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July 3, 2017

Barry loved fishing, every oppertunity.It was any kind of fishing One time we went on a family holiday to He he beach 5 kids caravan dingy on the roof, we all had a wonderful time there except for one kid.One day we decided to take them out on a fishing boat, we all had a fantastic time Brett and Phil were allowd to drive the boat the girls loved fishing Jenny caught a blind eal which was a bit scary Donna caught fish, we all caught fish except for Rosemary who didnt want to come and stayed back at the camp.
Barry loved entering fishing contests, Optii was the one, we camped at Torere beach just after the contest began he caught this huge snapper, we had to sit there all day wondering if it was the giggest of the day, he burried it in the sand so it wouldnt dry out #pm the contest finnished .In to the weigh in the traffic seemd to be really slow that day finaly we got there and yes it was the biggest fish of the day.Barry won $5000 what excitment. We went to our friends house Don and Sylvia Barrel Don was the local cop what fun we had,Bought new windows for the house with that money

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