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September 16, 2020
September 16, 2020
To My Dear Darling Barbara,

I miss you and love you so much honey!!!! You're the best thing that ever happened to me. You're the best and most loyal friend one could ever have. I think of you all the time Liebchen.


                      Your Husband Fred
September 16, 2020
September 16, 2020
Barbara Stenton was a beautiful woman, both inside and out. She gave her love unconditionally, especially to her family. Family was very important to her, and she was a great wife and an incredible mother (and of course, an incredible mother-in-law). She was so happy to have a grandson to dote over. She was always giving of herself with no thought of what she would receive back. We should all live this way. I only knew her for a little over 7 years, but she made those 7 years better by being in my life. She will sorely be missed, but she is still here as long as we continue to love her and remember me. Thank you for everything!
September 9, 2020
September 9, 2020
To the sweetest and most kind, patient and loving mom a woman could ever have! You have taught me so much throughout my life about having the right priorities. A strong faith in God and love of family and others. Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. Your quiet, gentle wisdom was so much appreciated. More than you'll ever know. It hurts so much the way you have been snatched from us so soon. I can't even begin to put into words the pain and agony that we all feel right now. You are so loved mom. It is going to be so hard learning how to live without you but we promise for your sake, to be strong and take care of each other. I know that's what you would have wanted. Despite the pain, It gives me a lot of comfort knowing that you are up in heaven with nana and grandpa and grandmi and grandpi enjoying the beautiful paradise. Walking through the flowers and green fields. Makes me smile thinking about it. Love you so much mammakins! You will never be forgotten. I can't wait till the wonderful day we will be reunited. God bless you dearest mom! Love, Sandra
September 8, 2020
September 8, 2020
To the most kind, gentle, compassionate, and loving Mom in the whole world! Where would we be without your wise and caring guidance. We miss you so much, it hurts Mom. We know you would want us to be strong right now and we will try our best. It just feels like the whole world has turned upside down and nothing feels right without you here. You truly deserve this beautiful paradise up in Heaven and I know that you are enjoying this glorious splendor right now. Even though this is an extremely painful period, I am gradually learning to accept God's plan. I am going to make sure to spend the rest of my life passionately demonstrating the wonderful examples you have set for us. Love you to the moon and back Mom!  Love you always, Jennie

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