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August 8
August 8
Was thinking of you today, Ben. There wasnt ever a dull moment with you around. Remember the phone bill we ran up you calling *** lines?! We had the biggest laugh that night. The psychics we called all weekend long. My phone bill was crazy.

Our spy missions, our talks, Stigmata ‍♀️, and I shouldn’t laugh at this but your Sponge Bob pajama pants and the ridiculous things that happened when you wore them. (Story not appropriate for the internet)

You were a pain, Ben, and at times we hated eachother, at others we were the best of friends… either way I miss your twisted ways. Just wanted you to know, you are far from forgotten. I don’t think you ever knew how much people actually cared. I hope you do now.
March 5
March 5
My Dearest best-friend. Fix. I love U with all my heart!!!! & I know u where truly with me at all times. (“Specifically on the 3rd of march 2024 for me”. So many years has gone by already. As I write this now. On the anniversary of BEN’s passing 3rd March 2024. (*What a crazy thing to state ‘here on a public platform of Fixes Anniversary’ of his own passing*) but plz know. - I am only doing this here; because its easier for me to notify many of Crew NEWS of my MIA life/ no contact. And that FiX pulled me out of a coma multiple times, Our best friend is why I am alive Messaging right now. no joke! I have only just been released from Wollongong Hospital New South Wales Australia, my surgery was on 3 March 2024.I have been missing/no contact since the start of he pandemic. Total. MIA. I am posting this right here say I am alive,? But only just. Not fully out of the woods. My surgery took place on the third we have a brother FiX to thank for me being here. I swear on all of our lives. He was with me in spirit pulling me through. I saw him multiple times and spoke to him multiple times. How crazy, is all of his!? the anniversary of his passing *the day he died - died I died*multiple times and I came out. It. I can send you pictures hospital Records! I want to have contactcontact with many of my boys. Please reach out via msg, or, shoot me an email at my old email (It’s still the one), but dont wish to announce it on here; for obvious reasons! because awake from brain tumor surgery- 3/3/2024 I’m alive!. ihave been passing away multiple times & came awake, for the neurologists to operate on the 3rd March 2024? Shocking i share the news of my current health state; this way, i have been MIA for 4yrs, that im. Now vaguely aware off! And would of preferred doing this another way!! Sorry to announce this to all my Boyz (Tr0Nic had three brain tumors over a 4yr period, last most agressive.(as recent as 2weeks ago. - The Anniversary of Ben’s passing. I am alive. NO JOKE! (I saw Fix. He was with me,pulled me out of this. I am extremely lucky to be alive. I’ve had the most aggressive neurosurgery, out of the operation. Obviously not in a good state I love you all and I miss y’all. I hope you understand that , you guys “my boyz” always in my heart. We were the best team and will always be the best team.
As I can get back in contact with each of you. I want to let you know here and now I lost complete brain control. I was a complete vegetable. ‘Speech’ with left leg ,arm, all motor function trashed.
C0d3 (of ethics)
March 4, 2023
March 4, 2023
You were a great and funny guy, Ben, and we all miss you dearly.

I believe you're in a better place now though.

Rest in Peace, man.
January 14, 2022
January 14, 2022
Dear Benjamin,
Im so sorry to hear of your Passing. I just want to say that I appreciate working with you when you were running your security website your work made my life easier and made the lives of my customers easier,
I am truly sorry for family and friends 
Rest in Peace, and as we say in Ireland Coladh Samh (sleep well)
Tom Smyth
Dublin Ireland.
July 30, 2021
July 30, 2021
Miss you, Ben ❤️ Hope you had a Happy Birthday in Heaven. I’m sure you did knowing Dovie. She’d have the place decked out for you. Some of the best memories that I have of my teens and 20s were with you. I miss your shenanigans. I could sure use some of the crazy more legal ones about now. People’s 40s get boring if they don’t have someone like you in their life. You had a secret side that few got to see and I’m so glad that when you and I were alone that I was blessed with it, and that comes from the purest place in my heart, Ben.
March 31, 2021
March 31, 2021
I heard the news just a couple of months ago. I was very sad to hear it. May you RIP Fixer! You'll never be forgotten!
July 26, 2020
July 26, 2020
Today being - July 25 2020 would have been your 42nd Birthday Ben.

It’s saddening to not be giving these greetings to you in person and share your special day. Instead; I make this post|tribute - I light a candle and say a Prayer; hoping you can somehow hear or feel, that you're thought of and missed terribly.

Now we’re only left to celebrate your life on earth and think of the friendship we’ve had.
I celebrate the good times. And forever see your cheeky SMILE!

HAPPY Birthday Ben!
I miss U so much
Lüv Kaz

March 5, 2020
March 5, 2020
I can’t believe a whole year has passed; Since one of my Best friends was taken way too early… It feels like only a few short months and my heart is still heavy with the sadness & loss 

At 9.10pm Australian time my 4th March 2020 I light a candle held by an Angel for you, as I did the day - you passed; without knowing at that time; you left this earth.

I prayed at the time (let your passing; be some kind of sick joke) I’ll hear from you again soon. Knowing deep in my heart it was true and confirmed by your family.

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to shake the loss! I still see your cheeky smile and hear you in my mind. I guess one good thing about modern technology, I have countless hours (years) of our interactions - along with many videos and photos; as we shared so much.

ThankÜ for sharing the true you with me Ben. I will forever MISS u my friend…

I hope your at peace; where-ever you are.

Sending extra thoughtful wishes to your Family & all Friends; at this - the 1st anniversary of your Passing

March 4, 2020
March 4, 2020
I can't believe our friend is gone. I first met Ben aka Fixor back in 2005/2006 I just joined ETA and I didn't think he liked me very much at first lol. Honestly though there isn't a bad thing I could say about him except he got moody from time to time lmao. Me and Fix ran HaxRadio together for many years, always listening to different music, always sharing information, and always up to some sort of mischief together. We became really close. He taught me a lot of things, he was a very knowledgeable person, and always quick to listen and learn himself. He was definitely a joker too. Fix was funny as HELL! I just can't believe our friend, my friend, my gone now. We are all going to miss you bro, I love you and I hope to see you again someday.
August 14, 2019
August 14, 2019
As you can see from the recent flood of posts the last few days a group of us were shocked to hear of Ben's untimely passing. So many of us were saddened to hear the news, as he was a major part of our community. He always had a way of making us laugh, and was undoubtedly a very entertaining guy. Once you got past his hard exterior there was a kind, generous man behind it. "The Fixer" was always willing to help you out with a PC problem or anything technical. I have so many hilarious memories of him, I'll never forget. You will be missed by so many, big guy. Taken way too soon. RIP Ben.
August 14, 2019
August 14, 2019
Ben aka: FiX You came into my life what seems like a lifetime ago - 2004/5 to be exact. A tight friendship was formed from the beginning; staying strong throughout the years. Having much in common - We’ve shared more than most! Be it Geek-time, Happy times, Fun times, Crazy times, even angry/hurtful/sad times - through it all, I’ve loved you no matter what.

Our friendship has been one ride I’ll never forget, even now - I still don’t want to get off (cry).

To hear of your passing ‘Breaks my heart’ You had so much more; you needed to accomplish, now cut short - RIP (my comrade). Having many things to say & share about you|your life. “Knowing you’ve ‘always liked to feel invincible’ - that egotistic persona of yours; leaves behind a lingering thought”. Perhaps I’ll find my way to do just that for you.

Until we meet again my friend - keep that pearly gate slightly ajar for me!
Already missing Ü so much :-(

Condolences to: Bens family & friends, especially son Logan. Sorry for your loss <3
August 14, 2019
August 14, 2019
I do not know what to say. I'm shocked. I'm sure you still had a lot in front of you. It is tragic that you allready have to go that early.

I've got to know you as a crazy but also very talented daredevil with a good heart inside. As such, you will be remembered by me and probably many others.

All that remains is to hope that your soul can rest in peace.
August 13, 2019
August 13, 2019
It was very shocked and sad when I heard of Fix.
I am not good with words so I'll keep it short, I met him online and he was funny, helpful full of sense of humor and a great guy.
You know so much about technology and I love it, We all did not knew how and when this happened, we all miss you & love you mate :)
August 13, 2019
August 13, 2019
The fixer was an intelligent and crafty individual. He was great on computers. like a wiz kid. RIP you will be missed.. Ben......
August 13, 2019
August 13, 2019
I am honored to have witnessed a few extraordinary people truly rise up from very little or nothing during my lifetime. Some of these people have the unique ability to positively change not only themselves, but the world around them also. I imagine this person having the soul of a warrior and superhuman imagination. I imagine this soul to have an ultimate purpose which lies outside of the confines of conceivable earthly existence. Because to me, these few are heroes. I will be forever changed and inspired by you, my friend. Your story of ascension did not end here with us. I am grateful for all that you have done for us. I wish you well in your journey an hope to see you again soon. Continue to rise, Benjamin E. Nichols.
March 11, 2019
March 11, 2019
Over the years, Ben and I have had our differences. But over the past several years, as I had seen myself, Ben had truly changed, for the better. He stepped up and did what he was suppose to do. I am grateful for that. At Logan's 15th birthday, Ben and I got together and had a very meaningful conversation. We put everything aside, all water under the bridge, all start anew. It was for everyone's benefit, especially for Logan, our one light in common. We both apologized to each other at the same time, and both laughed as we shed a tear. Then we hugged and we were all unified at this point. We were family, whole once again. For this I am thankful, that we did not part on bad terms, and all was forgiven on both parts. I am so sorry that this life was cut short. he could have done much, much more, with all that potential and energy he had. We will miss you Ben... God's Speed!
March 8, 2019
March 8, 2019
Ben was a bright young one, my nephew in law. Since I first met him he had a quick wit and a sarcastic attitude. I was blessed enough to have been in his heart, he called me Aunt, I called him son. He was one of the most obstinate, driven, insightful, caring young men you could ever meet. He kept that part hidden for many years. Once he began to believe it was ok to be himself, he started to truly grow in all sense of the word. His aptitude for the Information Technology field began young. He always wanted to see how it worked and if he could make it faster and smaller. He was in his boathouse with a computer and it stuck with him throughout his life.
He had a way of ensuring everyone heard a positive message while he would be fighting his own internal demons. He loved his siblings very much and would often do little things for them that they were not aware it had happened. Many things to this day are secrets, he did it for love, that was Ben. He kept the sweetness part of him hidden. He would give it as a gift to the precious few that had earned his trust. Ben had very little of that when he first came to live with us. I always loved Ben, from the first smart ass crack that would have gotten most kids slapped to the last time we spoke when he was excited about the new direction his business was taking, wearing his heart on his sleeve with his new lady and always - ALWAY looking for ways to help his son, his mother and his nephew. He had the courage of his convictions with a slightly twisted sense of humor mingled in to his form of justice.
The inner strength he had earned from a young life of crisis and that sense of humor. It came as a defense mechanism or distraction...I do not know, I only know it made us laugh. The heart came from Ben, he was loud, strong, loving and independent. He loved his family, and the most important thing, the only thing that kept Ben to task when he did not want to, was Logan. He was afraid of not being a good father, and he struggled with that in the beginning. He was determined to break the cycle he endured, and he did. He was excited about his business he had grown with nothing but discarded equipment, an idea, tenacity and will.
I can only hope that they allow him to visit his Grandma Vicky on his walk down the Rainbow Bridge. I wonder if Thor plays Halo. Get ready to get your ass kicked. Your brother is coming and ready for a game.
March 8, 2019
March 8, 2019
I met Ben when I was 13 years old. I, unfortunately, hadn't talked to him but a few times in the last 10 years, but our teens and twenties we're filled with so many deep talks, and so much more laughter.
I was so proud of Ben when I heard of what he had done with his life. Working out, and eating healthy... building a business out of something that he used to use for being mischievous... Becoming the type of Dad that Logan deserved, and to really understand how huge that was for him, you'd just have to know Ben. 
He was my friend whether it had been a year, a month, or a decade. We would always just fall right back in where we left off.
I don't know what else to say, but that the world lost a great person when he passed. His memory needs to be lovingly kept alive for his son. I know I'll enjoy telling Logan the stories of experiences I had with his father.
I cannot think of many that don't have me cracking up, smiling thinking back to younger days. He will always be missed and loved by me.
March 8, 2019
March 8, 2019
So many stories to share and not enough space to fill them. There are a few things that are the most important that Benjamin gave me . He taught me how to be a stronger person. He would say and I quote
"Mama you got to stand up for yourself cuz this world is ugly and you are beautiful. And if you can learn to be strong and stay beautiful you're untouchable."
The other Precious part of him that he gave me was our son Logan. Who is so smart and so handsome and has all of the good qualities- attributes that's Ben ever possessed. Thank you Benjamin for being in our lives. I will forever hold you in my heart , WE miss you greatly.
March 7, 2019
March 7, 2019
One of my best memories I have of Ben is when he had like 5 old computers, 1 mouse and keyboard, 1 monitor, and enough memory to install windows 98 on 2. He got all 5 running and had seti@home running on all of them.
He instilled in me that if you try hard enough anything is possible and to always be humble.
March 7, 2019
March 7, 2019
I've known Ben most of my life...a member of an extended family. I've always considered him, a brother and know he felt the same. Being 14 years his senior he turned to me quite a bit to share his thoughts. In the beginning of our brotherhood, I was quick to offer unsolicited advice...but over the years, I learned that what he needed the most was a non-judemental listener, a simple sounding board. This was my gift to him. Yes, he was outspoken and grouch at times...but I believe it was from the frustration at the world and wanting to see it change for the better...but feeling like his voice was not heard in the storm.
He inspired me.
He was a self-taught in in the information systems technology domain. Fueled by necessity to be something better outside of the 9-5, and his insatiable thirst for knowledge, drove him to entrepreneur a business starting with nothing but cast off and left over computer equipment.
The Summer of 2014, he sent me pictures of his transformation...this same drive fueled him to change his lifestyle...I was TDY at that time and housed right across from a gym...if could do it, so could I...and I did. He was the first one I shared my progress with. He kept encouraging me...he wanted everyone he loved to be healthy and happy. I like to believe he had a hand in saving my life.
I miss you brother. Save me chair at your table in Valhalla...we'll have a lot catch up on...till then, I raise my horn to you in Midgard.
March 7, 2019
March 7, 2019
Ben was a groomsman at our wedding in 2002. He looked very sharp in a tuxedo. Our flower girls were dressed as fairies, complete with sparkly wings. They held baskets of rose petals and tossed them in the aisle as we entered and exited. Being little girls, they would also stop and pick the petals back up so that they could throw them again. I have a photo of these two sparkly fairy little girls, blocking the aisle to pick up rose petals and Ben standing behind them with a disgruntled look on his face and his arms crossed. I show this photo to everyone because the look on his face was priceless and the contrast just made me smile.
Ben was an amazing friend to my husband. He could be grouchy, but I think it was because he understood the world better than most people and there wasn't much he could do, by himself, to change it. The thing we will always remember is that he was there for us whenever we asked him for help. He had a heart of gold and he will be sorely missed.

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