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February 27
Ezigbo nmem.
It is well with us.
Thank you for playing your part to prepare us for LIFE. We are victorious.
Thank you.
February 24
February 24
Mommy would have been 95 years old today. Her impact on our lives remains indelible. She loved the Lord Jesus and lived to please Him. May we who remain forever make her proud!❤️
August 17, 2023
August 17, 2023
To God be the glory for a life transformed by Jesus Christ and lived in Him.
February 24, 2023
February 24, 2023
We remember you today and always with fond memories and much love. Continue in bliss, having passed from your labors unto eternal rest. Forever with The Lord. Amen !! So let it be.
August 18, 2022
August 18, 2022
Mummy, you are,forever in our hearts, forever missed and forever loved.

August 18, 2022
August 18, 2022
Dear Mom,
How I miss your smile & encouragement especially at trying times such as this. Every thought of you however still brings a smile to my face. We are well. God is in control. Your prayers are still speaking.
July 16, 2022
July 16, 2022
Mmo, Big Auntie. Always remembered. Rest Ma’am.
February 25, 2022
February 25, 2022
Ezigbo Nnem,
Memories of you bring s smile to my face.
Ndeewo.. You were the best.
Your children call you blessed.
We have a Godly legacy.
We fondly remember you today & always.
August 18, 2021
August 18, 2021
Always remembered, loved and honored by us and ours. Mentioned always. You were one of the best—righteously fearless, sincere, genuine, committed and consistent. You ran your race well. You fought a good fight. You, no doubt, attained the Crown. Halleluyah!!
Now at peace, resting with the Lord. Amen, so let it be !! Mmo, Big Aunty, you will be forever missed by us all.  ——-  Egesi and Ude. ——- 
August 17, 2020
August 17, 2020
Mom was a superstar!

Today is 11 years of Mom's home going. We remember her fondly. She was very gentle. She handled life and emotions well. She forgave easily. She was humble. As I get older, I have come to appreciate that it takes obedience to God, discipline and self control to be that way. It doesn't just happen on its own. It is submission to the workings and grace of God. May God bless her memory. We do not doubt that she is with the Lord. God is good!
August 17, 2019
August 17, 2019
Ten years ago to the day, on Monday, the 17th of August 2009, my Mother was brought to our home in Yaba. She could not walk. Her first words, were “If only I had come earlier.” She had suffered a stroke. The Friday before, she had gone for her monthly medical check-up at a specialist hospital. She had complained of a head-ache, and they decided to treat for malaria. They did not detect the ruptured aneurysm in her brain, which turned out to be fatal. We took her into the downstairs visitors room, where she lay down. She couldn’t move one side of her body. This incredible woman remained cheerful as she sang songs of praise to God in her beautiful high-pitched voice even in this condition as she forced one hand to manipulate the paralysed one, up and down, willing life to return to the paralysed half of her body. We watched her as she sang merrily, while we made efforts to evacuate her to the hospital. About six years before, she had gone to South Africa for knee-transplant surgery. The surgery on both knees had been successful but on the night of the surgery, she had suffered a stroke, which like the current one, left one half of her body paralysed. When the medical personnel were comforting her and making strenuous efforts to treat her, she had cheerfully told them that they should not worry, that by morning, Jesus would have healed her. This is exactly what happened, to the amazement of all. By the morning, there was absolutely no trace of the stroke or paralysis. Funmi, my sister in law along with her son, Jemie accompanied her to South Africa. They can bear witness to this miracle. So, this time again, we believed she along with her tested and trusted Jesus would defeat the stroke. My in-law, who is a medical doctor came along and examined her. He confirmed the stroke and an ambulance was sent for. She could overhear us speaking, and must have heard his response on her chances of full recovery. She may also have heard him say that another stroke could be fatal. My Mother was tired. She had six months before turned 80. She had fought so many battles especially over her husband, my Father and we, the children. The last being the multiple organ failure my Father suffered the month before. She had stood and willed him back to life. I have never seen anyone pray the way she did for him. I have never before seen such faith. She willed him back to life. She was indeed exhausted. She had spent her life fighting for the spirit and in the physical. She smiled again as I hurried away to confer with my friend and brother, Dr. Ebun Bamgboye, Medical Director of Saint Nicholas Hospital. In my short absence, she shut her eyes in the arms of my wife, Alero and my sister, Chima and allowed a second stroke, which killed her....She was smiling. She was done. She had run the good race. Like Paul, what lay ahead was a crown of honour. We remember her today fondly. She was a Christian soldier. A General in the Lord’s army. The song “Onward Christian Soldier” has never been so real and apt.

Your memory is evergreen in our hearts. We will do all we promised in Jesus’ name. To God be all the glory !
February 25, 2016
February 25, 2016
Shared by Ike Imo on Facebook:

Mrs. Annie Anyagwo Imo (24/2/29 - 17/8/09).

It would have been your 87th birthday today. Wonderful mother. Dutiful and caring wife. Faithful sister. Hardworking teacher and Principal. Educationist. Sportswoman. Administrator. Visionary. Fearless. Purposeful. Steadfast. Diligent. Cheerful. Shrewd. Actress and speech coach.

Child of God.

I miss you today and always.
August 18, 2015
August 18, 2015
Mmo, we miss you so much but we are consoled by the good, selfless and exemplary life that you lived here on earth. And we know that you are at a better( with the LORD)..Jagha jua ezi mmo m!!!!
August 17, 2015
August 17, 2015
Momsie, Jokwa wo! It's been 6 years already and your grandchildren are growing to become pretty damsels. Memories of you always bring a smile to my face. Was in Item over the weekend and your presence is still very real around Annie Anyagwo Imo House. You will forever remain in our hearts & mind.Love you lots.
August 17, 2015
August 17, 2015
Thank you Lord for every remembrance of my Mother always feels me with so much pride and joy! Please help me to be the best me, to all who come my way especially my family and loved ones.
February 24, 2014
February 24, 2014
Today would have been Mommy's 85th birthday. We remember her with love and admiration. To God be the glory!
August 20, 2013
August 20, 2013
Four years has gone by so quickly. Miss you so so much. God knows.
August 17, 2012
August 17, 2012
Wow! Time does indeed fly. 3 years already!!!!. God has indeed been awesome these last 3 years. You went home, then dad joined you, but God sent us comfort and we can laugh and sing again. It is well with your seed. Agape, Oriaku
August 17, 2012
August 17, 2012
Dear dear Mums. Gone to rest. You did your best, your very best. We are all well. Your prayers and belief in Jesus have been justified in the legacy you left behind. We shall not let you down. I will not let you down. You ran a great race and now that the baton has been passed, we all shall continue to the best of our ability knowing that you would be glad that we did.
August 17, 2012
August 17, 2012
It's been 3 years. We still miss our Mom today. We remember Mommy for her patience, humility, hardwork, diligence, excellence of spirit, steadfast love and devotion to God and her entire family. May the same be said of us. Amen!
August 17, 2012
August 17, 2012
I have never known you untill i met your duaghter, who is my director. At your age, you were still an ANGEL to behold. Though i knew you for a short time before you answered the HOLY call, whoever know your daughther and her siblings can testify that they were nurtured and brought up by a great mother. Farewell, great mother.
February 24, 2012
February 24, 2012
Dear All.
Today would have been Moms 83rd birthday. We will continue to celebrate her. Thinking of mom, always brings a smile to my face. Every memory of her is pleasant. She was a good mother. May our children also be able to say same of us. Oriaku
February 24, 2012
February 24, 2012
My every remembrance of Momsie is joyful. Now I appreciate that song Sweet Mother, I no go forget you....From the scriptures, I have a clear understanding that Mom has run her race and gone ahead into the next phase of Eternity. For those of us here, while we still have the luxury of time, may we all really and truly discover the purpose for which we are on earth and run our race well too!
September 12, 2011
September 12, 2011
I really started to see Mom as such a precious jewel when she spent a month with me after the very traumatic delivery of our daughter- Lemaeke Faith. Her calmness, capacity to love, organisational ability and spiritual depth are virtues I covet. 2 years already? I miss my Mom.
August 17, 2011
August 17, 2011
It's been 2 years but I still miss my Mom. I guess somehow I always will.
The memory of the just is blessed! Prov. 10:7
November 17, 2010
November 17, 2010
It's been more than one year and God has been faithful to heal and to see us through. Our God is faithful!
October 28, 2009
October 28, 2009
I miss my mom so much! I miss your quiet wisdom and strength that always gave perspective to every situation. The gentle way you kept everyone united.

I miss you.
October 5, 2009
October 5, 2009
Ugonma, May the love of Christ be with you and your family during this period.
October 5, 2009
October 5, 2009
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away"
September 24, 2009
September 24, 2009
Please accept my condolence. Mama did not live in vain. Her children are an eloquent testimony that she passed through this world with excellence
September 21, 2009
September 21, 2009
We remember vividly what you said while making our WEDDING TOAST 25yrs ago and that has kept us going. We will miss you mummy, but we are consoled you are in a better place.

September 21, 2009
September 21, 2009
We had a very happy time on Sunday before U slept in the lord and I appreciate sharing those moments with you. Your continuous smiles, love n advices will remain fresh in our hearts. ADIEU MUMMY.

September 21, 2009
September 21, 2009
Please accept my condolences on mama’s departure. She worked in the Lord’s vineyard and when it was time to depart, she prepared herself for the journey and then bowed out graciously!
September 21, 2009
September 21, 2009
September 20, 2009
September 20, 2009

We love you and are praying for you and wish we are right there by you in Lagos. Jisieike.
The enduring peace and comfort of the HS remain with you, your dad and sibblings.

September 19, 2009
September 19, 2009
Dearest mummy,
Its sad to know you are no more but your spirit and legacy lives on. Eva smiling and Charming lady. We will miss you..REST IN PEACE.

September 19, 2009
September 19, 2009
Dear Da Ugonma, May God continue to strengthen you and the Imo family throughout this period. Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. You are in our prayers.
September 17, 2009
September 17, 2009
Mum, was an incredibly-talented woman of substance, with all blessed entitlements. She lives forever in our memories.
September 17, 2009
September 17, 2009
We thank God for giving us mum, a woman of exemplary Christianity.We iconize today, tomorrow and forever. from The Family of Imo o. Imo
September 17, 2009
September 17, 2009
To Oriaku & family,
Mummy was exemplary and mum indeed. Pray the Lord will grant Daddy and children grace to bear the loss and continue the testimony she left behind.

Amos & Nwanneka
September 16, 2009
September 16, 2009
Mama, we shall ever cherish the very good memories of you and the times we shared with you.
As Paul said in Phil 2:21"For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain". PEACE.Pauly&Pastor Eunice ENUJBA
September 14, 2009
September 14, 2009
Obviously she was one great mother. Her children reflect this. I thank God for her life.
September 14, 2009
September 14, 2009
Arc.Oriaku, may this candle of d Gospel light never grow deem in Ur life despite present realities. please accept my condolence and may God's Grace be real to U now and forever.
Dr. Charles S Allison
September 12, 2009
September 12, 2009
Mmo Annie, you have left a spiritual inheritance for your entire family and those that knew you. We love you but Jesus loves you more. We shall meet again when Jesus comes back.
September 10, 2009
September 10, 2009
You will be missed.
There is a blessed assurance that you are resting
with the Lord and at the feet of the master.
September 10, 2009
September 10, 2009
Then the righteous will shine as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Passion, Discipline, Fairness with an ever radiating smile you gave us as a wonderful teacher in high school. God bless
September 8, 2009
September 8, 2009
To Imo family: Be comforted by the God of all comforts and let his countenance stay on you.
(Hid in the Lord Jesus Christ, an intercessor Lord! we thank you for a life well lived)
September 8, 2009
September 8, 2009
May her soul rest in perfect peace in the blessed assurance that she is now with her God and maker. May the peace of God remain with you all at this time and forever. 

Mr & Mrs Bada and family
September 7, 2009
September 7, 2009
Mmo The world was a better place with all your goodness and your tender loving care for Dede and your wonderful and gifted family.
May your legacy live on and be made manifest in their lives.-ABARAS
September 7, 2009
September 7, 2009
Forever with the Lord.
Amen- So let it be!!
Adieu Great Woman of God
The "Prov 31" Woman through and through!!!
We will miss you Mmo
We will miss you Big Aunty
Egesi, Ude & family.
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