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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Basilio Rico, 35 years old, born on August 11, 1935, and passed away on April 16, 1971. We will remember him forever.
August 12
August 12
Happy heavenly birthday dad, your youngest daughter is always thinking of you and wishing that you could have been around to see her grow up and to meet your grandkids and great grandkids. But I will always remember that my dad loved me very much and I know this because my aunt Juana made sure to tell me how very much you loved me when I got to meet and know her before she went to be with you. She also gave me my one and only picture that I have of you. And she told me all kinds of stories and gave me a real understanding of who my father was, what he believed in and what he was passionate about. It gave me a true understanding of who I am and why I am the way that I am. I love you dad even if you were taken from me to soon to allow me to have any memories of you. Janie and my tia Juana were sure to tell me all about how you went to see me every day when I was in the hospital. And how you always would hold me as soon as you came home from work. I know my mom never wanted me to know anything about you and that's why she only talked bad about you. But once I met my tia and talked to your brothers after I turned 18. I realized that I did have a whole other side of my family that would have liked to have known me while I was growing up And now I know where my deep sense of family comes from from. I love you so much and miss you so much more
April 17, 2023
April 17, 2023
My father was taken awsy from hiz family longbefore heshould have beem. All 5 of the children he left behind remember him with lots of love. Even myself who was just a yr old miss him mote than i can put into words. I bever had a chance to make memories of myown with my dad. All i have from him is what i have been told about him. I was lucky enough to be able to get yo lnow my aunt his sister who gave me my girst picture of him and reassured me that i had many qualities that i had inherited from him. Such as my sense of family and how i want my family to be united and to always be there for each other. All od my sisters and my brother have their own memories of him butl i never got that chance which is why i am always left feelibg so alone even with people around me. If i could ask God to grant me jyst one wish it would be that i could spend even a few hours with him zo that i could hVe my owm memory of him to treasure with all my heart. Here we are 52 yeats later and i am still missing him and i crave tgat daddy figure in my life.
August 13, 2022
August 13, 2022
Dad another year has passed by and I still miss you more than ever. I long to have memories of my own that have not been handed down to me through other people. But in my heart I know that this will be er be because you were taken away so very soon. You too lost out on watching me your youngest grow up and missed out on being able to meet all your grandchildren and great grandchildren. Just with my you have 6 grandkids and 5 great grandkids. I would love to be able to share memories with my kids about you. But I can only tell them stories that your sister shared with me. But she too has been called back home so she is with you now as are all of your brothers. Once again I love you dad so very much.
April 13, 2018
April 13, 2018
Daddy, you were taken from us way too soon and even though I had a hard life not even having one memory of you until I was a mother myself. I can now see where I got my strong sense of family from. My Tia has given me many beautiful memories of you along with my sister so now I can honestly feel as though I know who my father was. I love and miss you with all my heart but know that one day we will see each other once again. Then i will be able to hug you and shower you with all the attention that i feel you missed out on.

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August 12
August 12
Happy heavenly birthday dad, your youngest daughter is always thinking of you and wishing that you could have been around to see her grow up and to meet your grandkids and great grandkids. But I will always remember that my dad loved me very much and I know this because my aunt Juana made sure to tell me how very much you loved me when I got to meet and know her before she went to be with you. She also gave me my one and only picture that I have of you. And she told me all kinds of stories and gave me a real understanding of who my father was, what he believed in and what he was passionate about. It gave me a true understanding of who I am and why I am the way that I am. I love you dad even if you were taken from me to soon to allow me to have any memories of you. Janie and my tia Juana were sure to tell me all about how you went to see me every day when I was in the hospital. And how you always would hold me as soon as you came home from work. I know my mom never wanted me to know anything about you and that's why she only talked bad about you. But once I met my tia and talked to your brothers after I turned 18. I realized that I did have a whole other side of my family that would have liked to have known me while I was growing up And now I know where my deep sense of family comes from from. I love you so much and miss you so much more
April 17, 2023
April 17, 2023
My father was taken awsy from hiz family longbefore heshould have beem. All 5 of the children he left behind remember him with lots of love. Even myself who was just a yr old miss him mote than i can put into words. I bever had a chance to make memories of myown with my dad. All i have from him is what i have been told about him. I was lucky enough to be able to get yo lnow my aunt his sister who gave me my girst picture of him and reassured me that i had many qualities that i had inherited from him. Such as my sense of family and how i want my family to be united and to always be there for each other. All od my sisters and my brother have their own memories of him butl i never got that chance which is why i am always left feelibg so alone even with people around me. If i could ask God to grant me jyst one wish it would be that i could spend even a few hours with him zo that i could hVe my owm memory of him to treasure with all my heart. Here we are 52 yeats later and i am still missing him and i crave tgat daddy figure in my life.
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The sidewalks all over El Cajon were laid by Bascilio Rico or Bill as he was known.

August 12
My father was known to so many by Bill Rico and he was known for his dedication to work and always tried to do work that he could be proud of. So many of the sidewalks throughout El Cajon city were laid by him and to this day you can walk around and look down and see where he signed his name on one corner of one sidewalk square on every job he did. He was also known to many of the police officers of that era as they would have picked him up and taken him to sober up in the drunk tank at one time or another.  But any drinking he did was done after he had completed his shift for the day. And most often after he had been to visit his baby girl who spent about 3 to 4 months as a newborn in the hospital. He always made sure to go to the hospital and carry her for some time before he would leave and go out drinking with his brothers. Even though I never got the chance to know my father even after I was grown and started dating my first boyfriend I would meet friends of his family who had worked with my dad and could tell me about him. In 54 years I have never met a person who could talk bad about my dad, I have always been told what a good person he was and how he loved his kids. 

He Was Murdered over a game of pool

September 19, 2021
My Father was shot and killed at the Mello Time Inn in El Cajon California on April 16, 1971. He had gone out drinking with his brothers and they played a game of pool against 2 men and when the men lost they were angry and followed him out into the parking lot. He was shot in the back as he went to get into his truck. He was later pronounced dead at the scene before his wife could make it there. She pulled uop as they were pronouncing him dead. He left behind 4 daughters between the ages of 18 and 1 1/2 years old, and 1 son age 5

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