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October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
My dearest sister friend Uzo I continue to pray for your healing a word we talked about so much this summer in South Africa. Gods ways are not our ways and his plans are not ours. Although we don't know why, we know that he is in eternity with Christ which is a beautiful thing. No more pain or suffering. I remember how your eyes lit up when you were talking to Ben on the phone and the excitement around the plans for the future. My heart grieves with you and the children and I pray that God sends his overwhelming comfort and peace to your hearts and minds. I think about the song we sang together "I just can't give up now" . Its moments like these where we truly live the words we sing and trust God even when we don't understand. I love you and pray daily for your strength. Be encouraged my sister, Be encouraged and let not your heart be troubled. Look always to the hills from whence cometh your help your help comes from God.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
I heard so much about Ben through my conversations with Uzo, but we never met. I thank God however for giving me the privilege of speaking with him twice on phone and what love, what wisdom those conversations were laden with! I looked forward to getting to know him better in South Africa, but alas, God has a better plan. Ben reflects so much through Uzo and the children and I am glad to know him through them. Ben will continue to live in our hearts. May the Lord grant you eternal rest and forever have His arms around Uzo, Maame and Ozor.
October 29, 2015
October 29, 2015
The Day i heard of your death, it took me thinking deep into why we are here on earth. Indeed you have lived a life God am sure will be pleased with. But i pray the Lord Jesus welcomes you to His fathers house and keep you there till we meet again. You are a candle that will burn with us on earth.

God keep you. Ben Damire fa Dua
October 29, 2015
October 29, 2015
Mr. Agyare-Kumi was a good man...a loving man and father. I saw that in him the day I first shook his hand and saw how he looked upon his children, Efua and Papa Kwame, with joy and pride. It was on a Sunday two years ago when he was visiting his wife and children in school. So humble in his demeanour, and so kind, I almost still, to this day, find it hard to believe that he is truly gone. Your memory shall be ingrained within us, because you are a person that ought to be remembered for your goodness and your love. It is my deepest wish that you rest soundly, away from the trials and suffering of life. We, the ones who will remember you, will continue to live in your stead and use your life as an example, to showcase the irreplaceable beauty and greatness in being humble. Be peaceful and sound as you rest. And thank you for your life, for without it, I would have never met Efua, one of my closest friends, and Papa Kwame, my little brother. Rest In Peace Mr. Agyare-Kumi.
October 29, 2015
October 29, 2015
My boyfriend as I always call you even in the presence of my husband.. You were more than a father, big brother and a mentor to me. My eyes cannot stop shearing tears even as I am writing this piece.
I keep asking myself, why you?? whom will I talk to when I am not my self in the office? whom will I share my joy and stressful moments with in the office? whom will I go out to eat lunch with now that you've left me? and I am finding it so difficult to believe you are gone too soon..

Dear God, please accept this beautiful and gentle soul in your bosom and console his family in this painful moments..

A great boss and a great friend I have lost.. I will forever miss you my boyfriend..

Rest in perfect peace in the bosom of our Lord!!
October 29, 2015
October 29, 2015
I am so sad to hear of Ben's passing. I knew him from his time at CRUK and remember him as a kind and warm hearted man. We used to laugh a lot, and he had a laugh you remember. My condolences to his friends and family. The world is a sorrier place without him.
October 29, 2015
October 29, 2015
A Tribute to my best friend

Dear Ben,

I find it odd and difficult writing a tribute to you and doing so in the past. I will therefore write in the present as I believe you are only gone for a while from the physical but you are with us in spirit. Indeed though a cord has been severed, you have left a part of your loving spirit in all your loved ones. We grieve your departure and not your loss for every soul that has come to know you has a part of you and bears witness.

You have always been the model of a school mate, an excellent friend, a brother, a caring father, a loving husband, an active Christian, an accountant and a business manager. All who have met you in this 47 years journey bear witness to your clear and visible qualities which are both earthly and divine.

I have been fortunate to witness you on the stage of life in all these roles in the last 26 years and you have excelled. You have been a positive influence on me and others in all these areas. I do not just say it, we discussed these at various times and you know they are true to you. I am eternally grateful. 

As a school mate, you have shown brilliance, been focused and have been an achiever. As an excellent friend, you have demonstrated trustworthiness, love, care and kindness, thoughtfulness, no guile, God-fearing, a great counsellor and always exhibited unparallel wisdom. Your integrity and ‘pure at heart’ character, your calmness, assuredness and positive attitude make all difficult situations seem easy to deal with. You held no grudges and have always been sensitive to others needs. To you, with Christ at heart, all things are possible and every problem has a solution.

As a brother, you have always adored your siblings with passionate eagerness and deep love. You have always shared your resources and precious time without holding back.

As a loving model father, you score highly. Your two loving and wonderful children are model children thanks to you and Uzo. They are disciplined and respectful, brilliant academically, God-fearing, caring, focused and ambitious. Simply, they have brilliant futures and are excellent examples and positive influence on all - both young and old. Well done.

As a husband, you have been a wonderful and loving husband to Uzo, your soul mate, life friend and soul love. You have been her darling and your affection and glowing love have never waned. This is love made in heaven, an eternal love. She dearly and deeply misses you, send Godly comfort please. Thanks for making me your best man in this wonderful match.

As a Christian, You have contributed worthily to the body of Christ. You have been a founding member of your church; you have been a regular and active member and have fulfilled the mandate to bring others to Christ and the kingdom of God-the ultimate mission of our lives. Well done and be ushered into the Kingdom of God for you have earned it.

Your dedication and prayers have been exemplary. We prayed at every opportunity. The fruits of the Spirit inhabit you. Patience, calmness, love, kindness and peace that surpass understanding are your hallmarks. These have not been difficult to see, for you demonstrated them every day. Your Godly wisdom compelled all and sundry to seek your counsel. May the face of God shine on your soul and find rest in his bosom.

As an accountant and a business manager, you have been an exemplary professional, exuding the ethics of the profession with hard work, dedication, commitment, transparency, trustworthiness, accountability and probity. Your employer, staff and senior managers have loved and treasured you. You have been committed, dependable and reliable with a great sense of confidentiality. The space you have left cannot be filled. I know because I have worked with you for the last three years.

I am pleased to have witnessed you glaze this earth with such striking qualities. Your work has not been finished hence we grieve your untimely call home.

Even in your hospital bed you exuded your natural qualities. You did not want chaos, you asked us to stop complaining, you prayed and said ‘What a friend we have in Jesus’ you enjoyed Psalm 121 and Numbers 6; 24-26; You always smiled with hope and positive expectation; You were at peace in spite of the pain you bore; You comforted us when you said you ‘‘are ok’ and not ‘will be ok’.

You fought a good fight and strengthened us with positive signs of recovery. Your call to rest in Christ’s bosom took us by surprise. But God is God and how do we question him? We praise him for your life and the pleasure to share it with us.

Till we meet again in Heaven, you will eternally be my best friend. God bless you dear Ben.

Your dear friend Robert
October 29, 2015
October 29, 2015
Uncle Ben what a "sad news " to receive the news of your  death through Facebook. It is even more painful to think of your beautiful and caring family in this sorrowful period. I have always hoped and prayed to see your family that showed me so much love face to face again but now you have gone to rest with the Lord so soon. May nothing hurt you in the land of the living. Your kindness and goodness will speak for you before the throne of God. May the angels of God continue to light up your candle of hope until we meet to part no more. Good night kind-hearted man. We will miss you forever
October 28, 2015
October 28, 2015
Ben was a much respected colleague of mine from Cancer Research UK. I was deeply saddened to hear the news today. I hope his family can take comfort knowing how much Ben was liked and admired. Rest in peace x
October 28, 2015
October 28, 2015
Ben was a very kind and gentle man who commanded genuine respect from all his colleagues at Cancer Research UK. I have vivid memories of Ben and feel deeply sadened at his untimely passing. God be with you Ben and your loving family.
October 28, 2015
October 28, 2015
I knew Ben when he worked for Cancer Research UK in England. A lot of people have described Ben as gentle and a gentleman, never were truer words said. So, so sad to hear of his untimely passing and I offer my heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.
October 28, 2015
October 28, 2015
Uncle Ben, I was waiting patiently for your return to the office for a hug from me and to say "I thank God for your life". I can not accept and belief that such a grate man full of passion is gone just like that.

It is my prayer to the almighty God to fill every vacuum created by your pass on and console all your love ones especially your dear wife, Maame and Papa.

“Precious in the sight of Jehovah is the death of his saints” (Psalm 116:15).

“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord . . . they do rest from their labours” (Revelation 14:13).

You were a blessing to your generation.

Uncle Ben, may your rest with your maker be peaceful.
October 28, 2015
October 28, 2015
Ben, I wish I could say you left us suddenly. But indeed you gave some of us the opportunity to say goodbye (even though we didn’t know it then). We were so hopeful that you would recover. Honestly, you beat the odds with your recovery. You gave all of us hope and my question to God when I heard the news of your passing was, “WHY?” Why give us so much hope only to snatch it away from us? But what I heard in my spirit was, “I am God! I know what to do and when to do it”. And so what can I say but to thank God for the opportunity of meeting and sometimes working with you. I will forever remember your calm and peaceful countenance and demeanor. I will remember your smile and all our interesting discussions on various cuisines. I will not forget your advice to me about disciplining and getting my staff in line by “intentionally” blowing my top and overreacting since that seems to be the language some people understand. Ben, I will miss you and I will try to talk to you as often as I can. You have transitioned into another world- a beautiful blissful world where I hope to meet you one day. We are saddened by your departure but I refuse to say your passing was untimely because I believe you lived a full life. You accomplished what you were sent here to do and God has called His son back to Himself. I pray that God will console Uzo, the kids, the entire family and your loved ones. I know that God will take care of us all till we meet again.
Heaven has indeed gained a great soul and they must be rejoicing.
October 28, 2015
October 28, 2015
Boss Ben Agyare-Kumi was more of a father than a manager. His humility was matchless. He was an affable person and constant in love towards everyone.Never will you see him discouraged no matter the circumstance. He worked happily with anyone he came across- young or old. I have been working for the past fifteen years of my life, but I must say that I have never come across his kind. He was an angel sent to grace my life here on earth. He is a summary of everything I wanted in a manager especially his patience and desire to ensure that every worker found his feet and contributed in no small way to the growth of the company. Boss will inspire, stretch ,challenge and encourage you in all situations. My greatest professional mentor of all time.Wished that this relationship lingered on for a long time to come.Truly,great bosses are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget. I would eternally be grateful to you for your influence and impact. Painful though is your death, your contributions to the development of colleagues and subordinates alike will always be remembered.Your short life on earth will be celebrated now and always.May the Good Lord find you a place of rest for your selfless soul.
October 27, 2015
October 27, 2015
What a shock!!! What a Shock!! It is still hard to believe that you have really gone, when we phoned to wish you well, just a few days before God called you home, little did Kweku and I know that, that would be the last time we talked to you. Ben, you fought a good fight, with your loving Uzo on your side, may your gentle soul rest in perfect peace. We pray that the Almighty God who gives and takes, comforts and strengthens your dear wife and soul mate and your beautiful children Maame and Papa. Uzo it is well, it is well, God knows best.
October 27, 2015
October 27, 2015
If wishes were roses, then, I Obiesili would have wished the Lord Almighty to bring you back to us. But since this is not the case, we accept the will of God which has fallen upon us all. Like the passage in the book of Jeremiah which says “The will or decisions of God Almighty do not bring to us disaster, hatred but love and peace”, yes, to those of us you have left behind we will have love and peace because that is what you would have wished for us. Adieu my worthy and gentle in-law. Requitem in pax pacis.
October 27, 2015
October 27, 2015
I'm finding it very difficult putting words together to celebrate the life of this Great man who ever lived in this world. Am filled with tears to the brim as I write this tribute.

Oh death why are you so cruel? I'm calling you Sir, Sir, please respond to me.

You were one of the greatest sons Ghana had ever produced and blessed be the womb that gave birth to a fine gentleman like you.

A big brother i never had, a role model i have been deprived of, my mentor i will always crave for. A blessed son of the land who have served his nation, family and friends well till the end.

Our paths crossed in 2012 and i have only known you for three years of my life but it feels like i have known you forever.

The perfect BOSS anybody could ever ask for, always advising, disciplining cautioning and directing us on the right paths.
A friend and a brother for a lifetime. So protective of your Beloved Wife and great kids. You never stopped talking about them to those of us who were very close to you.

Though you can't read what i'm writing i am with conviction without any shred of doubt that you are living comfortably and blissfully with your maker who is pleased with your life on earth.

Your humble nature and modest life you lived during your lifetime is what i will continue to emulate for as long as i live on this earth. You are one of the favorites on the lips of everyone who knew you close and afar. Your life on earth deserves celebration. You left a legacy of discipline honesty and believing God for everything in our lives for the ones who got very close to you.

Someone like you appear once in a lifetime and i am extremely grateful to my Maker for creating me to witness the presence of this great personality.

May God grant you heaven to enjoy as we wait for our turn to meet you once again. If there is one wish to make i will ask God to reverse the hands of time to bring you back to us; but like the saying goes God knows best.

May the Almighty God guide us to walk your steps to be as great as you were during your lifetime, and may He also wipe away our tears and make us stronger as we face each day in our lives without you. I ask for God's Protection guidance and continuous support for Your amazing and beloved wife Uzo and kids.

From your little sister and friend who is constantly in tears as to why this should ever happen to a great person like you and remembering your enviable legacies you left behind. Rest in the bosom of the Lord till we meet again. Rest in Perfect Peace Sir!!
October 27, 2015
October 27, 2015
He was the Boss, but you can't really tell if he was, because he was just so gentle and good hearted ...... I wish I could use the best of the bests words to describe this man............. It takes a special person to make others feel better about themselves, Mr BEN was that special person, I really will miss him. May his soul rest in perfect peace Amen!!
Love from Nigeria
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
My darling, darling, that is what we called each other when we were fooling around, which was often. Life was what we made it. We loved each other passionately: physically, emotionally and socially. We were enough for each other.

Each day I awake to realize it is true. You are no longer physically with me. I won't get to hear our I love you any more. I won't get to kiss your lips and savour your lips against mine. I won't get to see your smiling twinkle. I won't get to hear you tell me 'Uzo, you can do it.

No longer will I be held in your arms and enjoy your bear hug. I was not ready to let you go. I had so much to say. We had unfinished business. Remember our conversations about our future! We were looking forward to new beginnings. Here I am, lost and confused. Bewildered in my grief and pain. My God, my God!!! There are no words left in me to write. Nothing more to say than I love you to infinity.

I will live for you my darling. Thank you for loving me just as I am. You were my greatest champion, my cheerleader. It's not goodbye. It's see you later. In my dreams, in our children, in the future yet unborn. I am yours. Goodnight my King. Your beloved.
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
We the Wilson family Salute a true man of God who loved his wife Uzo and children Maame and Ozor with a pure love. Our Ben has left a legacy of kindness. We are confident that he is now in the arms of the Lord. Ben you are missed and we will always remember your calm soft voice. Rest in peace our friend and brother. You will never be forgotten.
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
Today we the Wilson family salute a great man of God a family man that loved with a pure love for his wife Uzo and children Maame and Ozor. Our Ben who has left a legacy of kindness. Ben you will be missed and especially your gentle warm voice. Thank you so much for being apart our lives and you will be remembered always. We still find it hard to believe that you are not in this world anymore. It's comforting to know that you have gone to be with the Lord. Rest in peace our friend and brother.
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
When I first saw you and heard you speak, the gentleness of your voice and character was in every sense captivating. I remember when you came during parents teachers conference to enquire about how Papa was doing in my subject. Your sense of confidence in the little man and your gentle rebuke madr one long for such rebukes because they were replete with love.
As John Donne said, soon death does take our best men with him and I writ that you were one of our very best. But as Donne notes, it is a transitional journey to rest of the body and the souls delivery. May you rest in the blossom of the most high. Till we meet at the purple gate...

For Auntie Uzo, Maame and PK may yhe almighty be your strength.
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
Gentle Ben, the first time I met you I was overjoyed that you and Uzo were together.
I knew that you were going to be good for her and with her. I was not wrong.
Over the years I have observed with pleasure albeit from afar the joy, love, confidence and contentment that Uzo exudes and have always loved, cherished and respected you as I do my dear sister Uzo.
I was excited seeing you in March after so many years, couldn't wait to shake your hand and hear that calm, steady and reassuring voice, see your smile that grew from your eyes.
Every memory of you that I hold is a pleasant one. I'm sure you had your faults but I knew of none.
The world does not know what it has lost but we do. Your lovely and loving soul rests in perfect peace with our creator, our creator will strengthen Uzo, Papa, Maame for your loss is irreplaceable, irreparable, unbelievable especially for them but also for us.
What are we but mere mortals, our creator blessed us all with you and has taken back the gift of you.
We are left with beautiful memories of a beautiful person and soul.
It has been a pleasure knowing you and we will miss you sorely.
We give praises to the most high for the honour and privilege of knowing you.
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
Uzo, when I was sending you a message on your birthday, little did I know that Ben was gone. Today, I preached at a funeral in my parish here in Canada and was telling them about the tradition in Ghana about the various titles on obituary. Ben's title would be GONE TOO SOON!

Uzo, Papa and Maame, I pray for strength for you I this difficult moments.

Ben why did you leave us at this time? Well, we take consolation in the fact that you're at a better place with the Lord.

Rest in peace!
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
My beautiful cousin! The sweetest of them all.... You took time out to call, supporting, encouraging, advising! We shared a common birthday and I always looked forward to that phone call.... This news is beyond shocking. My heart cries but even now I see your gentle smile saying it's ok... I am ok...
Go with God, rest in his faithful arms... its not goodbye... its only till we meet again! ×××
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
Ben, I did not know you well but what I knew I will not forget - your gentleness, steadiness, integrity, humour and easy going manner. You and Uzo made a great couple, complementing each other wonderfully. I marvelled at the way you were able to love, encourage and support your wife, and family. You have departed way too early but you have achieved so much! May God grant you eternal rest.
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
I am still in shock at this rather sad news of your passing Ben. Just when I had been told you were improving. We prayed and prayed and believed God heard us. But "His purpose that shall stand". At such a young age and in the prime of your life, we can't seem to stop asking God why. But He orders the steps of the righteous and His plans for us are good not of evil to bring us to an expected end.
Sleep on in peace Ben knowing that He is able to keep that which is entrusted into His hands. He will keep Uzo and the children in the palm of His hands. He will supply all their needs according to His riches in glory and for His name's sake. He will keep them in perfect peace.
So till the trumpet sounds when you and others who are resting in the Lord shall rise again, to join with the living to be with our Saviour forever, do sleep on in the bosom of the Almighty.
Rest peacefully in the Lord.
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
Oh Paa Kwei!

You fought an unexpected battle. Though your loved ones wished for speedy bodily recovery, God decided it was time for your eternal rest. This comforted me when another dear one graduated into heaven and it comforts me again and I share with Uzo, who we will continue to hold dear & treasure as is with my darling niece and nephew you left behind!

Isaiah 57:1-2

1 The righteous man perishes, and no man takes it to heart; And devout men are taken away, while no one understands. For the righteous man is taken away from evil, 2 He enters into peace; They rest in their beds, Each one who walked in his upright way.

We know this to be true because you were a gentle giant and you walked uprightly, your example for us to also emulate and follow.

Rest in the bosom of your Lord & Savior eternally, peacefully until we are favored to meet you again.

Susan Naana Sackey.
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