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May 16
May 16

Happy Birthday!

Your brief but spectacular life continues to live on with those whose life you touched either in person or on TV! I am sure your colleagues at Carnegie Mellon have wonderful memories of being in Class with you!


May 16
Dear Ben,
Another year has passed and it's your birthday once again. Remembering you with fondness and praying that you are happy there in heaven with your loved ones and still acting in some way or form. I will always remember you.
May 13
Dear Ben,
Remembering you today with great admiration. Admiration for all you accomplished in your short life, and admiration for the special person you were to those who knew and loved you. Always in my heart.
May 1
May 1

As the month of May begins = remembering you - as you were born during this month, and you also left this month, for other creative fields, that we do not know exist after we leave this realm.

As a Taurus, you were creative, caring, charming, and talented. It was wonderful to see you, in the production, of " The Skin of our Teeth," at Wayne State University.  You were a graduate student intent on acting, directing - a young man on a mission.

All the best - wherever you have landed - hopefully - in a creative field of endless exploration.
December 22, 2023
December 22, 2023

Many of your fans are still enjoying your performances via your roles in TV productions.  For the many of us who come and go in life - we don't live on in memory, as the years pass. With my students, we finished reading " The Iliad," by Homer and the choice of Achilles going into battle with the Trojans , as opposed to going back home to Greece , after his argument with Agamemnon, has made his name live on.

The career you chose, opened up a portal, for many to get to know you through your creative output. For the many, who knew you personally, it means so much that you presence is still with us.


December 22, 2023
December 22, 2023
Dear Ben,
Another Christmas is drawing near and I'm still so sad that you're gone. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas with your loved ones in Heaven. You are always in my heart.
November 11, 2023
November 11, 2023
Dear Ben,
I don't know what your duties were as a 1st Lieutenant in the Army during the Vietnam War, but on this Veterans Day, I want you to know your service will always be honored and cherished by me. Forever in my heart.
May 16, 2023
May 16, 2023
16 May 2023


In remembrance of your Birthday today. I would like to share with you a film I recently viewed , " After Life," by Kore-eda Hirokazu , the Korean Director, whose films I am sure you would have enjoyed. 

" After Life,: is a film about what happens after death , where people have a week to choose only one memory to keep for eternity. It makes the dead and us the viewers question on what is the quality of one's life? What is it in this life that we would like to keep with us forever? What comprises our favorite memories and how do we understand our lives in relation? What do we do with these memories and how do they shape us? 

It is an innovative story that this film presents . Film and your career in television will be in memory for a long time. My seeing your performance In the Play " A Skin of Our Teeth," at Wayne State University, opened up a portal to my love of Theater, which in turn, I have introduced over the years to my students. Our ideals of intensity and experience are connecting threads.

You taught me , over the time we knew each other, that true happiness is in the time we give to others , and through creative acts, which you have done over time in your career..  Film, is the food, that has actors last forever in the eyes of an audience.

Maria Bessa Asvos
May 16, 2023
May 16, 2023
Dear Ben,
Happy Heavenly Birthday! Thinking of you today and realizing just how much time has passed since I first saw you on Return To Peyton Place back in 1972. You were such a mesmerizing, talented actor and I will always remember you.
Bless You,
May 13, 2023
May 13, 2023
Dear Ben,
Remembering this anniversary of your passing with a heavy heart. I can't help but wish you could have remained on this earth a little longer until all your dreams were fulfilled.
May 13, 2023
May 13, 2023
Dear Ben,

Happy Birthday!

In remembering that this day was your Birthday, I will be watching one of your favorite films, " Doctor Zhivago" that you were excited to share with me,  as we watched it together, at a Movie Theater close to Wayne State University, when you were in Graduate School. One of your desires, other than acting was Directing. You obviously admired the English Director, David Lean, who directed " Doctor Zhivago."

As tomorrow is Mother's Day, I remember your sharing with me your love and admiration for your Mother. I am certain , that she was very proud of your creative life, that opened up a portal for you in the Film Industry.

There is much to remember, reflect , and treasure, in the friendship that we shared, as students, at Wayne State University.

Maria Bessa Asvos

February 24, 2023
February 24, 2023
Dear Ben,

After many years, I just now found out, that you have been gone for many years but not forgotten. Our friendship at Wayne State University, where I had the pleasure of seeing you in the play " The Skin of Our Teeth," showed your passion for theater and your passion in obtaining your MA in Directing.

I was delighted to read of the performances you left behind in your career in TV and I know if your life had been longer, you would have continued to expand on your creative pursuits. Everything that you did you did with heart, soul, charm and loving kindness. Your service to your country is something that your parents must have been proud off. I believe you also had a younger brother.

That your life ended at the age of 38 saddened me as you enjoyed and appreciated so much of life. Your love of theater, learning, food, music, dancing, and friendships were so much a part of you and which you shared with others. I hope that since we knew each other at Wayne State University, you found joy and happiness in all aspects of a creative life that was well lived, in your 38 years.

You have always been held dear in my heart, and I have treasured the time I knew you during your time at Wayne State University.


January 30, 2023
January 30, 2023
I was just a tween when Ben appeared in the afternoon soap opera RETURN TO PEYTON PLACE.  I became an instant fan. So handsome, so rugged and so talented. I am happy to see some other tv shows he appeared in. I will find them and watch Ben perform in them. So sorry you left the world so early in life. Forever a fan. 
May 13, 2022
May 13, 2022
Dear Ben,
Another year has gone by, and I am once again saddened by the anniversary of your passing. You are forever in my thoughts and heart. I will never forget you.
May 16, 2021
May 16, 2021
Happy 79th birthday, Ben. Wish you were still here with those of us who love you and treasure the short time you had in this world.
May 13, 2021
May 13, 2021
Dear Ben,
I can't believe today marks 40 years since your passing. I miss you more than ever and will keep you in my thoughts and heart forever. Love you always.
October 27, 2020
October 27, 2020
I always love to see whatever became of performers on long-ago TV shows. I just watched an episode of, The Waltons, and was saddened to read it was Ben Andrews' last performance ever, as he died a few months later at a youngish age. Pneumonia took my father, also, and is a cruel illness and difficult death. I'm so sorry.
July 11, 2020
July 11, 2020
Dear Ben,
You didn't know me, and now never will.
My heart aches with sadness for what must be,
Yet I think of you always, and pray for you still.

                    A Truly Devoted Fan,

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