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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Barry Burlace, 80 years old, born on October 1, 1934, and passed away on November 22, 2014. We will remember him forever.
August 7
August 7
Sunday the 4th of August was our wedding Anniversary married 45 years together 48 years I miss you so much and i will love you for ever I was so lucky to hsve you for my husband
April 12
April 12
This month we would have been together 48 years, I still think of you and know you still are my dearly beloved husband I told you it would be for ever.Pippa turned 19 yesterday you so wanted to see her grow up, she is a beautiful young lady I am going to New Plymouth on Monday Brett is turning 60 it strange when our kids are getting old as well.The twins and Colby are at Intermediate and so is Riley.Sadly I dont see Nathans Kids I will love you always I miss you so much xxxxx
November 23, 2023
November 23, 2023
yesterday my darling was 9 years since you left us, a lot has happened in theat time Today Fynn who is now 23 is going to Denmark with the lovely Alexandra you would have loved these beautiful young people Pippa is at Auckland Uni about to do her 2nd year of psycology and criminology she is nearly 19 The twins are going to Intermediate next year .You never got to meet Remi Becks little boy has turned 7.I guess you know my brother Gary is there with you up there I will never stop loving you and will forever xxxx
October 2, 2023
October 2, 2023
Sunday 1st October your birthday would have been 89 I never forget your birthday why would i the love of my life love you forever xxx
August 8, 2023
August 8, 2023
$th August was our wedding anniversary I was so sad I went to westgate it so sad on my own you and i had so much fun together I still wear my wedding ring and always will I gave my eternity ring to Pippa and engagement ring to Rebecca and that set you gave me with a ring and necklace to Caitie.You would love the new member of the familiy her name is Alexandra she is from Denmark she is Fynns girl friend they are living together in Onehunga Fynn is going to Denmark with her in November he will live there after he finnishes his degtree He has grown into a lovely Man.Pippa is at Uni doing crimilogy and psycology remember she used to like talking to Flis about prisons when she worked there I could tell you so much Im going to stratford to see Caitie and the boys Colby is 12 and the twins turning 11 they are lovely and I love spending time with them I love you for ever my darling husband xxxxx
June 1, 2023
June 1, 2023
Every day that goes by I miss you more and more the pain of losing you doesnt get better the love of my life xxx
April 22, 2023
April 22, 2023
My Darling Husband I miss you and as the song says that is playing I will always love you. 47 Years you have been the love of my life I will never forget you til we meet again for ever yours xxxx
December 23, 2022
December 23, 2022
My Darling Husband how I miss you another Christmas has come how you loved this time of the years Every one is grown up now Colby is off to Intermediate Pippa to university you would have loved your Grandies and great grandies they are all so lovely Fynn is terribly ill still 3 autoimmune diseases Becky is coming here with her Remi he is 6 our baby Harmony is a lovely young lady how I wish you were still here but I guess you are watching over your family I am catching up to you Ill love you for ever and ever xxxx
November 23, 2022
November 23, 2022
My Darling Barry its 8 years since you left us I miss you so much you are the love of my life You were a wonderful Husband kind and loving and a wonderful Dad to our Children,Donna Brett Rosemary Philiip and Jenny.You would love the way every one has grown up to be good adults and great grand children you would have loved them I miss you so much and will love you for ever
October 2, 2022
October 2, 2022
!st October 2022 today you are 88 Jenny had a dream you were sitting at a table she gave you a hug.Last night I had a dream you and I were walking down a long path hand in hand it was beautiful, not sure what that was about maybe it was our marriage it was a beautiful thing you were a kind and loving husband, what more could a girl ask for I will always love you for ever
January 8, 2022
January 8, 2022
Im not very well I wish you were here to look after me I love you so much and miss you love you for ever Jan Your beloved wife xxxxx
December 23, 2021
December 23, 2021
well my darling its Christmas again, you used to love it we had so much fun at Mum and Dads at the beach, cooking oysters on the barbie Dad trying to trick you with Whisky , loud music we all used to dance too.ten later at Jennys with the kids who were only little.All the kids are growing up now.Pippa says she wants to be a crane driver.Fynn has a girl friend Alex she lives i Denmark she is lovely she likes us all.Caitie and the boys are good growing up fast they are lovely boys you are missing so much love you forever xxxx
November 23, 2021
November 23, 2021
My Darling 7 years have gone by with out you I miss you every day.Donna told me I have to let you go but I cant.You were the bet Husband a girl could have.I went to Dr Phil he couldnt believe it was & years he gave me a hug he was always special to us.He is leaving KMC, I will miss him so much he said hes just tired and worn out.I know you watch over us every day I wish you were here to see your family growning up you would love all the little kids, I would love to be able to see Nathans kids but he wont let me.You hated that.As I told you just before you died I will love you forever xxx
November 23, 2021
November 23, 2021
Sorry this is late, you are always in my heart, i know that you are watching down over us, it is getting close to fishing season again which is exciting, i have brought a caravan so will be taking that away this summer. very cool how all that has rubbed off on me
October 2, 2021
October 2, 2021
My Darling Husband Barry I miss you so much you would have been 87 on the 1st of Oct.I had a quiet day looking at photos of the good times we had together. We were a special couple and i will love you for ever
August 1, 2021
August 1, 2021
My darling Barry, I have just had my 80th birthday I had a lovely party at Jennys but the one person that was missing was you I miss you so much.Tuesday will be our wedding anniversary 4th August If its a fine day I will go to Orewa you used to love going to Orewa. I miss you so much.The kids are growing up Fynn will be 21 in November he has been so ill but better now studying computer engineering at Massey Pippa is 16 going to do psycology that would tickle you.I am going to New Plymouth next week Colbys 10 Chael and Cooper 9.Jen and i do the best we can caring for Harmony very difficult I love you my Darling there will never be any one else for me love you for ever xxx Nathan has 3 children Riley is 13 Paige 10 Clare is 4 he has a nice wife Caroline xxxxx
May 1, 2021
May 1, 2021
My darling Barry we would have been together 45 years on the 27th of April.I miss you so much, often I wake up in the night thinking Ill have a cuddle with you no you arent there I even look for you in the lounge then snuggle up on your Bed and cry love you forever xxx
December 30, 2020
December 30, 2020
Gramps Wow 7 years, thought i should tell you that your passion for fishing has rubbed off on me. i love surf-casting. it has allowed me to grow some life long friendships which is great, also all of the time that you took us camping as i love that to.

you are missed always
December 23, 2020
December 23, 2020
My darling Barry this will be the 7th Christmas without you.You used to love Christmas so much fun with Fynn and Pippa who are now grown up.Fynn is a loving caring man like you were.I miss you so much and will always love you for ever xxx
November 23, 2020
November 23, 2020
My Darling Barry it is 6 years since you left me I miss you every day.I miss your smile cuudles laughter your humour your warmth and kindness I miss my husband I will love you for ever I love you Jan your wife xxxx
October 21, 2019
October 21, 2019
the 1st October you would have been 85.I went out for the day and had lunch like we always used to enjoy doing.It is different on my own and I miss you terribly I still cry for you and wish you were here.some times I feel so alone, we used to have so much fun together I love you my darling and I always will for ever
November 23, 2018
November 23, 2018
My Darling Barry It is 4 years since you left I still feel your presence around me,Imiss you so much and I will always love you forever.You would be so upset to see Our wonderful Grand son Fynn so ill I have been asking God to heel him.He has grow up to be a beautiful young Man.Yesterday Beckys little Remi turned 2.You would be so proud of our family they are all so lovely I wish you were here so we could have a cuddle and a chat love you forever my darling I am still heart broken
October 1, 2017
October 1, 2017
My darling it is your birthday today I miss you so much I hate being alone, I get lonely.We remembered your birthday today you would have been 83.You loved your birthdays as we used to go to Jennys for tea and you always got chocolates which you loved .You would love to see all the grandies now growing up fast.I will love you forever xxxxx
August 25, 2017
August 25, 2017
I miss you so much the other morning I woke up suddenly I could hear your voice calling Jan Jan Jan; I sat up then I cried and cried I miss you so much and love you so much it hurts xxxx
June 25, 2017
June 25, 2017
My darling husband I miss you so much I will love you forever xxx
June 25, 2017
June 25, 2017
My darling husband I miss you so much I will love you forever xxx

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August 7
August 7
Sunday the 4th of August was our wedding Anniversary married 45 years together 48 years I miss you so much and i will love you for ever I was so lucky to hsve you for my husband
April 12
April 12
This month we would have been together 48 years, I still think of you and know you still are my dearly beloved husband I told you it would be for ever.Pippa turned 19 yesterday you so wanted to see her grow up, she is a beautiful young lady I am going to New Plymouth on Monday Brett is turning 60 it strange when our kids are getting old as well.The twins and Colby are at Intermediate and so is Riley.Sadly I dont see Nathans Kids I will love you always I miss you so much xxxxx
November 23, 2023
November 23, 2023
yesterday my darling was 9 years since you left us, a lot has happened in theat time Today Fynn who is now 23 is going to Denmark with the lovely Alexandra you would have loved these beautiful young people Pippa is at Auckland Uni about to do her 2nd year of psycology and criminology she is nearly 19 The twins are going to Intermediate next year .You never got to meet Remi Becks little boy has turned 7.I guess you know my brother Gary is there with you up there I will never stop loving you and will forever xxxx
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July 3, 2017

Barry loved fishing, every oppertunity.It was any kind of fishing One time we went on a family holiday to He he beach 5 kids caravan dingy on the roof, we all had a wonderful time there except for one kid.One day we decided to take them out on a fishing boat, we all had a fantastic time Brett and Phil were allowd to drive the boat the girls loved fishing Jenny caught a blind eal which was a bit scary Donna caught fish, we all caught fish except for Rosemary who didnt want to come and stayed back at the camp.
Barry loved entering fishing contests, Optii was the one, we camped at Torere beach just after the contest began he caught this huge snapper, we had to sit there all day wondering if it was the giggest of the day, he burried it in the sand so it wouldnt dry out #pm the contest finnished .In to the weigh in the traffic seemd to be really slow that day finaly we got there and yes it was the biggest fish of the day.Barry won $5000 what excitment. We went to our friends house Don and Sylvia Barrel Don was the local cop what fun we had,Bought new windows for the house with that money

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