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December 24, 2023
December 24, 2023
Good morning Barry! Christmas of 2023!! Miss you so much and love you more!! Think of you daily !!! My life has never been the same without you!!! Mom
February 25, 2023
February 25, 2023
Barry, Happy Happy Birthday! I love and miss you so much! One day we will be together again!!! ❤️
April 16, 2022
April 16, 2022
Hello my dear Son!
It is so amazing to believe that you have been gone for 11 years. I miss you so much everyday! I love you and wish I could give you a hug!!
Love Mom
April 16, 2021
April 16, 2021
Barry, so many things have changed since your passing 10 years ago. Some have been good and some not so good. One thing has not changed.....the fact that I miss you so much and love you more! One day I w understand more, but today I w just say that I love you so much and truly wish I could give you a hug!!! Love Mom
February 25, 2021
February 25, 2021
Barry Barry Barry! My dear son. You have been gone 10 years. Not. A day goes by that I don’t think of you and wish I could give you a hug. I love you yesterday, today, and always! Happy 42nd Birthday! 
February 25, 2020
February 25, 2020
Happy Birthday Barry! I love you more each and everyday!  I miss you so much! So much has happened this year. I know I w see you again some day and then we can just hug each other. “Love you to the Moon and Back”. Mom
April 16, 2019
April 16, 2019
Hi Barry, been thinking about you a lot. Can’t believe it has been 8 long years since you left. Miss you every day.
Love you so much!
February 25, 2018
February 25, 2018
Barry, wanted to let you know how much I love and miss you! It never gets easier.....Been a long year and I am sure you know I am selling the house. It is so hard for me to never be able to talk w you.  Have a great and wonderful birthday today my dear son!
Love Mom
April 16, 2017
April 16, 2017
Barry, today is Easter the day our savior rises again. Six long years. I miss you so much!  I wish we could talk, but I am sure you know how things as are going. I love you so much! See you soon. Love Mom
February 25, 2017
February 25, 2017
Barry, L love you and miss you more than you will ever know. We will be together again and then we can catch up. Hugs to you my dear son. Mom
February 25, 2017
February 25, 2017
You are in my heart and thoughts. I love you ❤️
February 25, 2016
February 25, 2016
I love you today, tomorrow, and always my son. Happy Birthday!  I hope you see the balloons I am sending your way.
April 17, 2015
April 17, 2015
Barry, 4 years.  I am so sad that I cannot see or talk with you.  I love you very much!  You will forever be in my heart.  Love Mom
April 16, 2014
April 16, 2014
Barry-just can't believe you have been gone three years. I miss you so much every day. I love you very much! See you again someday when we meet in Heaven.
February 25, 2014
February 25, 2014
Miss you more than words can say. I love you Barry, always will...
February 25, 2014
February 25, 2014
Barry.......just a short message that we love and miss you so much. Balloons on the way.
April 16, 2013
April 16, 2013
Hey Barry I was just up thinking about you. I love you very much! I wish I would of had one last chance to tell you that but I do know that one day I will get to hug you & tell I love you!
April 16, 2013
April 16, 2013
Hi Barry -
Well today you have been gone for 2 years. I miss and love you very much. I think about you everyday. I hope you are at peace. I love you so much Barry. Mom
February 26, 2013
February 26, 2013
I miss you so much Barry. It hurts knowing I can't see or talk to you anymore, but I know you are in a better place. I pray each night you feel the love and joy you gave to me, embrace you back. I know you are out there somewhere being larger than life, I just wish I could touch you, kiss you, and wish you happy birthday.
July 30, 2012
July 30, 2012
Oh my God...I can't belive this has happened. Barry you were one of the angels God put in my life, you were there for me when I lost my father and had no place to stay.. we had so many good times I don't know where to begin. I always talk about u Barry and will forever hold u dear to my heart for what u did Barry
April 17, 2012
April 17, 2012
Barry I think about all the time... There aren't words to express what I feel. I'm blessed to have known you and proud to have been your wife. I will always love you Barry, always. You are my sunshine... Mwah
April 16, 2012
April 16, 2012
Hey Bro..I miss you so much!!! I know we will one day see each other again. I hope you get the balloons we sent up to you today. I just wanted you to know I am thinking about you..I love you!!!
April 16, 2012
April 16, 2012
Death ends a life ~
but not a relationship!
Barry it has been 1 year today since you left us. I just cannot believe you are gone. The love I have for you is never ending. We are sending balloons your way today....I sure hope you get to see them.
Love forever and forever!
February 20, 2012
February 20, 2012
Hi Bear ~ Well it is almost your birthday. I have been thinking a lot about you. I hope you are at peace and not longer in pain.
I love you so much!
August 8, 2011
August 8, 2011
Barry was my uncle. The only times i really got to see him was on holidays when he would come home and visit. Although it wasnt for very long, some of my best family moments were when he was here. I loved him very much and I hope he knew that. One day we will see each other again
August 7, 2011
August 7, 2011
my name is tyler barry was my uncle the best uncle. all though i didnt see him much in last couple years of his life he knew that i loved him and he knows i will miss him very much until we meet again! i think he was proud of him and his accomplishments. i love you uncle barry

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