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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, BENEDICT ALAGH, 42, born on August 3, 1969 and passed away on March 10, 2012. We will remember him forever.

March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
Rest on sir. Continue to watch over your lovely family here as an angel.
March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
Death is not extinguishing the light. It is putting out the lamp because the dawn has come. Life has to end. Love doesn’t.

Rest In Peace Sir.
March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
Dad I just want to tell you that the future is bright and God has to so good to us since you became one with Gods consciousness.
I know you are watching over us all and you’re proud of us all. Words will never be enough to describe the void left behind yet at Gods ordained time we will all be reunited in ones.
I love you Pops.❤️

March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
Let's all live our life bearing in mind that one day we will also be remembered for the good impact we shared while on earth.,death is inevitable.
thank God for the good memory and good lessons you thought us uncle,we will continue to miss you but God love you most. continue to rest in the bossom of our Lord
March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
Terkulathat is what I called you, from our days together in group D88 UI medical school. You were such a bright mind, such a bright light. I believe you are still shining as a star in The Lord’s presence. Continue to rest in peace.
Rosalyn and the children will continue strong and kept in His loving care.
March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
My brother, my baby brother. As days grow into years, we miss you the more. We however find consolation in the good life you lived and the good memories you left. Rest in peace until we meet to part no more
March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
Continue to rest in the bossom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Till we meet again.
March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
Hi Sweetheart,
I can’t believe it’s 8 years since you left Mother Earth. Wow how time flies. The children are amazing and keeping me on my toes .
Loads of Happy memories have kept me strong throughout these difficult years. The GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTY has been with us every step of the way and I wouldn’t have survived this long if not for GOD’s AWESOME LOVE over us.
I miss the roses , pampering, fresh poems ......... but I would never trade the precious years we shared.
You were far wiser, too wise beyond your age and am glad some of that robbed of on me . I keep hearing remarkable things from old friends and sometimes strangers who testify you mentored them.
My Angel you live in our hearts forever.
March 9, 2020
March 9, 2020
Dear Dad,
I really miss you. I am all grown now , married and I really wished you were here on my big day. Mum is holding up quite well. She is still the strong beautiful woman you married. Shise, Ageba and George are doing well too. I know you are an angel, guiding us and protecting us. Thank you Dad. For all the good memories, disciplines and teachings. I love you. Continue to rest on dad, till we meet.
March 9, 2020
March 9, 2020
Continue to Rest In Peace Ben
Time does fly indeed.
Best !

August 4, 2019
August 4, 2019
It’s been difficult writing my thoughts today because We had looked forward to your 50th Birthday. 10 years ago, we had a surprise BD for you and you were truly surprised.
Now GOD has made you an Angel watching over us. So I say THANK GOD ALMIGHTY for having blessed us with an Angel Ben..............
August 3, 2019
August 3, 2019
50 auspicious years since you graced this earth with your presence and contributions. Continue to watch over your wife and kids, and indeed the rest of us, where you are, the right hand of the Lord!
August 3, 2019
Today we will have been celebrating your birthday, but alas what we have is memories of the good times we shared. My friend and brother you will forever be remembered.
March 15, 2019
March 15, 2019
Rest on brother, the Lord's right hand!
March 12, 2019
March 12, 2019
My Oga,
It is 2 days after the 7th anniversary of your passing. I remember you always, I refer to you always. Last night I repeated one of your quotes to my close circle of friends "remember not only who butters your bread, but also on which side it is buttered". You were more than a boss or a supervisor. You had a large, unbiased heart.
I thank God for the time you shared with me to learn. I remember your words to me when I was moved from Nasarawa to Bauchi; you said "Iyo, I still want to be your direct supervisor, the position of VSL no longer exists in Nasarawa and I won't be supervising SocMob consultants".
I am glad Rosalyn is doing a wonderful work with the children. All is well here.
March 11, 2019
March 11, 2019
Dear Ben,
Today as always,I remember you. My encounter with you is ever fresh. I met you during the days of NPI meetings at Bauchi, both of us coming from our jobs to participate in the immunization programme. I cant remember us being very close but when I retired from the Nigerian Army you got the news from a mutual friend, asked for my CV and facilitated my placement in Gombe as a Vaccine Security /Logistics. You became a mentor to many of us and what ever I know now in Vaccine Management I owe to you. I know Ben that where ever you are now you will be happy for me that I am one of the astute vaccine management experts and EVMA certified two times over. Under your mentorship I attended and obtained the MLM certification and counting. Ben , you are an asset which I find difficult to describe in the past tense. Rest on friend, Brother, Mentor as I am sure we will meet in HIS bosom to part no more.
March 11, 2019
March 11, 2019
I never got the opportunity to meet you, but I live and see everyday your unique legacy and beautiful creation in Mummy Roselyn , shise and Ageba. Your brilliant and humanitarian footsteps will forever remain on our sand of life. Smile on... sing on... rest on .... because even in death your life still remains a benchmark for me to attain.
March 11, 2019
I went there today
I went to see how he was doing
And just like every other day that I have visited him
He was quite, unable to move and still stuck deep down in the sand.
He no longer can hear you, speak to you, or play with you.
A voice whispered.
He is nothing but maggots now.... That same voice whispered
It didn't matter to me.... I still sat
It has been like this for the past seven years
And as I stare at his grave
The memories of him were...
Just fresh like yesterday
I wailed and cried for hours
Hoping that today maybe different... I wish so deeply that it could be different!
That he will just come out and tell me.... Those are all fairytale ...
This is reality... Am alive! Yes your friend is alive.... Come let's play like we use to.
I feel pained... Dear God
Do you care!
I must say... Just as much as I see you as my father and friend
I really wish you asked me how I will feel ... Before taking my physical friend. I miss him.
And am here stuck with my pen
Writing how much I miss him.. Like that will make you change your mind
And bring him back to me
The graveyard so silent... But the sound of my cries couldn't wake you. Fair thee well my friend.
March 11, 2019
March 11, 2019
Seven years already, and many things still bring memories of you regularly to mind, Ben. Your gentleness, kindness, sincere concern for others and your willingness not simply to show your concern but to DO SOMETHING about it. Your willingness to lead and to learn. Your love for your family and your nation. Your laughter and sense of humour! The way you spoke Yoruba! Your love of music! I could go on.

Blessed be God for those wonderful and unforgettable memories made from Ibadan to Kaduna and beyond. They bring smiles. Thanks be to God for Roselyn, Shise and Ageba; may He continue to watch over them and the rest of your family and loved ones. Continue your rest in the Bosom of The One with the Everlasting Arms.
March 10, 2019
March 10, 2019
Hello Ben. I never met you, but I heard a lot from Roselyn. You left a mark that cannot be erased. We celebrate you even in death. Roselyn and the children are fine and are doing well, though I know they miss you a lot. Keep singing with the angels.
March 10, 2019
March 10, 2019
Letter from Ageba,
Daddy, I also remember that I only saw you when I was 1 and I really miss you.
Happy 7th anniversary of your ascendance into heaven to meet our Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ. I also want to tell you that we are going to light
candles in your memory. I love you, Daddy.
March 10, 2019
March 10, 2019
Letter from Shise,
Dear Dad,
I hardly remembered us being together when you were still down here but from what I have heard and seen I know that,
1. You brought smiles to people's faces and
2. You were amazing and comforted my mum and family in any possible way you could.
I know that some people in school tease me because I do not have a physical dad but I know in my heart that you will always remain my dad and GOD will always be my dad too.
March 10, 2019
March 10, 2019
I never met you but heard a lot about you from Rosy. Rosy is my friend and sister. And I love her and the kids so much. My dear may the gentle soul of your late husband continue to rest in peace.
March 10, 2019
March 10, 2019
My beloved Dr,brother and amazing in law. It's seven years today since you left us ,but it still sims like yesterday because of the impact you left on us all .We have all moved on ,but strongly feel you each day of daily lives.Thanks to God for preserving each and everyone of us to see this day and your love will continue to dwell around and within us all ,Amen.
March 10, 2019
March 10, 2019
Dad your legacy lives on in each and everyone of us.
So much has changed these years past but the memories of your genuine kindness and interest in people, your wise counsel and love.
I will live on to remember .
Love you Dad forever and always.
March 10, 2019
March 10, 2019
Farewell to a fine Gentleman. The Children were surprised (we prayed a celebration of your life today in church) to learn it was 7 years since you have been gone. We miss you greatly but we find solace in the fact that you joined the Angels to watch over us and for that we are comforted.
We love you, until we meet again!
March 10, 2019
March 10, 2019
7 years has passed so soon and not a day has gone by without fun memories of you. I thank GODf for Strength, wisdom, knowledge and understanding . Thanks to Our beautiful children, family and friends. Thank you for standing by us.
Am encouragief each day by this BIBLE verse:
“No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭10:13‬ ‭MSG‬‬
March 10, 2019
March 10, 2019
It’s seven year already but it feels like yesterday. I still remember vividly how it happened and until you were laid to rest, I believed you will come back. Was that crazy of me? Maybe yes. But for me, you were too GOOD to leave this earth.
A lot of things have changed since you’ve been gone. We all have grown;
Shise is 9. She is beautiful, hardworking and intelligent just like you.
Ageba is strong, funny and super smart, although he doesn’t like doing his assignments on time (☺️).
George and I have graduated from the university and are doing pretty well.
I wish you were here to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
I keep wishing things didn’t turn out like this but who am I to question God.
Instead of been sad, I choose to celebrate you for been an excellent Father, Husband, Brother, Friend etc. Thank you for believing in me.Thank you for loving us. Thank you for been patient and caring for us. We LOVE YOU.
You were a good man. Friend to All, father to All, brother to All, helper to All. You touched the lives of so many while you were here. You believed in people even when they didn’t believe in them selves (i am a living testimony to that). Those who knew you can testify that you were kind, humble, intelligent, strong and had a great sense of humor.
I still remember what you always tell me when I do something wrong that you’d rather correct me here and spend eternity in heaven than allow me have my way and spend that same eternity in Hell. I know that you are spending your eternity in HEAVEN and till we meet, you’d always remain in our HEARTS. Rest on DAD.
March 11, 2018
March 11, 2018
Rest in peace brother! We are sad but comforted by your presence at the right hand of the Lord , Rest on
March 10, 2018
March 10, 2018
One of the saddest news it was in 2012 but we are greatful uncle for every memorable moment with you, the laughter on everybody's face,the knowledge at every giving opportunity you passed,the joy and love that naturally flows in the house,the unity and oneness,words can't express but thank God for the good memories,impact that was and is still associated with you sir,we still miss you daily but we are relieved knowing you are in a better place,we will meet to part no more someday.
March 10, 2018
Today a little butterfly flew by me.
I thought to myself where have you been little butterfly.
You come into this world as a cocoon all by yourself and blossom into
this beautiful butterfly and fly off to see the world.
What you don't realize little butterfly as you flutter through your days
is how you touch those around you in your soft gentle way.
You don't even realize the wonder and awe you create around you.
He fluttered his wings toward me as if he was waving good-by as he
headed towards the horizon.
He looked very happy and content as he went on his way, as if to say
to me "Don't worry I'll be okay".
I was sad to see him go for he had touched my heart in such a way that
I knew my life would never be the same.
He had left an imprint of all the beauty life has to offer.
I knew each time I looked at another butterfly or horizon I would
remember our moment in time when it was only you and I.
I knew I would be a better person all because this little butterfly flew by me one bright sunny day.
You will never be forgotten my brother and friend.
March 10, 2018
March 10, 2018
Brother, it's been 6 yrs and I miss you very much.
sometimes out of selfishness when I face hard times and wish you are here so I can crawl to you. But most times I miss your simple ways, wise counsel and funny jokes.

brother, Mother is alive and solid as a rock; she is known now as Roselyn. you were right and we are glad you saw it long ago.
I am sorry I was a prodigal child, praised be to God i am now a grown man focussing my energy on important things as you advised.
I love you very much and can't thank you enough for the foundation you laid for us.
Rest on in Peace through Christ our Lord!!
March 10, 2018
March 10, 2018
Though time flies, it seems like yesterday. Painful it was and still is. But, my consolation is that one day, one day we will meet to part no more. Rest in peace my baby brother.
March 10, 2018
March 10, 2018
Ben, it has been six years just like yesterday. God knows best. I still have a fond memory of your interactions with me and others around me. I remember the ride from Bauchi to Abuja which gave me a great opportunity to know how humane you were; how simplistic your ideas were and how passionate you were about others' welfare. Rest on, brother.
March 10, 2018
March 10, 2018
I write this with teary eyes on this never to be forgotten day. Few days ago, I and David Mshebwala discussed you and we do this anytime we are together. Same with others that you mentored, supported, supervised etc. You have a fine mind, a large heart, ever humorous and very cerebral. We are doing well. Roselyn is strong and is doing great with the children. Rest on sir in the Lord's bosom!
March 10, 2018
March 10, 2018
Benedict T Alagh!! as I used to call you in our medical school days (especially whenever I disagreed with you during some of our political meetings and you would always give me that gentle disarming smile of yours whilst calling my name back in full).
You were such a great listener who would always try to see other people's point of view.
You are sorely missed my friend.You should take great pride in your beautiful children who continue to carry on your legacy with their amazing mum Roselyn. It was a pleasure to meet them all in Atlanta.
May God continue to uphold them and all yours.
Continue to smile brother!!.
March 10, 2018
March 10, 2018
Truly, to live in the hearts of those we love / those who love us, is to live forever.

Something happens virtually every day that reminds me of Ben, and they are the everyday things - a piece of music, a comment, a picture, a thought, an idea, an emotion. Virtually, every day, it happens. and so, for me, 6 years feels like not so very long ago. but at the same time, it is quite a while.

There are people who you would rather not have met in your life, but Ben is not one of them. There are people that you meet and you have to endure the memory of your acquaintance with heaviness, but Ben is not in that number. Truly, "a good and honest life is a blessed memorial; a wicked life leaves a rotten stench" Proverbs 10:7 (The Message translation).
I remembered you, and remember you, Ben.

I looked at the sky and saw an aeroplane fly, and I remembered that airborne trip from Kaduna to Lagos in 1995. And I remembered you, Ben.

I read the discussions and arguments about our fatherland,
the sheer anger, frustration and despair, the passionate desires expressed to see things repair, and I remembered you, Ben.

I walked through the market stalls /shopping aisles, saw all kinds of savoury spices, and wondered how 'ordinary groundnut' became such an expensive snack in a bottle, in contrast to the wares of that Mama behind the Biochemistry lab in UI, and I remembered you, Ben.

I listened to the organ pipes bellowing, saw the organist swaying, heard the choir singing, as rich and profound melodies poured into the sacred crowd, gathered in the worship of the Everlasting, Almighty One, and I thought of you, Ben.

I watch on TV, people displaced, distressed and sometimes even despised in spite of their experiences, and how the world, through various bodies such as the WHO, USAID, UNHCR etc try to help them pick up the pieces, and I remember you, Ben.

Everywhere and anywhere I see people go beyond and above, to do and be the best that they can, with and for others, not really counting the cost, and I remember you, Ben.

Today, as always, I remember you. I thank God for you, and for your legacy.

Indeed, we miss you and love you.

Continue to rest in perfect peace.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 (Phillips translation) reads thus:

"Now we don’t want you, my brothers, to be in any doubt about those who “fall asleep” in death, or to grieve over them like men who have no hope. After all, if we believe that Jesus died and rose again from death, then we can believe that God will just as surely bring with Jesus all who are “asleep” in him. Here we have a definite message from the Lord. It is that those who are still living when he comes will not in any way precede those who have previously fallen asleep. One word of command, one shout from the archangel, one blast from the trumpet of God and the Lord himself will come down from Heaven! Those who have died in Christ will be the first to rise, and then we who are still living on the earth will be swept up with them into the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And after that we shall be with him for ever".
March 10, 2018
March 10, 2018
Dear Ben, I remember you today as always as a forthright person who contri buted greatly to immunization in Nigeria, who built many of us in seeking and closing program gaps. You were a friend but it stopped at that. You took your job seriously and was among the few with such perspective. You fought for the under privileged. You gave accolades to who deserved. We love you but God loves you best. We commit your family in to God's able hands and they will not know
lack. Rest on till we meet at LORDs bossom. Amen.
March 10, 2018
March 10, 2018
Dear Ben,

Continue to Rest In Peace with our Father in Heaven and continue to watch over the beautiful family you left behind!! Your legacy lives on!

Dear Roselyn,

The Lord will continue to give you the strength and wisdom to raise your beautiful children. May your efforts not be in vain and may God reward you manifold over and give you His peace and joy! You are in my prayers! My regards to your Shise and her brother (Ben’s ‘Little Me’). God bless, Ayo (Ben’s medical school mate).
March 10, 2018
March 10, 2018
Dear Dad,
It’s six years gone but it still feels like yesterday. You were the best dad anyone would ever wish for. You cared when needed, and didn’t hesitate to scold when necessary. You made me realize that the only thing that matters in this life is where you spend eternity and I know you are on the right place. I love you so much. Rest on dad.
March 10, 2018
March 10, 2018
My Dearest Brother, Dr Ben
Your memories will forever remain in my thought.
Dr I remember well when you were transferred to work at UNICEF's office in Bauchi, then I worked with Nigerian Army Special Vehicle Plant, Bauchi. We first met at St John's Catholic Catholic Cathedral, Bauchi, to cut the story short, you took me as your biological brother, to the extend that you gave me keys to your house in GRA, Bauchi, Mr Sule, your colleague was our neighbour.
Many a times if you had emergency trip to make, you will just give me a call to take care until you return. I must make sure then that everything was intact, you so much trusted me, your colleagues at Bauchi's office knew me as your brother, they so much respected me because of you.
Dr I remember how we do domestic activities together, Mr Samuel Kaalu, later join us when you accommodated him before he packed to his apartment.
Dr I learnt a lot from you, you taught me to be humble, generous, make others happy, to believe and trust in God.
Dr I remember how you forgave someone you gave money to buy a car for you and he failed, even when people wanted you to take actions.
Dr I remember very well when you will not want to serve as chairman of any occasion, but would donate generously as ananimous.
Dr there was no word as pride found in your dictionary.
Dr you were love by people.
Dr you touched so many lives.
Dr I was always in your plans.
Dr you lived your life to the fullest, you lived well.
Dr when I heard of your sudden departure, I was devastated, overwhelmed and shattered. To make matters worse, I wasn't opportune to see where you were laid, and at least pay homage to your surviving wife and children, to tell them how you loved me and treated me as a brother. I never believed that you left me, even as I write, I also have this believe that one day I will see you physically.
Dr rest in the bosom of Abraham, I know that one day we will meet to part no more.

To: Rosslyn Alagh, the joy of the lord will continue to be your strength, he will continue to shade you and children. God will never abandon you. I will one day see you and children. I lost contact with Avidigh Titus, for long.
March 9, 2018
March 9, 2018
Today marks the 6th year memorial of Benedict TERKULA Alagh, our Brother, Father, Friend, Mentor and many other things to many of us. GOD bless you immensely for standing, supporting, encouraging, caring and most praying for us all these years. Today we remember the happy moments we had with Ben. I encourage you to touch a life and drop few lines of treasured moments you shared with Ben on his memorial page for his children and loved ones.
March 9, 2018
March 9, 2018
Time does fly!!

May you continue to rest in peace
Your children and Roselyn are carrying on your wonderful legacy but it's not the same without you.

We all miss you
January 27, 2018
January 27, 2018
Dear Dad,
You have been the best dad anybody could ever imagine to have. I know I don't really know you but mummy told me amazing things. I will never forget you and hope I will see you in heaven. I love you.
Shise Alagh.
August 3, 2017
August 3, 2017
Today, 3rd August would have been your 48th birthday but am strong because am reminded of Happy times we shared. The Children and I miss you alot but i tell them you're in a better place and we are encouraged by this. Keep smiling sweet Angel till we meet never to part again in JESUS MIGHTY NAME. AMEN
August 3, 2017
August 3, 2017
Happy birthday to you my baby brother. It does not make any difference whether you are here physically or spiritually. YOU'RE STILL HERE IN OUR HEARTS.
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017
I never met Benedict, but I had a chat with him on the phone once. I was touched by his calmness and the fact he loves my sister Rose dearly.

May his soul continue to rest in the bosom of the LORD.
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017
Years have gone by yet it seems like yesterday. It's indeed difficult to get used to some situations; the fact that you... My brother, my father, my all. Am lonely, am confused am weak. Am only consoled knowing one day, we will meet to part no more. Am also consoled considering how far we've come and the much you have achieved. I say " THANK GOD FOR A LIFE WELL SPENT  "
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Recent Tributes
August 6
August 6
When we remember Ben we do so with a heart of gratitude for how The Lord has kept his family, our dear Rose, Shise and Ageba.
When we see how the children are still carrying on with the humanitarian work at the BAT School, again, we thank God.
May his soul continue to rest in peace.
August 5
You would have turned 55 a couple of days ago and it makes us wonder what your impact would have looked like considering the legacy you left behind 12 years ago. We remain consoled by the impactful life you lived.
August 4
August 4
Dear Dr Ben,
It has been twelve years-just like yesterday. I have not forgotten your words of encouragement and advice about doing investments for the future. Your wife and children are doing well to keep your legacy, and we are proud of them all. Continue to rest in peace, dear brother and friend.
Recent stories

Ben and I

August 5
 I do not know if I have told this story before but it won't hurt to repeat it. My name is Gregory Agogo. I am an "Udam" from Obudu, Cross River State. Before I was born, my father trekked from my Village through Adikpo to join the Queen's Own  Regiment at Katsina-Ala. Due to the difficulty in capturing native names, he was entered into the Army Enlistment list as "Oshe Katsina Ala" instead of Ushie Agogo Ukezi. He saw action in Burma and many other places and was discharged after WW2 in 1945. After his discharge, he settled in a village near Makurdi and was a farmer. This is where I was born and where I picked up the Tiv language.
I met Ben in Bauchi during the National Programme on  Immunization. I was a serving officer in the Nigerian Army. Ben was servicing somewhere in Kaduna. We usually met during the campaigns. My meeting with Ben was magnetic. I could relate to him in TIV and he was further attracted to Oshe Katsina-Ala, the man he did not know and did not meet. He became a brother from a different mother. We were inseparable during our stay in Bauchi. His pet name for me was Oga Greg Katsina-Ala
At the end of the program, we went our different ways and did not even keep in touch. Communication was not as easy as it is today. However, when Ben learned about my retirement from the Army, he did not rest until he obtained a number to reach me. By then I did not know that he had gotten employment with UNICEF and, coincidentally he was at the D Field Office in Bauchi. He finally got in contact with me and through his facilitation, I started my second phase of life as a Vaccine Security and Logistics  Officer posted to Gombe. That was the beginning of the second phase of my life 
Dear Ben, I remember you today as always. I hold your acquaintance most fondly. Rest in peace till we meet to part no more. Oga Greg

From Prof MC Asuzu

March 15, 2020
It is good to be reminded of Ben at this time; for ANY TIME is good time to do so! Ben was my student here at Ibadan; & I enjoyed being his teacher; for he did things with the utmost passion - his Holy Catholic faith & it's truthful practices, leadership of the various medical students' groups that he led, students' arranged symposia of which he got me to talk in, his return for the MPH degree here & publishing from the work, etc!
I am happy that as his wife you got some deeper touch with those, I would say, PASSIONLESS PASSIONS! God help you to live those holy Passions yourself & to share it with the children till the very end!
MC Asuzu.

GOD’s Angel

March 10, 2020
Hi Sweetheart,
I can’t believe it’s 8 years since you left Mother Earth. Wow how time flies. The children are amazing and keeping me on my toes .
Loads of Happy memories have kept me strong throughout these difficult years. The GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTY has been with us every step of the way and I wouldn’t have survived this long if not for GOD’s AWESOME LOVE over us.
I miss the roses , pampering, fresh poems ......... but I would never trade the precious years we shared.
You were far wiser, too wise beyond your age and am glad some of that robbed of on me . I keep hearing remarkable things from old friends and sometimes strangers who testify you mentored them.
My Angel you live in our hearts forever.

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