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August 14, 2017
August 14, 2017
Last night Austin attended the Guns N Roses concert with Nikki. All night I was receiving Snapchats of his picture dancing around to all the GnR songs and honestly I felt like he was with her. I didn't feel him with me last night. So strange but I look at him, carry his picture and feel him by me. Last night was different...I was laughing and crying for him because he was rocking out. Love you Nikki...was so neat to see and hear. Xoxo
July 17, 2017
July 17, 2017
I had a dream about Austin the other night. In my dream, he called me. While on the phone he thanked me for what I wrote for his funeral and said it was "very thoughtful of me". All of a sudden, he appeared, and the two of us were in a long I have never seen before. We were both standing at two doors, and we hugged. I told him I loved him and his reply was like it always was when I told him I loved him. He smiled big, and nodded his head and said "I know, Cassie." We then waved goodbye, and he went through one door, and I went through the other. Although this dream was incredibly sad, I do believe he is somewhere at peace. I just miss him so much. I think of him every single day. My heart just hurts for him and his whole family. Austin, I am forever grateful for all the years I got to spend with you, filled with wonderful memories. Thank you for being like a brother to me. Thank you for everything you have done for me over the years. I love you buddy. You'll forever be in my heart...always. Rest in peace ❤
July 10, 2017
July 10, 2017
There is no story too short to me. Every single mention of Austin is significant to keep me going. I love him and miss him so much. Please share anything and everything. I LOVE YOU AUSTIN....forever and ever. You will always be my "little man" bubbie. Like I've always told doesn't matter how old you become, you are always baby.
July 4, 2017
July 4, 2017
Austin was once my best friend. When I first moved to Blue Mountain he was my first friend that lived in the same town as me and we both like to go raise some hell at Fisher's Dam. Haha I still remember the day he caught a cray fish and he threw it at me and I screamed like a little girl and he thought it was cutest thing ever. I have many memories with Austin, but my favorite one of them all is the day him and I officially together in our relationship. I was so scared because he was my best friend and I was nervous that if we dated it would ruin our friendship and Austin looked at me and said Alissa I don't care I really like you and I can't get you out of my head I want you to be my girl. I started crying, sadly it did ruin our friendship but I'm just happy I met him in life. He was my first love and I would have done anything for him. I tried so hard to attend the funeral but I just couldn't. I drove all the way there to sit in the parking lot and cry because my legs weren't strong enough to hold me up to get in there. These feels like a sick dream like I'm gonna wake up and your still gonna be here with us but I know it's never gonna happen. I wish things worked out differently between him and I, he was an amazing man and great boyfriend even tho we did have our fair bit of fights. I loved Austin and I always will. I still can't believe this tho..
July 3, 2017
July 3, 2017
I wasn't able to speak at the funeral without fear of crying in the middle of talking and not being able to complete a sentence. However, there are some words I would like to say. I was so blessed to have met you Austin even though we were not close as adults you've had a larger impact on my life than you may have known. For those of you who never knew Austin he was a kindhearted funny kid who always was determined to do what he felt was right even without support. My best childhood memories were spent summers at my neighbor's house with him and our garage buddies. He was such a jokster and like a little brother to everyone. He would make us laugh all the time that no matter what issues any of us kids had going on at school or at home I would be excited to see Austin and all of our buddies after school and see what games we would play. It's very rare that you meet people in your life that love to make you laugh and check up on you and it was especially rare for me as a kid. When I was upset Ethel would tell us to list of all the things you were grateful for and you would forget why you were sad. Honestly meeting Austin is on the top of my list because of you I can look back at my childhood and have happy memories, I had a childhood because of good friends like him who made me forget the bad things that happened and be able to be a kid and have fun. I can only hope to live up to the example Austin had left. He was always determined since he was a kid to do what he felt was right regardless whether his decision was supported or not and he lived fearlessly. I can only hope and strive to live a life by his principles. Rest in peace buddy I will cherish those childhood memories forever. It's amazing how someone who was a part of your life for a certain time period can bless and change your life forever, you've impacted and touched so many lives including mine.
July 2, 2017
July 2, 2017
I remember when you were really small (4?5?) you had every bettery in the house stashed away. I was over your house and Crissy needed batteries and off you would run to your secret hiding spots and proudly bring the ones she wanted :)
July 2, 2017
July 2, 2017
Hardest Working Young Man I Ever Knew:

I was first introduced to Austin as a young teenage boy looking for a job as a mason/concrete laborer. As always, I was hesitant to hire someone so young and inexperienced given my history with workers this age - they had never worked out in the past. So a week or so went by, and I still had not returned Austin's call about a job. He, however; showed up at my shop one day and introduced himself. So for his efforts I figured "Why not?" He told me the date of his last day of school and I told him be at my shop the following Monday to start.

Monday arrived and of course Austin had made arrangements to be dropped off early at my shop that morning to begin his first day with me at KR Concrete & Masonry. I had a garage floor scheduled, so when everyone arrived we headed to the job site to prepare for the concrete trucks to arrive and begin pouring. My older employees, like myself, were skeptical of this day because in the past their first day is sometimes their last when they realize the work involved. We arrived at the job and Austin immediately gets out of the truck and begins unloading tools and asking questions. The concrete showed up and we began placing it and screeding it. Austin had told me he didn't have much experience with concrete and that most of what he had learned so far was with brick and block. One of Austin's many jobs that day was to rake and level the concrete.. Everyone that worked with me that day was amazed by his work ethic and his ability to rake concrete. He did it better than some young men that have raked concrete for many years. The rest of the day continued as we finished the concrete, cleaned up, and headed home. I still remember one of my employees that day making the comment about Austin- "Wow, what a worker".

What a Worker he sure was. Over the next few years, I would have the pleasure of working with, teaching, guiding, and also learning myself with Austin. From the very first day of meeting him, I seen a lot of myself in Austin. Every day was a pleasure to mentor and work alongside such a great young man. I looked forward to working with Austin with every new day, challenge and project. There will forever be a void both in my heart and at KR Concrete.

So many of my customers were also impressed with his talent, manners, and just his all around work ethic. Many of them said - it's great you have your son out here working with you, and I would have to explain that he is an employee. BUT, there wasn't a day from the moment I met Austin where I wouldn't have been honored to call him my own
son. There were many days when the jobs would also become very stressful with breakdowns or just general problems. Only after a few months of working with me, Austin knew and learned when I needed my space, or when he needed to just make me laugh.

I looked forward to the days when I would get to work with, and alongside you, because I knew I could always depend on you for your great quality in workmanship, and a incredible friendship . It will be impossible to ever pour concrete again and not think of you. That void will never be filled in my heart. Austin - I will forever miss you as an employee, a co-worker, a friend, and family member. Be at peace now, and please know how much you have affected so many lives with your amazing soul and spirit.
July 2, 2017
July 2, 2017
My heart hurts bad I think i might need to see a doctor this week. Thank you everyone for adding. heart, thank you so much for loving him. He told me himself after the school board meeting when we spoke in support of the VoTech program that he considered you a father figure to him. He loved you and I am eternally eternally grateful. I almost cannot express it enough. I just can't.
July 1, 2017
July 1, 2017
When Austin was about 5 years old he came into the office for a checkup. We used the old eye chart with pictures then for the little ones. There our different pictures to look at and one of them is a coffee cup. When I got to that picture Austin said "tea tup" It was the cutest thing! I always remembered him as the "tea tup" boy. RIP ❤️
June 29, 2017
June 29, 2017
You will always have a special place in my heart, Austin. Rest easy, you are with some of the best. Please watch over your Mom, sisters and brother. Love you always!

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