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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Benjamin Steinbrueck, 28 years old, born on September 18, 1995, and gone too soon. Ben was an incredible friend, brother and son. We are lucky to have had him in our lives. His generous and loving spirit lives with us and we will carry him forever in our hearts. Please share a story, photo or message to preserve his memory that will help us heal as we mourn our loss. Thank you for your contribution. 
August 21
August 21
I was lucky enough to be Ben's piano teacher when he was about 7-9 years old. He was a special student to me because of his sweet disposition; even though he rarely practiced (which he would shyly admit) I just didn't have the heart to scold him, and so we would spend the lesson time just basically doing the practicing together. What I remember most though is that my own boys, who were very little at the time, around 3 and 4 years old, would look forward to Ben's lesson because he would stay and play with them afterwards while his brother Mason had his lesson. Ben was always patient and gentle with them, and they looked up to him in tremendous admiration, almost as their hero. I will always remember him as that gentle boy with a sweet smile, and the patience to play with those younger than him that most older boys would disdain. May his gentle soul rest in peace. 
August 18
August 18
Finding the right words have been hard, Ben went from my first crush to a true friend in elementary school. Like many girls who went to Olympic View, he was my first crush. While I know Ben knew everyone had a crush on him, he was never rude, weird, or disrespectful to any of the girls. He treated them with kindness.
A kindness he had throughout what he did. He always included me to play basketball with the boys. Always made a spot for someone, to make sure all were included.
This continued in high school, I could always trust Ben, knew he would always be a friend.
There is so much we can learn from and take with us as we grieve through this loss and it’s Ben’s kindness. Treat others with kindness always. Always extend a hand to help and include others.
Forever grateful we crossed paths, rest easy
August 16
August 16
I wanted to let those of you who have left tributes for Ben that they have really meant a lot. I never met Ben, but I am friends with his father, Peter. As you can guess, Peter is devastated. After I learned from Peter that Ben died, I sent the link for this tribute page to Peter. Peter had not seen these tributes, and they meant very much to him.
Please keep Peter in your hearts as he tries to cope with the most tragic thing that a father can go through.
Love, Anthony
August 12
August 12
Ben is a shining soul. He always made me feel welcome. When I was the old guy assistant basketball coach at Shoreline he always treated me with respect. Ben was talented at whatever he did whether handling a basketball, or
making the best fish ever, or just in discussion he was an old soul. I loved how he was always the thoughtful guy. The world has lost a beautiful soul but eternity has gained a spirit like no other.    OG Brady    
August 11
August 11
Ben was my daughter's fun, sweet, goofy playmate. Both active children they enjoyed playing outdoors, riding their bicycles and, especially, exploring nature together.

We hope you have entered a magic forest, beautiful Ben and find peace always amongst the trees.

Free Spirit. Kind Heart. Beautiful Soul. Forever missed. 

August 8
August 8
I met Ben over 15 years ago. One of the things that made him stand out to me was his admiration and respect for other cultures and traditions. He was genuinely interested in knowing about my family and home. As a little 6th grader, he was one of the first boys I could call a true friend. That same friendship stayed with us throughout middle school, high school, college, and adulthood. Looking out into the crowd at my wedding and seeing him there smiling his sweet smile back at my husband and me, made me so proud to have friends like Ben still a part of my life. Later that night, we had a moment outside the party where we reminisced on the fact that we had quite literally watched each other grow up. Ben was a light whenever he called, a goof whenever we went out, and a brother whenever I needed him - he was a special kind of soul that I feel lucky to have connected with in this lifetime.

Dane and I planted a smoke tree in our garden in memory of you, Ben. I hope to watch it grow over the years, just like we watched each other. Te amo tanto, tanto
August 8
August 8
When I met Ben summer of 2018, I felt an instant connection and knew we would always be friends. Ben held an amazing ability to make people feel seen, understood, and accepted for who they are. Whatever room Ben was in, was the best room to be in. I always admired him and his life adventures. He was so skilled, talented, and could really do it all. Whether he was fishing around Alaska, acting for a friend's film, or even just making food for someone, he gave it his best. Ben could easily put a smile on someone's face. Any day around Ben was a day well spent. Ben has many attributes that make me feel inspired, and I'm impacted thinking of how I want to treat others with love and kindness the way Ben did. I have no doubt Ben will continue to spread his light and love while protecting us from above. Love you Ben
August 8
August 8
I first met Ben in Kindergarten, although young I only remember having the best memories with him. Later when I would come back to visit that school, I have seared into my brain his smiling face and always eager to welcome me back & say hi. I was pleasantly surprised to learn he was playing at SCC the same time I was. We were able to catch up, take some classes together and cheer each other on. As that book closed I would run into him here or there. I always appreciated the free chips or beer at Local Tide. Every time I ran into him that same smile he had in adolescence was still stamped across his face and I will never forget it. He was a special kind of person. For a lot of people gone too soon I hold onto the phrase that “the brightest stars burn the fastest” Ben’s absolutely no exception.
August 7
August 7
I first met Ben in 6th grade. I have a fond memory of meeting him at our school bus stop, and we became bus buddies who would ride the school bus together. I remember Ben making me feel instantly accepted, safe and was always so goofy and friendly. We have been friends ever since and every time I saw Ben it was like no time had passed. A lifelong friendship and my heart hurts that a beautiful soul like him has left us too early. I hope he is at peace and free. Love you Ben!
August 7
August 7
Ben was an amazing friend, brother, son, cousin, partner, cat dad. The aura around him was so inviting and made you want to be friends with him even if you had just met him for the first time. He was instantly family in my eyes when I first got to know him. One thing I will always remember about Ben is whenever he would come into my mom’s house he would greet my mom and grandma in our foreign language. Something none of my other friends or siblings friends ever did. It made my Mom and grandma so happy even tho my grandma couldn’t speak English back to him. There will never be anyone like him and im so lucky I got to be apart of his story. You’ll forever be apart of me Ben. I love you
August 6
August 6
Ben truly lit up every space he was in. I remember in high school when he gave me a nickname of John Christie and would call me that whenever he saw me. He would always make me roll my eyes and laugh with his silly sense of humor. Every time I saw him and every space he was in, he was always brightening someone’s day. The last time we talked he was telling me about how he wanted to keep making a difference in the world and other peoples lives. I hope he knows that he always will.

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August 21
August 21
I was lucky enough to be Ben's piano teacher when he was about 7-9 years old. He was a special student to me because of his sweet disposition; even though he rarely practiced (which he would shyly admit) I just didn't have the heart to scold him, and so we would spend the lesson time just basically doing the practicing together. What I remember most though is that my own boys, who were very little at the time, around 3 and 4 years old, would look forward to Ben's lesson because he would stay and play with them afterwards while his brother Mason had his lesson. Ben was always patient and gentle with them, and they looked up to him in tremendous admiration, almost as their hero. I will always remember him as that gentle boy with a sweet smile, and the patience to play with those younger than him that most older boys would disdain. May his gentle soul rest in peace. 
August 18
August 18
Finding the right words have been hard, Ben went from my first crush to a true friend in elementary school. Like many girls who went to Olympic View, he was my first crush. While I know Ben knew everyone had a crush on him, he was never rude, weird, or disrespectful to any of the girls. He treated them with kindness.
A kindness he had throughout what he did. He always included me to play basketball with the boys. Always made a spot for someone, to make sure all were included.
This continued in high school, I could always trust Ben, knew he would always be a friend.
There is so much we can learn from and take with us as we grieve through this loss and it’s Ben’s kindness. Treat others with kindness always. Always extend a hand to help and include others.
Forever grateful we crossed paths, rest easy
August 16
August 16
I wanted to let those of you who have left tributes for Ben that they have really meant a lot. I never met Ben, but I am friends with his father, Peter. As you can guess, Peter is devastated. After I learned from Peter that Ben died, I sent the link for this tribute page to Peter. Peter had not seen these tributes, and they meant very much to him.
Please keep Peter in your hearts as he tries to cope with the most tragic thing that a father can go through.
Love, Anthony
Recent stories

A Brief Encounter, A Lasting Impression

August 7
Three weeks ago, I met Benjamin in the most unexpected way at the Battle of the Lakes basketball event at Greenlake. He stopped me and asked if he could take a picture of me he loved my t-shirt. There was something about him that made me pause. When I looked into his eyes, I knew it was okay  I was with my daughter at the time, and while I posed for the picture, I made sure to let him know, without a smile, "I’m serious, young man. Don’t try anything out of line because I’m watching you." Yet he remained so kind and respectful, understanding my humor and seriousness.

As we all walked and talked, Benjamin offered to help us carry our items to the car. We shared stories of how good God is and talked about the mission he was on, capturing moments through his lens and spreading God’s love to others. He told us to make sure and follow him on Instagram and to pray for him. He mentioned his goal of reaching 100,000 followers on Instagram, a dream he was passionately pursuing.

I just saw those pictures today, and now, knowing that Benjamin is no longer with us, my heart aches. He was a beautiful soul, full of generosity and love, and though our time together was brief, his impact was profound.

To Benjamin’s family and friends, I want you to know that his light and love touched even those who knew him for just a moment. His spirit was truly one of a kind, and he left a lasting mark on my heart. I hope you can find comfort in the legacy of kindness and faith he leaves behind. May we all honor his memory by continuing to spread the love and light he brought into this world. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

Snuggler Ben

August 7
Far too many stories to tell as I could go on forever. A few months ago we went to my brother Kai’s to watch the Wolves vs Nuggets playoff game. After the game started we settled in and I was on the end of the couch which was a chaise. Though there was plenty of room on the other side of a rather enormous sectional and maybe about 6 inches between Anders and I, Ben plopped down right between us and put is arm over me and just smiled big and said, “Hi B!” Face to face. Like it was the natural place he was always going to sit. So we just held each other like an old married couple watching my Timberwolves get demolished. That’s how Ben lived and loved. Always leaning in and showing us his love and appreciation for friends and family. Making everyone feel comfortable with his charm and sweetness. I will miss him every day of my existence.

A great baller and a friend

August 6
Ben left us too soon and will forever be remembered. He was a free spirit, always there to help and support Emilio during thetime they both played at Quest. Ben was more than a friend; he was like a big brother always looking out for Emilio. It was joy to watch them play together. Until we meet again. RIP

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