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My big buddy

December 10, 2022
Today came too soon.  I lost my big buddy. I won’t be able to work on things with you, do yard work or gardening. I won’t be able to wave to you everyday I won’t get to hear you sing “hey good lookin”, “camp town lady” or “uh, oh I’m falling in love again” 

I wasn't ready to lose my best friend. I'm so happy I spent so much time with you instead of playing outside with everyone else I fell asleep on your lap. I went over to see you every single day for so many years as soon as
I would wake up my first thought was you. You were the best grandpa I could have asked for
You were my favorite person you cared so much for everyone but the bond that you and I had was unbreakable I am beyond thankful that I have spent so much of my life with you. And be with you on your last day.
It was so sudden it didn’t seem like it was your time yet. 

I’ll be driving your tractor down the road when my car breaks down like always. Thank you for the endless things you’ve showed me and memories that will last a life time. Forever in my heart RIP I love you so much big buddy. I’ll never forget all the fun times we had together. Every one on one trip to go pick up your new lawnmowers. And every adventure we did together. See you later good lookin

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