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His Life

Little man

May 21, 2017

After having 4 BEAUTIFUL daughter's we really wanted to add a son to our family,I got pregnant and had a miscarriage at 13 week's,2 months later I got pregnant with my BEAUTIFUL little man ,due February. 10th,had him on my due date! Perfect 7lbs 10 oz. 20. &1/2 inches long...I got to have my perfect little angel for exactly 5 weeks...He died of SIDS.3/16/96  Will NEVER forget that morning for the rest of my life! I love and miss you so much little man! Love,mommy ........The following year on March 4th God blessed us with an 8lb 15 oz bouncing baby boy Andrew .... Perfectly healthy! P.s click on the sound button at top to hear song ..It's perfect