.  

I only knew Anne briefly before she and Jay married.  Post wedding, she just seemed so happy being together with him.  I knew Jay for several years before he met Anne and noticed a change in him after they wed.  He seemed more settled and self-assured.  

I left Hardy Media in December of 1983 after being Jay’s business partner for nearly 3 years.  It was difficult to leave the fledgling business at that time.  I worried about what the future would hold for Jay and Hardy Media.

In hindsight, I shouldn’t have worried.  Anne became Jay’s best support not only in life but in his work.  She made many contributions to the business.  But I think her unwavering belief in Jay strengthened him to persevere through many rough patches as he built the company.

I will miss Anne.  I’ll miss her smile, her hearty laugh, and her kindness.  And I’ll miss watching her fun interactions with Jay.  But I’m thankful that she is without pain in the presence of our savior, Jesus Christ.  And one day I’ll meet her again.


May 18, 2020
One thing that always stood out with Anne was her smile and her way of making me feel like I was part of the Hardy family from the day I first met her almost 16 years ago. Every time I would see her whether it was at work, at Hardy events or their home, she always took the time to say hi. She would always ask how my family was doing and always had a happiness and joy about her that would be so contagious.  She loved helping out with organizing such wonderful Hardy family events and I would always look forward to finding her and saying hi. 
Seeing Jay and Anne together and supporting each other was always such a testament to their marriage and their love and devotion not only to each other, but to their boys, their friends, and their faith in Christ.

Thank you Anne for your constant joy, unwavering support of Jay and for your genuine care and friendship. The Hardy family will never be the same without you. Your impact on those around you will be felt forever. 

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